Slave Girl Challenge, Part Eleven by brooksie ( Two young women fight for the right to serve. Lee Anne took the initiative and went on the attack right away, while Angel looked hesitant and unsure what to do. Whatever experience Lee Anne had as a kick boxer seemed to give her a lot more confidence than her opponent. She immediately got inside Angel's defending arms and clamped a side headlock on her. She bent forward, trapping Angel's head between her chest and pelvis. At the same time, she rotated her hips, forcing Angel's spine to twist and her head to turn so sharply sideways she was almost looking up at the ceiling. Lee Anne had the fingers of both hands curled up and locked together. She kept them pressed tightly against her stomach so, try as she might, Angel could not get at them to pry her fingers apart. Meanwhile, Lee Anne was flexing her arm as hard as she could and Angel felt her head begin to swim. She tried tugging at the crook of Lee Anne's elbow, but that had no effect. Now, her neck and back were hurting too. Even as she willed herself not to, Angel began to panic. On the verge of submitting, she made a desperate attempt to free herself, wrapping her arms around Lee Anne's thighs and driving forward. Both girls hit the mat and Lee Anne lost her grip. Fuelled by a fear of getting caught again, Angel was on her feet instantly. Lee Anne was still on her knees. Relieved to be free of the hold, Angel just watched her for a second. By the time it occurred to her not to let Lee Anne get back on her feet, it was too late. Angel realized she'd made a mistake, but there was no time to think about that now, not with Lee Anne lunging at her. She tried to get Angel right back in the headlock but this time Angel was having none of it and ducked her head. With Angel bent over, Lee Anne leaned forward, over Angel's back and manipulated the smaller girl's head between her thighs. She squeezed them tightly together, then wrapped her arms around Angel's waist and tried to straighten up. If Lee Anne had been successful, Angel's legs would have made a full 180 degree arc, leaving her suspended in the air and very vulnerable. Fortunately for Angel, Lee Anne didn't quite have the leverage to pull that move off, and her feet returned to the mat. Lee Anne still had her arms around Angel's waist, however. This time, Lee Anne opted for a much simpler hold - a bear hug. Her height advantage allowed her to lift Angel off her feet. Angel braced her arms against Lee Anne's broad shoulders. She wiggled and squirmed, pushing with all her might, making it difficult to hang onto her. As her grip began slipping, Lee Anne flung Angel to the mat. Instantly, she pounced, using her superior weight to manipulate Angel onto her back, where she re-applied the headlock. She shifted her position so she was almost parallel to Angel. With Lee Anne's weight squarely on her chest, Angel had very little effective defence. Lee Anne had her fingers clasped together in the same manner as before, but in this version of the headlock, she wasn't able to hide her hands as effectively as before. Angel reached her right arm back towards her shoulder. Although she didn't have god leverage in this position, she was able to seek out Lee Anne's fingers. She tried to get one of them loose so she could bend it back and escape. Unfortunately for her, Lee Anne had a strategy to deal with that. Leaning forward, so her breasts were all but covering Angel's face, she voluntarily unclasped her hands, seized Angel's wrist and, with her superior leverage, easily straightened out her arm. Then she stuck it between her thighs and scissored it tight. With a satisfied sounding "yeah", she locked her fingers together again and returned to concentrating on squeezing Angel's head. Satisfied she'd won the fall, Lee Anne let up on the pressure a bit. She leaned her head down and spoke quietly into Angel's ear, too quietly for Katherine to hear what she was saying. "Now you listen to me, you little slut. I don't know where the fuck you came from and I don't care, but don't even think about winning this contest. I'm going to kick your ass for as long as it takes, unless you're smart enough to just quit." She flexed her arm harder. "Huh? You ready to quit?" LA said, louder this time. Angel really couldn't speak, with her face full of Lee Anne's breasts, but she did manage to shake her head slightly and make a few negative sounding grunts. Lee Anne was smirking at her, asking questions like "Do you like my tits? Do they taste good? Having a hard time breathing" etc. Angel emitted more sounds of distress. Katherine stood up and came over to check on her. Her left arm was free. "You can tap out, if you want to submit, Angel." Katherine told her. Angel felt terrible. So far, Lee Anne had wiped the mat with her. She could imagine Katherine's disappointment. Angel kicked her legs and struggled as best she could against the hold, to no avail. Feeling cocky and confident, Lee Anne unlocked her fingers. She kept the head lock on with just one arm. With the other, she lifted her top over her tits. She clasped her hands together again, but lifted her upper body enough to see Angel's face. Lee Anne dangled her nipple tantalizingly, inviting her to suck on it. "Might as well," she laughed. "That's the only nipple you're going to have in your mouth tonight." For the first time since puberty, Angel had no interest in a beautiful female breast. All she was interested in at the moment was getting out of the hold, any way possible. There was only one. She spoke the hateful words, "I give." Lee anne made no move to release her. "Maybe it's my pussy you want," she laughed. Next fall, I'll try sitting on your face." "Please, I win." "Ok Lee Anne, that's enough. Let her go. Good job." Hearing Katherine compliment Lee Anne was almost worse for Angel than having to submit to her. Lee Anne rolled off of her and stood, repositioning her bikini top as she walked over to her corner. "One minute rest," Katherine called out. Both girls wiped their faces with the towels Katherine had provided and sipped water. Angel couldn't look over at her. She was ashamed of her performance. She glanced at Lee Anne instead, who noticed and made snake-like, darting motions with her tongue, while pointing down at her crotch. Angel quickly looked away. She knew Lee Anne thought she had the match won already. That didn't bother her. An over-confident opponent wasn't such a bad thing. But the question plagued her - was she over-confident? She'd totally dominated Angel in the first fall. However, there was no time for further thought, as Katherine was calling them back to the middle of the mat. Once again, she started them with the simple word, "Begin!" Lee Anne again moved with confidence, coming straight at Angel. She made a feint towards her head, then went low and caught one of Angel's legs, taking her to the mat. Lee Anne kept control of Angel's leg, hooking her arm around the back of her knee and rolling her up. She reached her other arm towards Angel's head and started working her hand under Angel's neck. Angel realized Lee Anne was trying to get her in a cradle, a hold she knew, from her training session with Katherine, she did not want to be in. A sickening vision of Lee Anne, sneering at down at her while keeping her helplessly pinned, flashed across her mind. She reacted by doing the only thing she could think Lee Anne used her grip on Angel's one leg to roll her onto her shoulders, she kicked out her other leg. The unexpected momentum carried her right up and over, and she popped out off Lee Anne's grasp. She scrambled to her knees, face to face with her rival. This time Angel moved first, throwing her arms around Lee Anne's neck and springing at her. For a few moments, Lee Anne was on her back, with Angel desperately trying to hold her down. She concentrated on gaining control of her adversary's arms, which left Lee Anne free to get her legs around Angel's hips and force her over to the side. A few minutes of frantic grappling ensued, with neither woman able to establish control over the other. Eventually Lee Anne, with her weight advantage, pinned Angel on her back, primarily by lying on top of her. Once she had the upper position, she didn't expend all her energy trying to control Angel's arms. She kept her legs to the outside of Angel's and when the smaller girl planted her feet and tried to bridge out from under her, Lee Anne quickly slipped her feet under Angel's legs and curled them around her ankles. Angel silently cursed herself. Katherine had shown her this hold but she'd forgotten it. Now she was being reminded, and not gently either. Angel had managed to grasp Lee Anne's wrists while she was securing the grapevine hold. But with Angel's legs trapped and spread wide apart, it was a simple matter for Lee Anne to wrest them from her grasp and reverse the situation. She stretched Angel's arms out and used her elbows to keep them tight against her face. Lee Anne was in perfect control. Lee Anne her superior position to push her breasts in Angel's face again. Lee Anne played with her by cutting off her air, letting her breath, smothering her some more, taunting her, then a quick jolt with her legs and so on. Angel couldn't even think of how she might get out of this. The thought of Katherine watching her foe handle her so easily hurt more than the hold itself. She just wanted it to end and meekly submitted again, more from embarrassment than pain, but Lee Anne called her bluff. "You give?" she laughed cruelly. "I'm barely putting any pressure on. You just can't handle knowing Katherine is watching me beat you so easily, so you're wimping out. You're not in that much pain." It was true. Angel was extremely limber, with tremendous flexibility. Even when she applied her full force to the hold, Lee Anne couldn't stretch Angel's wide enough to do any real damage. The only thing that hurt were the points of contact, where bone met bone. It was not an insignificant amount of pain, but tolerable. Unfortunately for Angel, it left her in a bad spot, under Katherine's rules. Lee Anne had complete control of her, without putting her at any risk of injury or even in enough pain to produce any genuine distress. The only choices left were to pitifully beg for mercy or to simply lie still until Katherine decided to award the second fall to Lee Anne. Refusing to beg, she was unhappily resigning herself to her fate as Lee Anne's prisoner when she heard Katherine call out. "Better show me some action Lee Anne, or I'm going to call a break and give you the fall." Naturally, she had no objection to being ahead 2 - 0, but Lee Anne preferred to keep Angel her prisoner for as long as possible before releasing her. She loved proving herself to Katherine this way, subduing this little bitch, this poser, who had the gall to try and take her place with her beautiful muscle goddess. She responded to Katherine's comment by lifting her upper body up and slamming her hips into Angel's stomach, a move she'd seen on one of Katherine's tapes. While it had seemed to work well for the woman in the video, it didn't appear to be having the same effect on Angel, whose abs could probably have withstood a similar pounding from Katherine herself. It was one area of her body that was extremely strong, from a lifetime of activities like swimming, riding & gymnastics, not to mention a very gruelling abdominal workout. After the redhead's first attempt, Angel had simply tensed her muscles, making the "pelvic slam" move pretty much ineffective. Katherine's amused chuckle helped make Lee Anne aware of the futility of this tactic. In a moment, her mood had shifted. No longer content with having Angel pinned beneath her, she was now frustrated by her inability to produce enough pain to force Angel to cry out an agonized submission. She decided to go for an all-out humiliation of Angel by carrying out her promise sit on her face. She unhooked her feet from around Angel's ankles and sat up. Continuing to pin her wrists down, she began sliding up Angel's body, towards her head. The further she advanced, the more mobility Angel's legs had. Soon, Lee Anne was perched on her chest. Angel quickly bent her legs to uncramp them. There was always the possibility of extending them back, hoping to hook them around Lee Anne somehow and pull her off, but that plan seemed like it had as much chance of failing as being successful. Angel remembered a scene from one of the tapes she'd watched where the girl being pinned did just that, only to have her opponent hook her elbow around the back of her knee and pull her into an even worse position. I need a better strategy than that, Angel told herself - something foolproof. She'd had quite a while to think things over, while she'd been pinned on her back. She knew she was doing something wrong. That much was obvious, since she instinctively felt Lee Anne wasn't really any better, or stronger than her. But she did seem a lot more purposeful, like she knew what she was trying to do. For her part, all Angel had done was to react, struggling as best she could against whatever it was Lee Anne was doing to her. In short, exactly what Katherine had cautioned her against. Whatever she needed, Angel told herself, she needed it soon. Lee Anne was already sitting on her shoulders, her bikini clad pussy only inches from her mouth. It was then she recalled what her friend Jill had said to her, in the aftermath of the thundering, lung screeching orgasm Angel had brought her to, following their practice wrestling session. Suddenly, Angel had a plan, and Lee Anne was playing right into it.