Physical By A.J. Brown A high-school bully and a high-school nerd meet again, years after graduation, in an unusual circumstance **Note to my readers: I write Quick-Start Stories as well as detailed Custom Stories per your request sent directly to your email. Please email me at if you are interested in getting more information on Quick-Start or Custom Stories** Matt stood in line at the doctor's office waiting to sign-in for his appointment for his physical. He was 31-years-old. It had been over eleven years since his previous physical. He knew he was supposed to get one every five years but he had been putting it off. He looked down at his body and that was the reason he had been putting off going to the doctor. In high-school he was a tall, skinny kid, but he had gained a lot of weight since then. His arms and legs were still fairly skinny and they weren't much bigger at all than they were when he was in high school. All of the weight he had put on had gone straight to his belly. He also smoked over a pack of cigarettes a day. He walked up to the desk to check in with the receptionist. "OK" the receptionist said to him and she handed him a clipboard with some sort of questionnaire on it. "Just fill this out and bring it back to me. Then we can send you back to see Dr. McLoughlin." Matt didn't know who any Dr. McLoughlin was. He had scheduled his appointment with his own doctor, Dr. Baird. "No, no, no" Matt said to the receptionist and he said it a bit rudely. "I scheduled the appointment with Dr. Baird." "Dr. Baird has been retired for over three years now" the receptionist said back also with a bit of an attitude. "Dr. McLoughlin has taken all of his patients." Matt sat down filling out the questionnaire he had to fill out that asked him just about every possible detail of his life. He didn't like the idea that he wasn't seeing Dr. Baird anymore. He didn't like change. It also made him feel old to know that the doctor he had last had retired. He finished up the questionnaire and gave it back to the receptionist. Almost immediately, a female nurse led him back to the back room to be seen. "Strip down to your underwear" the nurse said to Matt as she walked out of the room. "Dr. McLoughlin will be back to see you shortly." The nurse left and she closed the door behind her. Matt started taking his clothes off and he was glad that this wasn't something the nurse had to be in the room for. It was bad enough that his new doctor was surely going to lecture him on his weight and he definitely did not want a woman in there to see his pathetic figure. Matt sat in the doctor's office trying not to look down at his body or even look in the mirror that was in there. The door to the room opened and he was extremely embarrassed when a young woman walked in. She had to be a nurse and Matt was angry that a nurse was walking in there when he was supposed to be seeing his doctor. The woman was short, not more than 5'2. She looked even younger than Matt was and Matt felt old again seeing girls younger than him as nurses. Her face was fairly cute but she also looked pretty nerdy. Something about her face made it seem to Matt like she should be wearing a thick pair of glasses. The woman wore a button-up plaid red shirt. She actually looked dressed pretty casually wearing a pair of jeans as well. Matt noticed that her legs were extremely thick. He couldn't tell if that was fat or muscle since she was wearing jeans but her legs were much thicker than his was. She wore navy blue socks and pair of penny loafers. She actually had on a stethoscope and she was carrying a small laptop computer. She closed the door behind her as she walked in the room. "Are you another nurse?" Matt asked and he wished he had something he could cover himself with as he sat there in his boxers. The girl laughed. "No, I'm not a nurse" she said as she sat down her laptop. "I'm Doctor McLoughlin." Matt felt extremely embarrassed and he could feel himself blushing. Dr. McLoughlin gave him a look like she was a bit offended that he just assumed she was a nurse because she was a woman. She just looked so young. That was more the reason than any that he didn't think for a second that she could be his doctor. "Oh, OK" Matt said and he figured he better not apologize or that could make the awkwardness worse. "I'm Matt." "I know who you are" Dr. McLoughlin said and she still had a bit of attitude in her voice. "High school. Figures that you wouldn't remember someone as insignificant as me." But when she said that, Matt knew exactly who she was. Now he knew why he saw her and pictured her with a thick pair of glasses on her face. It was Carolyn Hofmann from his high school. She was a grade below him and was a big time nerd. She was one of the smartest students in her class but she was a major nerd. "Carolyn!" Matt said. He said it with a bit of excitement like he was happy to see her but she didn't give the same kind of warm response back. "You'll call me 'Doctor'" she said to him sternly as she started wrapping the blood pressure machine around his arm and pumping it up. "It's not Carolyn to you, it's 'Doctor'". "Don't doctors normally keep their maiden names for professional purposes?" Matt asked her back as she released the air from the blood pressure machine. "I got married before I got my doctorate" Carolyn said back to him as she loosened the Velcro and took it off of his arm. "So I've always been 'Doctor McLoughlin' professionally. Yup, I got married real young. My husband's a doctor too. We both make a lot of money. I read over that questionnaire that you filled out. Saw you work in customer service for Verizon. I bet between the two of us, my husband and I bring in over ten times what you do in a year." Matt had no idea how he should react to that. Carolyn pulled the little light off the wall and started looking in Matt's ear with it. "I saw that you're single too" Carolyn continued as she looked into his other ear with the light. "31-years-old and you still haven't found yourself a woman yet. And by looking at your body I know that no one is just having sex with you casually. My husband and I have great sex almost every night of the week. I'll bet you that you haven't been laid in over a year." Now Carolyn had really struck a nerve as she continued to look into Matt's ear. She was absolutely right. It had actually been close to a year and a half since he had had sex and it wasn't something he wanted to be reminded of. He was infuriated that this little nerd was using her position to verbally bully him the way she was. Matt was a bully in high school. He picked on the nerds all of the time. He'd pick on Carolyn a lot. He had beaten up a couple of her friends that were boys. He remembered one time he beat up one of Carolyn's friends, Jerry, out in the courtyard after school. Carolyn actually stood there and watched and started to cry at her friend getting beaten. It gave Matt such satisfaction knowing he could upset them both like that. It was a long time ago but Matt still hadn't forgotten that feeling of power. But they were adults now and there was no place for that. Matt was paying for this doctor's appointment and he shouldn't have to listen to Carolyn's abuse. He was really tempted just to go off on the little geek but he decided it wasn't worth it. He'd just get through this appointment and switch doctors afterwards. "Say 'ah'" Carolyn said to Matt as she shined the light in his mouth. Carolyn then took the stethoscope and put it on different parts of his back asking him to cough periodically as she did it. As she moved the stethoscope down his body and examined him, he could tell that she was smirking a bit at his big beer belly. She was really testing his patience and Matt really had to bite his tongue. "Drop your pants" Carolyn said about Matt's boxer shorts. She had a very bossy tone in her voice that Matt didn't appreciate at all. She even made a motion with her hand for him to drop them which Matt definitely did not like. He knew it was a physical and it was something he had to do but he did not like the way she said it. It almost felt like she was talking to him like he was her bitch. "Let's go" Carolyn said impatiently. "Drop 'em!" Matt looked at her like he couldn't believe the way she was talking to him. But Carolyn looked right back at him with those eyes of hers, that actually were quite pretty now that Matt was seeing them without a thick pair of lenses in front of them, and she had a look in her eyes like she wasn't messing around. What choice did Matt have? He dropped his boxer shorts like Carolyn said. Matt looked at himself as he pulled down his underwear and he saw his cock just hanging there. Carolyn looked at his dick and she laughed. Matt had had enough and he wasn't going to be quiet and just take this anymore. "What are you laughing at?" he asked her angrily. "What do you think I'm laughing at?" Carolyn said with an amused look on her face and then she actually gently lifted his cock up a little bit with her fingers. "Your dick is tiny! This is probably the smallest one I've ever seen." Carolyn took her fingers off of Matt's dick and he was enraged to say the least. He couldn't believe that she had just said that and he couldn't believe that she touched him inappropriately the way she had. He did know that his dick was pretty small so he felt extremely insulted. He wasn't going to just sit there and put up with it any longer. "Who is your supervisor?" Matt asked angrily and Carolyn just smiled at him some more. "Why?" Carolyn asked back with a smug look on her face. "You gonna tell on me? Gonna be a tattle-tale just like you called the people in school that would tell on you when you hurt their feelings?" "Just tell me who your supervisor is" Matt said sternly like he wasn't messing around. "I don't have a supervisor, you idiot" Carolyn said back to him and she continued to amaze him with her behavior. "I'm the doctor here. I tell people what to do, it's not the other way around." "There's gotta be someone that I can notify if I'm not happy with the way you're treating me" Matt said back to her angrily. "There's a survey that will be emailed to you after this about your experience" Carolyn said back. "That's your chance to say what your gripes are. And guess what. I'm very respected around here, so when they ask me about it I'll deny whatever you say. All that will happen is you'll get switched to a different doctor and you'll be letting even more people know about your tiny little dick." Carolyn then put her hand on the inside of Matt's thigh. Her hand was almost touching his balls. "Now cough!" Carolyn said to him as she looked him right in the eyes with her pretty blue eyes. Matt was speechless. He coughed. Carolyn then removed her hand and put it on the inside of his other thigh. He now felt his cock starting to get hard as he felt Carolyn's hand there. He knew that was just going to make Carolyn pick on him some more so he tried to think of anything else but his dick continued to get harder. "Cough" Carolyn said to him and Matt coughed again. Carolyn then pulled her hand off of his thigh. "Now get your underwear back up before you make a mess right here" Carolyn said to him and Matt felt himself blushing again as he did what he was told. Carolyn then pulled out that device used to test reflexes on your knees. As she held it in her hand Matt realized that he didn't know what any of the medical equipment that was used for a physical was called. The last thing he was going to do was ask her and subject himself to further ridicule. Carolyn hit Matt on the left knee with it to test his reflexes. She then tapped him on the other knee with it. She then hit him on the same knee with it extremely hard. She looked at Matt like she dared him to say something then hit him hard in the knee with it again. Matt didn't say a word. He was going to let this little geek feel powerful and then never have to see her again. She looked at him with satisfaction then she put the device away. "OK, you can get dressed" Carolyn said as she picked up her laptop and got ready to walk out. "I'm done here." "Wait a minute" Matt said to her. "This was a physical. Don't you have anything to tell me about my health??" Carolyn smiled at him like he was stupid. "Well you're quite overweight and it's all in your stomach which is especially bad, not to mention your lungs sound horrible because of how much you smoke" Carolyn said to him. "But as dumb as you are, I'm sure you know that and whether I tell you it's unhealthy or not you're going to keep doing it anyway so there's no point. You're life is probably more than halfway over already and I'm sure you'll die lonely. Have a nice day and thanks for coming in!" Carolyn opened the door and started to walk out of the room. "Wow, are you lucky that we're at a doctors' office right now" Matt said to her without making any attempt to hide the anger in his voice. "And why is that??" Carolyn asked. She walked back in the room, closed the door shut hard, set down her laptop and got right in Matt's face like she wanted to fight him. "I don't care if you're a girl" Matt said to her. "If we weren't in a public building I'd knock your block off for acting like the way you have been." "Then why don't you go ahead and do it" Carolyn said back. "I get out of work at 4:30 today. Meet me at our high-school courtyard at 5 p.m. We'll settle this just like you always wanted to settle everything in high-school." "Oh please" Matt said to her with just a little bit of fear and hesitation in his voice. "That's easy for you to say right here. You know you can't take me." "I know I can" Carolyn said confidently. "You were bigger than most people in high school but you haven't grown at all since then and any weight you've gained is only in that beer belly of yours. Look at how much bigger my legs are than your chicken legs there. I know I can take you. I know science and I know there is not a chance that you could beat me up looking at how skinny your arms and legs are. But if you want to try, let's meet in the courtyard at 5 o'clock and settle this. That is, unless you're a chicken!" Carolyn crossed her arms at her chest and looked at Matt which such a smug look that Matt just wanted to punch right off of her face. "Alright" Matt said and Carolyn kept eye-contact with him like she wasn't messing around. "I'll see you there are 5 o'clock." It was 4:55 p.m. Matt stood in the courtyard waiting for Carolyn to arrive and wondering if she would. He looked around and the scene sure brought back memories. Many fights had occurred out in this courtyard. The winners always felt powerful. The losers not only got hurt but they had to deal with the humiliation that the winner got the best of them and that probably took a long time to go away if it ever truly did. 5 o'clock came and Carolyn wasn't there. Two more minutes passed and there was still no sign of her. Matt had initially felt just a bit nervous but he started to relax as he continued to stand there with no Carolyn in sight. He should have known she wouldn't show up. She was talking like she was so tough back at the office but it didn't surprise him that she wasn't going to back it up. It was now 5:05 and Matt wasn't going to wait around any longer. He did his part to show up and he really didn't want to stand there waiting for her anymore. But just when he was about to leave, he heard a car pulling up. He saw a silver Lexus SVU pulling up towards the courtyard and he was embarrassed as the nice car pulled next to his Oldsmobile Alero that was rusting a little bit. The Lexus parked and he watched Carolyn get out of the drivers' side. She walked towards him and she was wearing a thick pair of nerdy looking glasses. She now looked a lot more like the nerd that he went to school with. She wore a blue t-shirt and the way her boobs were bouncing around it looked like she didn't have a bra on. Carolyn wore a short pair of grey shorts and the jeans she was wearing back at the office had actually hidden the size of her legs quite a bit. The short woman's legs were extremely big. They weren't really fat or really muscular but a combination of both and they were just extremely large. They were very pale and they were much bigger than Matt's. Matt couldn't get his eyes off Carolyn's big legs as she walked towards him and now he was quite a bit intimidated. She was younger than him, much shorter than him, she was a nerd, and she was a woman. But those legs were huge and Matt was starting to have doubts if he'd be able to beat her up. He hated that he had those doubts but he had them. Carolyn wore black socks that were pulled up her lower legs almost halfway. She wore a white pair of sneakers. "I didn't think you'd actually show up" Carolyn said as she walked towards Matt. "You might have a small dick but I'll give it to you that you have some balls. You're pretty damn stupid but you do have some balls. Let me just put my contacts in." Matt watched as Carolyn took off the thick glasses she was wearing and set them down on a nearby bench. Since Carolyn obviously had her contacts in at the office, Matt wondered why she had bothered taking them out for such a short amount of time. In the old days when they'd fight after school, the students that wore glasses would take them off and set them on the bench. As Carolyn put her contacts in it seemed to Matt like she was trying to relive those days by setting her glasses on the bench. "Alright" Carolyn said as she confidently looked Matt in his eyes. "Ready?" Carolyn put up her fists and danced around a little bit. The fight was on and there was no turning back now. Matt got ready to fight back. He looked at Carolyn and how much shorter she was than him. He had quite the height advantage and that was definitely something he knew he needed to use to his advantage. Matt went right at Carolyn and he put her in a headlock. He had little trouble getting her in the hold and once he tightened it he felt a lot more confident. He could feel how strong the headlock that he had on her was and she was clearly having trouble getting out of it. Matt had control and he planned on keeping it that way. Matt tried to bring Carolyn to the ground but she planted her legs. He tried harder but he quickly learned that her legs were definitely even stronger than they looked. He could see her leg muscles flexing and she definitely had some muscle definition in them. He became frustrated and started to quickly run out of breath. As the two of them continued to wrestle, Carolyn was able to get Matt in a headlock as well. Her headlock was not as tight as his was but in order to try to get free from her headlock, Matt would have had to abandon the one that he had her in. He feared that if he did that, Carolyn would bring him down before he could do anything else so he didn't let go. The two of them both continued to struggle to overpower the other one. Matt had the upper-body strength advantage but Carolyn's leg strength was becoming much more of a problem for him. She was trying to use her lower body to bring him down. Matt tried his best to plant his legs to prevent that from happening but his legs were much weaker and it was becoming increasingly difficult for him. Carolyn's leg strength finally became too much for Matt and she threw him to the ground. She got such a good throw on him that it forced him to let go of the headlock he had on her and he hit the ground hard. The fall shook him up and he felt his eyes water up. Before Matt could even react to what had happened, Carolyn jumped on top of him and pinned his shoulders down with her powerful legs. He now had a close-up view of those amazingly powerful legs as they held his weak body on the ground. He tried to push her legs away but they were like steel and it did no good. He slapped at them and Carolyn sat there like she couldn't even feel it. She put her hands at her hips to demonstrate the little effort it took for her to hold him down. Carolyn wound up and punched Matt right in the face. She had a girly fist so it wasn't an extremely hard punch or anything but it was enough to still hurt pretty badly and make his eyes water up. He felt like he was going to cry and that was the last that he wanted to do. "Hey!" Matt complained almost with a whine. "No punching!" "Who says?" Carolyn replied and she punched Matt in the face again, this time even harder. "When all you boys used to fight out here after school there was always punching. Like the time you beat up my friend Jerry. I stood here and watched the entire thing as you beat up my weak friend. You were such a bully. Then when he was on the ground crying you got up, mocked him for crying, then gave high-fives to all of your friends. You punched him plenty of times that day so why can't I punch you now?" And if Matt did have an answer for Carolyn he wasn't going to be given the opportunity to give it. Carolyn punched him right in the nose and it was definitely the most painful punch he felt from her yet. Everything went black for a second and he could feel the tears starting to go down his face. When things were no longer black he saw that he drew quite a bit of blood and that definitely upset him. The blood definitely startled Matt but it didn't stop Carolyn. She then started rapidly firing off consecutive punches that connected with Matt's cheeks, his jaw, and his nose. He tried again to push her off him but her legs of steel had him completely pinned down on the ground. He tried to block her punches but she was throwing them too quickly for him to block any of them. He then tried to put his hands up in front of his face to protect it but Carolyn was easily able to pull his hands away and continue to punch away at his face. Carolyn was punching Matt in the face non-stop and now he was bleeding in many spots of his face, not just his nose. The pain was too much for him to deal with and he started to cry. It was no longer just tears coming down his face like it was initially but now he was all out bawling. "Awe, are you crying now you little sissy?" Carolyn teased and she finally stopped punching him. "Is the little sissy crying? Cry for me sissy boy, cry!" Carolyn had stopped punching Matt but she then just started completely degrading him by using her hands to mess his hair up. Matt was still crying like a sissy partly from the large amount of pain that his face was still in but also from being humiliated that Carolyn was messing up his hair and also because he had just gotten beat up. Blood was everywhere. Carolyn finally stopped messing up Matt's hair but she continued to pin him on the ground. He could feel her leg strength and he knew that he wasn't getting up until she wanted him to. Matt's crying turned more into sniffling. Carolyn put one hand on her hip and she pointed her finger in his face with her other hand. "I have your address" Carolyn said to him and she looked him right in the eyes. Her eyes were actually extremely beautiful which Matt never really noticed through her thick glasses. "Don't you even think about switching doctors. If I find out you switched I'm going to come to where you live and beat you up even worse. I want control of you and your health for the rest of your life." Carolyn then gave Matt a bratty smile and she looked more like a bratty schoolgirl than she did a doctor. Even though they were adults she'd always have that schoolgirl look in her face to him. The sun shined down on her face and he could see some freckles on her cheeks. Carolyn got up and started to walk back to her SVU. Matt used his shirt to try to wipe some of the blood off his face. He looked at Carolyn's strong legs as she walked away. She picked her glasses up off of the bench and walked over to her Lexus. She got in it and drove away. As she drove away, Matt listened to the engine purr of the vehicle that he'd never be able to afford. **Email me at for more information on my Quick-Start Stories or Custom Stories**