College Vs. Session Wrestler, Part Eight By brooksie A pair of college wrestlers are invited to an underground fetish club on "fight night". Earlier this evening, some of the girls were talking about how good Shanice was at meeting new people, how she could read themm so well, her success at convincing people to participate in her "fight nights" and so on. I began to wonder if this had all been part of an elaborate hustle. But that didn't make sense. I mean, it's not like Shanice was desperate. She had a full card here tonight and the place was packed. Besides, meeting us in the park was too much of a coincidence, not to mention she was with us for several hours before she even mentioned this event. I dismissed the thought. Still, I was too nervous to converse or even drink my beer. I had to talk to Shanice about this! "Taylor, you have to help me. I need to speak with Shanice. Can you go back there with me and bring her out?" "She's probably busy trying to find Karen something to wear. Why don't you just relax and wait for the match to start." "No!" I almost shouted. "I don't think this is a good idea. Please, just ask Shanice to come out and talk to me." She shrugged and stood up. "Be right back," she said to the redhead who was sitting with us. Her friend nodded. I followed Taylor back to the entrance to the dressing rooms and waited while she disappeared inside. Another huge bouncer was positioned there, making sure I didn't try to follow her in. After a minute or so, Taylor emerged. Shanice was right behind her. "What's up, Scott?" "Shanice, I don't think Karen should be doing this." "Really? I didn't think you two had that kind of relationship." "What kind?" "The kind where the man calls the shots and decides what the woman can do." "Aw, come on. That's not what this is about. I'm just worried, She's had a lot to drink tonight and I'm not sure she knows what she's getting into." "And you do?" "No, it's just ... " "Maybe I should go back there and tell her how you're afraid she can't handle herself and are forbidding her to wrestle?" "I'm not forbidding her!" "So you're just afraid she won't be able to handle herself and you're asking me not to let her wrestle. Ok. Is that what you want me to tell her? Say the word Scott, and I'll do it." Oh yeah, I thought. That would go over great. Karen would never forgive me! Shanice stood there, regarding me with a cool look of amusement as I struggled to think of how to justify my role as interloper in this situation. Once again my mind went blank, overcome with the thought of how completely beautiful and sexy she was in those hip-hugging white leather pants, bared midriff and little white jacket and the tiny little fringed top her perfect, round breasts strained against. She pulled me out of earshot of Taylor and the bouncer. Looking me straight in the eyes she asked. "Do you trust me?" I didn't answer. "You don't?" she asked, pretending to pout. "No, I do. But I don't want anything to happen to her." "Hey now babycakes, you know that's a lie." "What is?" "Look, I got your message in the park this afternoon. You love Karen, but you'd like her to be a little more open, sexually speaking, right? That's why you wanted to come here tonight and why we spent so much effort talking her into it. You do want something to happen to her, right?" Up until then, I couldn't have been positive how much Shanice had really been reading my mind earlier today and how much was me projecting powers of intuition onto her. Now I knew for sure. She nailed it, all on her own. "Look here honey," she continued, "there's nothing to worry about. I'll be in the ring for this one myself. No one's going to get hurt." "But what about Candi? I hear she's really tough and she looks mean." "Look Scott, I'm not going to lie to you. She's very good. Most of these dominatrix types are so fat and out of shape they probably couldn't beat the strippers. But Candi's a real athlete. She trains and competes in submission wrestling tournaments. And she's strong as an ox. But don't let the domination thing throw you. She's not a psycho. Most of them aren't. They're usually very good at reading people." I stared at her, not knowing how to respond. "We're just going to have some fun, put on a good show and see what we can do about breaking down some of your girl's inhibitions in the process," she added. "Just leave everything up to me. I'm going to take good care of you tonight." She gave me a quick kiss and a pat on the rear, as she stepped back through the door to the dressing rooms. As Taylor and I made our way back to the table, I wondered why she said she would take care of "you". It was Karen I was concerned about. Maybe she meant "you" in the generic sense, as in "you guys". I didn't know and really didn't care. I just wanted to drink my beer and get back to having fun. Squeezing back into our seats at the table, both Taylor and her red headed friend, whose name I finally learned was Erica, snuggled in close to me. What the hell, I thought. I wasn't in control of this situation. I never had been. Morgan had been right. It was an adventure and no one is supposed to know exactly what's going to happen on an adventure. I didn't feel like thinking about it anymore. I was drunk, tired, and tired of thinking too. When I felt Erica's lips softly biting at one ear and Taylor's voice whispering in the other if I was ready to relax now, I breathed a heavy sigh and replied, "Oh yeah." The waitress brought more shooters, which we quickly downed. The two gorgeous women were all over me and I my powers of resistance at this point were nil. I took turns kissing each of the sexy oil wrestlers while the other nibbled at my neck, blew into my ear, tugged at my nipples through my shirt and rubbed my legs. Unlike my encounter with Morgan earlier, this time I felt no guilt at all. Nothing but pleasure. The booze was definitely doing its work. I mean, Karen may have had a few more drinks that she was used to but she had, for the most part, been drinking mineral water for the last hour or so. I on the other hand, had been consuming alcohol non-stop since dinner. Shanice emerged from the rear of the club, stopped by the sound booth to pick up her microphone and headed towards the ring. She had shed the little leather jacket and wore only the pants and top. She slipped off her heels and climbed through the ropes. "All right people, it's true. We do have an extra added surprise for you all tonight. One last wrestling match and it should be a very interesting contest. I met a couple of real nice folks from Canada earlier today and they've been here as my guests tonight. Here's one of them over here. Come on Scotty, stand up so everyone can see your handsome face. Everyone give a nice welcome to Scott." I got a round of applause and a bunch of patrons, some of questionable gender started hooting, wolf whistling and carrying on in a generally suggestive manner. I quickly sat down. "Scott's a wrestler at his school up in Vancouver, and I hear he's pretty good. But he tells me the real wrestling champ is his girl, Karen and I'll tell you what. I saw these two fooling around in the park today, and she whipped his butt." The crowd laughed in approval as Shanice continued. "She's going to wrestle in her first submission style match. Y'all give it up now, for one Canada's top female college wrestlers, this is Karen!" I couldn't believe what I saw when her came through the doorway and began walking towards the ring. She was wearing a fire engine red bikini! Compared to some of the suits I'd seen, I guess it was modest, but it was quite a bit more brief than anything I'd ever seen her in. Cut very high at the waist, it made her legs look longer. Although she didn't have six-pack abs, Karen did have a nice, trim waist and big pectoral muscles that supported her small breasts nicely. As she stepped through the ropes, the audience cheered, whistled and clapped at the sight of her well-muscled body. With her short blonde hair and clean cut looks, she seemed fit her description perfectly. She looked like what she was...a sweet, but strong young farm girl. She smiled at the applause she was getting and waved both hand in acknowledgment. "I'd tell you about all the wrestling titles she's won, but we don't have all night, which is about how long it would take." The crowd laughed again. "Her opponent tonight is someone you know well, if you're a regular here at fight night ... hey I'm just curious now. How many regulars we got here tonight?" Nearly everyone in the room responded. One thing was for sure ... Shanice had a pretty popular event on her hands here. I wondered what her per centage split was with the club? I had the feeling she was doing all right. Shit, there I was thinking again. Stop it, Scott! I looked back towards the dressing room as Shanice resumed her introduction. "Ha-ha, that's great. Thank you all, so much, for supporting this event. So as I was saying, you know her, you love her, one of our best submission wrestlers here at the Shaggy Horse ... Mistress Candi!" Also receiving a huge round of applause, Candi walked up the aisle towards the ring, looking not too much different than she had earlier. She was still dressed in full leather garb. But as she stepped up to the ring apron, off came the jacket, shorts and hat. She also wore a leather wrist bands, which she left on, and a collar that she took off. I thought the collar a strange accessory for a dominatrix. Underneath she had on a simple black two piece suit, similar in cut to Karen's, except the top was quite a bit larger. The one Karen had on would barely have covered Candi's nipples. I knew Karen weighed around 140-145. Candi had, I estimated, probably twenty-five or thirty pounds on her. She was heavily built but not plump, like a lot of the other mistresses here. She was only slightly thick through the waist, which didn't affect her shape all that much due to her broad shoulders and hips. She still wore her boots and when she unzipped them and pulled them off I saw the source of her power for the first time. Her legs were simply enormous. Not fat, just gigantic quadriceps that bulged out so far I couldn't sure at first that my vision wasn't playing tricks on me. The sweep of her thighs was amazing and her calves were the size of softballs, easily! They were the biggest and hardest I'd ever seen, certainly on a woman. In truth, I couldn't ever remember a man with calves like that either. Without her boots, I could see she wasn't six feet tall after all. She was actually the same height as Shanice, around 5'9, 5'10. Even so, she appeared to tower over my 5'6 inch girlfriend. I looked at Karen and gave her what I hoped was a smile of encouragement. But it wasn't a good sign that I was able to catch her eye at all. Right before her matches, Karen usually seemed like she was a million miles away. She didn't appear to have her normal level of concentration. But then again, why should she? It was a strange and unfamiliar situation. I hoped she was at least calm enough to keep her wits about her. I had a feeling she was going to need them. I still felt worried, but not particularly guilty. Sure, I'd talked her into coming here tonight but her being in this ring wasn't my doing. At least, that's what I kept telling myself. Shanice had the two women shake hands, then gave the signal to begin wrestling. Karen started off moving in the way I was so familiar with, the way she always began. Slow, but constant movement, great balance, good head and foot movement. She used the takedown attempt I thought she would, one she favoured against taller, heavier opponents. Instead of shooting low for a single or double leg takedown, She struck with a relatively upright posture, so her opponent couldn't use their weight on her back. This type of attack left her head vulnerable to a reverse headlock, which Candi now had on her. I knew that wouldn't concern Karen. Grabbing Candi's far leg with one arm and pushing near thigh, Karen basically rotated her opponent's hips, throwing her off balance and allowing her an easy take them down with an ankle hook. As Candi fell back, she was forced to let the headlock go. Once she was on her back, Karen drove in behind her near thigh, forcing it back against her chest and worked her position a bit more to the side as she went for the head and arm pin, which she got. In our type of wrestling, she would have scored a brilliant, thoroughly demoralizing thirty-second pin. In the kind of match she was in, however, it didn't amount to much so far. Karen had her weight centered and her legs well positioned, so Candi's upper body was pinned tight, but I noticed Karen seemed to be losing the hold on her leg. Candi kept forcing it back down, causing Karen to try moving off her side to get more weight behind the leg. A pin in collegiate wrestling is called the second the ref sees both shoulders on the mat, but this pin had already lasted for fifteen seconds or so and had given Karen no real advantage. She needed to let go of Candi's head and risk losing control of her upper body, if she wanted to hold onto her leg. But Karen's training was too well instilled. Letting go of a pin was completely foreign to her. As a result, she was having a harder and harder time hanging onto the huge, muscular leg she was trying to control. Finally, she lost it. With her arms otherwise occupied, Karen couldn't prevent the dark haired dominatrix from swinging her powerful legs up and catching her head in between them. The moment Candi locked her ankles, Karen forgot all about the pin hold, immediately attempting to free herself from the scissors grip. Candi swung her legs, taking Karen over with them. Both women were lying on their sides, with Karen's head caught between Candi's mountainous thighs. Karen quickly got her knees under her and drove her weight forward. It worked! The momentum, aided by Karen's pushing on Candi's calf, allowed her head to pop free. Karen scrambled quickly to her feet. Unsure of what to next, she allowed her opponent to get to hers as well. The reality that she was fighting an unfamiliar style seemed to settle over her. She had a blank, perhaps slightly confused expression on her face. Pins were probably not going to help her much, yet that's what she had been trained to work for. She was getting lots of advice from those close to the ring, including some of the girls at our table, but I'm not sure she was taking any of it in. As she began to move in on Candi again, I could really see how the booze was affecting her. Her movements were not as crisp, controlled or precise as usual. She seemed sluggish and did some things she would normally never have, such as allowing her feet to cross. Finally she tried for a single leg takedown, but moved in slowly, and somewhat clumsily, allowing Candi time to plant her legs and lean her weight forward. I watched them struggle and thought how Karen looked like she was trying to pull a tree out of the ground by its roots. With Candi leaning over her back, Karen was having no success at all in budging those thick legs. I wondered if having her hands all over those massively-muscled thighs intimidated her. For a few seconds, the women grappled to a standoff. Candi made a few tries for a headlock, which Karen managed to avoid by keeping her head low. Switching strategies, Candi looped her arms around Karen's waist and lifted her feet right out from under her. She heaved a second time and managed to turn Karen upside down. As her feet sailed up into the air, Candi let the momentum carry her right over, dumping Karen on to the mat behind her. Although the fall stunned her momentarily, Karen recovered quickly enough to do what she knew instinctively to do ... get off her back! She rolled over and began to rise to her knees when Candi struck. Moving pretty fast for a big woman, she slipped her legs around Karen's waist. Then she straightened her legs and locked her ankles, cinching Karen into a flat body scissors. For a brief moment, I thought Karen might be able to get to her feet and break the hold, but she couldn't even maintain her position on her knees. Candi thrust her hips forward while slamming her thighs together. After a few of those, Karen was laying flat on her stomach, face down on the mat. This was not good, I thought. Karen couldn't make it back to her knees and was trying to use her arms to somehow loosen the pressure those cruel limbs were inflicting on her. Leaning forward, Candi turned a tough situation into an impossible one by grasping one of Karen's wrists and using it to twist her arm into a hammerlock. With only one arm free, there was no way out. Candi taunted Karen gleefully as she brutally tortured her ribs, her legs flexed to their full, terrifying power. "Had enough, Ms. Big College Wrestler? You give up yet?", Candi yelled in her ear. Karen didn't say anything. She continued to struggle, but her efforts grew rapidly more feeble until she lay still under the crushing power of Candi's legs. "Give?" I couldn't hear what Karen said, if she actually did say anything. But there was no mistaking her hand slapping the mat. Candi let out a lusty laugh. Then she opened her legs and planted a foot against Karen's hip, shoving her over onto her back. Candi stood, looking down imperiously as Karen lay looking up at her, holding her ribs and gasping for breath. Candi laughed again and walked slowly to her corner with a cocky swagger. Karen got to her feet and stood, slightly bent over, holding her ribs. She slowly made it back to her corner to rest. Shanice was there, checking on her. She indicated she could continue, but it was plain to see Candi's scissors hold was no laughing matter. Karen's mouth was hanging open and she continued to hold her sides and rock gently back and forth for another few seconds before trying a few tentative stretches. Looking over from her corner, Candi had the smirk back on her face as she teased Karen by flexing her leg muscles. The second fall started out even more slowly than the first. Karen knew now that she was in a completely different kind of match. I could almost hear the wheels turning in her head as she searched for a way to attack without falling victim to Candi's legs. For her part, the big dominatrix, bearing of look of confidence on her face, seemed perfectly content to let Karen come to her. But Karen hung back, forcing Candi to be more aggressive. They locked up a couple of time, with neither getting a clear advantage. Finally, Karen exploded into action. She rushed at Candi, putting her shoulder into the bigger woman's solar plexus and brought her to the mat using a standard collegiate wrestling move, a simple double leg takedown. Watching the two girls roll around on the mat, I could see Karen was a different wrestler than the one I was used to watching. Her movements had none of their usual deliberation. She was literally flailing and thrashing around, fighting to maintain top position. At first, I didn't understand why she was wrestling this way. Then it dawned on me. Ever since the first time she had stepped onto a mat, against an older, experienced boy who she pinned in under two minutes, Karen had never had any doubt about her wrestling ability. Her trademark was the bold, confident approach she brought to the mat. She wasn't cocky or egotistical, but she had absolutely no fear. Until now, that is. Candi did intimidate her and Karen was responding with desperation. She was still on top of Candi and spun around so she was head-to-head with the big brunette, their legs pointing in opposite directions. I recognized what Karen was doing. She was working toward getting a crucifix pin. It's similar to a cross-body and not used in college wrestling very much. But if you can get it, it's a pretty effective hold. With your opponent flat on their back, you try to scissor one of their arms, curl your torso in tight behind their neck and control their other arm with yours. It's easier to get into from a cross-body pin than the position Karen was in. So far, she had Candi's left arm stretched out and her head pushed up against her abdomen. But she was having a tough time capturing Candi's right arm with her legs. Candi thwarted her by getting an arm around one leg and was now trying to pull Karen's lower body right overtop of herself. For a minute or two they remained in more or less the same position, struggling for dominance. Candi wouldn't give up Karen's leg while Karen, in turn, clung onto the dark haired woman's arm. Eventually Candi was successful enough in unbalancing Karen that she had to abandon her attempt at the crucifix and hopped over Candi's body. She was able to stay on top and snared the larger girl's head with a reverse headlock. Twisting her body around, she recaptured Candi's left arm and attempted her first submission hold. She was trying to scissor the arm between her knees, which would force it to bend backwards at the elbow. Unfortunately, Karen couldn't secure the arm lock and lost her headlock in the attempt as well. The two wrestlers were back to grappling for position again. Karen was still fighting defensively, making sure to avoid getting caught between Candi's mountainous legs again. This lead to her being underneath the big dominatrix much of the time. I noticed, as the contest continued, that Candi was comfortable fighting from her back, unlike Karen who's first instinct was to turn over. Candi was keeping Karen at a disadvantage by attacking her arms. Finally she got her in a hammerlock and used her weight to hold Karen down while she worked her arm. She had her head down close to Karen's and seemed to be whispering something in her ear, I couldn't tell for sure. After half a minute or so went by, Candi's fans started sensing victory and began cheering for her. It seemed like Karen was about to be defeated. She hadn't given up yet, but she was unable to free herself from the armlock. Over a minute had gone by and Karen was still face down, with her arm being held behind her back. But as I watched closely, I noticed Candi wasn't trying to force her wrist up towards her shoulder. She had a slight turn on the wrist, but she didn't appear to be trying to achieve a submission from my girlfriend. Candi seemed content to keep Karen pinned and let the pressure work gradually. She held Karen in the hold for another minute or so, then suddenly got to her knees and turned the hold into an armbar. With one big knee pinning Karen's neck to the mat, Candi worked this hold for another minute or so. Again, she must have been holding back on the pressure. I was sure she could have gotten a submission by applying enough pressure to Karen's elbow joint. From her knees, Candi then got to her feet and used a wrist lock to force Karen to hers. Karen's arm seemed limp and weak, and Candi had no trouble using it to control her. Candi pulled the arm across the back of her neck while bending forward, pulling Karen across her back as in a fireman's carry. She began working one arm in between Karen's legs. I had only just reached the horror-filled realization of what was about to happen, when it did. Candi body slammed Karen onto the mat, sending her crashing onto her back, took her by her sore arm, lifted her up and did it again. Karen rolled over onto her side, groaning in pain. There's no way she could have been expecting anything like that. Candi took a moment to acknowledge her fans. She flexed her biceps and briefly posed, a smug little smile on her face. Then she dropped to the mat to finish Karen off with a headscissors hold. Lying so she was facing Karen's feet, Candi she raised my girl's still-groggy head and slid her legs around it. Karen was on her right side, facing towards Candi's ankles. Candi held onto her right arm, stretching it out, then began to squeeze her legs together. From the second she clamped the hold on, I could see Karen had no hope of escape. Candi's powerful legs flexed as they compressed Karen's head in between them. Her huge quadriceps muscles bulged with frightening size as she locked her ankles and applied pressure. Karen's head disappeared between them. She tried using her legs to get some escape leverage, but that proved futile. With her free arm, she pushed and pulled at Candi's thigh, but it didn't budge. In a very short period of time, there was little, if any, movement showing from Candi's victim. Candi taunted her by challenging Karen to escape while bragging that no one ever had. She then asked for her submission again but if Karen answered at all, her response was too muffled by Candi's massive thighs to be understood. Karen was now so still, I started to worry she had lost consciousness. A wave of panic rose in me, just as Candi loosened her terrifying grip and Karen flopped onto her back. Karen seemed out of it, but still conscious. "I didn't hear you submit," Candi yelled, kneeling beside her. "You give up, little girl?" Karen moaned, but that was all. Candi continued her verbal assault. "You gonna submit, tough girl? I can't hear you. Ok, I guess that means we're still wrestling. Now what was that you called me? A bimbo with fake tits? How about I show you another hold and you can find out how fake they really are." Candi's big tits sprung free as she unsnapped her bikini top and tossed it to one side of the ring. Unsupported, I could see they sagged a bit, just from their own weight. Unlike the blonde twins, whose fake boobs were almost as large as Candi's but stuck straight out and didn't seem to change shape, even while they were getting tossed around the ring by their opponents, Candi's looked like they were made of real flesh. Make that a lot of real flesh. Half-naked, she pounced on Karen, pinning her arms and dangling her boobs in her face. Karen tried to turn her head to the side, but that was all she could do, as Candi moved lower on her body and wrapped her legs around the outside of hers. Then she stuck her feet underneath Karen's calves, and hooked them back over her ankles. With Karen's legs trapped in the grapevine hold, Candi leaned as far forward as possible and stretched Karen's arms straight up over her head. "Time to show you what a real set of tits feels like." Karen was well-pinned underneath Candi and could do nothing to prevent the larger woman from lowering her breasts onto her face. They were so big, they completely covered Karen's face. I couldn't see how she could breathe like that. When Candi lifted her chest up, it was clear that she couldn't. Karen gasped for air. Candi let her take a few gulps before lowering her flesh orbs onto her and cutting off her air supply again. "What do you think now? Still think they're fake? Or do you need another sample?" "No, please no don't. I can't breath with them on me." "Aww, are my big, real tits too much for you? Tell you what little girl. Maybe if you just apologize to them, they won't have to smother you anymore. Go on, say you're sorry." Candi started to rotate her shoulders causing her boobs swing back and forth. She leaned lower, getting a laugh from the crowd as she banged them against the side of Karen's face. "I said, apologize to them." "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I said they were fake." "They? You're not talking to me. I said apologize to them, not me. Go on, first the left one." Candi lowered her left breast until the nipple was hovering right over Karen's mouth. "Say it!" "I ... I'm sorry." "That's good. Now kiss it." When Karen resisted this order, Candi slid back down for more leverage and straightened her legs, causing Karen's to bend in two directions, putting painful pressure on her knee joint. She cried out in agony. "I give, I give up. Please, you win. Let me go." "Not until you finish apologizing. I said to kiss it. Now DO IT!" This time Karen puckered her lips and planted and quick kiss on Candi's breast. "Now the other one." Karen went to kiss it too, but Candi pulled it up out of reach. "What do you think you're doing?" "I, I thought you wanted me to kiss it?" "First you apologize. Say you're sorry, then you can kiss it." In that brief exchange, Candi had managed to make it sound like Karen wanted to kiss her breast, like she had been too eager. Later, I was to discover that's how true domination worked, on the mind as much as the body. Karen apologized again, this time with Candi's right breast an inch or so away from her lips. "All right, now you may kiss it." It sounded as if Karen was receiving a reward. Even is she wanted too, she was in no position to protest. Candi's hold on her legs was tolerable as long as she wasn't applying pressure, but she could have Karen in a world of pain the instant she did. "Did you like that. Did my breasts taste nice?" Erin and Taylor giggled. They knew where Candi was going with this before I did. But I soon realized, there was no answer she could give to spare herself more torment. She dared not say no, for fear of having Candi hurt her with the grapevine hold she had her in. But if she admitted to enjoying it ... "I asked you a question. Did they taste sweet?" No answer. Candi jolted Karen with another blast from her legs. "All right, all right. Yes. You're breasts taste nice. Please, let me go. I give up." "That's nice sweetie. You want to taste them some more?" "No." "No?" Candi tensed her legs again, pressuring Karen's knees painfully. "Ow, ow. Ok, yes." Candi relaxed. "That's better. Now beg me for the privilege. Beg for my tits." "Please, please. Let me kiss your breasts." "Are you begging?" "Yes, yes I beg you." "Very well. But I want lots of tongue this time," Candi announced in a loud, clear voice. "And little bites, but be gentle. You don't want to make me mad, do you?" "No ... " Karen said, half sobbing. "What's going on?" I demanded of Taylor. "She gave up. Why isn't Shanice stopping this? I'm going to ... " I tried to stand up, but lost my balance and plopped back down onto the chair. Once again, I tried to get to my feet and once again, failed. This time, both Erin and Taylor pulled me back down and held onto me. I doubt I could have made it to ringside anyway, in my current state of inebriation. I turned my attention back to the ring. Left with little choice, Karen closed her eyes, but opened her mouth and allowed Candi to lower her hardened nipple into it. For the next minute or two Candi kept her pinned as she alternated having first one, then the other breast in her mouth while she ground her hips against Karen's abdomen. Finally she let up. Looking down at Karen with a look of cold satisfaction, Candi jerked her legs straight several times, causing Karen to scream her submission. The tall, big-bosomed dominatrix unraveled her legs and stood up. She looked around for her discarded bikini top. She picked it up and casually strode back to her corner. While Karen slowly picked herself up off the mat, Candi busied herself putting her top back on. She grinned evilly at her opponent. End Of Part 8