College Vs. Session Wrestler, Part Five By brooksie A pair of college wrestlers are invited to an underground fetish club on "fight night". As I watched Shanice disappear into the back of the club. I felt another wave of pure lust, then looked around guiltily for Karen. She was at the opposite end of the table, surrounded by about half a dozen girls. Someone had ordered a tray of shooters. I started to feel as though I'd lost all control of the if I ever had it to begin with I thought, laughing at myself. Morgan had stayed sitting beside me throughout Shanice's fight even though I hadn't said much to her since it began. She go up, snagged a couple of the exotic-looking drinks and brought them back to our end of the table, which was empty save for us. All the other girls were crowded around Karen at the far end. Things just kept getting louder and crazier as they threw back the shooters and squealed with laughter. Meanwhile Morgan scrunched her chair up close to mine and put a shot glass in my hand. She twined her arm around mine and knocked her shooter back. I followed suit. We set the empty glasses down on the table. Leaning in close, she whispered in my ear. "So, are you having a good time Scott?" Without waiting for an answer, she put her hand under the table and onto my thigh. Before I had a chance to say anything, or react in any way, she'd slid it right up to my crotch. "Well, well," she giggled, "I guess you don't have to answer that." Without realizing it, I'd started to grow hard. Not that it was difficult to understand why, with Morgan's hot breath in my ear and her large, mouth watering breasts pushed up against me. "What are you doing?" I gasped, as she continued stroking me, pressing even closer. "Relax Scotty," she purred. "Shanice said to make sure you have a good time, so...I'm just making sure." For a second, I was stunned into silence. Before I got my brain engaged, she pulled back. "I'll get us another shooter. Be right back. Don't go anywhere." She winked before abandoning me for the far end of the table. Instead of returning right away, I saw her sit down beside Taylor, the other buxom blonde she'd wrestled earlier. She pulled Taylor's head close and began talking in her ear. My mind started drifting back to Shanice. Before long, Morgan was back with more shooters. She wasn't quite as stuck to me as before, but we were sitting close and I could feel her leg up against mine. We had to be near to one another so we could talk. She told me a little bit about herself. She was a stripper, of course, as were most of the girls that did the oil wrestling bouts here. She joked about the various substances she's wrestled in at one time or another. I had just asked how she knew Shanice when a loud howl went up from the other end of the table. We both looked to see what was happening and I was astonished to see there was an impromptu arm wrestling contest going, and most of the girls were out of their seats and on their feet crowded around the two who remained seated. One of them was Karen, who was in the process of slamming some poor girl's arm down on the table and was now proudly flexing her biceps, getting compliments for their size and hardness. The loser got up from the chair opposite Karen and another girl sat down in her place. I recognized her as the brunette oil wrestler from earlier, the "mean" one who had exacted her revenge on her helpless opponent. I had a brief moment of concern, but quickly got caught up in the struggle. This girl was strong, no doubt about it. Built short and thick, her arm bulged impressively as she struggled against my girlfriend. It was a good battle, but in the end Karen put her down too. Unlike her wrestling match earlier, the girl was gracious this time. She looked on with admiration as Karen flexed again. I supposed it was mainly the booze, but she was turning into quite the muscle exhibitionist. It was a far cry from earlier that afternoon, when Shanice had to coax her into a flex. We watched one more contest which Karen won easily. Then a couple of the other girls got set to square off against each other, with Karen acting as the starter, lining up their arms up and making sure of a fair grip. She seemed right into it and was apparently having a blast. I was glad. A few more people crowded around the table, attracted by the sight of watching pretty girls arm wrestling. It was hard to see anything, so Morgan and I sat back down. She held up a finger and wiggled it, indicating I should lean my ear closer, as if she wanted to say something. Instead she put her arm around my neck, pulled me in and slithered her tongue into my surprised mouth. At the same time, she hooked her leg over mine and wrapped her ankle around behind and locked it against her other one. My leg was trapped and she held on tight to my neck while continuing to French kiss me. I was quickly losing my will to resist, but at the same time fearful of Karen seeing what we were doing. When Morgan finally broke the kiss off, I immediately craned my neck, trying to look around her. I could barely see Karen, let alone make eye contact. Morgan laughed. "Relax, Scott. She's having a good time and so are we. A little harmless fun. Come on, just go with it." She still hadn't released my leg and was now quickly, and rather skillfully, unfastening my pants. What the hell, I thought! Right here in the club? "Jesus! Morgan, what are you doing?" "It's all good Scott. Take a deep breath and just let me do everything. And..." she giggled, "try to act cool, okay?" In no time at all she had me completely hard and was leisurely bringing me towards a climax, while keeping her tongue busy between my mouth, ear and neck. "Tell me when you're going to cum, sweety," she breathed, as she guided one arm towards her breasts. When my hand slipped under her top and felt her firm orb and its erect, hardened nipple, I began to quiver. "I'm...going to cum...any second," I gasped. Morgan calmly took her other hand from around my neck, picked up a couple of paper napkins and used them to soak up most of the blast of semen that spewed out of me a few seconds later. With her "working hand" she milked the remaining few drops that were left, which dribbled into her hand. She then held her palm to her lips and without taking her eyes off mine, licked her hand seductively. She showed me her glistening tongue. "Mmmm, you taste sweet Scotty," Morgan took another couple of napkins, wrapped up the sticky mess in a big ball and rolled it under the table. "Don't worry, they're used to finding stuff like that here," she smiled. I just sat and stared at her. I had no idea what to say. Seeing the stupefied expression on my face, she burst out laughing. "Don't look so shocked. You did enjoy that, right?" I just gave her a dopey grin and nodded, still having a hard time believing what had just taken place. She put a kiss on her fingers and went to press them to my lips but at the last moment brought her arm down and pressed her hand against my dick. She grinned wickedly and left me sitting there as she went to join some of the other girls. By now the arm wrestling tournament was over and the girls distributed themselves a little more evenly around the table. I looked over and caught Karen's eye. She smiled at me. I got up and went to sit beside her. "How are you doing?" I said, trying to put what had just happened out of my mind as I slid into the chair beside her. "Good. Guess what? I won the arm wrestling contest." "I saw. Can't say I'm surprised," as I gave her arm a friendly squeeze. She giggled and looked at her muscles with pride as she flexed her biceps again. We talked a little more and it was pretty clear that, if nothing else, I was going to find out tonight what kind of drunk she was. So far, it looked like a happy one. "Is everything all right? Are you enjoying yourself?" I asked. "Yeah, these girls are fun. They sure are different than the girls back home, even my friends at school. They're wild. You should hear the things they say!" Karen's voice was thick and throaty. I thought of Morgan. "I can imagine," I said, almost under my breath. "What did you say?" "Nothing. It's not important." I hesitated for a second before continuing. "Are you, uh, aware of how much you've had to drink tonight?" She giggled. "Yeah. A lot." More laughter. "You're not going to throw up or pass out on me or anything, are you?" "I'll be ok. I've had enough anyway." "Do you want to go?" I inquired, thinking that was what she meant. "No, no. I just meant enough to drink." Suddenly everyone at the table started clapping as Shanice reappeared. We joined in with the others in congratulating her on a great fight. Shanice had on a tight, low cut white top with fringes and a pair of matching white leather pants. God, she was a beauty and I loved the way she dressed. When I stood up to give her a congratulatory hug, one of the girls, a cute young thing with a big head of honey-brown curls sat down beside Karen. Needing a new seat, I found myself happily ensconced between Shanice and the redhead who wrestled earlier. Another tray of shooters arrived and the music faded as Melissa climbed through the ropes and into the ring. About that time, things started to get pretty hard to keep track of. Melissa was announcing the next match, a best two out three falls submission contest, some more girls had joined out table...mostly oil wrestler/stripper friends of the ones who were already there. Some of them were bringing male customers over too, lining up business for private matches. Meanwhile, I was trying to keep my eyes off Shanice, without much success. She caught me staring at her a couple of times. Finally, she turned her chair towards me and leaned in close. "What's wrong, Scott? You look uncomfortable." "I'd be embarrassed to say," I told her. "Aren't you having fun?" ", it's not that." "You need to loosen up? Maybe get in the ring? I could find a girl here for you to wrestle?" I wasn't sure if she was teasing me or being serious. "Or, maybe you'd like to take me on?" "I don't think so," I mumbled, suddenly feeling shy and flustered. "I sure enjoyed watching you fight though," I added. "You were great." She smiled. "Thanks," she said, simply. "I don't think I'd want to go up against you." Shanice laughed. "Don't worry, I wouldn't hurt you," she replied, comfortingly, then adding, "at least, not TOO much." She reached over and gave me a little pinch on the arm, causing me to flinch slightly. As she giggled at my reaction, I started to relax again. Gorgeous or not, I genuinely liked this woman and she was so easy to talk to. I asked her about her fighting background and she told me a bit about her training and experience before we got distracted by the start of the next wrestling match. One of the competitors was an amateur bodybuilder. A blonde, she was 5'7 and weighed 154 lbs. She had big muscles everywhere, especially her back and shoulders. They looked bigger than mine! Her opponent was smaller, quite lean but muscular as aerobics instructor at a local gym. She was 5'5, 128 lbs. She had brown hair tied in a pony tail. Her name was Dana and her opponent was named Wendy. Both women wore bikinis, although Dana's was the more revealing of the two. The bottom was little more than a thong while Wendy's was the standard, modest type suit you'd see at a public beach. "That's a lot of weight to give up," I whispered into Shanice's ear. "This doesn't seem like a very fair match up." "Maybe not, we'll see," she replied. "These two have a bit of a rivalry going at the gym they both work at. I go to Dana's aerobics classes sometimes. She told me about it, so I got them to agree to have a match here to try and settle it." "I think your friend's going to get killed. Look at the muscles on that girl," I said, referring to Wendy, the blonde bodybuilder. "Size isn't everything when it comes to wrestling Scott, you should know that. Besides, Dana's in incredible shape. She does triathlons and used to be a competitive swimmer in school. The other girl might not have her endurance. If you're running out of air, it's hard to use your strength, right?" "I guess so, providing you can survive long enough for that to matter." "I don't think Dana's going to be any pushover. Besides, she told me she knows a bit about should be able to tell that...and I'm not sure Wendy does. I don't know her very well." We watched the action begin, and right off the bat I could see I'd underestimated the lithe aerobics instructor. It was hard to get a sense of whether she'd had any real wrestling training or not. But she certainly had speed and a very aggressive, take-no-prisoners style. The first couple of minutes were mostly taken up by Wendy, the bodybuilder, using her greater strength to fend off Dana, who attacked her relentlessly. She seemed to be trying to capture one of Wendy's arms or legs, perhaps with the intent of applying one of the types of joint locks Amy had used in her earlier match. Whatever she was doing, it wasn't a style of wrestling I was familiar with. It also hadn't really gotten her anywhere either other than to keep her big, muscular opponent on the defensive, which maybe wasn't such a bad strategy, considering their size difference. Finally, Dana used a move I could relate to, a double-leg takedown. On the mat, she was even more aggressive, using her quickness to keep Wendy on her back. As I watched them struggle, I began to develop a real appreciation for the smaller girl's athleticism. She took the fight to the bodybuilder, not giving her a chance to mount any sort of attack. As they continued to grapple for position, Wendy seemed to be losing ground. Dana moved into position for a cross-body pin. Wendy extended an arm to try and grab one of her legs and push her off. Twisting her upper body around, Dana seized hold of her wrist and pulled the arm through her legs and clamped it between them in a scissors lock, just above the elbow. She turned back around, slammed her upper body hard onto the bodybuilder's chest, knocking her flat, and stunning her enough to get hold of the other wrist with both hands. She stretched that arm out too and held on tightly to the wrist with both hands. Some of the girls at our table were really getting into the match now. They obviously knew Dana as well, and started screaming support for her. Wendy's arms and upper body were trapped! Her only option now was to lift her legs up and slam her feet on the mat while bucking her hips, in an attempt to dislodge the smaller girl. Dana just held on and rode out her struggles. Finally Wendy stopped to rest, giving her the opportunity to squirm even more tightly against her, as she applied the press with vigour. I saw her adjust her position so she was laying a little lower, more across Wendy's stomach than her chest. When the big bodybuilder tried to her leg kick move again, Dana was ready. Hanging onto Wendy's outstretched left arm with just one hand, Dana reached out and caught her left leg behind the knee, pulling it back tight against her own shoulder. With only one hand to hold the bodybuilder's outstretched left arm, Dana shifted her weight up higher and leaned farther forward, so she could maintain control of Wendy's arm. Now she really had her. Wendy had no defences left. After fruitlessly kicking her right leg in the air a few times, her big body lay still. The aerobics instructor pinned her firmly to the mat, her breasts pressing into Wendy's face. For a second, both wrestlers stopped moving. Then we heard Melissa's voice reminding Dana it was a submissions-only match. Dana raised her upper body and slammed it against Wendy's chest. Then she did it again. "Give?" Dana yelled. Dana was facing away from our table and I saw her squeezing her legs even tighter around Wendy's right arm as she pulled her trapped leg back a little further. All the poor bodybuilder could do in the position she was in was to turn her head from side to side, repeating "" to each time Dana asked if she was ready to submit. The aerobics instructor slammed her weight down on her several more times. Finally she could take no more and a look of helpless frustration settled over her face. "Ok," she yelled. "Ok, what?" Dana was not going to let her off that easily. She was going to make Wendy say it. The answer didn't come soon enough and Wendy was subjected to another smash from Dana. "I give up," she quickly shouted out. The whistle blew. Dana released Wendy's leg, letting it flop down onto the mat, leapt to her feet and pumped both fists in the air, as the audience cheered and clapped for her. Wendy, more embarrassed than hurt got up and went despondently to her corner to await the start of the second fall. Meanwhile some of the girls from out table jumped up and ran over to side of the ring, slapping Dana's hand in congratulations as she leaned over the ropes, a happy smile on her face. I looked over at Shanice, who said nothing, but gave me a smug look. She was clearly pleased, and seemingly not that surprised by the result. The next round saw a more determined Wendy. She showed more aggression as she tried for revenge against the smaller woman who I'm sure she felt shouldn't have been able to do what she just did...hand her a humiliating defeat by pinning her helplessly to the mat, her face smothered by the brunette's perky breasts. This round Wendy tried to go on the attack, realizing she wasn't just going to be able to overpower Dana with sheer strength alone. As they fought to neutralize each other with a hold of some sort, it was clear Wendy could not match Dana's speed, agility or co-ordination. Her aggressive style nearly cost her dearly, as Dana came close to securing a couple of good holds. Her best opportunity came when she had the bodybuilder on her stomach while bending her arm behind her in a hammer lock. Dana tried to use her legs to keep Wendy down and was successful for a while, long enough for the crowd to start sensing another submission. But Wendy did manage to work her way out of it and throw her tormentor off. As she scrambled to her feet, the expression on her face made it plain how frantic she was at nearly losing the match to her rival without even threatening to take a fall. She lunged recklessly at Dana again and this time caught her with an arm around her neck. Locking her fingers together and completing the headlock, she bent and twisted the smaller girl's upper body while squeezing her neck. Dana tried to use her feet to trip Wendy and somehow escape, but the big girl thwarted her efforts by pulling her around the ring, keeping Dana off balance. Finally Wendy flipped the smaller girl over her hip and sent her to the mat, crashing down hard on her lighter opponent. Relishing the opportunity for some pay back, she pushed her breast into Dana's face as she leaned her into her with her superior weight and cranked on her victim's neck. Wendy's legs were spread wide and her balance was perfect! There was practically no chance of Dana breaking the hold. But unlike her foe, Wendy didn't demand a submission. She seemed content to hold Dana this way as long as she needed to. In fact, as Dana realized her predicament and tried to give up, Wendy stymied her, squishing her breast against the helpless girl's face, preventing her from getting the words out. She laughed in her face as Dana made a series of muffled, garbled sounds in a vain attempt to submit. Fortunately for her, she was also tapping feverishly against the bodybuilder's broad back which the referee quickly noticed, although not quickly enough to suit Dana, I'm sure. As Wendy stood and flexed her biceps in victory, a bright red splotch and the pained look on her opponent's face revealed how much power was in those muscular arms! Somehow, I'd been cast as a Wendy supporter...Shanice's doing, no doubt... although the truth was I'd been sort of pulling for the spunky little aerobics instructor, Dana. Shanice and some of the other girls seated near us started razzing me, attempting to get a rivalry going by saying how my girl was going down this time and other similar comments. Meanwhile, Karen was engrossed in conversation with the curly-headed brunette who'd sat beside her when I got up to give Shanice a congratulatory hug. I hadn't seen her before but Shanice told me her name was Kim, and that she'd be fighting later. I watched her and Karen sharing a big laugh about something. Kim raised her glass up and I was relieved to see Karen return the toast by clinking Kim's glass with a bottle of mineral water. In another setting, getting absolutely plastered might have been all right, but I really didn't want to see her embarrass herself here. Little did I realize what "famous last words" those would turn out to be. The next fall was about to begin. I couldn't just roll over in the face of the taunting I was receiving, so I did my best to tout Wendy as the probable winner, even though I lacked the enthusiasm I needed to give back as good as I was getting. Besides, they were ganging up on me. It wasn't fair! But the good-natured teasing stopped pretty quickly as the action go underway. Wendy rushed straight at her opponent and, using her momentum, weight and greater strength, got right inside of Dana's defences and slapped a bear hug on her. With her arms around the smaller girl's ribcage and one hand gripping the opposite wrist, she had a strong grip on her. I saw Wendy bend at the knees slightly and, with a loud grunt, hoist her lighter victim right off her feet, which were left dangling several inches above the mat. Some of the women at the table gasped audibly at this pure power move. No one doubted the strength in Wendy's arms and I could see plenty of worried expressions mixed in with the cries encouraging Dana to hang on. Once again, I had a view second only to the referee's. The two wrestlers were positioned more or less sideways to where we were sitting, but I could see enough of Wendy's powerful arms and Dana's tormented face to get a sense that there was just too great a size difference between these two for this match to last much longer. Dana tried to use her arms for something, but Wendy had her cinched up good, her chin resting tight against the suspended girl's neck. It seemed like there was nothing she was going to be able to do to free herself from the vice-like hold. Dana had fought well against a stronger opponent, I felt, and should have no reason to hang her head. After all, she was giving up more than twenty-five pounds to the big bodybuilder. Despite the shouts of support, I expected Dana's submission any moment. I had a good view of her face and she looked in a lot of pain. As well, she appeared to having difficulty breathing, which was little wonder considering the predicament she was in. I saw her lips move and heard a feeble sound escape them, but nothing that could be considered a submission. Besides, her arms were free and she could easily tap Wendy's back as a means of giving up. The crowd had grown quiet as Dana hung limply in the big girl's grasp. I sensed it was over. Shanice, sitting beside me, must have had the same feeling because she suddenly called out to her friend, loud and clear. "Fight through it girl. Reach down and get it. You know it's there...come on girl, fight!" Dana's mouth was hanging open now. She was breathing deeply, panting really. She still looked pretty whipped, but I saw something flash across her eyes, indicating she'd heard Shanice. If I had a high regard for this girl's spirit before, it reached an even higher plateau as I saw Dana hook her feet around the back of Wendy's calves for support and slowly rock her her upper body back and forth in the tiny increments that were all Wendy's brutal bear hug would allow for. "That's it girl. Keep fighting. You can do it," Shanice continued, keeping up her show of encouragement. Dana seemed to be finding some will to keep struggling against the pain and, amazingly enough, was starting to open up a little distance between her and her captor. Keeping her legs wrapped tightly around Wendy's, she continued to swing her upper body as much as she could. Eventually she got her hands onto the bodybuilder's shoulders while she worked her neck away from Wendy's digging chin. Now Dana's head was free and she could lean back several inches, which she did. Dana untangled her feet and drove her heels hard against the back of Wendy's legs. At the same time, using her grip on the big girl's shoulders for support, she pulled her upper body forward. The combination of these two moves was enough to cause Wendy to lose her footing. She toppled over backwards and hit the mat hard. Dana landed on top of her. The impact of the fall caused Wendy's arms to open up and Dana was free at last! The girls at our table let out a huge squeal of delight and continued yelling support for Dana, their enthusiasm now bolstered by Dana's determined battle to escape from what had seemed certain defeat. Somehow she kept the presence of mind to take advantage of her momentary opportunity and, one at time, reached her arms back and hold of Wendy's legs by wrapping them behind the fallen girl's knees. I felt a surge of adrenaline as I realized she was in a perfect position to roll Wendy into a "matchbook" pin, her feet suspended helplessly over her head while her opponent's knees pressed her shoulders down. But pins were not the objective, something Dana had remembered even if I hadn't. Instead she stood and linked her hands together, Wendy's ankles jammed into her armpits and her feet pinned against her back. I thought I recognized the hold she seemed like she was trying for. I couldn't remember the name of it but one of the girl's supplied it when she screamed, "Boston Crab. Get her in a Boston Crab!" Dana tried to hold on to Wendy's legs and get her turned over onto her stomach, but she lost her grip as Wendy kicked her legs loose. For a moment both women made no move towards one another. Dana was on her feet, but bent over and holding her clearly sore ribs while Wendy was on her hands and knees, still recovering her breath after landing hard on her back with all of Dana's weight crashing down on top of her. It was Dana who appeared to recover first, although I was sure her ribs would ache for quite a while after this match was over. Flinging herself at Wendy, Dana got her in a reverse headlock. Both girls were on their knees, with Dana's arm wrapped around Wendy's neck and her upper body draped over the bodybuilder's broad back. Wendy got her arms around Dana's hips and fought to free herself. She managed to heave the smaller girl to the side and get her head free, but Dana gave her no respite. Fighting with a renewed energy stamina, she once again started to take the fight to her opponent. She tried a series of holds, all of which Wendy fought off. As she continued to find herself thrown back to the mat, an unfazed Dana kept up her attack until their fortunes began to reverse. Now it was Wendy who looked like she was in trouble. Weary and worn out, she was having a harder and harder time fighting Dana off. Her breathing was laboured, coming in giant gasps as her movements slowed to the point where Dana was able to make one attempt at a hold after another. Wendy wasn't mounting any sort of counter attack and was completely on the defensive. As her smaller, but more energetic nemesis pursued her around the ring, Wendy looked liked she'd run out of gas. After such a titanic struggle, the end was almost anti-climatic. Out of breath and on her hands and knees, the spent bodybuilder offered only minimal resistance as Dana wrapped her arms around Wendy's neck and pulled her over onto her back. She clamped her legs around Wendy's waist and held her neck with one arm while hooking one of her elbows with the other. The ref quickly dropped down to make sure the neck hold wasn't a choke. Dana's forearm was underneath her opponent's chin as she pulled her head back, but her throat was visible and her ability to breath unimpeded. Dana was curled around Wendy from her left side, her ankles locked on her right. But she had Wendy's right arm secured with the elbow lock and the left one trapped underneath her. The big girl writhed helplessly as Dana worked her body scissors, muscles tensed and taut. She squeezed in long moments of continuous pressure, which she alternated with a bursts of short snapping type movements, relaxing her legs one second and driving them hard into full muscular flex the next. Wendy was now moaning in pain, almost constantly. "Give up?" Dana yelled. No answer. Another long squeeze, followed by a series of quick "snappers". "Give?" The same scenario repeated itself several times. The girls at out table were all on their feet, anticipating their friend's imminent victory. One yelled out "sleeper, get her in the sleeper." Dana hesitated briefly, then released her lock on Wendy's right arm and curled her own right arm around the defenceless girl's head, securing the hold by gripping her right biceps with her left hand. She continued to grip Wendy's body with her legs, but mostly as an immobilizing technique now, with the bulk of her effort going into the new hold. She lay back fully, stretching Wendy out while the ref hovered close by, to ensure Wendy wasn't being choked. By now, the big, muscular blonde was all but motionless. Her legs had stopped thrashing and even her right arm lay limply on the mat. The referee took her wrist and held it up, then let go. The lifeless limb dropped like a stone. Wendy was unconscious! As the ref tapped Dana on the shoulder, signalling her to release her beaten foe, a huge cheer went up, not only from our group, but the entire room. This had been a tremendous contest, an epic battle with a "David & Goliath" overtone. I expected a bit of proud posturing on Dana's part and that would be it, but I was wrong. After jumping up and celebrating her win, including receiving congratulatory high-fives from our contingent at ringside, Dana took the opportunity to pose for photos in the classic victory position, her bare foot resting on her opponent's chest. Meanwhile Melissa, after a brief conference with Shanice, picked up her microphone and announced that, because her opponent had passed out before voicing her submission, Dana had the opportunity to either accept victory by knockout or to force her opponent to submit. "And," added Melissa, "as is customary in a knockout victory, she has the right to demand that submission in the form of her choice." At this, a wave of hooting and hollering began. It all seemed moot to me. I mean, although Wendy certainly seemed done for the night, why take even the slightest chance she might recover? That very thought however, showed that there was something going on here I had no clue about whatsoever, at least not at this stage. Shanice would later explain what it was I was missing, but for now I was utterly baffled when Dana eagerly chose to win by submission. Melissa climbed out of the ring and the referee remained, as Dana now mounted her supine victim and sat cockily on her stomach, just below her breasts. The grin on her face was a mile wide. Spurred on by the girls at our table, she flexed and posed in a dominant display of superiority over her rival. Someone had tossed Dana a water bottle and she used to dribble a few drops onto Wendy's forehead. Finally the blonde muscle girl began to stir. It took probably the better part of a minute, but eventually she had a fully conscious woman beneath her. Grasping her wrists, Dana leaned down, leering at the defeated woman beneath her. I couldn't hear what was said at first until Melissa came around to our side of the ring, her wireless mic attached to a long boom, like the kind TV crews use. As she extended it over out we could begin to hear what Dana was saying. She was "baby talking" to Wendy, as she lightly slapped her cheeks! "Wakey, wakey Wendy. C'mon, little sleepyhead, time to wake up and beg me for mercy." "Huh...what?" "Aww, you don't even know what happened do you. Poor baby. I put you to sleep, little girl. And we'll have some nice pictures to show everyone at the gym with my foot on your chest and your face, and me sitting on top of you, just like I am right now. That way everyone can see who the superior woman is, right?" "No..." Wendy sounded close to tears. "No?" said Dana, with mock surprise. "You don't think so? Want some more proof? How about another scissors hold. Want that?" " more please. Please." "Oh, so you are ready to admit who's superior? Go on, say it!" "Please, don't. Let me go please. I give up. You win, you beat me." "Thanks for telling me what I already knew. Now I want you to tell me something else, something I've know all along and you just found out tonight. WHO IS THE SUPERIOR WOMAN?" Wendy tried to avert her eyes, but Dana clapped her hand around her chin. She pressed her knees tight against Wendy's face and repeated her question. Wendy couldn't move her head and was forced to look at Dana's cruel smirk, as she demanded Wendy acknowledge her superiority. Wendy tried to struggle, but her attempts were so feeble they actually caused some members of the audience to laugh out loud. Stung by this further humiliation, Wendy fought harder to unseat the smug Dana, who seemed to be enjoying her ride on top of her thrashing victim. Finally anger, frustration and embarrassment got the better of Wendy and she yelled out, but not the words Dana wanted her to say. "I gave up, now get off me. Get off, you fucking bitch!" Dana wasted no time in responding to this show of defiance. She swung her legs up and over Wendy's shoulders, yanked her head up by the hair and crossed her ankles. Rolling over onto her side, she cupped her hands behind the struggling girl's head and pulled it up high into her waiting thighs. Wendy's face was pressed against her crotch. Once she had the head scissors secure, Dana took hold of Wendy's wrists. Again, she had the bodybuilder in a futile position. The ferocious little aerobics instructor thrust her hips hard, lifting her ass right off the mat, as she poured everything she had into the hold. Having already been knocked out once tonight, it was understandable Wendy was not able to take much more pressure on her skull. She quickly gave up the struggle and lay still. Dana loosened the hold enough to allow her opponent the chance to speak. At the same time she let to of Wendy's top arm. I don't know if Wendy was trying to signal her submission or make one last attempt at resistance, but she reached out her arm and somehow her hand got tangled in Dana's bikini top. As she pulled it back, Dana's top came flying off and her pert, round little breasts sprung into full view. I don't know what I was expecting her to do, but she barely reacted to her sudden state of partial nudity. Taking hold of the bodybuilder's blonde locks, she repeated her previous demand. "Tell me NOW! Who is the superior woman?" "You," Wendy gasped, "please, no more. You are the better woman. You are superior. Please, don't squeeze me anymore. I give. You win, you're superior." Dana smiled and closed her legs again, sealing Wendy's face once more against her pubic mound. Her nipples, already hardened, seem to extend even further as she gently undulated her hips and rubbed her pussy into Wendy's face. The audience was going wild, screaming and applauded her sexy show of mastery. She kept it up as her breathing quickened and her face grew flushed. Parting her legs slightly, she gasped out another demand. "Beg me. Beg me for mercy. Right now, or I'll crush your head. BEG ME NOW!" "Mercy," Wendy sobbed, "please have mercy. Anything you say...please...mercy. No more, I beg you." "Say I'm the best." "You are the best." Dana closed her legs, but gently this time as she slowly and deliberately thrust her hips against Wendy's face. Within seconds she let out a loud moan while the audience went absolutely berserk watching her satisfy herself. My dick grew hard again as I watched this live scene that blew anything I'd ever seen in a porno film right out of the water. As Dana lay back basking in the afterglow, she unclasped her ankles and spread her legs. Her thong was dark and wet. Wendy, in tears now, simply lay her head against her conqueror's thighs. Transfixed, I stared in fascination as she began to stroke Dana's thighs, repeating "please, no more, I give" over and over. Dana stared down at her and in another totally surprising move reached under her arms and guided the defeated woman on top of her. Then they kissed, deep long and passionate, their hands groping each other everywhere. The audience was on their feet, cheering, whistling, clapping as Dana stood and helped Wendy to her feet. She gathered the bigger girl into her arms, while unfastening her top. Then they indulged in another long, sensual kiss. Finally they broke it off. Dana took Wendy by the hand and they exited the ring, to wild applause. End of Part Five