European Tour - part 4 by C Send comments to: The Smythes decide that the Jenkins next opponents should receive a copy of the Match and Punishment Session - much to the chagrin of the Jenkins. Bruce pleads with Owen, Hailee and Alcott to NOT send the Descartes a copy. Even after Bruce sucks Alcott's younger brother for the Smythe's amusement; The Smythes send the DVD! When the packet gets to Paris; the Descartes view each Bout and the Punishment Session. They are amused at the humiliations the Jenkins endured. They are equally impressed with the Smythes' competency. Abelard calls Owen; expresses their gratitude for the DVD; express how impressed the Descartes are with the Smythes wrestling and domination of the American family and expresses the Descartes family desire to wrestle the Smythes. Owen immediately and cheerfully agrees and sets up a time to hammer out the details. Just after Abelard sets down the phone; Bruce Jenkins calls. Bruce deflects any question about their Match with the Smythes not knowing the Descartes have already view their Match. Abelard smiles to himself as Bruce pushes the date of their Match out 48 hours. He knows the Smythes must have REALLY done a number on the Jenkins for them needing to push out the date of their Match. The Jenkins match with the Descartes is already 9 days away. With the agreed to 2 extra days; the Descartes will not be even meeting the Jenkins for 10days. Abelard views the Bouts and Punishment Session a second time with new eyes truly appreciating the skill, calculated and elegant "mean streak" approach; the Smythes slowly completely deconstruct the Jenkins. He reflects on the sound of Bruce's voice recalling how defeated and worn down he sounded. The thought elicits a feeling of satisfaction confidence from Abelard. Over the intercom; He calls for Adele and Celeste to plan their strategy. The rules for the 3 Bout Match are: One Fall; no time limit; win by submission or knockout only; the following are not allowed: eye gouging, kicks to the head, stomping, knee drops, biting, scratching or closed fist to the head. The agreed to Consequences are: The losing Family will pay the Winning Family 10K Euros; Winners will receive ALL proceeds from the DVD sales of the Match and punishment session; Losers surrender All wrestling attire. The Loser's attire will be signed; marked with blood and sexual fluid. The losing Family will be used as prostitutes for 12 hours with the Winning family acting as pimps. All of their "encounters" recorded with ALL proceeds from the encounters and sales from the DVD going to the Winning Family! The Jenkins is still in London recovering from their thrashing. They are unaware that the Descartes know of the extent of their defeat. They do not think enough time has elapsed for the DVD to get to the Descartes. They are unaware that Owen Smythe sent it by courier. Adele calls Nina firms up the rules, consequences and the final lineup: Abelard vs. Bruce Adele vs. Nina Celeste vs. Miranda Adele changes the direction of the conversation. Adele becomes very personable and has Nina laughing and feeling at ease. After a few minutes; Adele has Nina spilling her guts about every aspect of the Jenkins life. Adele takes mental notes to pass on to Abelard. Nina reveals several highways on getting inside "her head". Nina's "diarrhea of the mouth "reveals how "beat up" the Jenkins are. The Smythes; family member or friends were exploring every Jenkins's orifice every second of the 24 hour Punishment Period. All of the Jenkins had cuts and bruises all over their bodies from the whips, paddles and other devices. Adele gets off the phone; smiles maliciously to herself as she enters the Den. Abelard listens as Adele relates her conversation with Nina. After Adele has completed relaying the conversation; Abelard smiles and says," It looks the Smythes has softened them up for us. We will be able to REALLY lay some pain on them. I want everyone to think of new ways that we can really "rub their noses" in their loss!" Celeste and Adele eagerly shake their heads. Celeste heads to her room while Adele goes to the Kitchen. Both reflect on various tortures and humiliations they may heap upon the Jenkins. Bruce, Nina and Miranda reach Paris by the bullet train under the Channel. They are all physically sore; mentally exhausted and very "jumpy" from their experience over the last 48 hours. Bruce has sucked so much cock with his ass frequently violated in front of his wife and daughter the last two days that they view Bruce instead of Husband and Father - only 1/2 a man! Nina controls the family now. Making love with Bruce these days; usually means Nina sticking a plastic studded dick up his ass while berating his manhood. They check into a posh Hotel ; rest after their train trip ; workout in the gym within the Hotel and set up tours of Paris and the surrounding countryside for the next 9 days. The next 9 Days pass quickly with the Jenkins exploring religious; historic and night -life sights. They spend an hour a day working out with an extra hour a day planning strategy to regain their self respect. Abelard and Adele offer to let them spend the day before their Match at their estate in the country. Bruce and Nina accept their hospitality before realizing the similarities to the situation in London. A car and driver pick the Jenkins up to spend the time before the Match in a Guest House on the estate. The Descartes greet the Jenkins as long lost family members. All three of the Jenkins fall for the "false caring" as they did in London. They hug the Descartes as if they are best friends. The Descartes take the Jenkins to a party in their honor at a local Winery. The Jenkins is flattered from the gesture and completed distracted regarding their upcoming Match. Abelard walks with Bruce around the Winery. Abelard compliments Bruce and his family for their high level of fitness. After 30 minutes of distributing compliments to Nina, Miranda and Bruce; Abelard asks if they would like to have more than three matches. Bruce still feeling the pain and humiliation from his Match and it's aftermath with the Smythes regretfully declines. The Jenkins spends the entire next day recovering from the party. Their Match with the Descartes will begin at 10AM. Like their Match in London; a small crowd of 24 spectators are at Ringside. Jacque & Pierre will act as Ring Assistants. Both are 6'2" and weigh 200 pounds. Monique will act as Referee. She has brown eyes and brown hair. She is 6'0"; weighs 140 pounds with measurements of 36-24-36; They enter the Ring and wait. The Jenkins enters the Descartes' Gym and shocked at the number of spectators. Bruce and Nina had forgotten to discuss the number of guests allowed. Wordlessly - they head to their designated area. As they pass the area where the spectators are congregated; Nina notices Owen, Hailee and Alcott. They smile and wave. Nina loses all color in her face and signals Bruce as to their guests. He becomes ashen face remembering how all the Smythes humiliated him. Miranda feels a mixture of terror & lust as she remembers how Alcott and Owen fucked her silly. Bruce Jenkins is wearing mauve bikini briefs; Nina is wearing a mauve satin "wet look" bra & thong Set and Miranda is wearing a mauve, lace, high-legged, low-cut teddy. The crowd cheers loudly as the Descartes enter the Gym. Abelard is wearing a lime green, silk thong; Adele is wearing a lime green with black trim satin "wet look" bra and thong set and Celeste is wearing a black with lime green trim satin "wet look" bra & thong set. As they pass the Smythes; they stop and exchange hugs. The Jenkins are speechless at the sight. The Descartes proceed to their designated area and begin to stretch. The Descartes Abelard Descartes = 39 years old; 6'1"; 210 pounds with a 7" package Adele Descartes = 37 years old; 5; 5"; 115 pounds with a measurements of 36- 25-36 Celeste Descartes = 18 years old; 5'4" 110 pounds with a measurements of 34- 24-34 The Jenkins Bruce Jenkins = 41ears old; 6'1"; 195 pounds with a 7" package Nina Jenkins = 38 years old; 5'6"; 120 pounds with measurements of: 35-24- 36 Miranda Jenkins = 18 years old; 5'5"; 115 pounds with measurements of: 34 -22 -34 Monique calls Celeste and Miranda to the Ring for the 1st Bout. They enter the Ring and approach Monique. Monique hugs both girls and says," Our 1st Bout is the Day is : One Fall; no time limit; win by submission or knockout only; the following are not allowed: eye gouging, kicks to the head, stomping, knee drops, biting, scratching or closed fist to the head. The Bout is between Celeste Descartes and Miranda Jenkins." Both girls wave to crowd and shake hands. Monique gets them in position and shouts,"WRESTLE!" Miranda and Celeste had a private slumber party the night before. They both swore eternal friendship to one another. Miranda is unaware Adele had encouraged Celeste to befriend her. The objective is - to "soften" Miranda up for the kill. Celeste really enjoyed Miranda's company but was more intent to setting Miranda up as a girl she could dominate. Celeste is coming off three straight losses. The accumulative effect of the losses has left Celeste with very low esteem from the sexual domination of her conquerors. Celeste has enough residual physical pain that her parents strongly encourage her to quit the "Family's Hobby". Adele has told Celeste that her heart is too good to allow her to do what is necessary which opens Celeste up to others who don't share the same proclivity. There are four people in the crowd who have brutally dealt with the sweet girl. As the girls circle each other with smiles in the Ring; they recall the many acts of degradation they heaped upon Celeste in their Matches. Celeste glances in the crowd catches a past opponent's look and blushes. As Miranda & Celeste continues to playfully circle. Celeste strikes like a Cobra. She delivers a Front Snap Kick that strikes like a Cobra. The kick connects with Miranda's stomach causing her to lean forward. Celeste applies a Front Head lock and executes a Swinging Neckbreaker that leaves Miranda clutching her neck writhing in pain and screaming from the lightning attack and the white hot pain coursing up & down her spinal chord. Bruce & Nina look in shock as their Daughter is so easily being decimated by this petite French girl. The crowd is shouting for more punishment. Alcott Smythe is pleased that Celeste is following his advice and that it is an impact. Alcott had visited Paris while the Jenkins was recovering. He met with Celeste and became immediately smitten. He showed Celeste a DVD of his Match with Miranda and reviewed his strategy. Between their "love-making sessions"; he helped her develop a strategy that would win -and a higher priority from his perspective- keep Celeste safe. Celeste delivers an Elbow Drop to Miranda's neck to add a second wave of undulating agony to her neck. Celeste rolls Miranda onto her back; straddles Miranda pinning her arm to her sides; looks down into Miranda's shell-shocked and pain-filled eyes; mercilessly applies a Choke Hold. Bruce and Nina feel helpless knowing there is NOTHING they can do. Abelard and Adele are very proud of their little girl. They are impressed she has learned from her past defeats. Celeste keeps up the pressure. Miranda struggles for breath; gurgles a panicked moan unable to extricate herself. As Miranda begins to lose consciousness; Celeste releases the Choke Hold and delivers several slaps that which throw Miranda's face side to side. Miranda's cheeks turn beet red from the blows. Tears flow from Miranda's eyes due to the physical pain and the betrayal of her friend. Celeste grabs Miranda by her ears; pulls Miranda to her knees and slams her knee several times into Miranda's face. Miranda falls to the mat face-first with blood running from her nose and mouth. Her sobs fill the room and act on the crowd as an aphrodisiac. Many of the spectators look at the action in the Ring; begin masturbating and orally stimulating one another. The Smythes look with satisfaction and a bit smug as Celeste completely dominates the American Bitch. Miranda has generated NO offence and has been completely at the mercy of Celeste since Monique shouted-wrestle. Celeste delivers another Elbow Drop to the back of a stunned Miranda's neck causing her legs to shoot out involuntarily. Celeste pulls the dazed girl to her very shaky feet; blood flowing freely from Miranda's nose, cut on right cheek and lips; applies a Front Headlock; asks for and receives crowd permission before executing a devastating DDT! Miranda's head slams into the mat knocking all consciousness from her body. Miranda lets out a sharp, short squeal before going silent. Celeste roughly removes Miranda's Teddy. The crowd screams for Celeste to show the "uppity American." Celeste stands; steps between Miranda's legs; while securing her left leg; pushes her right leg creating a clear and vulnerable approach to Miranda's pussy. Celeste begins working three fingers into Miranda with an auger-like motion. Bruce and Nina wince and weep as Miranda cries out from the violation. Celeste soon as three fingers fully engulfed in Miranda's pussy and is scratching the inner walls. Miranda writhes on the mat and howls from pain she cannot defend against. Blood begins trickling from Miranda's pussy further inciting the "blood lust "in the crowd. Several spectators jump in the Ring to get a closer view of the agony on Miranda's face and Celeste's bloody fingers working their magic on Miranda's helpless pussy. Ring Attendants enter the Ring and assists the fans out of the Ring. Bruce and Nina scream for the Bout to be stopped. The Smythes shout for Celeste to finger fuck her victim harder. The Descartes quietly beams at their Daughter's performance. They have seen Celeste on the receiving end of such a beating too many times. Celeste suddenly drives her finger up and accidently hits her G-spot. Sexual fluid mixed with blood erupts from Miranda's pussy. Seeing Celeste "kick it up a notch" causes Abelard and Adele to begin relieving the sexual tension that has built up throughout the Match. The sight brings everyone to their feet; stomping and hooting erupts with shouts for Celeste to beat Miranda like the Bitch she is. These sentiments surprise the Smythes. They are used to a more refined crowd but secretly salute their spirit. Finally Miranda cries out for Monique to stop the Match. Miranda screams." I GIVE UP - I SUBMIT - STOP -OH GOD -STOP!" Monique taps Celeste on the shoulder. Celeste removes her fingers; forma a claw and shoots her bloody hand high in the air. Miranda lies in a heap sobbing uncontrollably. Celeste bends down; grabs Miranda by the hair; pulls her sobbing face until the two girls are looking each other in the eyes and says," You little Bitch! Some of your pussy is soiling my fingernails!! Grabs each of my manicured nails; eat or suck out your sticking pussy they are cleaned!! If you don't -I will beat you to within an inch of your pathetic life. "Miranda looks stunned but grabs each finger; and cleans the nail with her teeth and tongue. Spectators gather around the Ring and watch in amazement as Miranda "makes love" to Celeste fingers with blood running from Miranda's lip, nose and pussy. Bruce and Nina watch the pathetic sight in the Ring while Abelard and Adele salute Celeste's creativity. When Celeste is satisfied her fingers are clean; she commands Miranda to "mark" her teddy. As Miranda rubs her teddy across her pussy picking up blood and sexual fluid; many of the spectators climax. Celeste hands Miranda a pen to complete the process. Miranda signs the teddy. Celeste looks at Miranda with a malicious sweetness and says," We are ALMOST through -dear! Get on your hands and knees; lean forward; lift your ass up high; spread your legs wide; place your face to the mat; close your eyes and WAIT!!" Celeste puts on a harness ; attaches an 8" studded, vibrating dildo ; lubricates the dildo ;inserts the pussy attachment so that she can receive pleasure ; ominously approaches Miranda and rams her "sword " deep into Miranda's raw pussy. As Miranda screams; the crowd cheers. Celeste hammers away while Miranda sobs. The Descartes beam at their daughter's domination; while the Jenkins regrets more than ever allowing Miranda to participate in these Matches. The Jenkins underestimated European skill; tenacity and ruthless approach to their wrestling. Their lack of forethought IS costing Miranda and most likely cost them before the day is over with. Even though bloodying Miranda's pussy more; Celeste brings Miranda to two climaxes. Miranda passes out after the second one. The Ring Doctor examines Miranda and determines that Miranda needs to be taken to the infirmary; Pierre tosses her over his shoulder as if he is carrying a carcass. They leave the room. The Ring Doctor follows. Bruce and Nina are ashen face. Neither is allowed to leave the room. Both try to focus on the action at hand. They understand - maybe too late - that they should have taken a normal vacation and not aggressively pursued and accepted wrestling Matches with strangers in foreign countries who are VERY serious about kicking "Arrogant American "ass! Jacque cleans the blood from Ring while Adele and Nina stare at one another -sizing each other up over their coming battle. Nina looks deep into Adele's eyes and sees the eyes of a predator. Fear begins to well inside Nina. Her thoughts are clearly conveyed through her eyes. The primal fear arouses Adele causing the cloth covering her pussy to become moist. In the audience; Hailey and Owen Smythe discussed with Adele their "time "with Nina. Hailey says she covered their Bouts and Punishment Session. Hailey was sure to tell Adele "how much a slut of "Nina is! Monique inspects the Ring before calling both ladies. Monique says," Our next Bout pits Adele Descartes against Nina Jenkins. The rules for this Bout are ; One Fall; no time limit; win by submission or knockout only; the following are not allowed: eye gouging, kicks to the head, stomping, knee drops, biting, scratching or closed fist to the head." Monique instructs both wrestlers to take their position and shouts,"WRESTLE!" As both ladies approach each other to do battle; Celeste brings a nude, bandaged Miranda back into the room. Miranda has a dog collar with a leash attached. Celeste takes Miranda to her family's area. The distraction allows Adele to deliver a Thrust Punch to Nina's solar plexus. Nina leans forward only to be caught with a Forearm Uppercut. Nine is lifted off the mat; landing on her ass staring blankly at the overhead lights. The crowd erupts from the high impact maneuver. Adele begins cursing in French as she pulls Nina to her feet; walks her near the ropes; positions her hands around Nina's neck and grasps her thong. Adele quickly executes a Sling Shot Suplex off the ropes sending Nina's back slamming to the mat with authority. Nina arches her back to relieve the intense pain. Adele follows the Family Code: NO MERCY! She grabs Nina by the hair; screaming like a Banshee; pulls Nina to her knees; holds her in place and begins shooting knee after knee into Nina's face. She releases Nina's hair after the fifth knee. Nina falls face-first to the mat with blood running from her nose, both lips and a cut on her right cheek. Miranda sits on the floor at Celeste's knees. Miranda sobs as her Mother is getting "woman-handled" in the Ring. Celeste commands Miranda to eat her pussy due to becoming excited as her Mother destroys the American Bitch! Miranda begins eating Celeste which splits the crowd's attention between the action in the Ring and out of the Ring. Adele pauses in deconstructing the American to watch her Daughter establish her control over Miranda. After watching a few seconds; Adele continues her new favorite hobby - "Nina Bashing". Adele pulls Nina to her feet. Nina eyes are glazed over and her breathing is shallow. Adele sends Nina into the ropes with an Arm Drag. As Nina rebounds off the ropes; she is caught with a clothesline. Nina is lifted off her feet; hits the mat hard; clutching her throat; gasping for air and writhing on the mat. Adele delivers an Elbow Drop across Nina's throat. Nina coughs violently but her movements become more sluggish. In the Descartes area; Miranda is bringing Celeste to an explosive orgasm. Abelard cheers Celeste dominating Miranda as does Adele in the Ring. Nina lies on the mat; her body not responding to mental commands to move; her cognitive skills jumbled and unaware of moans of pain escaping her lips. Adele throws Nina over her shoulder; goes to a corner; places Nina on the top rope; climbs to the second rope ands execute a Giant Suplex. The maneuver stuns Nina sending her dancing on the very edge of consciousness. Adele removes Nina's clothing. Adele dabs the thong in Nina's blood before setting Nina's clothing on the mat. Adele decides to end the Bout the way that her Daughter did. She decides to show the crowd and her Daughter that SHE is the REAL master of the Cunt Claw. Adele applies a Reverse Small Package; uses her arms to open up her legs making Nina's cunt easily accessible. Adele rams her hand into Nina's cunt; evoking a gasp but due to Nina's position unable to get a breath. Nina cannot stop Adele from tearing at her insides but does not submit. Adele intensifies her grip eliciting a loud scream from Nina which causes many in the room to cheer and applaud. Celeste and Abelard are extremely pleased by Adele's performance. A win by Adele will win the Match. Bruce looks glumly on as his wife is being torn to pieces. He realizes he won't be having intercourse with Nina for a while. Adele wants to "show off a bit". She maneuvers her fingers to Nina's G-spot; simultaneously bring her to orgasm AND drive up the pain quotient up another notch. Blood mixed with sexual fluid runs freely from Nina's pussy as Nina shouts her submission. The spectators are in awe over Adele's dominating performance. Adele follows her Daughter's lead; makes Nina eat her own pussy from under her fingernails; ram the same studded dildo that Celeste had used on Miranda into Nina's raw cunt. The studded dildo ripped at Nina's insides; causing Nina to wail in agony. The sight of Nina in such agony effected people in different ways. Bruce and Miranda cried; Abelard and Celeste "high-five" each other; the Smythes applaud loudly with the general crowd stomping their feet; clamping their hands and shouting Adele accolades. Monique announces," The winner of the Bout is Adele Descartes which makes the Descartes the Winner of the Match. Nina signs her already "marked "thong; and kisses Adele's pussy out of respect. Pierre tosses Nina over his shoulder; carries her to the Infirmary, Monique calls Abelard and Bruce to the Ring. Adele follows Nina to the Infirmary to begin her punishment after Nina has been treated. Monique announces that the Doctor says, "The condition of Nina & Miranda's pussies prevents any further abuse during the Punishment Session. " Loud boos erupt from the crowd in the room. Monique adds," Don't boo! That just means their asses are in for a workout!" Laughter and cheers fill the room. Bruce and Abelard enter the Ring; looks warily at one another. Owen Smythe shouts to Abelard," Jenkins REALLY likes it up the ass!" This causes Bruce's face to grow beet red while the crowd laughs heartily at the remark. Monique announces," Our Final Bout matches Abelard Descartes against Bruce Jenkins. The rules for this Bout are ; One Fall; no time limit; win by submission or knockout only; the following are not allowed: eye gouging, kicks to the head, stomping, knee drops, biting, scratching or closed fist to the head" The room becomes quiet as Nina enters the room handcuffed ; tit and clit clamps attached to a leash held by Adele. Nina's face is swollen but the cuts have been closed. Deep bruises are still appearing all over Nina's body. To add to Nina's humiliation; a dildo gag has been inserted into her mouth. Miranda sobs as she sees her Mother being led to the Descartes Family Area by a triumphant Adele. Adele pulls on the leash which tears at Nina's raw cunt and mutilated tits. A blindfold is placed on Nina so that she can only hear the Bout. This draws laughter and sneers throughout the room. The Smythe Family applauds Adele's "personal touch" which reflects her "mean side". As a sobbing Nina reaches the Family Area; Celeste slaps Nina on the cheek and spits in her face before forcing Nina to her knees. Miranda sobs but makes no move to assist her Mother out of fear of being further punished. Bruce watches the scene from the Ring. Inwardly he is seething but knows he must keep his cool and win his Bout. Monique positions both men; steps aside and shouts," WRESTLE!" Abelard smugly approaches Bruce. Bruce shaken from the condition of his Wife and Daughter backs away. Bruce knows he must control his focus. His focus MUST be Abelard. Abelard follows Bruce as he retreats. He sees Bruce's struggle with himself to gain control of his emotions. Abelard senses fear and uncertainty which acts as a stimulant. He develops a "hard on" at the weakness he sees in Bruce's eyes. Before they even lock up; Abelard is deciding whether he us going to stick his cock in Bruce's ass or mouth first. The Smythes get the chant," COCKSUCKER!" going throughout the room. Bruce's face turns red. He finally stops retreating and locks up with a Collar & Elbow. Abelard begins pushing Bruce into the ropes. At the last minute; Bruce uses Abelard's momentum and turns him into the ropes. Bruce bends Abelard over the top rope ; delivers a chop across Abelard's throat causing Abelard to bounce off the ropes only to receive a second chop ; falls to the mat with his throat on fire ; gasping for ANY breath possible and displaying a look of total surprise. Bruce is shocked at his own good fortune pausing for a good 30 seconds before grabbing Abelard by his long brown hair ; pulling Abelard to his knees before receiving an uppercut to his "family jewels". Bruce drops back to the mat; clutching himself and howling in pain. Abelard falls back to the mat still suffering from the two devastating chops across his throat. He fights through the pain and crawls to Bruce. Bruce is preoccupied with his own pain to notice Abelard's approach. The crowd is almost 100% behind Abelard and shouts their encouragement. They shout insults and curses at Bruce. Adele and Celeste cheer for Abelard. Adele yanks on Nina's leash causing sharp pain to emanate from her tender cunt and tits. Celeste grabs Miranda by her ears and pushes Miranda's tongue deep into her pussy. Several in the crowd are distracted by the "show" that is being put on in the Descartes Family Area. Many cheer the action occurring there. Abelard reaches Bruce; crawls on top of him; grabs his hair and slams Bruce's head into the mat several times. Bruce is disoriented and acquires a king-sized headache before he is able to buck Abelard off him. Like a pit bull; Abelard jumps onto Bruce a second time; Abelard traps Bruce's arms to his side; delivers five hard slaps knocking Bruce into a dazed state. Abelard grabs Bruce by his hair; pulls Bruce to his feet; gets behind Bruce; positions his hands and executes a devastating Atomic Drop leaving Bruce on the mat; clutching his balls and howling in pain. The shock of the maneuver goes up and down Bruce's spinal chord in a continuous loop. The crowd stands and applauds the manner in which Abelard's knee drove deep into Bruce's torso. The look of shock on Bruce's face which turned into a look of raw agony combined with an unnatural cry of anguish fills the room exciting the crowd. Nina and Miranda sob at the sounds of Bruce's distress but stay focused so as not to receive any more punishment. Adele instructs Nina to suck more passionately on the dildo gag in her mouth. Celeste changes her position and commands Miranda to clean her asshole and to dig her tongue inside Celeste to ensure her ass is clean. Several in the crowd see the ass cleaning occur and applaud Celeste's creativity and cruelty. Alcott Smythe leaves the crowd; approaches Celeste and begins kissing and finger fucking her passionately. The two have been an item since the Smythes arrived in France a week ago. The Descartes invited them to the Match due to the DVD the Descartes received regarding the Smythes massacre of the Jenkins Family The sight of Celeste having her ass eaten out by Miranda and finger fucked by Alcott drives many in the crowd to climax. Abelard pulls a dazed Bruce to his feet; applies a Side Headlock; runs across the Ring and executes a Running Bulldog driving Bruce's ace into the mat. Abelard quickly pulls Bruce to his feet before Monique can begin her count; applies a Front Head lock and quiets a moaning Bruce with a DDT! Everyone goes wild over the maneuver. Bruce lies facedown on the mat, blood running from his nose; moaning with his body trembling from the impact. Abelard makes a spectacle of removing a stunned Bruce's briefs. Abelard drops to his knees; kisses Bruce on the back of the neck; spreads Bruce's legs wide open; stands; places his feet on Bruce's inner thighs; grabs Bruce's penis; twist the penis while sitting down causing Bruce to come back to reality very fast! Abelard has Bruce caught in a Twisting Dick Stretch Grapevine! A loud cheer erupts in the room dampening the sound level of Bruce's screams. As Abelard pushes Bruce's legs out; pulls and twists Bruce's penis; he digs his fingernails into Bruce's penis. Bruce cries and pleads to be released but won't submit. The crowd shouts for Abelard to pour it on. The pain is causing Bruce to come close to passing out. Abelard decides to end the Bout. He switches his hold on Bruce's penis. He begins squeezing Bruce's balls and clawing at the ball sack. Bruce shouts his submission within seconds. Abelard stands; looks down at his sobbing , writhing victim ; gently rolls Bruce onto his back and places his foot to Bruce's lips. Abelard and Bruce's eyes meet. Bruce understands what he must do. Bruce kisses each toe and the bottom of Abelard's foot demonstrating his submission. At Abelard's command; Bruce rises to his knee; moves Abelard's briefs aside and takes all of Abelard's 7" in his mouth. Abelard grabs Bruce by his ears and delivers a brutal face-fucking which drives the spectators crazy. Adele describes the face-fucking to the blindfolded, sobbing Nina while Celeste forces Miranda to watch her Dad giving head better than she does which only decreases her Dad's statue in her eyes. After a couple of minutes; Bruce begins responding to his humiliation. His cock becomes erect inducing ruches laughter through out the room . Owen Smythe quips," I told you! The man can't get enough cock!" The laughter grows louder. Bruce becomes mesmerized by Abelard's cock in his mouth. At this moment; Bruce's ONLY goal is tasting Abelard's cum. Abelard grabs his ears; positions Bruce's eyes to stare into his eyes as he shoots a torrent of cum down Bruce's throat. Spectators surround Ringside as some of Abelard's cum dribbles out the corners of Bruce's mouth. The sight causes many to begin berating and spitting on Bruce. Abelard removes his cock from Bruce's mouth and commands him to face his family area and," JACK-OFF!" Nina's blindfold is removed so that she may watch the degradation .Bruce turns beet red; faces both families; begins to "wank off" with the crowd cheering in rhythm with Bruce's hand movement. Bruce shoots his cum onto the mat. Abelard immediately pushes Bruce's face into the puddle of cum and shouts," EAT IT -BITCH!" Bruce begins to lap it up as everyone laughs. As Bruce is lapping up his cum; Abelard gets behind him. Abelard delivers the "Final Blow". Abelard rams his cock deep into Bruce as if he is thrusting a saber into Bruce's very soul. Bruce screams but slowly begins to respond and push back against Abelard's throbbing cock. The crowd notice the shift as Abelard demonstrates his COMPLETE control over the arrogant American. Bruce begins panting and BEGGING for Abelard to fuck him harder. Nina and Miranda are appalled but strangely and guiltily aroused as Abelard completes the emasculation process that Owen and Alcott Smythe started. Abelard grabs Bruce by his hair; pulls back ; makes Bruce shoot a second load onto the mat as he shoots his "seed "deep into Bruce's ass .Abelard slams his face into the fresh puddle of cum making Bruce ingest every drop. Abelard has ONE FINAL humiliation. Abelard looks down at a broken Bruce and commands," CLEAN MY COCK -BOY!" The crowd applauds loudly as Bruce removes any fecal matter off Abelard's cock. Nina and Miranda attempt to look away but a pull on the leash by Adele and a firm slap by Celeste bring their eyes back to Bruce's "performance "in the Ring. In the process of cleaning Abelard's cock; Abelard shoots a third load of cum as an exclamation point! Bruce dutifully attempts to swallow every drop but begins to choke and sprays some of Abelard's at the spectators. Abelard instructs Pierre to take Bruce to the "Playroom". With that comment; Celeste leads her Miranda to the playroom for more "intense" activity. Adele blindfolds Nina; grabs the leash and leads Nina to the playroom to experience a higher level of submission. The Smythes discreetly make their way to the Descartes' Dungeon to assist in giving the Americans another chance in learning their place. The Jenkins have been bent, folded and mutilated in their Match. The Descartes along with the Smythes put the Jenkins through 48 hours of Hell. Due to the Jenkins physical and emotional state at the end of the 48 hour period; their third stop is in serious doubt as far as wrestling is concerned.