North Texas - 1986 By C Send comments to: Carol & I headed to Bill & Sylvia's for an afternoon & night worth of matches. There are 22 members and the competition is tight. This afternoon; I take on Colleen while Carol faces Ken. Ken has fought Carol 12 times. He has easily defeated her all 12 times. I have fought Colleen 9 times. I have defeated her all nine times. Ken and I have fought 17 times. He has a 12-5 record against me. When I won the Title; Ken was the one that took it away 2 months later. Later - I challenged him for the Championship 3 times. She beat me each time. This afternoon - I will be fighting Colleen for the 10th time. She has steadily improved which will make this no cake walk. At 4 PM; Ken & Carol enter the Ring. Carol is: 22; 5'4"; 114 pounds with measurements of 35c -23 -34. She is wearing a white lace bra & string bikini panty set. Her opponent is -Ken. He is: 31; 6'0" and 190 pounds with an 8" package. He is wearing a pink, satin thong. Camille is the Referee. She signals to ring the bell. Ken comes out fast. He lands two punches which send Carol to the mat. Carol is glassy-eyed by the punches. Ken kicks Carol in the stomach causing her to assume the fetal position and writhe on the mat. Ken pulls Carol to her feet but is caught with an uppercut to the balls. He absorbs the pain; slaps her violently across the face; then sends her to the mat with a knee to the face. Carol lies facedown; moaning and sobbing. Blood begins trickling from her lips and nose. Ken drops a knee across the back of her neck. The crowd -caught up in a blood lust - cheers Ken on. Ken's 8" cock is fully erect while he beats my wife. He smiles maliciously at me while he pounds her in the back of the head. I can tell from Carol's eyes that she is out of it. Ken pulls Carol to her feet and sends her into a corner. The Ring shakes as Carol hits the turnbuckle. Ken runs in quickly; slams his body into hers and slams a knee into her pussy lifting her several inches off the mat. As Carol collapses to the mat. Ken catches her and throws her across the Ring. Carol is knocked out. Ken strips her; tosses her clothing into his corner and delivers a Double Kneedrop across her stomach. Camille pulls him off. He goes to his corner while Camille counts Carol out. Camille raises Ken's hand high in the air while he puts his foot on Carol's throat. Camille says," In 2 minutes and 41 seconds; the winner by knockout is Ken!" Everyone - accepts me - stands and cheers. I face Colleen next and enter the Ring as my wife is carried to our makeshift Infirmary. I kiss her before she leaves the Ring. I am in my late 30's; 5'11"; 165 pounds with a 7" package. I am wearing aquamarine blue; lace, string bikini briefs. Colleen is in her late 20's; 5'5"; 130 pounds with measurements of 34c 23 -34. She is wearing a champagne, satin bra & thong set. Camille is the Referee. She signals the bell to be rung. We both come out fast and lock up in a Collar & Elbow. She gets under my chest and gains leverage. She pushes me into the ropes. Colleen drives three knees into my balls causing me to collapse to the mat. Before I hit the mat she drives two punches into my jaw which stuns me. Ken cheers wildly as do many watching the mat. I lie on the mat with my balls on fire string blankly at the ceiling. Colleen drives several more stomps into my balls. I scream after each stomp. Colleen drops a knee across my throat. I stomp the mat and clutch my throat. She drags me to a corner and rams my head into the second turnbuckle several times. When she ceases; My head hangs across the second rope. Colleen goes to the other side of the Ring; runs at me and jumps on the back of my neck; choking me against the rope. Ken shouts encouragement and offers suggestions to further torture me. I fall to the mat facedown gasping for air; left leg twitching and moaning from my head nearly being decapitated. At this point of the match; I am offering no defense. My thought processes are muddled; reactions about 1/2 and energy level drained. Colleen senses she is near her first victory over me; grabs my hair and begins pulling me to my feet. I catch her with an uppercut to her stomach. As she bends over; I hold her up and drive another punch that goes deep into her abs. The crowd looks shocked as I begin to take over. I position her and execute an Inverted Atomic Drop. I can feel her moist pussy drive deep into my knee. She falls to the match clutching herself. Ken and others shout encouragement. I know that if I let her get the advantage again -I will lose! I trap her on the mat with her arms to her side and send punch after punch into her lovely face. I pull her to the middle of the Ring and execute a Camel Clutch. She screams and screams until she cries her submission. I release her. She flops sobbing to the mat. Camille raises my hand and says," In 8 minutes and 15 seconds; the winner by submission is -Craig!' Colleen stands removes her bra & thong; signs them and hands them to me. She kisses me; says that she almost had me and leaves the Ring. I go and check on Carol.