Family Tournament By C AAA Semi-Final Match Send comments to : The "AAA " Individual Champion will certainly be female . The remaining 3 wrestlers for the Title are all women . Their husbands were taken out in earlier Rounds . Larry Livingston was taken out in the other bracket by Sienna Lincoln . In the Livingston Dressing Room , Ann is lying nude on her stomach on a Massage Table . Larry is massaging his wife preparing her for the battle ahead . Larry is still recovering from his drubbing . His ribs are taped ; his right eye is still a light lavender ; a knot is prominent on his forehead and sporting a brace on his right elbow . Ann sighs and drifts off in " Dream State " from Larry's magic fingers . Her bliss is disrupted by the 10 minute buzzer over the intercom . She yawn ; stretches ; asks Larry to fetch her outfit . She sits in front of her Makeup Table and begins putting on her makeup . She ties her long Blonde hair into a Ponytail . Larry places her sexy outfit on the bed while Ann completes her hair & makeup . Ann stands ; walks to the bed ; looks down at her attire and motions to Larry . Larry drops to his knees ; kisses her feet ; kisses her pussy while Ann pats him on the head ; rises and walks to the bed . Larry picks up her sexy Lavender Lace Bra ; places and secures it on Ann ; picks up her matching Lace Thong , smells the perfume he applied earlier ; bends down and slides it up Ann's long sinewy legs and kisses the sweet spot after he has adjusted the Thong . Ann sits on the bed as Larry stays on his knees . He slips her White with Purple Trim Kneepads up each leg and slips on White Ankle High Wrestling Shoes on each foot and ties each shoe . Larry picks up the Elbow Pads ; he slides the pads up her arms . She kisses the top of his head . As he rises ; his erection is at full extension exhibiting respect for her achievement of reaching the Semi-Final Round . She stands and looks at herself in the Full Length Mirror . Ann makes a final adjustment to a bra cup ; kisses Larry and leaves the Dressing Room to wait in the hall to be introduced . In the Hooper Dressing Room ; Jack smiles at Crystal while sitting inwardly resentful of his wife's success . Even though his Family won the Family Tournament ; Jack did not win enough Bouts during the Family Championship to qualify for the Individual AAA Championship Tournament . Crystal has set herself up - by her performance - as the favorite . Since the end of the Family Tournament ; Crystal has harassed Jack about his sub-standard performance . Jack - tired of her harassment - challenged Crystal to a fight to determine dominance within the family . In front of their children , Crystal defeated and humiliated Jack . He cried out his submission in 2 straight falls ; surrendered his clothing ; received a severe spanking ; screamed as his anus was violated by the phallic- shaped handle of the paddle ; repeated humiliating statements reflecting his submission to his wife for his entire family to hear and understand who's the boss . As a final sign of submission , He put a pair of his trousers on Crystal ; buckled the belt and returned to his knees with his head bowed ; symbolizing Crystal as final authority in their family ! In her Dressing Room ; Crystal looks in the mirror checking her makeup , hair and outfit . She is wearing a Sheer Latte Brown Lace Bra & Thong Set with Chocolate Brown Pads and Knee-High Boots . Her Auburn Brown hair falls loosely over her shoulders . Satisfied with her look ; she motions Jack . Per their agreement after her victory ; Jack crawls - nude - on his stomach to her feet . He lies on his back ; with a sense of foreboding ; looking up at her womanhood . She moves the Brown lace to the side revealing a bald pussy . Crystal squats onto his open mouth and commands him to satisfy her ! As he complies ; he grabs his cock and begins to "jack off " showing respect and submission . As he reaches climax , She scoops up a glob and feeds it to her husband . Jack swallows the load and licks her pussy to climax . She stands and looks with disdain at her cum- covered husband ; blows him a kiss ; steps on him stomach and proceeds to the door . Jack dejectedly looks on with self-loathing as she closes the door . Crystal walks into the hall ; stands beside Ann waiting for her introduction . Neither Ann nor Crystal acknowledge the another . Jason and Sylvia swap places for the final Match of the day . Sylvia sits at the Timekeeper's Table in her provocative body stocking drawing catcalls from men and women in the audience . Jason waits in the Ring in a Black Satin Jock Strap ; Black& White Satin Half-Shirt and Black Leather Ankle-High Boots . He motions to Sylvia to ring the bell and begin the introductions . Sylvia says," Our Final Match of the evening utilizes the European Round System with 7 minute Rounds and 2 minute rest periods . There is NO saving by the bell . The Match is 2 out of 3 Falls ; No time limit ; Anything except eye gouging and use of foreign objects are acceptable . A Fall can be won by Submission OR Knock-- Out with a 60 second count-out ONLY ! . The crowd cheer as Sylvia continues , " The Consequences for losing the Match are : No Title Match for 1 Year ; Servitude to the winner for 1 week ; Satisfy the winner in the middle of the Ring ; surrender clothing to winner and surrender THEIR HUSBAND to the winner for 48 hours of SERVITUDE AND PUNISHMENT ! " Both husbands are led to ringside by guards nude ; ball gagged ; with leather chokers ; nipple clamps ; cock rings with electrical charge receivers ; handcuffed and with Ankle Restraints . They are placed in chairs secured to the floor and secured to the chair . Club Members and their guests stand and applaud approving of the severe consequences. Sylvia waits for the applause to die down before continuing , " Our 1st Combatant is : 5' 7" ; weighs 130 pounds ; with measurements of 37-26-35 . Everyone welcome Ann Livingston ! " Ann enters the Fight Room in a stunning Lavender Lace Bra & Thong Set . Her White Boots with White & Purple Pads compliment her outfit . Ann waves to the crowd as she advances toward the Ring . Her Blonde ponytail sways back and forth and her Blue eyes beam as hugs and kisses are exchanged with friends and family . Ann enters the Ring ; waves to Jason ; goes to her corner and begins to stretch . Sylvia continues," Her opponent is : 5'4" ; weighs 115 pounds with measurements of 35-23-35 . Everyone welcome - Crystal Hooper ! " She enters the Fight Room wearing her Sheer Latte Brown Lace Bra & Thong Set with Chocolate Brown Boots and Pads . People gasp at her beauty . Her Brown hair bounces up and down off her shoulders as she walks toward to Ring . Her Brown eyes focus like lasers on Ann as she stretches with her back to Crystal . Crystal enters the Ring ; waves in a Non-Chelan manner at Jason and stares a hole in Ann's back from the center of the Ring . Jason calls Ann to the center of the Ring . She turns and sees a glaring Crystal Hooper looking at her contemptuously . A very uneasy Ann approaches Jason slowly with her eyes locked on Crystal's eyes . He reviews the rules and stipulations and tells them to return to their corners and wait for the bell . Ann returns to her corner ; turns and sees Crystal still in the center of the Ring , with her hands on her hips and still staring wordlessly at Ann as the bell rings for Round 1 . Round 1 Ann apprehensively approaches Crystal . Crystal waits with a malicious and downright EVIL look . As Ann reaches out , Crystal traps her arm and applies a Twisting Arm bar . Ann screams as she bends over to relieve the pain . Crystal changes the angle of the hold ; increases pressure and adds a Wristlock . Ann grimaces and drops to both knees . Crystal smiles at Ann's predicament . While maintaining her hold , Crystal delivers a kick that explodes in the middle of Ann's back . Ann is knocked breathless facedown on the mat . Crystal delivers a Double Knee drop to the middle of Ann's back . Any remaining air explodes from her lungs as Ann writhes on the mat struggling to regain her breathe and senses . Crystal grabs Ann's hair and slams her head into the mat several times opening up a cut over her left eye . The March isn't 3 minutes old and Ann lies face down with her blood dripping onto the mat . Ann fight to retain some of her senses . Moans escape from her lips and her arms move in an uncoordinated manner to desperately attempting to get off the mat . Crystal drives her boot into the back of Ann's head and back slamming her face into the mat . Ann lies still - stunned from the onslaught exhibiting an occasional twitch . Crystal grabs Ann's limp legs ; turns her onto her back ; spreads them wide and delivers a Double Knee Drop to Ann's womanhood . Ann's body jerks as she lets out a primal scream . Crystal stands ; looks down with satisfaction at her work and signals Jason to begin his count . He begins the count ," 1-2-3-4 ... " The bell rings ending Round 1 but the count continues , " 37-38-39-40 ... 57-58-59 -60 - YOU'RE OUT ! " Ann lies writhing from the punishment as the Ring Doctor enters the Ring to assist her in regaining her senses , stop the bleeding and treat the bumps and bruises . . Jason raises Crystal's hand as Sylvia says , " The winner of the 1st Fall in 7 minutes and 56 seconds of the 1st Round by Knock-Out is Crystal Hooper . She earns 1 point for winning the Fall and 1 Point for Domination .The 2 minute intermission begins - NOW ! " Crystal takes a bottle of water from her Ring Attendant and watches with satisfaction as Ann begins to remember who she is , where she is and who did this to her . By her movements , Ann is obviously in a very bad way . Crystal views the situation as a Lioness observing a wounded Wildebeest . Ann reaches her Corner with only 30 seconds remaining in the Intermission . Crystal keeps looking at the clock anxious to resume her attack . Ann sits with her chin resting on her chest - glassy-eyed , spittle running down the corner of her mouth with soft moans escaping . The bell rings heralding Round 2 . Round 2 Crystal rushes toward her . Ann sits on her stool with a glazed look in her eyes . Crystal grabs Ann by her ponytail ; yanks her off her stool ; positions her hands and executes a DDT . Ann's head connects the mat with a sickening - THUD ! Crystal begins stripping Ann . She removes her boots , pads , bra and finally her thong . Crystal spreads Ann's sexy sinewy legs and begins to stomp her bald pussy . After a few stomps , Ann's pussy begins to swell ; becomes discolored with blood leaking out of her "lips" . The pain brings Ann back to consciousness which excites Crystal's darker side . Ann's pussy is grounded by Crystal's boot . Blood begins to flow from the cuts . Ann's screams and cries fill the room . Jason asks Ann if she submits but the pain that racks her body prevents her from hearing the question . Crystal pulls Ann to her feet by her ears and executes a Swinging Neck breaker . The maneuver stuns Ann . Her arms and legs move in an involuntary fashion . Before Jason can begin a count , Crystal picks Ann up ; positions her for a Tombstone Piledriver and slams Ann to the mat . All Ann's movement cease as Crystal retreats to her Corner . Jason counts ,"1-2-3-4-5... 57-58-59-60 - OUT !" The Ring Doctor rushes in to tend to Ann as Jason raises Crystal's hand into the air . Sylvia says ," In 5 minutes and 38 seconds of the 2nd Round , the winner of the 2nd Fall by Knockout And the MATCH is Crystal Hooper . The Consequences Session will begin in 30 Minutes . " During the Intermission , Ann is brought around and after slowly regaining her bearings ; she realizes the meaning of her lost . Her injuries are treated and she is led to the middle of the Ring and kneels beside her already nude and erect husband ; Jason signals to Sylvia . Jack Hooper remains kneeling in her Corner as Crystal advances toward Ann and Larry . Ring Attendants have set up Punishment Tables during the intermission . Jason signals for Crystal to begin . She commands them to present their clothing . With heads bowed , they present their clothing which Crystal accepts . She commands Jack to take the clothing to their Dressing Room . Jack approaches ; bows ; accepts the clothing ; leaves the Ring and returns to their Dressing Room receiving loud heckling from various Club Members . Crystal focuses her attention like a laser on Ann and Larry . She motions for Ring Attendants to secure them to Punishment Tables . Ann and Larry are yanked to their feet and dragged to the tables . Their ankles and wrist are secured . The shackles are adjusted to give Crystal EASY access to ALL parts of Ann's and Larry's bodies . After they have been properly positioned , Sylvia announces ; " Ann - due to your loss and DISMAL performance ; your punishment has been expanded . You will : not be eligible for a Title Match for 18 Months instead of 1 Year ; Your Servitude has been increased from 48 hours to 96 ; Your Husband's Servitude has been increased from 48 hours to 72 ; You will receive 20 strikes from the paddle ; Your Husband will receive 10 strikes ; Both of you will service Crystal sexually - HER CHOICE . Let it begin - NOW ! " Jason motions Crystal to begin . Ring Attendants stand at the ready to reposition Ann at Crystal's command . Crystal picks up the "Punishment Paddle " . (Which is studded with dulled metal spikes .) She menacingly approaches Larry . Ann and Larry strain against their restraints as their "time in Hell " begins . Ann whimpers and Larry fidgets and strangely sports an erection in anticipation of the coming blows . Crystal sinuously massages Larry's butt cheeks . Suddenly , Crystal begins delivering devastating strikes to Larry's ass . By the 5th blow , Larry is screaming ,bleeding and begging for mercy . His body convulses as the paddle finds it's mark . The back of Larry's thighs , ass and lower back already are discolored as the intensity and frequency continue for 5 minutes . The number of strikes were several times more than the 10 strikes decided on . By the end of the assault , portions of Larry's body was purple with blood dripping through several cuts . Larry is babbling uncontrollably as Crystal turns her undivided attention to Ann. Ann begins crying and pleading which only excites Crystal . Her nipples rock hard and her cunt is moist in anticipation of the violence she will shortly unleash .Crystal goes to the front of the table ; bends down only inches away from Ann's face ; looks Ann in the eyes and with a look of pure evil says , " Change of plans ! " She kisses Ann on the lips ; stands and approaches the other end of the Punishment Table . She casually picks up the battery leads ; attaches them to Ann's labia lips and flips the switch . Ann's body responds as if she was having an epileptic fit ; combined with unearthly scream that fill the room trigger Crystal's 1st of many orgasms . She shoots another jolt which causes Ann to piss on herself . Crystal picks up a cat-of- nine -tails on the "Equipment Rack" ; picks up the Punishment Paddle with her free hand ; rams the phallic -shaped handle of the Punishment Paddle in Ann's ass and begins flailing away at Ann with the whip . The level of pain mercifully causes Ann to pass out as blood flows from her many cuts . As Ann's unconscious body jerks involuntarily ; Crystal turns her attention back to Larry . She begins humming "Whistle While You Work " which only intensifies Larry's terror . She rips the battery leads off Ann's labia which draws blood and heads like a laser to Larry's dick & balls . She laughs as she attaches one lead to the tip of his penis and the other to his ball sack ; ignores his pleadings ; kisses him on his forehead and flips the switch . Larry froths at the mouth ; body jerks ; losses control of his bladder with urine and blood covering the table ; his cries fade as his eyes roll back into his head . After Crystal is sure that Larry can no longer play ; she returns to Ann . Ann looks up through barely open eyes and recognizes Crystal's gloved fist seconds before it smashes into her jaw . Ann's body lifts off the table before settling motionless . Crystal stands ; raises her hands into the air and accepts the accolades from the Club Members and their guests . Ann and Larry are secured onto stretchers by Attendants ; taken to the back to be cleaned up and prepared for their time of servitude . Crystal speaks briefly with Sylvia and Jason and heads to her Dressing Room .