The Worm Turns: Chapter 6 Both Ways By Richard Gross Constructive comments welcomed: Dessert. She has her cake and eats him too. And, he gets the bad news. Update: 14/02/1998 to gross Copyright 1991 by Richard Gross And, he had thought the night was nearly done... "NO! WHAT? NO! NO!" He reared up, stiff arming his torso away from her. Unable to budge himself out of her. "Take it easy, take it easy. You can't get out of me unless I let you. Just accept it. You're not going anywhere. Now calm down," she said matter of factly, logically. "Calm down? You fuckin' crazy? You just said you were going to rape me!" "Sure, so you'll take it like a man. Men don't scream and whine, piss and mew." "Hell, men don't get raped either. They do the ra..." It had come out so easily, naturally. "They do the raping, you started to say? They can, we can't, right?" "Anyway," he avoided sullenly, "how can you rape me if I want it? Then it's not rape." There's an idea. "But, you don't want it." "Hell I don't! Didn't I go for it? Didn't I start to fuck you?" "Sure did, but on your terms. Now, it's going to be on mine." "What do you mean, yours?" "I'm going to be in control, not you." "But, I told you, I've got to be in control..." " order for you to feel like a man." "Right." "Right." "So, don't you want me to be a man?" "No." "Then I don't want to fuck you." "I know." "So let me go." "No." "Why?" "Because I want to fuck you." "You can't force me!" "Watch me." "Hey, that's..." He was a little slow, but he was getting it. She smiled. "Told you." "Now wait a minute." He was becoming frightened in a whole new way. "I'm still on top. This is my show. I'm still in..." It was hard to say now, somehow. "...control?" she finished for him. "Stay there, it won't matter." "Ok, then it's not rape." "Really? Try fucking me." He looked at her. "This is a trick, right?" "No. Come on. Fuck me. You know how. In and out, in and out, in and out..." He tried to lift out of her. No way. He was deep in cement. He tried again. Almost lifted her pelvis, but couldn't move himself within her for anything. "Come on, fuck me, big guy. You can do it, can't you? Hey, you're on top, you're inside me, I'm not holding you." She put her hands behind her head, allowed him to take in her biceps as they flexed naturally. "Come on! Be a man!" "How do you do it?" "Do what, rape you without laying a hand on you?" Blood rushed to his face. "How can you keep me tight?" She was noticing how humiliation always calmed him, cleaned up his mouth, got him honest. "Kegels," she said. "Bagels?" "Kegels, Kegels! They're exercises that help women give birth more easily." He had that blank look again. "Very simple. They're like tightening your butt from the inside. Except we tighten our vaginas instead." She was groping for clarity. " squeezing your anal sphincter, but up front." "You gonna squeeze my what?" "It's like," she knew she'd have to go to his level, "like what you do when you take a sort of cut it off...when you're done?" She saw recognition. "And, we do them over and over to strengthen the vaginal muscles. We do them any time, any place, 'cause no one knows when we're doing them. So, we can do them all the time if we really get into it. Sometimes I get a ball..." She was getting into it. "You know, the kind you use in some of those paddle ball games. They're small and black and firm. And -- my friends do this too -- we put them in our vaginas..." "That's filthy!" "Not as filthy as most things women shove up there!" She shot him that look of contempt that never failed to wilt him. "Anyway," cordial again, "sometimes we walk around all day with them inside. We go shopping, visiting, swimming, to the bars, anywhere, squeezing on them, no one knowing except us. What a gas. Once,..." He was beginning to realize that maybe she really could pull this off without laying a hand on him. Curiously, the thought kept him hard. "Once, I went to a job interview with the damn thing inside me. I just sat there as he talked to me, squeezing and squeezing, turning the ball over and over, smiling at him. And, the more I thought about it, the more I smiled. I got the job. "What are you going to do to me?" She was still lying comfortably, her hands cradling her head. "I told you. And, I've been Kegeling for so long, I'm as strong inside as I am outside." She flicked a quick flex to one of her biceps and winked at him. "Pretty much anything I please." She relaxed, then tightened, her vaginal grip on him with a flowing motion. "Please don't do this to me." "Sorry. I guess it is rape after all, huh?" "I'll tell." She laughed. "Go ahead. Would you like to hear yourself on tape?" "This is wrong, damn it," sweating, "you can't do this to people. It's not right." She laughed again. "True, true. I should be more subtle." She flowed another squeeze around him. "Like maybe misspacing hurdles or pointing landing lights all wrong. Or, I could over douse the torches so they explode?" He'd forgotten that shit. Selective memory. But, the night was making more sense now. "Maybe I should break your ankles instead of your dick." He was getting panicky. She was undulating her vaginal walls around that dick without letting go of it. "Please..." he started to beg. "'Please'? I don't understand that word any more than you guys ever did. After all, you were just a bunch of pricks, and I was just a goddamn fuckin' cunt on legs. So, it makes sense that you're inside me now, right? You can do it for all of them." She brought her arms out of retirement and coaxed his head toward her, firmly. "Maybe we could find them and tell them about this later," a conspiratorial tone in her voice. "Tell them what I did to you and how I made you love it anyway. Tell them how you came despite yourself, again and again. Came as you never thought you could, taught by me what you really have inside. You will, you know. You will love this. Trust me, trust me, sweetie." "Oh God no! Shit no! Please no, please, please! "Or, we could go to court. You could tell the judge that I raped you flat on my back." She kissed him. "I could think of doing Kegels with you and smile at the judge." She sucked at his tongue. "Who do you suppose he'd believe, you or me?" She laid that smile on him that he had come to love and dread. "Please, I'm begging you..." breathless. "I noticed." Another vaginal spasm as she coaxed his tongue out. Her voice was low in her throat. "You knew, didn't you. I really can eat you alive!" And he felt the mouth in her vagina clamp down and suck him in till he thought she'd swallow him, balls and all. "Yeah!" She laughed loud and deep, a demon escaping from Hell. "Yeah, we'll tell the judge that I raped you flat on my back without laying a hand on you!" And, she sucked his tongue into her mouth, hard, very hard, and relaxed her arms behind her head again. Through teeth clenched around his tongue, she laughed as never before. Unable to move head or groin away from her, he pounded his fists against her sides without effect and knew it was useless, broke into sobs, crying aloud beyond embarrassment, beyond fear, crying the despair of the lost. He shut his eyes tight against the pain and the hideous laughter, and hot tears seared their way through his lids and watered the cheeks below. He tried to fling himself back, hurl himself backwards and away from the devouring obscenity. He threw himself into the darkness again, praying it would hide him once more. He felt himself going over, back and back and back till he could see his knees coming level with his upturned face, then his feet come over, and he knew he had made it, free, swan diving backwards, upside down away from her. And, in his headlong fall he heard himself crying, part human, part something else. He saw it. The pink snout trapped, its tongue caught and cut between huge forces. And, a tiny trickle of blood as he careened past it all, plummeting like flaming Lucifer himself into darkness where not even God could find him.