The Foot-Fetish Club by My alarm clock went off bright and early, the sun shined into my room, and I jumped out of bed, excitedly, ready to start the day. I peeked out my dorm room into the hallway and saw the 2 beautiful feet displayed in the Foot-Fetish Club display case. They were without a doubt the most beautiful pair of feet on campus. I would have to say they were the most stunning 2 feet I have ever seen in my life. They were nice and tan and they looked so soft and so pure. They even shined a little bit. Attached to the two feet were 10 sexy toes which were long, but not too long. They were just sexy enough to compliment those stunning feet. The sexy toes had toenails which were polished beautifully with shiny red toenail polish which shined wonderfully under the hallway lights. They were not only my favorite feet in the world but they were my 2 favorite things that existed. Attached to these magnificent feet was a girl named Jessica who I knew nothing about. I believe I heard one time that Jessica was an incredibly attractive girl who had great legs, a great smile, long brown hair, and a great personality. However, I did not know anything about her looks or personality nor did I care to know. The only thing I cared about were the sexy, sexy feet that were attached to her. Being able to look at those gorgeous feet every day was what made life worth living and they were all that mattered to me. I took one last look at the beautiful feet and the sexy toes, shining in the light. This brought a smile to my face so I got in the shower and got myself ready to face the day. I got dressed and now it was time to go to my classes. Before I went to class I decided to take one last peek at the lovely feet. Much to my dismay the beautiful feet were gone! I immediately ran down to the Foot-Fetish Club emergency office to report the incident so the Foot-Fetish Club investigation team could quickly get to the bottom of it. I went to my classes but obviously I couldn't think straight, I had enough on my mind. After my classes I rushed back to the Foot-Fetish Club emergency office to see how the Foot-Fetish Club investigation was going and was shocked when I got there. Now try and stay in your seat when I tell you this but, yes, they had brought out the Foot-Fetish Club investigation dogs, yes, only they would be able to get to the bottom of this. We had an exciting journey around campus but eventually the dogs were able to track down a dorm room in the corner of a dormitory. We busted in and couldn't believe what we saw. It was the president of the college Foot-Fetish Club. She was just putting a fresh coat of toenail polish on Jessica's breathtaking toenails and she had wanted it to be a surprise for all of us. How silly we had all been!!! The president finished painting Jessica's toenails, put Jessica's spectacular feet and toes back in the Foot-Fetish Club display case, and they sat their and shined more beautifully than ever. The End!