The Worm Turns: Chapter 5 Turnabout By Richard Gross Constructive comments welcomed: Almost show time. Dark, dangerous, exciting. Got to set it up right. Update: 07/02/1998 to gross Copyright 1991 by Richard Gross It was different this time. She had invited him to her bed without coercion. She had urged him over on his back, made him easy, propped his head with pillows, caressed away his fears. Then she flowed her body up over his. The movement was so smooth, so sensuous and quick that he found himself gratefully overwhelmed by scent and warmth before he knew she lay on top of him. He eagerly accepted the weight and soaked her up like a parched desert gulps the summer rain that melts its desolation. He looked up at her between soft, slow kisses and watched her face melt into obscurity as her thick black hair gradually fell forward, shutting out the dim light. Soon, all the long hair hung down around her head, reaching past his own to the pillows below. It was like being in a tent. She was both shelter and companion. She enclosed them both. And, she felt it too. "Just the two of us in here," she whispered. "All alone in the night. No one else in the world, just you and me." She kissed his eye lids. "We can do whatever we please in here. No one will find out. What do you think about that?" He thought it was a little scary and a lot exciting, but didn't know how to say that. She looked down at him from the apex of the dark tent, her face indistinguishable from the darkness that surrounded it, and waited. Time was slipping by in this microcosm which she both formed and inhabited. It was like living inside her, he thought. She at once contained and controlled him; she was his only law. And he knew she expected an answer. He tried to make out her face, to take his lead from her expression. But, he could not see it. He thought about it. What was it about her face that had so captivated him years before her legs ever had? He could not think of a single feature that was beautiful in itself. Yet, all of them together became outrageously sexy, like some concoction of innocuous chemicals that mixed, become explosive. There were those eyes. Big, yes...huge. Alive, lord, yes. But, too alarming to be beautiful. Perhaps it was the starkness of unforgivingly black irises against their white background which unnerved him. Then there was her mouth. He knew it never could have smiled out at him from the pages of any girly magazine he had ever poured over. No conventional beauty here. In fact, there was something positively goat- like about the way her upper lip came to an expressive, almost prehensile point at its center, and curled downward, then abruptly upward at the corners of her mouth. This mouth invited him to venture close and be nibbled. Until it smiled. Then, it spread away from flawlessly white teeth, enlarged to an astonishing size, accentuating the powerful jaws that made watching her eat an erotic spectacle. He could not have put it into words, but it always surprised him the way that mouth transformed her from the merely lecherous to the ravenously bestial, simply by smiling. And, this face, already disquietingly sexual, was framed by the most luxuriously thick long, black hair he had ever seen. He sensed that it magnified the power of her face, and now he strained his vision up through the darkness of that hair to find the face again. Almost, almost, he thought, he could see the whites of her eyes and the blackness they framed staring down at him. With rare insight, he realized how much of her was black on white, white on black. Just like her apartment. "Playing would be more fun if I know...more like a man," he finally answered. "Don't feel like you have much control, huh?" out of the waiting darkness. She had a way of getting right down to it. "" "You like being on top." "Yeah." "On the bottom you feel kind of restricted...trapped. On top you're sort of freer, more in control." "Yeah. I' more of a man." She was hoping he had more of a man between his legs than he did in his head. "Tell me what you'd do on top." "Christ, lady, use your imagination! Do I have to draw you pictures?" She thought of the pictures he would draw, and life began stirring down below again. "Just make me feel like I want you to do me. Come on, seduce me!" "Shit, you women gotta talk about everything!" "Humor me. You want to get inside me." He blanched. "Uh...right, that's the idea," shocked that she'd mentioned it. "Oooh! What else? You gonna kiss me?" "I suppose." "That's good. That's good." Tiny lips were sucking their way through her vagina again. "You gonna bite me, maybe?" "Sure, whatever." "Mmmm you're so good." The clicking of teeth were at her labia again, gnawing at the gates. "See what you do to me?" He couldn't see anything, but he sensed a great deal. Confined in the darkness of her hair, he could feel the heat rush to her face, smell her breath become musky. Her voice powered down at him, husky. "And will you do me and make me love it so I'll never have it better because it doesn't get any better because you'll grind me and grind me and make me scream and hate it and love it and in the end I'll do it all anything you ask?" She was grinding her pelvis into his. "Yes, yes, Jesus, yes!" His body's motion answered hers. He was as hot as she and coming suddenly erect. "Yes, what? Tell me, tell me, tell me!" She reached past him to her night table and pressed a button. The metallic click was lost in their lust. "I want you, damn it! Got to have you! Got to! Got to! I'm gonna fuck you all the way into next Tuesday! Now! Right now!" "Right now? You sure you want this? Really? Even if I don't?" "You want it! You want it, alright. Come on, I know you do. You can't back out on me now!" He hoped momentum would triumph over reason. "Whatever you say." She rolled over onto her back taking him with her. "Whatever you want..." Submissive. He couldn't believe this sudden change in his fortune, but he wasn't going to wait around for credibility to sanction things. He penetrated her while the getting was good, figuring on feasting before the meal was snatched away. She took him in voraciously and pressed his open mouth to hers, nearly sucking his tongue from its roots. "Oh darling, is this what you want? You ready to fuck me into next Tuesday?" "Shit yes!" nursing his tongue. "Ok." And she reached back, clicked off the tape recorder, and pushed it out of reach. "What the hell is that?" He pulled back, suddenly sober. "Evidence." "For what?" He didn't like this. She pulled his face close to hers again, kissed him deeply, filling his mouth with her tongue, nearly gagging him. He felt a tightening around his penis far more sensuous than that from any vaginal muscles he'd ever experienced. It was more like a mouth encircling him, first pressing firm lips far down around his shaft, then closing in until it engulfed the whole organ in tight succulence. It was a vaginal blow job. "For court." "For...? You gonna take me to court?" "No, dear. But, you may take me." "Why in hell would I take you?" "Because..." She kissed him again long and hard, then slid her lips down the jugular vein in his neck and over to his ear. "Because..." She nibbled his ear, tantalizing him. "Because, because?" He knew he was in trouble. For sure. "Because, my sweet..." There would be no more waiting. The obedient worm -- long suffering, barely patient, freed from a life time of repression, risen from its dark red depths -- drew him in, sucked him deep to the very base of his penis. "Because I'm going to rape you now."