Slave Girl Challenge, Part One by brooksie ( Two young women fight for the right to serve. Author's Note: This story is a bit of a departure for me. A lot of it is told through dialogue and there are no male characters. Any resemblance to persons living, and associated with this web site, is purely intentional. Katherine felt fantastic! Her workout was intense, and left her feeling vibrant, strong and alive. Pushing herself beyond previous limits, she surpassed her previous best in both biceps curls and bench press. She'd been working with weights of 185-205 pounds and had barely managed one rep with 215 a few weeks ago. Today she felt particularly potent and thought she'd give it another try. This time the 215 went straight up without struggle and she knew she could do more. She added another ten pounds. With her spotter at the ready, Katherine prepared herself, gripped the bar and lifted it off the supports. She lowered the weight to her chest and pressed it up. The bar stalled on the second try but before the spotter could assist, Katherine grunted and, with a deep, guttural yell, pushed it up. A third try was a total non-starter. Her spotter caught the bar and helped Katherine rack it. She sat up, beaming, as she accepted the congratulations of a few of the onlookers. Katherine especially got off on the reaction of the men in the gym. They tried to act nonchalant, but Katherine could see most had stopped their own workouts and were watching to see if she was going to be able to handle a 225 lb. bench. Most simply stared in amazement while one guy pantomimed bowing to her in worship. Katherine chuckled to herself at that. If he only knew, she thought. Men were fun to impress in the weight room. It was a thrill lifting more than most of them could and she was amused by the expressions on their faces as they tried not to stare. The vast majority of women in the gym did react the same way at all. Generally, they appeared not to notice her or, if they did, exhibited a sort of hostile indifference. The rumour was, she was a bull-dyke. It was only half true. Katherine's sexual interest was in women, but she was no dyke. Lesbian subculture held little interest. Katherine considered herself a lady - no hairy armpits or unshaven legs for her. She had no desire to emulate men. A best selling author of a series of self-empowerment books for women, Katherine embraced her femininity, while espousing the belief that women should not willingly give up their physical power. She encouraged women, through her books, videos, magazine articles and speaking engagements, to acquire muscular strength, rejecting the idea it was unfeminine to do so. At 5'10, with a natural bodyweight of around 140-145, Katherine had no trouble adding another 10 lbs. of pure muscle and, by the time she became a public figure with the success of her first book, she definitely looked the part of a strong, powerful woman. With her statuesque height, over six feet in heels, cascading blonde (at the time) hair, broad shoulders and penchant for very short skirts that showed off her legs to great advantage, Katherine was made for the TV talk show circuit. Katherine had a natural media savvy and a keen grasp of marketing herself. She didn't shy away from the idea that a woman's physical appearance had a lot to do with her sense of empowerment. "By relying strictly on facial standards of beauty, women get the short end of the stick. Let's be blunt, extraordinarily beautiful people, from the neck up, are not that common. Most of us have average to good looks and are flawed in come way. But an average looking man can make himself feel more attractive by having a strong, muscular, fit body. It's not as easy for women to gain a sense of confidence from their physiques unless they happen to be thin and have large breasts. These are generalizations, but a generalization is something that's true, in most cases. That's why very muscular women, bodybuilders for example, present such a challenge to many people's sensibilities. Based on how hard they have to work and the sacrifices they make to build their bodies, it's clear they experience a sense of satisfaction from attaining their physiques. That challenges the dominant idea that all a woman needs is to be pretty. The fashion and cosmetics industries are the ones that have the most invested in maintaining these traditional ideas of beauty. They've made room for the fitness industry, but only up to a point. A little "toning" is ok but they're afraid of what happens when women start to experience a sense of strength and physical power. They begin to see through a lot of the silliness and puffery that makes up the beauty myth. A good experiment would be to take two women, one with average looks who had an athletic, muscular physique an put her beside a skinny model-type in full makeup then get a cross section of men to vote anonymously for which one they'd prefer to be marooned on a desert island with. I think the results would be surprising." "Why anonymous?" "Because a lot of men wouldn't choose the muscular woman for fear of being ridiculed or otherwise judged negatively. They'd be embarrassed about making that choice. The beauty myth works just as effectively on men as it does on women." "But I've heard a lot of men say they don't find female bodybuilders attractive, that they're too masculine looking." "Well, the business of how muscles came to have a strictly masculine association is a whole other discussion. Every human body, male or female, has the same muscle groups. But, to take the example of female bodybuilders, sure they're not going to be appealing to a lot of people because they're pushing their bodies to an extreme. The thing is, it's exactly the same with male bodybuilders. Most women don't find that look attractive on men either. When we talk about a guy being well built or muscular, we're thinking of a swimmer, gymnast, maybe a boxer or some other type of athlete, more than a bodybuilder. That's what I mean by a double standard. There's a lot of irrational fear around the idea of women gaining muscular size and the physical strength that goes with it." This was a typical excerpt from the type of interview Katherine would give when the show and it's host (usually female) were taking a journalistic approach. In a lot of other public appearances, the focus was more on Katherine's body than her mind. She did a lot of shows where the fact she'd written a best-seller was mostly a pretext for having her on so the host (usually male) would get her to flex her arm and leg muscles or arm wrestle with himself or another guest. Katherine accepted these types of requests happily. She understood that even journalism was primarily entertainment in this day and age. Rather than feeling exploited, Katherine relished every opportunity to show off her strength and physique. She knew the shows were using her. She was using them; it's the way the game worked. Her ability to play it well, her striking physical appearance, natural beauty, articulate manner of speech, plus the slightly controversial nature of her thesis made Katherine into a popular celebrity, a status that followed her through two more best sellers, as well as a few small movie roles and an offer to host her own TV show, which she turned down. Shortly after that, Katherine began to enact her ultimate plan. One day her literary agent received a card, flowers and a glass figurine of a female bodybuilder. The card thanked her for a job well done, giving her great advice and being such a big part of her success. Katherine closed by wishing her now former agent a rich and rewarding life. Upon reading it, the agent immediately tried calling Katherine at home. The number was no longer in service, same with her cell phone. More than curious, she cancelled the rest of her afternoon appointments and took a cab to Katherine's apartment building. Getting no answer to the intercom button, and with a sinking feeling, she buzzed the manager, who confirmed that Katherine had indeed moved out without leaving any contact information. The agent sighed. Katherine had disappeared!