Slave Girl Challenge, Part Thirteen by brooksie ( Two young women fight for the right to serve. Angel pulled Lee Anne's bikini from around her hips and slid a hand between her legs. Ignoring her protestations, Angel began to finger her clit. Breathlessly, Lee Anne whispered a submission. "Please, no...don't...I give win." "I win?" Angel scoffed. In a turnaround of the same scenario in the first fall, now it was Angel's turn to taunt her opponent for trying to give up. "Come on Lee Anne, I'm not hurting you. I'm hardly even squeezing." "No, it arm hurts. I give, ok?" "Your arm? I'm hardly twisting it at all. Here!" Angel let her arm go. Now she couldn't use that as an excuse. "See, you're faking. You just don't want Katherine to watch me play with your pussy, do you?" Angel let her plead a bit more, all the while tormenting her by keeping her clit stimulated. After a little while, she removed her hand from between Lee Anne's legs and slapped her sharply on the ass. "Ow!" "Mmmm, I like that (whack). You've got a great ass (whack). I'd love to fuck it (whack, whack). I bet you'd like it too (whack). "Nooo, no." Angel administered one final slap, then put a foot on Lee Anne's hip and gave a hard shove. Angel calmly got to her feet and walked over to her corner, swaying her own cute butt in a highly exaggerated strut. Katherine couldn't help giggling at that. When the rest period was up, it was two very different wrestlers who faced off for the fourth fall. Angel was now ahead 2 -1 and her confidence was soaring. It was Lee Anne who seemed confused and uncertain. Katherine gave the signal and both women went straight at one another. Lee Anne may have been rattled but she wasn't giving up, Katherine noted with satisfaction. Both girls grappled aggressively. Lee Anne was able to get Angel off balance, threw her to the mat and went to follow up. Angel, on her back, got her legs around Lee Anne's waist. Not wanting to get caught in another scissors hold, Lee Anne abandoned her attack and rolled away from Angel's legs. This time, Angel didn't wait for her to recover, diving on top of her. She tried to secure a head scissors. Lee Anne fended her off and tried a few holds of her own. The action was fast and furious and they were both breathing heavily. They broke apart and faced each other, on their knees. Angel sprung at Lee Anne and ended up draped over her back, arms around her waist. Lee Anne put her hands on Angel's hips and attempted to shove her off. They were both sweaty and slippery now, and Angel was losing her grip. She abruptly changed tactics and went for a headlock. Whether by accident or by design, she wound up with one arm around LA's neck and the other behind her shoulder, under her armpit in a wrestling hold known as a guillotine. Angel interlocked her fingers and Lee Anne soon discovered her head and one shoulder were now immobilized. She drove forward with her legs, causing Angel to land on her rump. Still, she kept the hold, which she added to by quickly wrapping her legs around her opponent's waist, leaving Angel with a very effective combination hold. She didn't say anything, but the mile wide grin on her face did. Angel looked over at Katherine, her face as delighted as a child's opening Christmas presents. Lee Anne was on her knees, struggling as best she could, but Angel had her locked up tight. Even as she lay there, pouring all her strength into the holds, she couldn't help enjoying the sight of Lee Anne's ass sticking up in the air. Mmmm, she thought...I'd love to fuck that. At the moment, however, she was more concerned with kicking her ass. She squeezed her legs, hoping to make the redhead submit. "Give?" she asked. Lee Anne made a muffled noise that sounded something like "no", it was hard to tell. In any event, she had one arm free and could easily tap out if she wanted. For a moment or two, they remained locked in position, barely moving, until Angel hit on a new strategy. Keeping her ankles crossed, she flexed her legs hard then opened them wide and slammed her knees into Lee Anne's sides. She cried out with each jolt, but still wouldn't submit. Angel felt Lee Anne's hand on her lower back. She got a bit wet between her legs, expecting the submission that would leave her with a commanding 3 - 1 lead. Katherine was as good as hers...or, she was as good as Katherine's. Whatever, she was sure she was going to win. Anticipating a tap out, she got a rude surprise instead when Lee Anne grabbed hold of her ponytail and yanked on her hair. Angel's smile was replaced with a grimace as she yelled in pain. "Fuck!" she screamed. Lee Anne let go of Angel's hair before Katherine even had time to tell her to. Regardless, it had been a bad move. She'd resorted to dirty tactics, which wouldn't please Katherine and she was still trapped in the now very pissed off Angel's grip. Up to that point, Angel had been happy to enjoy her superior position for as long as it took Lee Anne to give up. The longer she took to submit, the less time she'd have to even the score. Now, fighting to hold onto her temper, Angel searched for a way to end this fall fast. Looking down at Lee Anne's right shoulder, the one she had secured in her hold, Angel remembered something she and her sister used to do to each other as kids. Bending her neck down, Angel dug her chin into the back of Lee Anne's shoulder, seeking out the sensitive area near her trapezius muscle. Once she found it, she pushed her chin in as hard as she could. Lee Anne screamed and tapped out. Angel let her go and scrambled out from under her. She rolled over, got to her feet and stomped over to her corner where she sat wiping the sweat from her face and body, sipping water and listening to Katherine caution Lee Anne about breaking the rules. When she tried to protest Angel's "chin dig" was illegal too, Katherine stopped her. "Are you arguing with me? The tone in her voice, absolutely cold and emotionless, terrified Angel, and Katherine wasn't even speaking to her. Lee Anne hung her head and apologized. Katherine's only response was to sit back down on the sofa, look at her watch and signal the start of the next fall. Angel wished she knew how much time was left, but Katherine had made them take off their watches along with the any other jewellery. "I want full, all-out effort the entire time," she'd explained, "no coasting or trying to run out the clock by stalling." Oh well, Angel told herself, might as well just go for it. Leading by two, she charged Lee Anne and, in a reversal of the way the match had begun, really took the fight to the larger girl. Using a takedown she'd learned from Katherine, Angel took hold of one of Lee Anne's arms, pulled it around behind her neck, then ducked low and stuck a hand between her legs. She stood up quickly and tossed the redhead to the mat. Lee Anne landed hard, and Angel was on her instantly. The difference in their conditioning was starting to show. As Angel had hoped at the in the beginning, Lee Anne's little layer of excess fat did indicate she wasn't in peak condition. Angel, on the other hand, was. Like a lot of women, she'd been a certified "cardio junkie" for years before getting interested in weight training. For sure she was tired, but Lee Anne was beginning to look exhausted. Angel kept after her, getting her on her back. She wanted to get her in a grapevine, so she could smother her, the way Lee Anne had done to her. But Lee Anne wasn't done yet. She got a body scissors of her own on Angel and took her over to her side. She shoved her flat on her back, grabbed hold of Angel's near wrist, preventing her from using her arms to break the hold, and squeezed with everything she had. Behind by two submissions, she knew she didn't have a lot of time to even the score. Unfortunately for her, she had the wrong hold if she was hoping for a quick submission. Angel had responded to the scissors hold by tightening her abdominal muscles and was literally laughing at Lee Anne's attempts to make her give. Frustrated, her stamina and composure fading, Lee Anne turned her attention to Angel's arm. While concentrating on twisting it into a lock of some sort, she let up with her legs and Angel was able to break free. Lee Anne couldn't hold her arm either and the two women rolled apart. Angel threw herself at her and, with just brute force, muscled her onto her back. She tried for a pin but Lee Anne managed to turn over. She got to her knees, with Angel clutching her back like she was about to go for a piggyback ride. She tried to stand, but Angel pulled her back and they both toppled over, landing on their rears. Angel still had hold of Lee Anne's shoulders. She shot her legs out and secured them around her waist, simultaneously hooking her arms around her opponent's elbows. Lee Anne was left sitting on the mat, legs stretched out straight in front on her. With her arms trapped, she had very little ability to move at all. Angel held her easily in this position, but was having difficulty getting much power into her scissors hold. Lee Anne was squirming a bit, but neither of Angel's holds were hurting her that much, and she was glad of the opportunity to catch her breath. Not wanting to give her time to rest up, Angel began thought desperately of how to get Lee Anne to submit. Angel's mind was blank, until she got a sudden image of a hold she thought looked very cool when she'd seen it on the net. The woman applying it was seated behind her opponent, just as Angel was. But instead of a body scissors, she had her legs under her victim's arms, her ankles crossed behind the other girls head and resting on the back of her neck. Angel thought the hold was called a "leg nelson". She remembered that the hold looked quite effective, but seemed complicated to apply. She decided she needed a bit of momentum to help her. She took a deep breath, leaned forward as far as possible, then rocked backwards, hooking first one foot then the other around Lee Anne's neck. As she lay on her back, Angel discovered she didn't need to hold onto Lee Anne's wrists any longer, as she had her arms pulled straight back and being squeezed together at the elbows between her legs. Lee Anne remained sitting on her bum, legs out straight and all but useless in helping her defend against the hold. To make matters worse, Angel was using her legs to force her head down, putting her into a "crunch" position that would soon have her abs burning. Lee Anne was in a tough spot, while Angel seemed quite comfortable on her back, legs up in the air, wrapped around Lee Anne's neck and shoulders. Taking stock of her situation, Angel realized she could easily strip her rival of her top, which she proceeded to do. LA tried to object, but Angel had her neck bent so far she could hardly utter a sound. Crunched up as she was, her voice came out sounding like a cartoon character. Angel laughed out loud while using the hapless girl's own bikini to tie her wrists together. She flashed Katherine a big grin. Katherine smiled back. They both knew this was it - there was no way Lee Anne was going to get back in this match. Still, Lee Anne hadn't voiced her submission. Angel unlaced her legs from around her and pushed her over onto her stomach. She yanked her arms up painfully and ordered her to get to her knees. The competitive atmosphere between them evaporated with Lee Anne kneeling at Angel's feet. She sounded beaten and scared as she tried to submit to Angel. "No, I have you where I want you now." "Please, I give. You more, please." "No more? Does that mean you submit the match to me?" There was a pause, and a couple of quiet sobs before Lee Anne softly said "Yes". "Louder! Say it so Katherine can hear. Do you give up the match?" "Yes." "Who is the winner? Who's the superior slave girl?" " are." Angel raised her fists in triumph, then knelt down behind Lee Anne and took off her bottoms yet again, leaving her naked, on her knees, arms bound behind her back. She looked, and must have felt, completely vulnerable. "Please," she pleaded with Angel, "I gave up. Just leave me alone." She continued begging for her freedom, not realizing Angel had gone over to Katherine and whispered something in her ear. Katherine got up, disappeared down the hall towards her bedroom and returned with a dildo. She helped Angel fasten it to herself and handed her a jar of lubricant. Angel marched over to the helpless girl, her rod swinging saucily. She knelt down, cupping her butt cheeks with both hands and squeezed them hard. "You know, I really love your ass and now that it's mine..." She didn't finish the sentence, but leaned over Lee Anne's back, ran her tongue up and down her spine and let the dildo poke at her crack. It only took a second for Lee Anne to realize what she was feeling. "Please don't," she sobbed, over and over. The more she begged, the more turned on it made Angel. She put one foot in front of Lee Anne's face. "Kiss it!" she demanded. "Kiss it and say I'm the best." Hoping against hope it might save her from her fate, Lee Anne complied. "You thought you were so tough, but you're just a wimp, kissing my feet and begging for mercy...aren't you?" "Yes." "Yes WHAT?" "I'm a wimp." "Say it again." "I'm a wimp," Lee Anne bawled "Uh-huh, a wimpy little baby who's gonna get it up the ass." LA's whole body trembled as she felt Angel lubing her crack and slipping the dildo into her pink little asshole. Angel slowly eased into in and once she had it buried to the hilt, rode LA fast and hard to a screaming, triumphant orgasm. It was a short fuck. Angel was too keyed up to take her time. She stripped of the dildo and forced Lee Anne over onto her back now. Her wrists remained tied and trapped under her back. Now Angel put her in a loose reverse head scissors. Facing Lee Anne's feet, she took her ankles and pulled both legs into a figure four position. It was as if Lee Anne were sitting cross-legged, except she was lying on her back. Katherine sat, spellbound, watching Angel adjust her position until she had Lee Anne's face almost obliterated by her ass cheeks. Only the redhead's eyes and forehead were visible. With her wrists tied and legs folded up, Angel had virtually eliminated any possibility of movement on Lee Anne's part. She was truly at the smaller girl's mercy.