HOUSTON - 1991 BY C SEND COMMENTS TO: grappler2@mail.com Ed. Note: Due to our e-mail; We picked a match where Carol won & I lost. Carol won approx.30% of her matches over the years. I won approx. 95%+ of my matches. So we are getting close to the covering the matches I lost that are interesting. This account was the compilation of watching the videos we took of our matches and the recollection of the participants. On a Friday in May of 91; we got an Invitation to a small Tournament in a Houston elite suburb. We talked it over and accepted. Carol and I decided to drive instead of fly. We drove down three days early to spend some quality time with our friends. We had known Roger and Jill for 5 years and had participated in several of their mini-tournament. We stayed with them. The Tournament consisted of 4 couples. The other 3 couples got in a day after we arrived. It was going to be man vs. woman in the first round. The first round was: Carol vs. Dan; Sue vs. Jeff; Karla vs. Craig and Linda vs. Jim. I was 34 at the time. Carol was 31. Frank and Sheila call everyone to the gym. In their gym was a Ring in the middle of the room. They had a self-serve bar open in the corner of the room. Carol was in the first match. Carol and Dan enter the Ring. They go to opposite corners. Everyone except Jill sit around the Ring. Carol vs. Dan Jill is refereeing the match. Carol & Dan follow behind her. Carol was: 31; 5'4" and weighs 126 pounds with measurements of 34c-23-34. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. Carol was wearing a satin, charcoal grey with black edging bra & bikini panties. She was wearing matching pads and barefoot. Dan was 34; 5'8"; weighs 152 pounds. He has a 5 and 1/2 package. Dan has brown hair and eyes. He is wearing dk.brown bikini briefs with matching pads and barefoot. Jill announces the Tournament begins. Jill explains the rules for each match in the First Round. Jill says," The rules are: One Fall; No time limit; Birthday Suit Rule in effect; Submission by verbal submission only and No D.Q. The Consequences are: Surrender their attire and kiss the genitals of the winner. Jill calls for Keith to ring the bell. Carol and Dan approach on another. They lock up in a Collar & Elbow. Carol surprised me and pushed Dan into the ropes. Carol bends him over the top rope and delivers a chop across his throat. Dan drops to his knees and clutches his throat. My beautiful, very feminine wife drives a knee into his forehead. She repeats this four times before he drops to the mat. He lies on the mat dazed. Carol grabs his hair; pulls him to his knees before driving two more knees into his forehead. Dan falls to the mat; grabs Carol's leg on the way down. Carol hits the mat on her butt. Dan follows up wit a fist into her stomach. Carol clutches her stomach and moans from the punch. Dan crawls on top of Carol and twists both tits until she is screaming and kicking the mat. Though still clothed; his cock is pressing against Carol's cunt. (she told me later that his cock aroused her) Carol blocks his next punch and slams a fist into his jaw. Both roll around; neither able to gain the advantage. Carol connects with two quick punches to his throat allowing Carol time to deliver a punch into his Solar Plexus which knocks the air out of him. Carol applies a Twisting Arm Bar. Carol maintains her grip; straddles Dan on his side and applies true pressure. Dan howls in pain. Carol feels empowered over her control over Dan. Carol pulls Dan to his feet and sends him into the ropes. As he shoots off the ropes; my lovely wife catches him with a Power Clothesline sending him into the air with Dan landing on his face. Dan lies dazed on the mat. Carol quickly strips him. She stomps on his balls causing Dan to scream; clutch himself and writhes on the mat. Carol applies a Nerve Hold to his neck which has Dan's left arm go numb as a lighting streak of pain shoots through his neck and head causing Dan to scream his submission. Jill says," The Winner in 8 minutes and 25 seconds is Carol!" The crowd cheers. This was a pleasant surprise. Carol only wins about 30% of her matches. Carol was jumping up and down; excited and laughing. Jill helped a naked Dan to his feet. He hugged Carol with an embarrassing "woody". He gets on his knees and surrenders his clothing. He follows up by kissing her pussy. Both leave the Ring. My match was the 3rd match of the day. Carol and I watched an excellent 2nd match. Jeff not only defeated Jan but fucked her before he got her to submit. Jill enters the Ring. She says," The 3rd Match of the day is between Karla & Craig. Neither has fought one another before but both are looking forward to this match. Craig is: 37; 5'10"; 165 pounds with a 7.5"package. Craig is wearing a tan, satin string bikini brief. He is wearing matching pads and wrestles barefoot." The few people around the Ring cheer. Jill continues," His opponent is: 27; 5'4"; 110 pounds with measurements of 35c -24 -34. She is wearing white lace bra & thong set. She is wearing matching pads and wrestles barefoot." The crowd cheers. Both Karla and I stretch in our respective corners. I can't help but gets a hard-on watching Karla. Carol notices my response and chastises me. Keith rings the bell. Karla vs. Craig Karla and I both came out focused for this match. Karl was a brown belt in Tai -Kwon -Do. I had another match with her 5 years later; She was a 3rd degree black belt. She kicked my ass at that encounter. I was and am a brown belt in Kempo Both of us decide to lock up in a Collar & Elbow. As we pushed each other around the Ring; neither able to trip one another or push the other into the ropes. By mutual agreement; we decided to begin again. Karla quickly grabbed my arm and twisted my left arm into a Hammerlock. As she intensified the Hold; my legs were spread shoulder -width. She shot a knee into my balls. I dropped to my knees and howled in pain. This caused Karla to pull my arm up higher. I screamed in pain. Her speed made up for her lack of size. Karla also had a very feminine "mean streak"! I was able to power out but not before I was caught with a Sidekick to the jaw which knocked me to the mat .As she attempts to follow- up; I tripped her sending her on her ass causing much laughter in the gym. She quickly got to her feet and attacked me with a series of punches and kicks. I blocked most of them but was caught with a Spin Kick which sent me to the mat - dazed. As she began pulling me to my knees; I caught Karla with an uppercut to her pussy. Karla screamed and dropped to her knees. I followed up with a right cross which sent her to the mat. As I grabbed her hair and pulled her to her feet; she slammed a punch into my balls. The punch had such authority that it sent me to the mat. She grabbed my ankles; spread my legs and kicked both inner thighs several times to weaken my legs. She concluded the flurry by stomping my already injured balls! I was light-headed from the attack. The ball Stomp especially took a lot from me. Karla pulled me to my feet and sent me into the ropes; As I rebounded off the ropes; she caught me with a vicious Running Clothesline , the maneuver sent me into the air ; landing on my face ; pain shooting throughout my body and gasping for air. I was stunned as Karla executes a Frog Splash onto my back. The impact created a new pain center. My Lower Back was on fire. I grab her ankle; pull her to the mat where she slams kick after kick into my head. I lose my grip on her ankle. I am in a dazed state when she pulls me to my feet and shoots two knees into my groin. I hit the mat; howling in pain and writhing on the mat. Karla strips me and delivers another heel into my groin. Karla pulls me to my feet; positions her hands and executes a DDT. I hit the ground. I was out for a few seconds before reviving enough to feel Karla apply a Head scissor -Choke Hold which I tapped out before passing out. When Jill woke me up; I was a bit embarrassed but shook her hands. I got on my knees; surrendered my attire and kissed her pussy. I was still a bit unsteady as I left the Ring. Jill helped me to my seat. Karla comes by and checks on me before the 4th Match. Her speed; surprising power; stamina and attack on my balls really did me in! The 10 year age difference really raised its ugly head. Jeff ended up winning the Tournament. The next day; everyone decided to draw names from two hats. The men's names were put in one hat. The women's names in the other. We each drew names. Carol drew Jim. I drew Karla in a return match. We had an excellent breakfast. We had two hours of socializing before the matches. Jill and Keith led everyone to their gym. A room adjacent to the gym had been tricked out to double as a Dungeon. The change in the day's consequences was for the winner to spend an hour in the Dungeon with the loser. I was still sore from the match with Karla on Saturday. She was in the final against Jeff and almost won! Carol was the 2nd match and mine was the last match of the day. Carol vs. Jim Jill calls Carol & Jim into the Ring. Carol first then Jim enter the Ring. In the matches on Saturday. She was defeated by Jeff in the 2nd Round. Carol was: 31; 5'4" and weighs 126 pounds with measurements of 34c-23-34. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. Carol was wearing a satin, crimson bra & thong. She was wearing matching pads and wrestled barefoot. Jim was: 29; 5'11" and weighs 175 pounds with an 8" package. Jim was wearing navy blue bikini briefs. He was wearing matching pads and wrestled barefoot. Jim -like me - had lost to a lady in the First Round. He was determined to defeat Carol quickly and with authority. Jill signals Keith to ring the bell Jim starts out with an interesting strategy. Jim bull rushes my wife. Carol moves to the side and Hip Tossed Jim across the Ring. Carol has a blue belt in Judo and can protect herself. The funny thing was that Jim knew about Carol's Judo background. Jim laid winded on the mat. Carol applies a Figure Four Arm Lock on his right arm. Jim screams. Carol intensified the hold causing Jim to scream louder. Jim tried impotently to escape. Carol moved up higher on his arm and intensified her hold further. Jim pounded the mat with her free hand. Carol trapped his left arm ; applied an Arm Bar and watched as it sunk in that he was trapped. Car adds a Nerve Hold to his left elbow. He emitted an otherworldly howl of agony. Everyone watches as Carol establishes complete control over Jim. Both of his arms are numb and on fire at the same time. Tears began running down his cheeks. Carol released the hold and pulled him to his feet by his injured arm. Carol sent him into the ropes. As Jim rebounded off the ropes; Carol surprises Jim with a Spin Kick which lifts him off the ground only to land dazed on his face. People are shouting for Jim to get up. Carol strips Jim drops an Elbow Drop on his groin. Jim screams in pain as the tip of her elbow digs into his balls. Carol doesn't let up pulls Jim to his knees. Carol delivers a chop across his throat. He falls to the mat writhing from the chop. Carol got a little carried away and stomped his throat. (not with full force) Jim rolled around trying to catch his breath. Carol applied a sleeper (real sleeper) which had Jim out like a light in 30 seconds. He tapped out before he passed out. Carol let Jim fall to the mat. She stood; raised her hand and received the deserved applause! Jill says," The winner in 5 minutes and 19 seconds is Carol!" Jill brings Jim around. He is unsure of what happened until his wife tells him. He entered the Ring; hugged Carol; got on his knees; presented his attire and kissed her pussy. Jill spoke with Jim. He followed Carol into the Dungeon. : Karla vs. Craig . Craig was: 37; 5'10"; 165 pounds with a 7.5"package. Craig was wearing a black, silk string bikini brief. He is wearing matching pads and wrestles barefoot." The few people around the Ring cheer. Karla was: 27; 5'4"; 110 pounds with measurements of 35c -24 -34. She is wearing lavender, satin bra & thong set. She was wearing matching pads and wrestles barefoot. Karla and I entered the Ring. Jill introduced Karla and Craig. Karla and Craig's previous Match was more of a MMA match combined with wrestling than a mere wrestling. Match. I was a bit embarrassed over my showing on Saturday. My body was sore all over. I was surprised over who Karla picked but pleased at having another shot at her. She smiled broadly at me. From looking into her eyes; I could tell she wanted the same thing. Jill signaled Keith to ring the bell. The people around the ring cheered loudly. Evidently the Match Karla & I had been one of the best of Saturday. Since there were only 7 matches in the Tournament; I am not sure that means a lot. Jeff's defeat of Karla in the Finals was a good match too. Karla and I approached one another. Both of us feint attacks. Finally I grab Karla by the arm and send her into ropes. She stops her progress before she hits the ropes with her back still facing me. As I charged her she caught me with a Swinging Back -fist which sent me to my knee Karla sent me to the mat with a Roundhouse Kick. The kick almost knocked me out. Karla pulled me to my feet; positioned my hands behind my back and executed an Inverted Atomic Drop! I hit the mat with my balls on fire. Karla followed up with a stomp to my balls. Karla quickly pulled me to my feet; positioned her hands and executed a DDT! The DDT knocked me out. Karla stripped me. As I laid unconscious; my cock was at full extension which caused many to laugh. Karla got behind me; set me up and "milked me to climax". I tried to break free due to being knocked out twice; I was unable to break her grip. Everyone was laughing which was humiliating. She fed me my own cum which was humiliating. As she pulled me to my feet; she positioned my hands and executed a second Inverted Atomic Drop. I writhed on the mat while she positioned me in another Side Headlock -Choke. I tapped out before I passed out a 3rd time. Jill raised Karla's hand high in the air. Jill says," In 6 minutes and 42 seconds; the winner is Karla." Jill helps me regain my senses. I gathered my attire; got on my knees; surrendered my clothing and kissed her pussy. The people in the room cheer Karla's win. I use the ropes to get to my feet and follow Karla into the Dungeon. I will not go into what happened in the Dungeon except there is another side to Karla. In most setting she was bubbly; positive; extremely friendly. In the Dungeon; she was a heartless bitch who enjoyed inflicting pain and humiliation. I was in pain from my Dungeon experience for several days. Linda vs. Craig