RUMBLE IN RIO - Part 6 BY C Send Comments to: European Championship Linda : 25 yrs. ; 5'6" ; 130# ; 36 - 23 - 35 Caprice: 25 yrs.; 5'8"; 140#; 38 - 26 - 37 Linda has been European Champion for two years. This is a record for any champion at her level to hold a title. She has watched Caprice's last 10 matches. She observed a cold-hearted bitch that asks for no mercy and will give none but is always smiling . Caprice has a deceptively easygoing manner, which her opponents mistake for weakness. Of her last 10 opponents ;only four are still wrestling. She ran six out of the business due to the severe physical and emotional beating she dished out . The sexual humiliation combined with the emotional and sexual domination of her victims also played a major part in those six wrestlers deciding they needed to do something else . Four of those six wrestlers had been various national champions . All six matches had stipulations that required servitude for the loser . She has six slaves for various lengths of time between three months ant ten months remaining on their agreement . Linda had thought this was going to be a cakewalk until she saw and analyzed the matches . A month before their match at Caprice's request , they had lunch .Caprice wanted them to be "best friends" . She insisted Linda refer to her as "Cappy" . Cappy signed autographs for 20 people during their lunch and enjoyed the celebrity status she had attained . She has quite a fan base due to the way she treats her fans . She had brought along one of her "slaves". He is an ex-Swiss Champion who had lost to Caprice five months earlier . He sat on the ground in only a Speedo with a collar and leash attached to him . She would absentmindedly toss him some food periodically . By the end of lunch ,Linda understood how people underestimated her . Cappy invited her back to her place to explore the joys of lesbian love . Linda declined but did give her kiss before they parted .Caprice enthusiastically embraced her , took control of the kiss and took her breath away . Linda walked to her car in a state of arousal due to the effects of that kiss . Caprice took hold of her leash and led her pet to her car confident that she would be adding a bitch to her pack of slaves very soon . As Linda sits in her dressing room alone . As Caprice had planned , Linda's thoughts continue to return to the kiss . She grabs and uses a dildo she has to "relieve " the tension . She lays on her couch satisfying herself thinking of making hot love with Caprice . As she climaxes and she regains control ; a chill comes over her .She realizes the person she is about to fight controls Linda's thoughts ! She begins to dress for the match and stops . She lays back down and meditates . Caprice is dressing for the match . She decides on a White Satin Thong with a White Body Stocking with Silk Snowflakes sewn onto the body stocking . She puts on White Paten Knee High Boots . She slips on White Elbow & Knee Pads . She finishes her looks with a White Lace Poncho . She uses a white scrunchy to secure her long brown hair .She demonstrates her satisfaction with what she sees in the mirror by kissing the mirror. Linda completes her meditation and feels centered . She completes her makeup and hair . She puts on a Silk Leopard Print Bra and V-String Panty Set . She puts on a matching Full Length Silk Kimono . She has decided to wrestle barefoot to increase her quickness . She wears a matching headband to keep her long blonde hair out of her eyes . She goes over her strategy but her thoughts keep reverting back to "the kiss ." Ted announces ," Our next match will be for the European Championship ." The crowd roars . Ted Continues," We will use a European Round System .There will be a modification to each round being SEVEN minutes in length with THREE minute rest periods . When a knockout occurs , there will be a FIVE-minute rest period before the next round . The match will be : TWO out of THREE falls ; no time limit and no D.Q. A SIXTY SECOND K.O. ONLY can win a fall ! As in all of the IWF matches , there is a reward for winning and a cost for losing . The reward for winning is winning both belts and both purses from the match . The cost of defeat is for Linda and her husband to be a sex slaves in Caprice's stable for two years ; plus loss of four of their five homes around the world and Caprice will become guardian for Linda's son and daughter for the two-year period . The cost of defeat for Caprice is : all six sex slaves in stable freed with property returned ; become Linda's maid and valet for two years ; Approve a wire transfer of 2.5 million dollars to Linda's bank account . " The crowd roar their approval Ted says ," Our contender tonight is the current Italian Champion . She has successfully defended her title 18 times . Her overall record in the IWF is : 64 wins and 2 losses . She is : 5'8" and weighs 140 # . She is 38-26-37 and all woman . Everyone welcome The Italian Goddess of Destruction - CAPRICE !! " He fans chant ,"CAPPY-CAPPY-CAPPY ! " Caprice strolls down the aisle waving to and kissing her fans . She reaches the ring and kisses Ted and Brenda . Caprices walks around the ring acknowledging the crowd and goes to her corner .Ted continues , " Her opponent is the current European Champion .She has successfully defended her titles 22 times .This is a record for the European Belt in the IWF. Her overall record is : 83 wins and 4 losses . She is from England . She is : 5'6" and weighs 130# . She is 36- 23-35 .Welcome your European Champion - LINDA !! " She runs toward the ring waving at the crowd . She reaches the ring and goes to her corner lost in her thoughts. She keeps asking why she signed such crazy stipulations that put her husband (Jerry)and kids ( Brandon & Amber) at risk . Both wrestlers are called to the center of the ring where the rules and stipulations are reviewed . Linda looks down at ringside where Jerry and the kids are in a Plexiglas enclosed hockey type penalty box with security to keep people away them and from her family escaping if they panicked . Caprice looks into Linda's eyes and sees - uncertainty . Brenda sends them back to their corners to await the bell . As Caprice walks back to her corner , she is pleased that her plan has come to fruition . She tricked Linda into agreeing to the special stipulations to distract her during the match . The bell rings for Round 1. Caprice comes out confidently to do battle . Linda comes out tentively . They lock up in the center of the ring . They push and shove each other from one side of the ring to the other . Each struggle to gain an advantage . Linda pushes Caprice into a corner and shoots a knee which Caprice blocks . Caprice throws a jab, which Linda blocks . Linda gains an advantage with a Twisting Arm Bar . She turns this into a Hammer Lock .Caprice back kicks Linda in the knee and scrapes her shoe down Linda's shin . Linda relaxes the hold and Caprice reverses it and trips Linda driving her face first to the mat with Caprice maintaining the Hammer Lock all the way down . She converts this into a Cross - Face Chicken Wing that elicits a loud scream from Linda . She secures her position and cinches it in . Linda is trapped with 3 minutes remaining in the First Round . After a minute , Caprice modifies the hold into The Crossface Crippler ! Brenda checks to see if Linda is passing out . Brenda is crying uncontrollably from the pain. She realizes she cannot escape , the match is K.O. only and she can only hope to wait for the bell . Spittle is running out the side of her mouth . Her eyes begin to lose focus as the bell rings ending Round 1 . Caprice turns a limp Linda to her back smiles and whispers ," Don't pass out on me . We have just started our Journey down the avenue of pain . I have so much more to show you . You and your entire family will know what pain is for the next 2 years . " Caprice licks Linda's face and returns to her corner leaving an opponent with a pain -racked body unable to return to her corner . Her second tends to her in the middle of the ring . She uses Acupressure on her neck and back . Linda tells her second , "My left foot is numb . " she works feverishly on Linda to help her regain the feeling in her foot . Linda struggles to regain her center by meditating . Her second helps her stand with 35 seconds left in the rest period . She begins to stretch to regain some mobility . The bell rings for Round 2 . Caprice attacks like a cat as the bell rang for Round 2 . Linda is in the center of the ring as Caprice knocks her to the mat with a Leg Sweep . Linda lands on her back knocking the breath out of her . Caprice quickly drops both knees on Linda's tits, which only makes it harder for Linda to catch her breath . Caprice picks Linda up by her hair and lifts her in preparation of a Body Slam . She walks to the edge of the ring , looks at Linda's husband , winks , mouths a kiss and tosses her out of the ring to the padded floor . Linda bounces three times and settles on her stomach stunned from the fall . Caprice climbs to the top of the Corner Post and executes an Extreme Frog Splash, which lands on Linda with devastating consequences . Linda is knocked unconscious . Caprice drags Linda to the Plexiglas enclosed area where Jerry , Brandon and Amber sit and watch with horror the punishment Linda is taking . She gets behinds Linda and begins to strip her in front of her kids . She finishes removing her panty and spreads Linda's legs for her kids to get a good look of where they came from . She picks Linda up as if she is going to Body Slam Linda but slams her into the Plexiglas and watches her slide down into a heap . Caprice grabs Linda by her hair ; holds her up facing her family ; rubs her hand over Linda's pussy and mouths another kiss at Linda's son . She throws Linda over her shoulder ; walks to the ring and tosses her like a sack of potatoes into the ring . As Caprice enters the ring Linda is coming around . Caprice pulls Linda to her feet , applies a Front Head Lock and executes a DDT, which knocks Linda out cold again . Brenda begins her count ," 1, 2,3 ... 57,58,59,60 ... YOU'RE OUT !! " As Brenda begins to raise her hand, Caprice stops her; bends down and kisses Linda's neck and whispers in her ear, " It is almost over baby girl." She stands back up and let Brenda raise her hand .She accepts the accolades of the crowd as she goes back to her corner . Ted from the timekeeper's desk says , " In 6 minutes and 11 seconds of the 2nd Round , the winner of the first fall is Caprice . " Linda's second and the doctor help her to her corner and prepare her for the next round . Caprice is giving seductive glances to Jerry and their son Brandon . She is making flirtatious faces at Amber their daughter . Linda slowly regains her senses . She realizes she is naked . Her strategy is to survive the next round and rebound in the 4th Round . The bell rings for Round 3. Caprice runs at Linda and catches her in the face with a Flying Drop Kick. Linda is knocked between the ropes and lands on the floor. The back of her head takes the brunt of the impact. She lays on her back staring blankly at the arena lights. Caprice sees that Linda is stunned and goes for the homerun. She climbs to the top of the ring post and attempts another Frog Splash. Linda draws her knees up at the last second and Caprice lands with a sickening " CRACK". She rolls off Linda's knees and curls up in a ball protecting her cracked ribs. Caprice moans from the searing pain in her chest and abdomen and struggles to get ANY molecule of air into her lungs. Linda's knees and shins are bruised from the impact of the Frog Splash. Linda knows she must fight through the fog and pain ; find and attack Caprice while she is incapacitated. Linda crawls towards Caprice. Linda staggers to her feet and drops an elbow into Caprice's ribs. Caprice's screams fill the Arena as she writhes on the mat. Linda picks Caprice up by her hair and runs her into the steel ring post. As Caprice crumples to the floor; Linda grabs her by her hair and rams her head into the ring post several times knocking her out and busting her forehead open. Linda picks Caprice up and slides her into the ring . As Caprice lays unconscious and bleeding, Brenda begins her count," 1-2-3- ... 58-59-60- YOU'RE OUT!! " Brenda raises Linda's hand as Ted announces ," In 5 minutes and 56 seconds of the 3rd Round ; the winner of the second fall is - Linda ! " Caprice's second and the doctor work frantically on Caprice . The doctor motions for Brenda . Brenda confers with the doctor and signals to Ted . He gets on his phone . He calls the paramedics and the Commissioner . Carl comes down to the ring as paramedics bring a stretcher into the ring to get a comatose Caprice . He consults with the doctor ; asks for the microphone and says ," The winner of the match is Linda due to Caprice inability to continue . Caprice has broken ribs , a punctured lung , broken nose , compound fractures to her skull , concussion and an inability to revive her . The doctor believes there are more injuries and must receive immediate medical treatment or risk permanent injuries or death . We will take a 30-minute break to clean and disinfect the ring and the area around the ring . Linda takes her belt and hugs her family who has been released from the Plexiglas enclosure . Jerry covers her with her robe and they go up the aisle to her dressing room .