THE DRIVER'S SEAT or LOOK, MA By BOS "I wonder what the hell they're going to do to me now. Maybe it's just money they want," Tina hoped against hope as she struggled against the rope that bound each hand to a different side of the chair. She could remember fairly well, now that her head had cleared, that one of them -- the tall, thin, black one -- burst into her dressing room after the show. She had defended herself pretty goddamn well, she thought, landing a couple of choice high kicks to the crotch and a couple of other blows. She had always worried about kidnap attempts, now that she was a big star. And it seemed like all her show business friends were into some version of self-defense. karate. So she had taken it up, too. She hadn't had much time to practice, but her instructor would have been proud of her tonight. "I really had that brother hurtin'," she recalled. Then, however, his apparent cohorts had burst into the room. She remembered the fight going on a while, then she woke up here, bound like this, alone. From the other room she heard, "We're gonna go see if we can score a hit. You watch the bitch. But be careful, you hear?" There was laughter. "I mean it, Roy, Don't take no chances." The door closed. Then the door to the room she was in opened, and in came the tall one Tina had gone one-on-one with for a while. Tina decided her only hope was to try to get free before the others returned. But how? She needed to goad Roy into a mistake, into losing his cool. He was probably already nursing a grudge against her, was probably eager deep down to even the score with her after the blows she had landed in the dressing room. An accomplished actress as well as a singer and dancer, Tina started to laugh. "Well, well, well," she said. "If it isn't my friend, the big, skinny one. Man I can't believe they were dumb enough to leave you alone with me. "Don't piss me off, bitch," Roy said. "Why not? What you gonna do to me, huh? You gonna work me over? Shit, man, you couldn't hurt me." Tina took an invisible deep breath and plunged on. "I beat the crap outta you once, and I can do it again. "You're asking for it, you bitch. "Give it to me, Roy. Come on. Untie me and give it to me. Nobody will ever know." He stood uncertainly. "Afraid to turn me loose, huh? Well, I can understand that. If I was you, I'd be afraid of me, too. No matter though. You're not going to be able to resist me for long. With my legs just a danglin' down there with nothin' coverin' them, you're gonna be pawin' all over me in no time. Then I got ya!" She gave him a sexy little growl like the one she often did on stage, and she laughed at him. Tina was still in her stage clothes, which meant both her muscular black legs were uncovered when she sat down because her skirt consisted of little more than a few strands of cloth hung from her waist, mainly for accentuation and effect. She watched the man stare at her legs. "Go on, Roy, baby, give 'em a feel. It'll be worth whatever happens. They feel so good to a guy. This is your chance of a lifetime. How many men out there want to maul all over Tina's legs? Huh? And how many are ever gonna get a chance to? But you got your chance now, baby. You're not gonna let it slip by, are ya? "Just remember, though: Once you touch me, you're mine. "You can see how strong my legs are, can't you? They make yours look like toothpicks, don't they? You get anyplace close to them and it's all over. I'll beat the shit out of you with them, and I'll make you untie my hands. Then I'll pound on you some and leave you here to face your buddies. How you gonna explain to them, huh?" Tina was really getting into this role. Roy knew Tina was playing with his mind. But between his lust and his ego and his fear of being caught by his buddies feeling Tina up against instructions and even his fear of Tina, his head was reeling out of control with confusion. He forced himself to say, "I wouldn't touch you if you was the last bitch on earth, She laughed hard and long, pretending to have difficulty getting control of herself. "Don't be ridiculous, Roy," she said, "You're gonna touch me and you know it! You want to maul me so bad right now you can hardly sit still. How you gonna get through the whole night? You can't just go off someplace and beat your meat, 'cause you're supposed to watch me. You think you can just watch this all night?" She squirmed about in her seat for his amusement. Then she decided to go all the way. She said huskily, sexily, "Give up, Roy. You're mine now. It's all over. Don't fight it. Switching positions faster than Jimmy Carter in a bind, Roy -- within minutes of his firm avowal to the contrary -- was moving toward the bound lady. "You belong to Tina, baby," she whispered as he approached, his eyes savoring her ebony skin. "You're all mine. There ain't nuthin' you can do about it." He stretched out his long black hand and rested it on the lady's abundant thigh. He touched her gingerly, from afar, as if in experimentation on the hazards inherent in this course. The thigh of Tina, herself, he mused. "That's it," the star said encouragingly. And she kicked him in the belly. Roy handn't thought that was possible, but he had been thinking ab out strength of the lady's legs so single-mindedly, that he had forgotten about their much-demonstrated flexibility. And he had just learned something about their speed. He doubled over, and, before he could pull back, she landed the same foot in his face. He rolled to his back holding his face, thinking, he was now safely out of her range. But Tina scooted her chair forward a bit and now brought her bare foot down on Roy's neck. She pressed down firmly, and he was immobilized and choking, and he thought he was on the verge of dying. She peered down at him, bending at her waist. "Boy, you are one sorry muther fucker," she said to his face. "Do you realize I could kill you right now?" To prove her point she pressed down a bit more firmly. His eyes bulged and registered panic. Tina was fascinated by the turn of events, and she mused out loud. "Here I was thinkin' I'm a beginner at all this fightin stuff, and they leave me alone and all tied up with a big, tough old dude like you, and before you know it I've got you at my feet and at my mercy. This would make a great flik, wouldn't it, Roy? 'The Adventures of Tina: An action musical.'" She shook her head and brought herself back to the present. "The only thing is, if I kill you, how am I gonna get loose?" She sat back and looked around the room while the man at her feet pawed helplessly at her smooth, black, velvety-yet-muscular calf. She paid him little mind as her eyes searched the room. Almost absent-mindedly, she allowed her foot to move from his neck to his face, which she squashed into the floor with her sole, pressed first against his nose and mouth, then against his cheek, her biggest toe pressing playfully into his eye. After some thought, she decided her best bet for escape lay right at her feet. But how could she make use of him? How could he untie her from behind her chair when he was in front of her? There seemed to be no way. Unless he was tall enough to reach from front to back. It was her only hope. She took her foot off Roy's face saying, "Get up slowly, Roy. Don't get me mad at you." But she knew he would try to put some distance between them. When he started to roll away, she scooted after him and kicked him in the crotch from behind. Hard. A dancer's high kick. She had always wondered what that kick could be used for besides turning guys on. He collapsed on his face holding himself, and she put one of her bare feet on the small of his back and the other on the back of his neck, squashing him face down into the floor. "You better behave, Roy," she said. "You know you've got no chance if you fight me. I could have my hands AND feet tied up, and I could still whip your loser ass." She put her foot on his ass, a sort of show and tell. Her toes dug into the crack in his tight pants as he squirmed on the floor like a fish out of water. He was beside himself with frustration and with apprehension about his buddies finding him like this. She put her root under his belly then and lifted so that he was on his side. As he started to get up, she quickly threw both her legs over him so that he was now surrounded by -- one the one side -- the famous legs of the famous girl singer and -- on the other -- those of the chair on which she was involuntarily sitting. Then she quickly brought her ankles back to lock around the bottom of the chair legs. So now she had Roy bound. He thrashed violently, nearly upsetting the chair. But Tina gritted her teeth and, with all her might, pressed the angular black male body against the thin, unyielding legs of the chair. That hurt him tremendously. Soon he was yelling. "All right, all right, Stop! You got me." Tina eased off and took a breath, though she still held Roy rather authoritatively. "OK, big Roy," she said. "Now you're gonna do Mama a big favor. I want you to reach around the chair and untie me." With that, she once again pressed him violently against the chair legs. "Ow! OK, OK, OK. I'll do it," he said. Feeling like an absolute fool like this under the ass of the beautiful, haughty broad, Roy nevertheless reached. "I can't do it," he said. She squeezed and said, "Try harder. "I can't. I mean it. I can't, goddamit! I wish I could. Honest!" Tina believed him. She allowed him to, scoot so far around the chair that his torso was really being held by only one of her legs, that one pressing his small waist against one leg of the chair. Her other foot kept his legs wound around the chair's other front leg. "I can't reach," he said. "The rope is wound back and forth, and I'd have to be able to move. Damn! What the hell am I going to do now, Tina wondered. The only release she could think of lay in having Roy stand behind her and do the untying. But could she really put herself in that position? She had no choice. But, first, Roy would have to be softened up some more and convinced that he had no choice either. She would have to make this big, dangerous street dude untie her because he was afraid of her; afraid of her even in her bound position; afraid, even while he was standing unbound behind her. Could she really do that? It's worth a try, she decided. She had to start working him over. She set out to put the fear of Tina and Tina's legs into him. She unhooked the leg binding his waist, and, as he slumped into the floor, she moved that leg from behind his back to in front of it, in the process scooting the chair around a bit toward his head. Then she basically scooped his torso up -- placing her foot under his chest -- so that now the tall man was sitting in front of her, between her famous legs. She immediately locked those multi-million-dollar gams around his chest. He began to squirm and to push at her powerful thighs. "What's the matter, bro?" she asked. "Don't you like my legs?" Tina said. "Hey, man, count your blessings, ya know! I mean some brothers have had a lot of fun down there. And remember: It was your hard-on for my legs that got you into this mess." She arched her back and squeezed, putting a pressure on his chest the likes of which he had never felt before. She eased off and did it again. She threw her legs from side to side, flipping the man around like a rag doll. His hands tore at her muscles, pulled at her feet, pounded at her thighs. His legs kicked and his head jerked crazily as she watched in fascination and contentment from above. His eyes watered. He panicked. He could easily imagine these twin black pythons destroying him, crushing him like so much helpless prey. "Stop! Stop. You win. I give. Just ease off, please, Mama." She eased off, and almost immediately his hatred and fear of the legs that had just been crushing the life out of him reverted to his previous lust as her muscles softened and her femininity enveloped him more gently. Sheepishly, he placed his palm on the meat of her thigh. He didn't have the courage to stroke her. But he couldn't resist at least feeling her. From her perch -- now more throne than bondage -- Tina smiled down. " I think you're gettin' the religion, boy. But one more lesson," she said. He tensed noticeably, then tried all the more frantically to ooze his way out front between the world renowned thighs that held him. He found himself making progress. His arms -- once above her thighs -- were now below. And his chest was no longer in her grasp. His face was. He thought surely escape would be relatively easy from there. But, on the contrary, that was where his progress ended. It was a moment before Roy realized he had been shut down. A moment when the soft, warm, fleshy skin enveloping his cheeks, blinding his eyes, covering his ears as gently and thoroughly as if it was water, turned to velvet-covered rock. Tina, watching him intently from above, had re-locked her ankles, raised her self off the chair for leverage and squeezed. His face practically disappeared from her view. She could see an afro sticking up, but that was about all. For Roy's part, he thought once again that it was all going to end right there. He knew almost immediately that there was nothing he could do to budge those black pillars off his face once they had locked. He could only breathe if he faced straight ahead, and even then it was not easy. He felt like a child pushing against the lady's thighs. And, like a loser fighting helplessly and hopelessly against a winner. Tina was a winner in life in general, as big a winner as they come. It was one of the things that made kidnapping her so satisfying. For once, losers like Roy and his buddies were about to stick it to a winner like Tina. But now life was reverting to form. Tina was enjoying the feel of Roy's long, leathery, strong hand rushing frantically up and down her thighs, desperately searching for a weak spot. She was enjoying the rubbing of female flesh against male. The inner thigh -- especially high up on it -- had always been an erogenous zone for her, and with Roy's beard rubbing against it in a violent situation like this, she was feeling real good. Anybody who had ever seen Tina's act knew that sex and violence were not exactly separate and distinct subjects for her. But she couldn't let herself enjoy this TOO much. She must hurry. Roy's friends could be coming back any minute now. So she gave it her greatest squeeze yet. She had to be careful not to twist too hard while doing so, because she didn't want the poor son-of-a-bitch's head to come lose from his neck. Then where would she be? Besides, she wasn't THAT heavily into violence. So she just squeezed. But hard! She watched Roy's hands flap wildly in the air in the traditional professional-wrestling sign of submission. And she heard him trying to say something through his twisted, abused, narrowed face. Damn, this is fun, she thought. But she unwrapped her thighs, their skin peeling; almost painfully off Roy's ashen face. He sat there between her legs, below her, unmoving, just breathing in all the air he could get. Without thinking, he even lay his head back in exhaustion into her crotch. She kicked him in the small of his back with her heel. "Get up, asshole," she said. She wanted him to know that she was not going soft on him. He stood up, above her. "Get up against that corner," she said. He looked at the corner and back to the girl. She started scooting the chair toward him, hopping. "NOW, jive turkey," she said as she herded him in that direction, "unless you want me to mess with your head some more." Exhausted and mystified at the turn of events, the tall, beaten, dizzy, frightened black man backed away from the advancing chair toward the corner. Then he felt ridiculous. He started to bolt. But he didn't have enough distance between him and Tina, who had deceptively long legs. She caught him with her manicured, painted toes in the gut, and -- already weakened -- he folded up. He was crumpled up on his knees before her, wondering whether he was going to throw up or pass out. She didn't give him much time to ponder. "Get your ass over there, bro, or I'll do you right here," she said. She nudged him with a foot in his ribs. He didn't need much urging any more. He crawled over to the corner under the lady's metaphorical whip. Now she sat in front of the pained, kneeling, cornered man. She said, "Now look, bro, all I'm trying to do with all this bad stuff I'm puttin' to you is to convince you that it would be in your own best interest to untie me. I mean, after all, you've only got two other choices: One, I keep workin' you over like this until you do cooperate with me." With that, Tina raised one of her pedicured feet and put it against his face, just as a reminder. She was not pressing hard, at least not until Roy started moving his head. Then she pressed it firmly against the corner. Then he couldn't have moved it if he wanted to. She stroked him lightly with her other foot. "Two, your buddies come back and see little ole' Tina whippin' up on big ole' you like this. You wouldn't like that, now, would you? Answer me," she said as she pressed his face harder. "No," said Roy. "What?" "No! "0K, what's it gonna be?" She let him think for a while as she absent-mindedly played with his face with her toes. He said he would untie her. She said, "That's a good boy," and she began to lower her foot. Then she paused, raised it again and bounced his head back into the wall. Holding him there more firmly than ever, she said, "No tricks now, right baby? Otherwise Mama's gonna do you so bad, you're gonna think that all the rest of this was the fun part." Always creative, Tina eased her foot upwards, dug her long toes into his afro and wound them around his wiry hair. She jerked backwards and down on his head, pulling his hair. Almost immediately Tina. could see tears start to well up in Roy's eyes. Son of a bitch, she thought, it works; be a great scene in the flik. Out loud she said, "You gonna be good to Mama?" He could hardly talk, but he croaked an affirmation. After one more jerk, she released his hair, patted him twice on the face with the ball of her foot and said, "Good boy. Then she hopped her chair around until she was facing away from him and he could reach her hands. The moment of truth, she thought; and she was excited by the thought. He delayed. "Get to work, boy," she said evenly,. "Or we hassle again." Still he delayed. Suddenly Tina put her feet firmly on the ground and pressed backwards. She knocked Roy into the wall. Digging her feet into the floor, she pushed backwards with all her strength, not sure just exactly how she might be hurting him, if at all. But she dug and dug. He could not use his hands to attack, because they were his only weapons to use against the chair. She dug relentlessly, furiously, knowing she needed his quick submission. "OK, OK," he croaked. "I'll do it." She eased off and gave him room to work. "You better do it, turkey, 'cause I'm running out of patience with you." But every time Tina let up on him and he could focus on the situation, he was struck in the face with his own cowardice when he considered obeying her, with how humiliating his fear was. And the lady's most recent words pushed Roy into yet another revolt. He tried with every last ounce of energy and courage he had left to get out of the corner. But Tina was ready. She kicked his face as he came out past her, and she turned her chair to face him as he now lay stretched along one wall. She kicked him again and again, using both feet, until he offered yet another promise of compliance with her wishes. She put a bare black foot on his head, pressed him into the floor as hard as she could and said softly between clenched teeth, "Don't do that again, Roy boy." No response. "Do you understand what I'm telling you, Roy?" He just lay beneath her soft foot, motionless. "Don't do that again." He nodded. "Get your ass back in the corner," she hissed. He did as told under the almost painful glare of her angry, threatening eyes. She turned her back on him once again. And, because he was afraid of the bound beauty woman whose back was turned to him, Roy untied her. What he really wanted to do was bring his mouth down on the naked shoulders she presented to him so brazenly. But he just untied her. She stood before him and stretched in a way she knew he must find sensual if he was capable of lust in his condition. She pushed the chair and stood in front of him, rubbing her wrists, smiling a little bit, looking up into his eyes. She put her hands on his lapels. After all this, was she still going to fight some more, Roy wondered as he looked down at her. But he did not react. He was damn sure not going to mess with her when her arms were free, too. She pulled down on the lapels until his head was at her height. She brushed a light, teasing kiss against his lips, then held him down close to her without more contact. "What you did wasn't nice, Roy boy, bringing me here like that. Are you sorry?" He nodded his head. "Good," she said. Still, she then shot two vicious uppercuts into his belly, both with the same hand, even as she held his eyes riveted on her. Her karate training not withstanding, Tina's uppercuts were of the traditional, closed-fist variety. He wanted to sink down to his knees aga in, but she held him by the lapels. She patted his face as if he were a dog being petted, and she said, "Tell your buddies they haven't seen the last of me." Then she dropped him, and he fell to his knees watching her famous, impudent ass as she walked away. "Wait a minute," he said. She stopped and turned. And waited, "What about me?" he said. "What about you?" she asked. "I can't just stay here like this," he said. Then, painfully, his eyes downcast, his words little more than a mumble, "And if I try to get away, they'll find me. She thought. "You got a car?" she asked. He nodded. "0K, get your ass out here. She opened the door. The man struggled to his feet and dragged himself uncertainly passed her, glad she was the one holding the door. They got into Roy's car and drove away, Tina in the driver's seat, Roy sitting next to her -- still, even in all his pain, watching her thighs flash and bulge through the non-skirt she was wearing as she manipulated the pedals. She took him back to her hotel, let him stay the night on the floor next to her bed, confident he was no threat to her even when she was asleep, confident that all he wanted to do was lie down. The next day she forced him to help her plan her revenge on the other guys. And, as time went by, Tina and Roy even became friends. He stayed on as her assistant, knowing full well in his heart that the closest he would ever come to being a winner would be to hook on to one who would treat him well. END