Last Official Club Match By C Send Comments to: Author's note: (A VERY LONG NOTE!) [All names used in this account are false for OBVIOUS reasons. Most of my fiction is STRONGLY based on what I have seen in person and or participated in. I have decided to add a REAL match. I am relating my final match while participating in the "Over 40" Division. I wrote a series that were slightly" amped up" REAL matches called: Real Match Series but various Club Members objected. There was enough grumbling that I could see the handwriting on the wall and decided to stick to fiction. After a recent dinner with very close friends (also Club & Council Members); I got with a few Club Committee members and relayed my desire to write and post my last Official Single's Match in 03. I interjected that I would allow them to review it. If there was something that needed to be deleted OR if they felt it would cause problems within the group - I wouldn't post it. They agreed. I have been writing since July of 03. I began because various authors I liked were writing less frequently. Writers that I really liked and still do are: Miles - Stone - Elliebi - GW and "G". One of the writers "G" suggested I amplify a story he wrote. I did and became hooked. From time to time; people write how, when and why did I start writing .A follow-up question is:"where do you get your ideas?" The truth is that I most of them are based on Club activity. I have ACTUAL (not just cyber) experience in amateur erotic wrestling due to a girl (who later became my wife) I met in College during my freshman year (1973). To pay for College expenses, she wrestled in clubs in Mud & Oil Matches. We used it many times as a lead-up to sex. Several of the girls in the circuit along with their boyfriends formed an informal Club in 75. There were approx. 10 people who got together around once a week to wrestle and have sex. In 79, Lisa and I moved to a Metro area. I contacted 2 other couples that had participated in our informal wrestling group. We decided to form a formal club with rules of conduct, qualifications & rules for Club entry, Club Championship. Our Club has had within 6 months of its inception 2 Doctors as members specifically to deal with any injuries; mishaps and check-ups. (They participate too) I am proud to say that all Club Members are and have always been. - STD Free. (Due to the activities; a remarkable feat.) A rule that has served us well is:" Every participant and referee are checked 48 hours before the a match by a Club Doctor." In the early 90's: We developed a "Consequences Session " after the actual match. An informal "Consequences Session " between the combatants had been in play since the beginning. We just kept it in the Fight Zone for all to see. As members in the club got older we added an "Over 40 "Division to compliment the "Under 40 Division. This maintains the competitiveness within the Divisions. Many of the matches have been recorded BUT NO WE DO NOT SELL THEM. They are for Club members use only. TO date; we have remained exclusive .We all live within a 300-mile area in North Texas, Southern Oklahoma, Southern Arkansas and Western Louisiana. For the last 3 years, I have primarily refereed matches. I referee on an average 2 Saturdays & 2 Thursday a month. The Club rules state that to referee, one must wrestle once a year in a Single Match. . I can longer participate on a regular basis due to an injury to my knee sustained in the Match I am going to relate. Lisa (my wife) still participates on a regular basis and tag teams with me 2 or 3 times a year In matches that I participate in Single or Tag-Team; there is a special stipulation to protect my knees. . *** My Single Match Record *** My Overall Record in Club Single Match competition since inception. - 80: 9-2; 81: 10- 3; 82: 8-3; 83: 9-1 (Champ); 84: 7-2; 85: 8-2; 86: 9-1 (Champ); 87: 8-3; 88: 8- 4; 89: 9-2; 90: 8- 3; 91: 10-2; 92: 8-4; 93: 9-4; 94:8-1 (Over 40 Champ); 95: 9-1 (Over40 Champ); 96: 8-2; 97: 8 - 2; 98: 8-4; 99: 7-5 ;00: 7-6 01: 5-7; 02: 5-6; 03: 1-2 None of my losses were to women before 1987. My record with women in Single Matches was: 80 - 86 = 19 wins 0 losses 87 - 90 = 15 wins 4 losses 91- 95 = 19 wins 4 losses 96 - 00 = 18 wins 7 losses 01 - 03 = 6 wins 9 losses My record with men in Single Matches was: 80 - 86 = 41 wins 14 losses 87 - 90 = 18 wins 8 losses 91 - 95 = 25 wins 8 losses 96 - 00 = 20 wins 12 losses 01 - 03 = 5 wins 4 losses Just from the number of matches over the years; my body has taken an accumulative beating. My Single Record doesn't take into account tag team matches I was involved in. Over the years: My right shoulder was dislocated twice; my left ankle was broken, my right wrist was broken; cracked ribs twice; my nose was broken along with numerous muscles strains, pulls and my head split open twice. The intensity of competition; physical contact and the erotic nature of the matches far out-weighed any short turn pain I received. The event that prompted me to relate my last match was dinner over at some friend's house. I will call them Jake and Glenda. After Dinner we took our drinks to the pool area. After an hour, the conversation got around to their daughter .The topic quickly progressed toward reminiscence about Jillian's Club Entry Match with me Glenda asked if I would like to see the video tape again. I declined but Lisa was interested in seeing it again. I finally relented. Watching it again was painful. Everyone ELSE enjoyed it. It led me to jokingly ask," How long have my wife and best friends enjoyed seeing me get my ass kicked? " As a positive point; IT DID leave to a very long night of various combinations and activities of an erotic nature. I had refused a copy of the match while I was recovering from the match. Jake and Glenda had made me a copy and held it until I wanted it. Lisa and I left mid-afternoon the next day with the copy. We took it home and watched it again. The Match Lisa and I visited Glenda and Jake. (two other founding members) We had dinner and played cards. (Bridge) Conversation drifted -as it usually did - into matches we have watched or participated in. Their daughter and fiancé (Jillian and Clint) stopped by. In the course of our conversation; Jillian expressed a desire to join the Club. Lisa and I listened and described what participating in a match is like. She said that her mother (Glenda) had already described some of her matches and added that she had been sparing with her mother for quite a while. Up to that point; no one under 25 had been accepted in the Club. (or applied for membership) After they left, Jake & Glenda said they supported their daughter's wish to join the Club. I was surprised due to my knowledge of their daughter and knowledge of the intensity of Club Matches. Glenda asked if we would sponsor her daughter and fiancé. Glenda said that she had been using her daughter as a workout partner for a couple of years. She said that Jillian had picked up quite a lot. We agreed to co-sponsor (along with another couple) their daughter's application since they were unable to do so because they were related. The Club Council decided that I would be Jillian's opponent and another Council Member - Carolyn - would fight Clint. (Her Fiancé) It was an unusual decision due to the fact that sponsors rarely act as the Entry Match opponents. To relate the match accurately, Lisa and I watched the Videotape of the Match again. Glenda, Jake and Jillian added their own perceptions, which are incorporated into the account. Jillian's Entry Match turned out to be my last official single match. It was in April 2003. At that time; I was 46 and Jillian was 22. I have known her most her life. She received birthday and Christmas presents for years from Lisa and me. In High School, she was on the girl's basketball and volleyball team. We even attended some of her games with her parents. In College she was a member of her University Volleyball team. She was and still is friendly, outgoing and has a pleasant disposition. Competition brings out another side of her. Rules for the Entry Match are to test an applicant's will; skill, fitness, aggressiveness and sexual inhibitions. . On a Saturday afternoon; Lisa & I arrive at the meeting site around 10 AM. The Matches start at 2 PM. We socialize and have a nice Brunch with other Club Members and their friends. We look at the schedule and Lisa was scheduled for a Match at 5 PM. (she won easily and spent 30 minutes putting a 30 year old attractive brunette through her paces in a spirited Consequences Session.) The Entry Matches begin at 8PM. My Match with Jillian is the 2nd Entry Match and scheduled for 9:30 PM. It starts at 10PM. I wait with Lisa in my Dressing Room. I change into a Light Blue with Navy Blue Trim Jock Strap. I add a cup. (Cups are only allowed in Club Entry Matches & Extreme Matches) I finish by adding Navy Blue Elbow and Knee Pads. I wrestle barefooted. The buzzer comes over the intercom. Lisa gives me a kiss and heads to her seat. She sits with Glenda and Jake un the first row. I head toward the "Fight Area" .The Fight Area has: 10 mats are stacked 2 deep on the floor; thick mats have been secured to the walls to increase the level of safety. There are 27 people in the Fight Room to watch the match. I enter the Fight Area and retreat to a corner of the room. I loosen up as Jillian enters the Fight Area. She smiles at me and goes to her Corner. I stare at her as she stretches in her Corner. She looks formidable: tall, athletic, toned, strong and from her stretching - very flexible. She is wearing a sexy Satin "wet look" Lavender Low-cut, High legged Teddy with Black Elbow and Knee Pads. Karl is referring our Match .He is wearing a Satin Black and White Striped Rugby Shirt over a pair of Satin Black Boxers. Dana announces," This is an Entry Match. This is a 2 out of 3 Fall Match; No time limit; with Entry Rules applying." (In an Entry Match; at least 1 Fall MUST be won using a hold involving the genitals of one or both of the wrestlers. The hold can be painful or bring the other to climax. This tests an applicant's inhibitions. After all; this is an EROTIC wrestling club.) {In our matches; Kicking, Stomping, Gouging, Pinching, Biting, Backbreakers, Piledriver, Neckbreakers, DDT's, Punching to the face are not allowed. Punching with a closed fist to the body, Kneeing to the body, Slapping, Joint Holds, Choke Holds, Nerve Holds, Claw Holds, Judo Tosses, Scratching, Tripping, Body Slams are allowed) Dana continues," A Fall can be won by submission and Knockout only. Phil and Jillian have both agreed to a Consequences Session. The Consequences are: surrendering their clothing; pose for the camera in positions determined by the winner and receive 5 strikes from the paddle by the victor." Everyone applauds. She continues," Our 1st Wrestler is: 5'10" and weighs 180 pounds with a 7" package and is a Founding Member. - Phil Cochran. " I wave to the crowd as they applaud. Lisa stands and throws me a kiss. Dana continues, " Phil's opponent is our applicant: She is: 6'1"; weighs 145 pounds with measurements of 34 23 35." Everyone welcome - Jillian Jones." Jillian smiles and waves at the crowd. Karl calls us both to the center of the Room. He reviews the Rules and Consequences. We both look intently into each other's eyes. Jill's countenance changes. from sweet, friendly, good-natured amiable disposition to a very intense, focused, business-like, cold manner. Years of competing in organized sports tend to do this. I have seen this look many times before and realize I could have a real fight on my hand. We acknowledge that we understand the rules and return to our corners. The bell rings! We approach each other cautiously. She fakes a Lock-Up and catches me with a slap to my left cheek. I smile (out of embarrassment) which is NOT returned. We approach again and lock up in a Collar & Elbow. We push each other around the room for a couple of minutes. I feel my feet slipping and am gradually pushed against the padded wall. She holds me against the wall while shoving her body against mine like a battering ram. After several jolts from her body; I slide around her and escape. I wait in the center of the Fight Area as Jill hits the wall with her fist, turns and advances towards me. She has a menacing look that says," I had better not let her gain the advantage." We lock up in another Collar & Elbow. After a couple of minutes of us both trying to gain an advantage; I secure a combination Choke - Hammerlock but Jill catches me in the ribs with her elbow causing me to release the hold. We lock up a 3rd time. As I push her toward the wall; I trip her sending her to the mat. We roll around struggling to gain an edge. I grab her ears and slam her head into the thickly padded mats 4 times. It didn't hurt her but it did disorient her long enough for me to apply a Head Scissors and secure her right arm. She struggles causing my legs to slip from her head to her throat turning the Head Scissors into a very effective chokehold. Jill attempts to "kick out" several times unsuccessfully. Karl asked her if she submits. She signals - NO!! As I increase the pressure on the Scissors Choke Hold; I begin punching and twisting her tits. Her body flinches with each punch and moans escape her lips. Her face has turned bright crimson and her motions are becoming sluggish. As she struggles, her arm works free. She begins frantically slamming her fist into any part of my body that her fist can reach. (Being a volleyball player; she has long arms) Her arm acts as a steel cord and slams into my chest, ribs, abdomen and throat causing me to release the Scissors Choke. She rolls toward the other side of the Fight Zone and tries to regain her senses. I lay slightly stunned, unable to pursue, due to the blows I received. We struggle to our feet and approach each other. I did not anticipate an Entry Match this intense. The look on her face tells me it is about to get even more intense. I feign a punch to her quickly bruising breast and successfully take her to the mat with a leg sweep. I leap onto her, which knocks all air from her lungs. As I attempt to turn her onto her stomach; She begins swinging her arms and kicking her legs wildly to escape. As we struggle, I secure a headlock. As I tighten the hold, she yelps. I attempt to get to my feet while maintaining the hold. As I reach a standing position; I increase the pressure on the Side Headlock. She places her hands on my hips and I realize that I am in a very vulnerable position. To maintain my advantage and escape my situation. Instead of releasing the hold and trying something else; I Cinch it up tighter causing her to squeal and attempt a Hip Toss. (Bad Mistake!) She reaches into my Jock, tosses the cup onto the mat and begins to maul my penis and squeeze my balls. She is behind me and I am unable to pull away. I scream in pain and try to get away but her other hand joins the action. Both of her hands are tearing at my penis and squeezing the life out of my balls. My hands try to pry her hands off my privates but they are locked on. The squeezing sends waves of pain and waves of weakness throughout my body; making my legs difficult to support my weight (Jelly Legs); making my breathing shallow and makes me easy to move around the room. She pushes me face first against a padded wall while maintaining a death grip on my balls and twists my penis viciously. She kicks my legs further apart; holds me against the wall with her forearm against the back of my neck; begins to deliver punches to my "jewels". I become light-headed from the pain and begin to slide down the wall and pass out. (From watching the video; She drags me to the center of the Fight Room; strips off my jock & pads; squats & secures my arms between the thigh and calf of each leg; unsnaps her Teddy; lowers herself onto my face; sticking my nose deep into her ass; uses her pussy & hands to form an effective seal to complete the Facesit Smother.) I vaguely remember being unable to move my arms and her bald pussy & ass descending upon my face and knowing there is nothing I can do to stop it. I remember the smell of her ass as my nose entered her asshole. I remember struggling to get ANY oxygen and losing consciousness. The next thing I remember is Dr. Jenkins leaning over me. He brought me around and helped me get my bearings. He helped me onto a stool and told me I had been unconscious for around 5 minutes. Her feminine scent combines with the acid smell of her ass overloading my senses. (In the video, Karl counted me out and raised Jill's hand. She remained on my face until Karl gave her a warning. She has her foot on my throat; snaps the closures on her Teddy; walks off the mat while the Doctor is reviving me and hugs her parents. Jillian returns to her stool and waits for the start of the next Fall. While she sits, spontaneous applause breaks out over her performance.) As I sit nude trying desperately to get the fog that permeates my brain to lift; Jillian stares smirking at me. Karl checks with both of and us and signals Dana to ring the bell for the 2nd Fall. (Jillian later said that she knew looking into my eyes that she had me. While she was waiting for Dr. Jenkins to revive her; she told her parents and Lisa that her goals changed from making the Club to making a statement.) I drag myself off my stool and head toward Jillian. She wants to engage in a test of strength. I feel I have no choice. We lock our hands and we struggle. After a few minutes; Jillian takes control and drives me to my knees. (In the video; I am on my knees with a full erection trying to get to my feet. Lisa tells me that the image of me with an erection being so controlled gets her wet. I tell her it is VERY embarrassing and a bit humiliating.) She puts a great deal of pressure on my wrists and has me moaning from the pain. She keeps the grip on my wrists; forces my arms behind my back. Still on my knees; my attempts to escape are ineffective. She jumps on my back driving my face into the mat. I cry out from her knee digging into the back of my neck. She slams my face into the mat several times, which disorients me. I feel intense pain in my already abused balls .She has reached between my legs; grabbed my balls which she squeezed and twisted. I scream from the pain and beg to be released but when Karl asks me if I give up - I shake my head - NO! She releases me; stands and looks contemptuously at me as I lie on the mat in a fetal position trying to rub the pain from my groin. (I should have given up at this point. My pride wouldn't let me. What came next turned me into a Referee) Jillian reached down grabbed my right leg; flipped me over to my stomach while maintaining her grip on my leg; applied a Single Leg Boston Crab coupled with a Claw to the Knee. The lingering pain from my balls; blood seeping from cuts in my penis shaft are now compounded by the pain in my lower back from the Single-Leg Crab and the Claw to my Knee. Karl asks me if I give up. I pound the mat in pain shaking my head -NO! Jillian release the Crab; holds my leg in place with her foot on my ankle and executes a Knee Drop that connects at an odd angle with my knee. I feel something tear and a searing pain engulfs my entire body .The pain almost knocks me out. I fail to hear or understand Karl asking me if I submit. I am only hearing "white noise" as I scream. She grabs my injured leg and executes a Figure- Four Leg Lock! She sits down applying the hold with intensity and dislocates my knee out before I am able to scream my submission. (Torn ACL along with the MCL and tendons) Karl raised Jillian's hand. As I writhed on the mat holding my knee; she kicked me in my already inflamed balls, which only added to my difficulty. (Jillian later apologized for getting carried away. She said that during our Match, she had several orgasms and was coming down from her last one when she kicked me in the balls after I gave up.) Dana holds Lisa from coming to my aid until I had submitted. She runs onto the mat to comfort me. Dr. Jenkins steps onto the mat to treat me. Karl pulls Lisa away. My knee has swollen to three times its normal size. The Doctor briefly examines and immobilizes my leg. Karl motions for two Club Members to bring a stretcher. He places ice on my privates due to the swelling and the color. After I am loaded onto the stretcher; Lisa slides some clothes on my nude body. I am loaded in the back of a SUV. Karl drives while Dr. Jenkins and Lisa are next to me. We go to the Emergency Room where I am treated. Dr. Jenkins tells hospital personnel that he is my doctor. (which he is) I leave the Emergency Room and return home. (on crutches) He gets in touch with a specialist and I have day surgery two days later. Bone chips are removed and my ACL and MCL are repaired. Six weeks later; I attend a Club Meeting. (still on crutches) and fulfill my Consequences Session with Jillian. After completing physical therapy, I begin refereeing and wrestle on an irregular basis.