Sisters, Part Five by brooksie Lisa prepares for her re-match with Amanda. Needless to say, Jody did not go home that night. Feeling safe and accepted, her passion unleashed itself and the three of us indulged in a sexual orgy that had Jody, in particular, exploding in one powerful orgasm after another. Eventually the first frantic wave of love-making subsided and she wondered if we could wrestle some more. Jody was energized by the evening's turn of events and was unstoppable, defeating first me, then Lisa. She was so muscular, both Lisa and I were somewhat awestuck by her beautiful body. We decided to use her victories over us as a pretext for becoming her willing sex slaves. Jody was elevated to regal status as we worshipped her powerful physique and brought her to new heights of sexual frenzy. The night of passion wore on until we all fell asleep on the living room floor from sheer exhaustion. A habitual early riser, I was the first to rouse myself. Coming out of the shower I gazed at the two beautiful women sleeping on the floor, now curled up in each other's arms. They looked so peaceful, and oddly vulnerable considering either of them could whip my butt in a wrestling match, that I didn't have the heart to disturb them. I set about making breakfast, figuring to let the smells wafting from the kitchen wake the girls up. Before long they began to stir and, spurred on with the promise of coffee and breakfast, sat down at the table. Lisa was in her bathrobe and Jody wore an oversized sweatshirt, which hung down almost to her knees. They sat quietly, sipping coffee and rubbing their eyes. They looked directly at one another and started giggling. It was infectious and I couldn't stop myself from laughing too. Finally we caught our breath and Jody said innocently, "Do you guys do that often." It was one of those remarks that isn't funny for any particular reason, it's just the way it hit us. We roared with laughter until we were in tears. Regaining our composure finally, I set three plates down on the table. While we ate Lisa and I told Jody the truth. We'd never done that before, although we'd talked about it. We had been to bed with her sister, but that was mostly Tammy topping off her wrestling victory by sexually dominating me. It wasn't really a threesome. Tammy and Lisa didn't really engage each other sexually. I explained to Jody that we both admired muscular female bodies particularly shorter, compact, densely-muscled physiques like hers. We named some of our favourite female bodybuilders. "It's ok with you that Lisa's, uh, into women?" Jody asked. I wasn't sure of how to answer. I thought Lisa should probably speak for herself so I looked at her, indicating she should field this. "Its not exactly like that, Jody" she said, "I'm not gay or even bi-sexual, really. It's a very specific thing with muscular women only. When I see a woman with a body like yours, I'm attracted sexually. Most women don't bring out that reaction in me, even if I think they're beautiful. Rob and I had talked about exploring our attraction to muscular women in a threesome before but we wanted it to be with someone we liked and felt comfortable with, not something we set up with a stranger. I guess we wanted it to happen naturally. We sure didn't plan what happened last night." "I know" said Jody "that's what was so cool about it. I'd fantasized about defeating a guy in a wrestling match and then dominating him sexually for years but I never thought any man would accept that." She fell silent, replaying last night's events in her mind, as it turned out. Suddenly she groaned "Oh no!" "What?" Lisa and I said simultaneously. "Rob. I'm sorry. I just remembered what I said last night before we wrestled." Jody said, sounding miserable. I didn't. "What did you say?" "I said, what kind of man would want to be with a woman who could out-wrestle him, when Lisa had just told me she usually beats you. I wasn't even thinking. I didn't mean to insult you, you're a great guy. God, I'm sorry." she apologized, burying her face in her hands. "Easy Jody," I reassured her, "I know you didn't mean anything by it. I mean, think about it. I obviously wasn't offended, was I? So my image as a macho man is ruined. Personally, I don't care. Lisa and I are pretty comfortable with who we are and the fact that she's a better wrestler is not only alright, it's made our relationship stronger and kicked our sex life into warp drive. I have a submissive side, so sex and wrestling are a perfect fit for us. It's not a streetfight and I don't walk around afraid that tough women are going to beat me up and steal my lunch money. The macho stuff is based on stereotypical ideas of the so-called "roles" of men and women in our society. We don't want our sex life to be bound up in all that. Freedom is what we're after, the freedom to pursue our fantasies. We want to write our own script." I realized my rhetoric had become somewhat passionate and I was starting to sound like a preacher or a politician. Lisa and Jody were staring at me wide-eyed. They laughingly broke into mock applause. I blushed and felt a little self-conscious, but continued, "Besides, I do manage to win one once in a while and if I ever really need to assert myself, I can always drag her out to a tennis court and run her around chasing balls till she's had enough." "Oooh, that was low. I'm going to start working on my game." Lisa said. She took Jody by the hand. "You see, it's all about acceptance. I hid my dominant side too for a long time. I knew Rob liked that I was athletic and that we could do physical things together. He definitely wasn't into delicate, ultra-feminine Barbie types. But I didn't know how far it went." "So how did you get it out into the open?" Jody wanted to know. "It was actually Tammy that did it." Lisa replied, "I knew Rob pretty well and when we fooled around wrestling in bed I sometimes got him in a scissors and he never seemed too upset when he couldn't get out of it. Tammy and I started discussing it. She has a really good grasp of the psychology around this. I told her I wanted to get into wrestling and when she came for a visit we sort of set Rob up to wrestle her. Of course she totally overpowered him and forced him to submit to her. She even had him begging for mercy. That's when I told Rob I wanted to wrestle for real and started training." Jody just sat there, gazing reflectively out the window. Lisa yawned and stretched. "I need a shower." she said, "Care to join me, Jody?" Jody looked surprised. She glanced at me and I came over and gave her a big hug and kissed her on the neck. "We don't have any secrets left now. Go on, I don't mind." They went into the bathroom and I heard laughter over the sound of the water running as I cleaned up the breakfast dishes. Afterwards we went out for a walk and discussed Lisa's upcoming re-match with Amanda. We agreed that she looked even better in her first mixed match than she had trouncing Lisa and we should expect her to keep improving. Lisa mentioned her boyfriend and his high school wrestling background and I suggested contacting the university's wrestling coach to see if some extra training could be arranged. Jody said she'd start working out with Lisa in the weightroom to help her put on some extra muscle. After a few sessions with the university coach, Lisa's wrestling improved noticeably. She used her weight more effectively and was much harder to get off balance. Meanwhile Tammy called to see when we were coming to California but Lisa put off confirming a date. "I told her I'd get back to her," she told me later, "because I was thinking Jody might like to come." Jody was excited about the idea and as it turned out, eveyone could get away for a few days in about three weeks time. We booked the flights and a few days later, Jody came over for a practice match with Lisa. I watched them circle each other as the contest began and noted an intensity on Lisa's face I'd not seen before. Although Lisa outweighed Jody by fifteen or twenty pounds and was five inches taller, Jody had the edge in raw strength and was usually able to muscle her larger friend to the mat. As they locked up, it was clear that this time Lisa was holding her own. Jody attempted a couple of throws but Lisa stayed solidly planted on her feet. Finally Jody broke off and stepped back. She went after Lisa again, trying a different approach, one that favoured her short stature. She bent low and grabbed for a leg but Lisa saw it coming and stepped back. She leaned forward over Jody's back, wrapped her arms around her hips and lifted Jody upside down. Anchoring herself, she adjusted her grip, bent her knees and tossed Jody up and over her shoulder. Her leg muscles bulged as she stood straight, with Jody's head hanging down in front of her and her feet dangling against her back. Jody tried to do something with her arms but they flailed helplessly. Lisa bounced her a couple of times sending a jolt of pain through her spine and abdomen and Jody quickly submitted. Lisa bent down on one knee and gently rolled Jody to the mat, where she lay absolutely still. "Ok, that hurt." she said softly. "Are you alright?" asked Lisa, looking concerned. "Yeah, yeah" Jody reassured her "I think I'm more shocked than anything else. My God, Lisa, I didn't know you had that kind of power. You're going to win a lot af matches with a move like that." "I didn't even think about it." Lisa explained, "If I had, I probably wouldn't have tried it. I just followed my instincts." She sounded as surprised as Jody. "Bet you're looking forward to using that on Rob." Jody giggled. Both women glanced at me and laughed at the look of stunned amazement on my face. My mind was completely occupied with the thought of the transformation taking place in my girlfriend. Lisa was going from a robust, athletic woman who could put up a good tussle to a muscular and formidable wrestling powerhouse. "Well, " said Jody "we can work on refining your backbreaker later. Right now, we've got a match to finish." As close as Lisa and Jody had become, they were all-business on the mat, especially with the re-match between Lisa and Amanda looming. They began circling again, looking for an opening. This time Jody took a more cautious approach, content with slapping Lisa's hands away and keeping out of her grasp. Growing impatient, Lisa charged at her shorter opponent, but Jody was ready. She took hold of Lisa's right wrist and elbow and lifted her arm, stepping under it and bringing Lisa to the mat on her knees. She had her in a hammerlock, which she used to force Lisa onto her stomach. Then, moving with lightning speed, she turned her grip into an armbar, with one of her thick, muscular legs behind Lisa's neck keeping her head pressed to the mat. Lisa tried to use her own legs to gain some leverage and extricate her arm but Jody was a first-rate grappler who was very tough on the mat. She had the armbar executed perfectly and every move Lisa made was answered with a little more pressure on her elbow joint. She soon recognized the futility of her position and stopped struggling, but offered no submission. "Give?" asked Jody. No answer. "Come on Lisa, give it up, you're beat", encouraged Jody. Not wanting to put any more pressure on her elbow, Jody added a twist of the wrist to the hold and Lisa cried out "I give!" Jody let her loose and they both stood up, Lisa shaking out her arm. "Nice hold, " she said, but the look in her eyes revealed tremendous disappointment at being caught that way. She knew she'd lost her poise and rushed at Jody with no real plan. Her sister Tammy's words about how wrestling was a contest of strategy as much as anything else rang in her ears. She'd made a mental error, the kind Amanda would take instant advantage of. "Patience is a virtue, in life and in wrestling." I called out, and Jody nodded in agreement. "You're right," Lisa admitted, "I've got to get my brain working or she's going to eat me alive." They took a break before the last fall and we talked about mental preparation. Jody had some books on sports psychology and offered to bring them over. I suggested asking Tammy who seemed to have great insight into the effects of wrestling on the brain and probably had some good advice in this area. The girls took another gulp of water, then hit the mat for the third and final fall. The thing about wrestling is that it's part strategy, part skill and preparation, part conditioning, speed and strength and part reacting to situations quickly. Expecting Lisa to be holding back to avoid making a mistake, which she was, Jody moved in fast, secured a headlock and hip-tossed her larger opponent to the mat. She followed up with a headlock but Lisa's long, strong legs were making it difficult for Jody to hold her. Lisa thrust her hips wildly and succeeded in loosening the grip around her head enough to push out of the hold with her arms and roll over. She kept her arms underneath her to prevent her opponent from getting any kind of hold on them and so she could use them to break a body scissors attempt. Recognizing Lisa's defense strategy, Jody went for her head and tried for a scissors but Lisa caught one of ther ankles and twisted Jody onto her stomach. She tried to hang on to the ankle and go for the other one, looking to bend Jody's legs forward and sit on them but Jody kicked back and used her arms to scoot forward, causing Lisa to lose her grip. Jody got to her knees but was only halfway turned around when Lisa pounced. She put her arms around Jody's shoulders and fell backwards, pulling Jody on top of her. Lisa wasted no time in applying a body scissors. She pushed out from behind Jody and took he over to the side, angling her long legs away form Jody's grasping left hand. Then she wrapped her arms around her head and pulled her in tight. Jody's right arm was pinned between their two bodies. One of the tough things about wrestling Jody is her ability to withstand holds and absorb a lot of punishment. She often escaped by wearing her opponents out, exhausting them for the effort of trying to force a submission from her. But Lisa looked indefatigable as she squeezed the scissors grip with all her might. She relaxed only for an instant then squeezed hard again. I could see her ankles and knees shifting posiiton slightly as she really worked the hold. Jody started to make some painful moaning noises with each new burst of power. Her eyes were screwed shut and her lips drawn back showing her gritting teeth. Lisa, on the other hand, had a blank, almost detached look on her face. Jody gave a loud groan. I could hear her trying to speak but she only managed a hoarse, unintelligible whisper. Suddenly she began tapping furiously on Lisa's thigh. I expected the grip to loosen immediately but Lisa kept pouring it on. "Lisa!" I yelled, "She's submitting. Let her go!" Lisa's eyes got wide, as if she'd just seen a ghost. She unlocked her legs and got to her knees. Jody lay on her back gasping for breath as Lisa bent over her babbling apologies. "I'm sorry, oh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to...I wasn't trying to hurt you. Are you ok? I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Lisa was in tears as she helped Jody sit up and held her in her arms, stroking her hair and crying softly. "Please forgive me Jody, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so sorry." Lisa cried. "It's ok, I'm alright." Jody answered quietly. They held each other tenderly, rocking back an forth. I brought over some more water amd sat down on the floor beside them. "What happened?" I asked. "I don't know," Lisa said quietly. "I started thinking about wrestling Amanda, then I wasn't thinking about anything at all. I swear I didn't hear or feel anything." "Man, I was tapping on your legs like a maniac. I thought my ribs were cracking." said Jody. Lisa is a strong girl and a fierce competitor, but also a very sensitive, gentle soul who would never deliberately hurt anyone. She started to cry again and this time I held her in my arms. Jody looked at me helplessly. I smiled and said, "It's fine. She needs this, just let her cry. You're ok, right?" "Yeah. My ribs are going to be sore for a while, but I'm fine." Jody said. "Well if it doesn't feel any better after a couple of days, I want you to get some x-rays, just in case." "I will." she promised. Lisa sat up sniffling, looking pleadingly at Jody for a sign of forgiveness. Jody reached over and touched her cheek. "It's alright, I'm not angry at you." I handed Lisa a box of tissues and she dried her eyes, then just stared at the floor. "I'm so ashamed. I could have really hurt you. I don't know what happened." We sat in silence for a moment until I felt a glimmer of understanding. "I think I do. You've been getting really deep into this thing. Wrestling, I mean. Practicing with me and Jody, getting coaching at the university, studying videos, weight training and so on. You've made amazing progress. You're stronger, faster, have better balance, leverage, know more holds...everything except the mental part. That's the one area you're unsure of. We were just talking about it before you started that fall and I think you were concentrating so hard on it that you just sort of blanked out. That's why you weren't hearing her submit or feeling her tap on your legs. You were focused so hard on harnassing your mental power, you put yourself into a kind of a trance." "Yeah, that's exactly what it felt like," agreed Lisa, "a trance." We decided to continue the discussion over coffee and went out to the local espresso bar. As we arrived back at Lisa's apartment building, we all stopped talking at once. I felt awkward all of the sudden, realizing Lisa and Jody needed some time alone together. I had to work early the next day so that was a good excuse to bid them goodnight. I gave Lisa a kiss and Jody a (very light) hug. As I reached the sidewalk I looked back and saw them standing arm-in-arm in the lobby, waiting for the elevator. End of Part Five