Top Producer By A.J. Brown A simple housewife detests having to get a job until she meets a coworker who changes her life drastically **Note to my fans: I write Quick-Start Stories as well as detailed Custom Stories per my fans' request sent directly to your email. Please email if you are interested in getting more information on Quick-Start or Custom Stories** Pam was always a straight-A student in high school and when she went to college as a biology major she seemed to be on the path to a successful career. She made Dean's List every semester and with her achievements she could have easily gone on to medical school. But her senior year of college was when she met her future husband, Ed. Ed didn't go to her college, nor did he go to any college. He was a few years older than Pam was and he immediately started working in construction right after high-school. In his free time he would hang out on the college campus looking for girls. When he met Pam he stole her heart immediately. The two of them were in love. Ed proposed marriage to Pam before she even graduated college and she happily accepted. Ed didn't want his future wife to have to go through anymore schooling. She had worked hard enough and he worked hard so he could be a provider for both of them. Ed was to provide for the family while Pam lived it up as a housewife. Her family had always told her to pursue her career and be a doctor. She'd make a lot of money that way. She had pursued that based on the influence of her family. Now that Ed was around to take care of her, the housewife route seemed just fine to the simple girl. Things were great for a long time. Ed continued to make more money with every year that passed and Pam lived up the life as a free woman that could do what she wanted all day once the house was clean. The two of them didn't even have kids which gave her plenty of time to workout, hang out with the other wives that didn't work, and do whatever she wanted. But things changed drastically for Pam a little over twelve years after she graduated college, when Ed lost his job. The poor economy put him right out of work. He did his best to find more work and did end up finding another job rather quickly. But it didn't pay anywhere near what his previous job had paid. It wasn't anywhere near enough to pay their mortgage and both of their car payments. After twelve years of living the life of a housewife, Pam had to go to work. She was 34-years-old and even though she had a four-year biology degree where she had made the Dean's List every semester, that didn't do her any good now. No matter how good her college resume was, she had no work experience whatsoever in her field and too much time had passed where she could just rely on what she did in college to find a job in her field. Over time she could have found something, but they needed money immediately and time was something Pam didn't have. So she had to take the first job she could find which ended up being an administration worker at a local marketing company. Pam did not like her new job at all. It was owned by a couple of extremely wealthy cocky guys that were younger than she was. They had a bunch of male sales reps there that made good money, were extremely arrogant, and extremely immature. They all had to be under 30-years-old and most of them looked and acted like they were under 25. They were like a bunch of fraternity boys that dressed well and drove really nice cars. The women that worked there were not to Pam's liking either. They were all in their twenties and they were all much better looking than Pam was. They all held low paying administration jobs like Pam did and none of them were in sales or made good money. Yet they all dressed very sexy for work everyday and were as snobby as could be. They barely gave Pam the time of day. Pam didn't dress anything close to sexy when she was at work. She was a nerdy looking woman and liked to keep things professional. She always wore her glasses to work and never wore contacts. She had shorter blond hair that she never did anything special with. She did have fairly big boobs but she always wore shirts to hide that. She always wore pants instead of skirts so her legs were always hidden and she always wore shoes and socks so her feet and toes were always covered at work. A lot of the guys and girls at the office would sleep with each other too. Pam thought that was especially unprofessional of them. And some of them that were hooking up with each other were married to people that didn't work there. Pam found that kind of behavior inexcusable. But on top of everyone else that worked there that Pam didn't like, there was one extremely cocky jerk there that even the rest of the employees didn't like either. Aidan Barnes was his name. He was the top producing sales rep in the office. The owners always bragged about how great he was and how he worked hard and made over $200,000 a year. Pam thought about how this arrogant guy made much more money than her hard working husband and she resented him for that. The owners of the company were definitely the only people at the office that liked Aidan. Aidan walked around the office like he was far better than everyone. He never talked to anybody and always had this serious look on his face like he couldn't be bothered by anyone. He was always on the telephone closing sales and he just looked like the kind of guy that took his job so seriously that he didn't have any kind of personality whatsoever outside of his work. And Pam thought that was a shame because she thought Aidan actually would be an extremely good looking guy if he didn't look so rigid all of the time. He was a tall guy standing at about 6'2 but he was extremely lean and didn't seem to have any fat on his body whatsoever. The dress code at the office was business casual but Aidan was always very well dressed in a shirt and tie and his nice clothes were always perfectly ironed. But his arrogant and unfriendly attitude just made him extremely unattractive to Pam and her dislike for him was the only thing she had in common with all of the other jerks at the office. One morning Pam came into work and she was in an especially bad mood. It was that time a month for her and she was just thinking how she had worked so hard in college only to be stuck in a job making very little money where she had to work with all of these younger assholes that were better looking than her and they all made more money than her. Even the other women that worked in administration made more than her since they had been there longer. Pam heard one of the women at work bragging to her friends about how she had gotten a pedicure the night before and all the other women seemed so interested to hear about it. Pam missed the days where she had the time and money to just go get a pedicure. It was the absolute last thing she wanted to hear about right then and she felt like she was going to nuts. She got up to walk away from her desk and just had to clear her head for a minute. As she walked away she saw Aidan walking towards her. He was very well dressed that day, was walking with his chest out like he was just the king of the world, and he had that extremely serious look on his face that Pam just hated. She was in such a bad mood that she seriously considered just telling the jerk off right there. "Good morning, Pam" Aidan said to her very seriously with that deep voice of his. It was just a simple 'good morning' but it made Pam feel more flattered than she had in a long time. Her entire time working there not once had someone taken the time to even say 'hello' to Pam. And Pam and Aidan had never even been introduced yet he still knew her name. She had thought so negatively about him this entire time yet this top producer who made ten times the money that she did not only took the time to acknowledge this low one on the pole but he knew her name too. "Good morning, Aidan" Pam said back like a shy little girl and then he just walked right by her. He had completely made her day. After that happened, Pam made an effort to say 'hi' to Aidan whenever she could and would even small talk with him when she got the opportunity. He was still extremely busy and usually wouldn't say more than a few words to her. But it wasn't because he was rude by any means. He was simply a hard worker just trying to make a living. Pam respected that he was able to stay focused and work so hard and not get involved in any of the office politics or drama. One day Pam was standing by a fax machine that was near Aidan's desk as she was waiting for a fax to go through. Aidan was on a business phone call and he was so involved in it that he didn't even seem to realize that Pam was there. Pam stood by the fax machine listening to Aidan's conversation. "Well sir, I do understand where you are coming from on this" Aidan said seriously with that extremely deep voice of his. "My only objective here is to find a solution for you. Just tell me if this is worth further conversation. If so we can set up a time to meet about it and if not then we can respectfully part ways. Very well then. Good day, sir." Aidan then hung up the phone and immediately started doing some paperwork. It seemed like the person on the other end of the line had rejected him but Aidan didn't let it faze him at all and he just got right back to work. Pam let out a little giggle like she was a schoolgirl. It was then that she realized she had a little crush on Aidan Barnes. "You're all business" Pam said with a smile to Aidan. He looked a bit startled but then he looked over at her. And then he did something that Pam had never seen him do before. He cracked a little bit of a smile. It even looked like he was blushing a little bit. "Yeah, that's just how I am, I guess" he said back to her and he gave her a bit of an awkward smile. "That's awesome" Pam said with the smile still on her face. "How old are you if you don't mind me asking?" "I'm 23" Aidan said to her and he looked at the ground almost like he was shy. "Wow, you're really only 23?" Pam asked with genuine surprise. "I thought you were much older than that." "Oh thanks" Aidan joked and Pam realized that probably wasn't the most flattering thing to say. "No it's not that" Pam said to him. "It's not because you look old. You're just so ... mature." The two of them were now smiling at each other like two shy kids. There was a bit of an awkward silence. "You married?" she asked him and then she felt a bit more awkward after asking that. "Nope" he told her. "Just a single guy right now." Things felt even more awkward now and Pam wished she hadn't asked him that even though she had been wondering. "I gotta make some more calls" Aidan said to her with a smile still on his face and he picked up the phone. Pam and Aidan developed even a closer relationship after that. They'd talk even more and were really starting to get to know each other. Aidan still kept his businesslike demeanor but he would always talk to Pam a bit whenever he saw her. Each one of them was the only friend the other one had at the office. A few days later Pam walked by Aidan's desk when he wasn't at it. There was a Hershey bar sitting on his desk and it sure looked good. Pam had a sweet tooth and she wanted the candy bar. She didn't want to just take something from Aidan without asking him. If she didn't have a crush on him she wouldn't have done it. Pam ate the candy bar before Aidan came back to his desk. When she saw him going back to his desk she walked a little distance away from it. She saw him look for the candy bar and make the cutest look on his face when he realized it wasn't there. He quickly seemed to forget about it and he got back to business. He was so focused. Pam walked towards him with a smile on her face trying to look cute. "I ate your candy bar" she said to him proudly like she was trying to taunt him a bit in a teasing way. "Oh man" Aidan said with disappointment but he didn't seem angry. "Sorry, but it just looked so good" Pam said to him. "I'll bring you another in tomorrow." "I did really want that candy bar today" Aidan said to her like he was joking around as well. "I think I'm going to have to fight you after work about it." "Aidan!" Pam said a bit loudly with a surprised sounding laugh. She laughed a bit more and she could feel her face getting beat red. They had been getting along well but this was the first time that he said something that she interpreted as flirty. Pam thought it felt cool getting flirty vibes from someone who walked around looking so serious all of the time. But she also felt her pussy getting wet as she thought about what he said. Pam had been a quiet housewife for a long time and before that she was a nerdy college student. But back in middle school, junior-high, and even her first year of high-school, Pam had been quite the tomboy. At that age she was always the girl that could beat most of the boys she knew in arm-wrestling and back then she always used to beat up a few boys every year just because she could. Once she got to be a sophomore in high school she had stopped that behavior because the boys were getting stronger and being a tomboy wasn't the most popular way to be after awhile. But the thought of beating up another guy was still always something that excited her. She repressed that and didn't tell anyone since she figured it probably wouldn't help her image too much and college and she never thought her macho husband would like her thinking about that. He just wanted to see her as a sweet, helpless woman. Not to mention the fact that once she got older, the guys had gotten bigger and most of them would be able to take her. But Pam looked at Aidan. He was 6'2 but probably weighed less than 165 pounds. He only outweighed Pam by probably twenty pounds and he was close to ten inches taller than she was. Even now that she was back at work, Pam was still running a few miles a day and she always took spinning and cardio kickboxing classes. She was a short girl but she was in great shape and definitely had some muscle on her. Aidan was nothing but skin and bones. And even though he walked and talked like he was a tough guy Pam was smart enough to know it was all a cover and that this guy probably had never been in a fight in his life. He was a grown man and she was just a woman but she just knew that she could take him. The thought of beating up this wealthy and confident businessman made her as horny as hell. "Well I guess I'll be seeing you after work then" Pam said with a smile but also like she meant what she was saying. "I guess you will" Aidan said back and although he was smiling Pam could tell that she had made him just a tad bit nervous. Throughout the rest of the day Pam felt excited and completely charged. It had been a long time since she had beaten up a boy and just thinking about beating up Aidan made her feel fifteen years younger. She figured that he was just kidding about what he had said to her but the kid had said something and Pam planned on holding him to what he said. The end of the work day came and everyone rushed out the door, probably to make sure they got to happy hour to enjoy the drink specials. Pam was normally out the door just as fast as the rest of them just because she hated being in that office. Aidan was always the last one to leave since he was such a hard worker. This day Pam had stuck around and she and Aidan were the only two left at the office. She walked up to his desk confidently and Aidan looked startled when he saw her there. "Oh, hey Pam" he said to her. "Not used to seeing you here this late." "Well hey, you said you wanted to fight me after work" Pam said to him confidently. "So here I am and I'm ready." Aidan laughed extremely uncomfortably and Pam loved that she could make him feel like that. "Um Pam, I was kind of just kidding about that" Aidan said and it was clear that he felt very uneasy. "Well be careful what you joke about" Pam said and she crossed her arms at her chest confidently. "Cause now you're getting called out on it." "Come on Pam, I like you" he said. "I don't want to really fight you." "We're just going to fight for the fun of it" Pam said to him. "Just some fun between two friends. No hard feelings at the end. It will be a good time. You're not afraid of me, are you?" "No, I'm not afraid" he said very defensively and Pam really enjoyed that she had gotten to his male ego. "Well then let's go for it" Pam said. "You and me. A fair fight with a handshake at the end. We'll see which one of us is better. Come on." Aidan just shook his head with a smile and Pam took that as his acceptance. Pam couldn't believe this was actually going to happen and she felt her pussy getting extremely wet. "Come on" Pam said and she put her right arm on a nearby desk in the arm-wrestling position. "Let's arm-wrestle first. Be a nice little warm-up to see who has a stronger arm." "You're crazy" Aidan said with a smile as he walked over to accept her challenge and he locked hands with her. "I guess we'll see" Pam said and she could almost tell just by his weak grip of his soft hand that she was going to beat him. "You might find out that I'm not as crazy as you think. One, two, three, go!" The match began and Pam immediately took control bringing down Aidan's arm. She looked at the look of surprise and humiliation in the eyes of the wealthy young man wearing a light blue button-down shirt and a silver tie that matched it perfectly. Her pussy got wetter as she brought his arm down more and felt just how weak his arm felt. "Having some trouble against the older lady?" Pam teased as she brought his arm down more. Aidan gave her a bit of a disappointed look that she was teasing him but she just looked back like she didn't care. She chuckled with a womanly sounding chuckle as she brought his arm down more. She could see the embarrassment in his eyes as she brought his arm down the rest of the way for the victory. "Well, well, well, Mr. Top Producer" Pam teased some more. "Looks like you need to stop working so much and get yourself to the gym." "Yeah well I guess I should go right now then" Aidan said back and he stood up to walk away. "Oh no, no" Pam said as she looked at him with a confident smile. "We still have one more score to settle here." "You really want to do this?" Aidan asked her. "Really?" "You bet I do" Pam said and she eagerly stood up. "You said you wanted to fight me after work. Now man up and back up your words. We'll take this outside." Pam proudly walked outside next to Aidan who wasn't walking so confidently anymore. They were walking out of the building to go out and fight, with Pam looking excited and Aidan looking scared. It was just like an old schoolyard situation where the two were going out to fight, the one who knew they were going to win looked confident, and the weaker party looked afraid. They stood outside the building across from each other. Pam looked so much shorter than Aidan but she looked so much more confident than him. She looked so nerdy with her glasses on, her white long sleeved-top, and her black pair of long pants. She took off her glasses and raised her fists. Aidan looked nervous once she did it. "Wait, we're not going to be punching are we?" he asked her. "Well that's what a fight is, isn't it?" Pam asked him. "You fight, you punch. Stop being a pussy and put 'em up." Aidan reluctantly raised his fists and Pam could tell just by the way he was holding them that he had no clue how to fight. She got a smile of amusement on her face but she also stayed serious enough like she was ready to go. She was going to beat this kid up and enjoy doing it. Pam threw a jab right at Aidan's ribs that she was able to connect with easily. She threw another one and it him right in the ribs again. Aidan winced every time she hit him. She then grabbed him by the collar of his shirt that probably cost him at least eighty dollars and pulled his head down closer to her level. She punched him in the face with her other hand three times. Since she was still a smaller woman her punches weren't going to injure him or anything but they were definitely enough to sting him and then sting his ego at the same time. He looked so helpless. Pam finally let go of his shirt and backed up a couple of steps. "Come on!" she challenged with a bit of intensity in her voice. "Gonna fight back here or what?" She briefly held her arms away from her face like she was going to let Aidan throw a punch back at her. Poor kid clearly had no idea what he was doing. He threw a punch at her face and she just smiled as she backed up and missed. He threw another punch with the same result. The punch looked so weak she probably could have taken it anyway. He threw another one and she grabbed his arm, pulled him in close to her, and punched him two more times in the face. Pam backed away and she was brimming with confidence since she was kicking Aidan's ass and there wasn't a thing that he could do about it. She waited to see if he'd attack and he wouldn't even do it. So she went at him again, pulled his head down to her level by his collar, and put him in a headlock. She started giving him a noogie to humiliate him. Aidan waved his arms around desperately but the much taller guy couldn't do anything to get out of the strong headlock that Pam had him in. She wrestled him down and now the two of them were wrestling each other on the ground. She was easily able to wrestle the weak guy right on his back and then pin his shoulders down with her legs. She crossed her arms at her chest and looked down at him proudly. He had such a whiny look on his face. "What's the matter, wimpy boy?" she teased very confidently. "Getting beat up by an old lady? You walk around this office like your so bad-ass but it turns out deep down inside that you're nothing but a pussy, aren't you?" "I never knew you were like this" Aidan said to her sounding upset. "I never knew you were like this at all." "Yup, you probably just thought I was some nerdy older woman" Pam said and then she slapped him right in the face. "Just thought I was some nerdy, quiet older woman. Well it looks like you don't know as much as you thought." She giggled with a schoolgirl sounding giggle and then she slapped him in the face. "You pussy" she said to him with a demeaning tone in her voice. Pam slapped him in the face a couple of more times and watching his reaction as she did it was making her horny so she slapped him some more even harder. She saw his eyes starting to water up and now her pussy was really getting wet. If she could make this grown man cry it would make her year. She started slapping Aidan in the face harder and she had an evil smile on her face while she did it. She watched as he pathetically tried to block his face to protect it and she would just easily move his hands out of the way and hit him some more. His face was red and his eyes were watering up even more. Pam was moaning with extreme sexual satisfaction as she hit him and she didn't care if he realized it or not. Pam slapped him some more while she held him down helplessly and she could tell by the look on his face that he was just about there. She gave him a couple of more hard smacks and it happened. The wealthy, confident top producer started crying like he was a child. Pam finally stopped hitting him but she yanked his hair "Give up?" she asked. "Yes, I give up!" he whined and she just loved hearing him whine like that. Pam looked down at Aidan who was still crying and he wouldn't even look at her. She still had him pinned down on his back under her complete control. He did say he gave up but Pam then thought of another fantasy she had that she had never done to anyone in her life. This was her chance to do it and she knew she may never get the chance again. Pam started taking off the black shoes that she was wearing. Aidan still wouldn't look at her so he didn't see what she was doing. She pulled her shoes off to look at the black socks that she was wearing. She pulled her socks off and looked at her somewhat chubby feet with her toenails that weren't even painted. Her feet just looked like they had a rough day and needed attention. Aidan now saw what she was doing and she loved the look of surprise that immediately appeared on his face. "Pam, what are you doing?!" he asked her. "You're going to worship my feet, you little bitch" Pam said with satisfaction. "What??" Aidan asked. But Pam didn't give him time for any more discussion about it. She moved herself so instead of pinning him down with her knees she sat on his chest and then she put her bare feet right in his face. It was by far the most amazing feeling she ever felt as she looked at the helpless guy at the complete mercy of her feet. "Smell them" Pam said to him. "Go ahead. Take a big whiff." Aidan whined and turned his face away at first but Pam slapped him in the face with her bare foot a couple of times and he realized he had no choice. He took a big sniff and Pam chuckled when he did so. He got a look on his face like he didn't like the smell and that just made Pam happier. "Oh Pam, they smell" he said to her. "I bet they do" she said and she pushed them in his face some more. "I've been walking around working hard all day. They've had a long day to get a strong foot smell to them. Now kiss them." "Pam ... " Aidan started to object but she slapped him in the face with her foot again and he immediately obeyed. Pam continued to sit on him feeling like she was on top of the world as the well-dressed, attractive man lay under her and kissed her feet. She rubbed her feet in his face some more as he did so and then she even started sticking them in his mouth. Aidan looked so completely frustrated and humiliated but there wasn't thing he could do about it and he just had to keep kissing her bare feet. "When can I stop this?" he asked her desperately. "Shut up" she said sounding completely under control as she smacked his face with her foot again. "You'll stop when I say you can stop. Don't ask me any more questions. And give my feet a good lick every once in awhile too." Pam watched Aidan stick his tongue out and when she felt his tongue running across the sole of her foot it was too much for her to handle. She felt like she was about to cum and she couldn't wait for that to happen. What she did next she figured was probably crossing the line but she didn't care. "Close your eyes" she said to him with a bossy tone and she slapped his face with her foot again. "Why?" Aidan asked her nervously. "I told you no more questions!" Pam said angrily and she slapped his face with her foot as hard as ever. "But it's because I want you to experience my feet without looking at them. That will help you experience the smell and taste of them some more. Now do it and don't open your eyes until I say you can." Aidan closed his eyes like an obedient little bitch and sniffed, kissed, and licked Pam's feet. As quietly as she could, Pam undid her pants and stuck her hand down them. She just couldn't resist. She started fingering herself as she watched and felt Aidan worshipping her bare feet and it felt incredible. She worked her own clit as she watched the wimp worship her feet with his eyes closed like a little bitch. If this resulted in her getting fired somehow she didn't care. It would be well worth it. She even started moaning a little bit as she fingered herself some more and this was better than any sex she had ever had. It didn't seem like Aidan had any idea what she was doing and even if he did she figured that he wouldn't want to admit that he knew anyway. Pam moaned a bit more at the completely awesome feeling. She started working her own pussy harder and harder. She felt herself cum and it felt so spectacular. She wiped her hand that she used right on Aidan's nice shirt and then zipped her pants back up. "OK, you can open your eyes now" she said to him. She got off of him and sat next to him. The look of complete humiliation and defeat on his face was priceless. She put her socks back on and then started putting her shoes back on. She looked down at Aidan and she giggled. He was just staring straight up. Pam stood up and looked right down at him. "You know, the other day I heard one of those princess girls, I don't even know what her name is, at the office talking about how she got a pedicure and how good it felt" Pam said to him. "Hearing her talk about it really made me want one. So guess what. You're going to give me one. I'll see you right here this time tomorrow and you can give me a pedicure." Saying that seemed to break Aidan out of his daze and he looked up at her angrily. "Yeah OK" he said to her. "I promise you that's not going to happen." "Oh, I'm pretty sure it will" Pam said with an amused tone in her voice. "Because if you don't do it I'm going to invite a couple of those sexy young ladies that work here to watch me beat you up after work. You want the girls to see you get beat up by the old lady here?" "You do that and you'll get fired" Aidan said to her with malice in his voice. "I'm a legend here and the owners would do anything for me. You do try that and you can kiss your job goodbye." "Eh, that's OK" Pam said not sounding worried at all. "I hate this job anyway. But I don't think you will do it. Your cocky bosses there aren't going to think quite as much of you if they know you're getting bullied by a woman. No matter how much money you are making them I don't think their egos would let them be aligned with you after that. In fact, why don't I just tell the owners myself that I'm bullying you and they can even come see for themselves?" Aidan looked like he wanted to say something really mean but Pam knew he had nothing. "I don't even know how to give a pedicure!" Aidan said loudly with frustration. Pam got the proudest smile on her face now that she knew she had him right where she wanted him. "That's what the internet is for" she said. "Better do your homework on that tonight because if I don't get a pedicure from you tomorrow you're going to be in big trouble." Pam looked down at Aidan some more. He looked upset, humiliated, and speechless. There was nothing he could say and they both knew that he'd be giving her a pedicure the next day after work. Pam chuckled at him one more time before she walked away and left him lying on the ground. "Pam, why are you doing this to me??" Aidan yelled at her desperately and he sounded like he was about to cry again. "I thought we were friends!" Pam turned around and looked at Aidan who lay on the ground looking extremely upset. She liked him, she really did. But using him for her own sexual fantasies was much more beneficial to him than having him as a friend. And she had a husband that she loved so she couldn't be in an actual relationship with Aidan either. Things had to be the way they were. She took a few steps closer to Aidan. "Well maybe you were wrong about that" she said and she gave him a light kick in the side. "Or maybe I'm just a bitch and this is how I treat my friends. Like I said before, you don't know as much about me as you thought you did. Now stop asking me questions. The only question you should be asking me is what my favorite color of toenail polish is. The answer to that is red. You better get up off your ass soon and get home so you can learn how to give me a good pedicure." Aidan lay on the ground looking shocked and Pam proudly walked away. Pam got home that night before Ed did and she was feeling as horny as could be again. This time she needed sex as opposed to just pleasuring herself. She got dressed in one of her sexy outfits and looked at her fit body in the mirror - the fit body that had just beaten up Aidan. She anxiously waited for Ed to come home. When he got home she ran out to the living room and grabbed her big, strong husband. He felt so much stronger than Aidan did. She looked at him with a sexy look and pulled him towards their bedroom. Ed did not mind at all and he looked quite excited. She pulled his clothes off and then stripped naked herself. She had never been prouder of her body. "Fuck me" she said to her husband eagerly. "Fuck me hard!" She lied on the bed and spread her legs for him. She couldn't dominate her strong husband and she wasn't even going to try to. She felt his large cock go inside her pussy and she let out a moan of pleasure. Her fucked her hard and she just closed her eyes and let him do whatever she wanted to do. She thought about Aidan the entire time. **Email for more information on my Quick-Start or Custom Stories**