REVENGE PART 3 World Tag-Team Championship Billy & Dan vs. Patrick & Colleen The next match in the "Revenge " PPV is for the World Tag Team Championship. Patrick & Colleen pull into the garage for the wrestlers a couple of hours before their match. They go directly to their dressing room. In the dressing room, they lie down and rest. They wear headphones to help them relax and focus. Forty-five minutes before their match they begin to dress. Patrick slides into his Sheer Light Blue Dance Tights, which leave nothing to the imagination. Colleen helps him apply the silver body glitter. He puts on his Navy Blue Knee High Boots. Patrick helps apply the body glitter to Colleen. Colleen puts on a matching Light Blue Thong. She is wrestling topless covered only by a sheer White Body Stocking. Colleen is wearing White Ankle High Boots. They put on matching Blue and White Silk Ring Jackets. In the other dressing room, Billy & Dan dress to defend their belts. They are wearing matching Gold with Black Trim String Bikinis; Gold Elbow & Knee Pads and Black Knee High Boots. They strap their belts on and finished the look with Gold Full Length Silk Robes with their team name "The Eliminators" in black on the back of the robes. They eagerly await their introduction. They are ready to inflict pain and suffering to any team that would dare seek THEIR belts. Ted picks up the microphone," OUR CHALLENGERS ARE FROM CLEVELAND, OHIO. THEY ARE BROTHER &SISTER AND EX-JR. WORLD CHAMPIONS.THEY FORMED A TAG TEAM FIVE MONTHS AGO AND HAVE A RECORD OF 12 WINS AND 0 LOSSES. PATRICK IS 20 YEARS OLD; 6'1"; 190 # WITH A SEVEN-INCH PACKAGE. COLLEEN IS 19 YEARS OLD; 5'5"; 120 # WITH MEASUREMENTS OF 35 - 21 - 34." Their music plays and they head down the aisle shaking hand and kissing their fans. They enter the ring; wave to the crowd and go to their corner. Ted Continues," OUR NEXT COMBATENTS ARE THE WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS. THEY ARE FROM SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. THEIR TAG TEAM RECORD OVER THE LAST SIX YEARS IS 109 WINS AND 8 LOSSES. THEY HAVE SUCCESSFULLY DEFENDED THEIR TITLE THREE TIMES IN THE LAST TEN WEEKS. THEY ARE: BILLY, WHO IS 26 YEARS OLD; 6'2"; 205# WITH A 8" PACKAGE AND DAN, WHO IS 27 YEARS OLD; 6'1", 203 # WITH A 8& 3/4 " PACKAGE. Billy & Dan walk towards the ring ignoring the fans. They are focused on their opponents like a laser. They climb into the ring and stare at Patrick & Colleen likes tigers stalking their prey. Ted continues," TONIGHT'S MATCH IS FOR THE WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP. IT WILL BE A 2 OUT OF 3 FALL MATCH; ALL THREE FALLS WILL BE FOUGHT; THERE IS NO TIME LIMIT AND NO D.Q.; A FALL WILL ONLY COUNT IN THE RING BY SUBMISSION ACCEPTED BY THE VICTOR OR A 20 COUNT K.O.; THE LOSERS OF THE MATCH WILL: AUTOGRAPH AND SURRENDER THEIR WRESTLING CLOTHING; GIVE ORAL SEX TO THE WINNERS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING; BE AT THE MERCY OF THE WINNERS IN THE DUNGEON FOR 2 HOURS AND AGREE NOT TO CHALLENGE THE WINNERS AGAIN FOR THE TITLE. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? " Both teams shake their heads - NO! 1.1 The bell rings! Billy and Colleen meet in the middle of the ring for their respective teams. They circle looking for an advantage. He quickly fakes a lunge for her arm and sweeps her legs out from under her with a Leg Whip. As she hits the mat, he connects with an Elbow Drop to her breasts .She cries as a searing wave of pain pulsates through her chest from the blow. He quickly repeats the maneuver four more times. Colleen lies unable to defend herself. Billy grabs her by the hair; picks her up to crotch level and shoots a devastating Knee to her head knocking her back to the mat. Her arms and legs twitch involuntarily and an unseeing glaze falls over her eyes. He lifts her shoulder level and executes an Over the Knee Backbreaker. Her cries fill the ring as her back arches trying to relieve the sharp pain in her lower back. Billy drags her by the hair to his corner and tags Dan who is standing on the ring post. Dan launches himself and connects with a Flying Elbow to her chest. The blow elicits a low groan as her body writhes in pain and settles to the mat with only an occasional twitching. Her eyes are closed and are breathing in painful gulps. Dan picks her up before Brenda can start the count and positions her for a Tombstone Pile driver. He climbs to the second rope as Billy helps him keep his balance; positions Colleen to receive maximum impact; lifts her legs and jumps off the rope. She slams into the mat and loses consciousness upon impact. Brenda tells Dan to back off. Brenda counts her out. During the entire count Colleen doesn't move. Brenda raises Dan's hand as Ted announces," In 9 minutes and 34 seconds, the winners of the first fall are Billy and Dan by 20 count K.O. There will be a 5-minute rest period before the next fall During the rest period, Patrick helps revive his sister and assists her to their corner. He along with a trainer frantically work on her to get her ready To begin the next round. She slowly begins to come around. Patrick tells her to quickly break free and tag after she locks up with Dan in the center of the ring. Billy tells Dan to toss her into their corner so they can destroy her. They plan on double teaming Patrick after they incapacitate Colleen. The bell rings signaling the beginning of the second fall. Colleen staggers out to meet Dan in the center of the ring. Dan cautiously approaches to make sure she is not playing possum. He feints An attack to her breasts and catches her with an uppercut to her pussy. Her mouth forms a silent "O" and drops to her knees clutching her bush. Dan follows up with a Spin Kick to her head causing her to fall to the mat barely conscious staring at the overhead lights. Dan grabs her by the hair and drags Colleen to Billy and Dan's corner. He tags Billy who launches himself off the top rope and lands an Elbow Drop to her sternum. She lets out a blood-curdling scream that fills the arena and writhes in pain on the mat. Billy straddles Colleen and traps her arms. He proceeds to punch her unprotected face over and over until she is unconscious. Billy stands over her and admires his handiwork. Colleen's right eye is swollen shut, her left eye is blackened; her nose is bleeding and broken, both lips are bleeding, her right cheek is bleeding and swollen and she has a knot on her forehead. Brenda counts her out. She calls Security Guards and the Doctor to the ring to revive, treat her wounds. The Doctor determines she cannot continue without serious injury but can endure the Dungeon. The Security Guards escort her to the Dungeon. Before she goes, Billy strips her of all her clothing .She kisses his Penis as a demonstration of her submission and respect. Patrick is on his own for the final fall. They have already lost the match but Billy and Dan insist the last fall be fought. The bell rings for the third fall. Billy locks up with Patrick in the center Of the ring. Billy powers him into the ropes; stomps his foot; knees him in the balls; punch to the solar plexus and finishes with a chop to the throat. Patrick falls on his face; clutching his balls; unable to catch his breath with waves of pain permeating every cell in his body. Billy grabs Patrick by the hair; picks him up; puts him in a position for a Neck Breaker and drops to his knees with devastating results for Patrick. Patrick's head limply falls off Billy's shoulder. He hits the mat with his body twitching and low moans coming from his lips. Billy tags Dan. Dan does a Frog Splash that causes Patrick's body to involuntarily pop up and fall back to the mat. Dan yanks him to his feet and tosses him to Billy in their corner. Billy holds him while Dan strips him. First the knee & elbow pads; followed by his boots and finally the dance tights. Patrick is trying to surrender but Dan does not accept his surrender. Dan proceeds to throw punch after punch into Patrick while Billy holds him up. Billy continues to hold Patrick while Dan slaps him back to semi-consciousness. Dan says, "Pat - you look like shit! Before I can accept your surrender, you must do a few things! Do you understand me? " Patrick shakes his head Yes. Dan continues, " First, you must jack -off for our crowd and eat it. " Patrick says -NO. Dan continues the beating until Patrick cries," OK, OK OK!" As the cameras close in, Patrick begins to masturbate. Billy, who is holding him in place in the corner, helps things along by sticking two fingers in Patrick's ass. Patrick reaches climax and shoots his cum into Dan's hand. Patrick licks the cum off Dan's hand. Dan accepts Patrick's surrender. Security guards come into the ring and escort Patrick to the Dungeon.