After the circus By Bos The girls show how strong they are The Characters: The Boys: Butch, 14, the bully Joey, 14, frail, studious type Larry, 13, fan of mixed wrestling Carl, 13, fat girl-hater Ron, 15, top jock and leader The Girls: Chi Ten, 11, wearing jump suit Mei Ling and Mei Ting ;12, the twins Su Lin, 14, voluptuous, in mesh tights The guys watched these circus acts with mixed reactions. Butch, the neighborhood bully, tried to convince himself it was all a fake. No goddamn bitch could be that strong, he said to himself. He looked in vain for the wires assisting these oriental girls in their feats of strength. Joey, a slightly built, studious sort, was made very uncomfortable by it all. It was obvious to him that there was no fakery involved. You could just look at the muscles on the girls and see they had exceptional strength. Though smooth and femininely curved, the girls' muscles -- whether in their arms or legs --- formed unmistakable bulges visible even in cheaper seats. Joey's problem was that he had always had the supposed weakness of girls to console himself with when he did poorly in sports, which was nearly all the time. He had come to terms with the fact that most of the guys were stronger and more athletic than he, but he never let that fact affect his masculine ego because he was certain he was better than the girls. He felt a stirring in his groin now which, even at 14, he recognized as sexual excitement; but he did not understand why this time the feeling was not pleasurable, as it had always been before. For Larry, on the other hand, there was no confusion. He was more excited than he had ever been in his life, so excited he could hardly sit still, could not stop shaking. He tried to pretend his shivers were caused by the cold, but since everybody else was pretty comfortable in the circus tent, that was not easy. He was able to relax a bit -- but only for a short while -- after he dampened his underpants. He wanted desperately to meet these girls, to see if they could fight. He knew that was a weird desire, but he had always dreamed girls who could beat up boys, especially bullies like Butch, and right now he wanted to see the cute little one they called Chi Ten wrestle with Butch more than he wanted anything in the world. Carl, the fourth boy, the fat one, was having similar thoughts. He was also turned on by watching these strong girls. Carl hated girls, though, because they would never go out with him. He would stare at their asses and legs all in sexual frustration, knowing he could never get near them. He was certain the girls all knew how much they turned the boys on and he was certain they consciously taunted the boys. He was also certain they talked about him behind his back. Whenever he looked at a girl, therefore, it was with thoughts of raping her and otherwise humiliating her. He felt that all the more fiercely when he looked at these oriental girls dressed in, their sexy mesh nylons or tiny, tiny skirts which showed their panties whenever they bent over, just like the tennis players that drove Carl to distraction. Not only were they consciously taunting him and the other boys with their bodies, they were also teasing them with demonstrations of their strength, Those smiles, those feminine gestures while bowing, told Carl the girls were telling the boys, "Suffer, you dumb animals, suffer. We know how much you love these bodies, but you're not getting a thing. Even if you got us alone and tried to rape us, you couldn't, We have taken over the last outhold of masculinity; we're stronger than you are! Try anything with us and we'll wipe the floor with you, you ugly bastards." Carl was a bit of the paranoid; he was fighting mad. Finally there was Ron, at 15 the oldest of the group, he was also the biggest and the leader, the only one Butch wouldn't try to boss around, Ron was a weightlifter and the captain of the freshmen wrestling team. He was vastly respected by the other boys for his athletic ability. Ron's reaction to the girls was curiosity about how they would be on the mats. It had never occurred to him that a girl could be a weightlifter. But here were these girls accomplishing feats of strength he knew he couldn't match. (He told himself he could if he worked on them, but he wasn't that sure.) He, too, had a desire to meet the oldest of the girls -- Su Lin, 14. She had the breasts of a stripper or foldout, and he pictured a friendly, private tussle in which he would use his skills (culminating in a body press) to pin her shoulders gently to the mat. Then he would grant her exceptional strength, thus preserving his own ego while still being the gentleman. He just thought a strong, athletic girl could be more fun than the delicate ones who were always throwing themselves at him. As they walked out after the show, it was the terribly horny Larry who brought up the subject. "Boy, Butch, I'll bet those chicks could even give you a fight!" he said, knowing full well the effect that kind of remark would have on a guy like Butch." "Are you kidding!' said Butch. "That was all fake. No girl could be that strong." He paused. "Even if they are, no girl could fight like a guy. They're all scared." The argument picked up steam as the boys walked around the circus grounds. None of them really wanted to leave. Each was bedeviled by his own thoughts about the girls, They were still inside the grounds when the circus closed and the other spectators were gone. They were looking in the windows of the various trailers when they finally came upon the one with the girls inside. They looked inside and found the large trailer was completely outfitted as a gymnasium. Inside were the four Chinese girls working out. Su Lin, voluptuous in her low-cut tight-fitting blouse, was still dressed in her mesh tights from the performance. Her black hair hung to her waist. She was a fleshy girl who, until she flexed her muscles looked perhaps a bit overweight, though in a very athletic sort of way. But her biceps literally bulged as she lay back on the universal gym and spread her arms and legs out and brought her arms repetitively together against the resistance of the weights. Ron, the 15-year-old wrestler, couldn't take his eyes off her. Then there were the twins, Mei Ling and Mei Ting. They were both 12 and just starting to develop sexually. They were more than enough developed to suit the boys watching them. The twins had their backs to the boys. They were lifting weights over their heads and easing them back down to the floor. Every time they bent over, their little skirts rose to reveal their pink panties, half ajar to, in turn, reveal half of their cute little cheeks. When they came back up and shoved the heavy weights over head, their back muscles bulged gracefully from their soft shoulders all the way down their half-naked tapering backs to their narrow hips. When they finished with that exercise, the two girls sat down facing each other and spread their legs. Mei Ling put her feet inside Mei Ting's, and they began to strain, Mei Ling exerting pressure outward, Mei Ting inward. It quickly became clear to the boys that -- though the girls arms were a match for the most athletic guys -- their real strength lay in their legs. The twins' thigh muscles now bulged in a way and to a degree that the boys had never seen before in any muscles, certainly in any muscles of people their age. As the boys stood transfixed, staring at Mei Ling's crotch, the fourth girl, Chi Ten, the baby at 11, was also working out. She was in an all- black, stretch jump suit which covered her entire body. It was tight when she was relaxed, but it stretched to fit comfortably however she might move. "That little bitch," thought Carl. "She thinks she's Emma Peel!" Little Chi Ten was on the chin up bar. As long as the boys were staring at the girls, she hardly stopped chinning. It was as if it was no effort at all for her. Each boy knew he would be lucky to do 10 chin ups. Carl and Joey knew they couldn't do any at all. As the girls entered and left the exercise room, the boys gradually spread out, each to his own window. Suddenly Joey felt an arm come around from behind him and close over his mouth. Then another came around his neck. He was being dragged around the back of the trailer, away from the other guys. He struggled with all his might against the arm around his neck. He couldn't budge it. Pull as he might against the slim arm, all his efforts produced was a sudden and periodic increase in the size of his assailant's bicep. When that happened, all his air was cut off completely. He was helpless. Whoever had him kicked the back door --- which was out of sight of the boys looking through the various windows -- and dragged Joey inside and dropped him. He looked up from the floor to find that his assailant was not Su Lin, or even one of the twins -- as he had thought probably the case -- but little Chi Ten. She stood above him with her hands on her hips and smiled down at him. Su Lin entered the room and the two girls fell into a discussion. They talked in Chinese, but Joey knew full well that he was the subject. They never took their eyes off him, and periodically they would put a hand to their mouths in girlish giggles. After listening to them for several minutes in his stunned state, Joey decided he had best get out of there. He jumped to his feet and began to run for the door. But little Chi Ten caught him from behind. Wrapping her arms around his stomach, she said in her broken English, "Skinny white boy no leave. You like watch us in window, Why you not like be with us inside." Joey struggled to spread her hands apart, but Chi Ten lifted him off the ground, turned around and walked back to where Su Lin was standing, She let him down in front of the bigger girl, who actually dwarfed Joey. As he continued to struggle with Chi Ten's hands, Su Lin laughed, took a piece of his cheek between two of her fingers in an affectionate squeeze and said, "No try fight Chi Ten, Skinny White Boy. Too strong for you." She patted him on the cheek and went into the other room. Knowing now that the boys were watching, Su Lin chose an exercise just for them. She stood facing a window, bent over at the waist -- thus giving her spectators a full view of her ample bosom --- took a dumbbell in each hand and straightened up. Holding the dumbbells at her waist, she twisted her limber arms until her palms pointed outwards. Then she curled each dumbbell. Slowly. The boys got a full view of her tremendous biceps. Letting the dumbbells down she repeated her stoop to the ground. The contrast between the femininity of her luscious breasts and the muscularity of her arms left the boys in a state of openmouthed shock. For Larry her body was a dream come true; he seriously wondered if he was awake. For Butch and Carl, the view was both infuriating and frightening, for Ron fascinating and confusing. For them all exciting. Their composure did not return at the next sight. At first they didn't believe it. 'There was Joey, He was kicking and struggling. They didn't know who he was fighting with. Only when suddenly he fell to the floor did they fully realize he had been carried in. The courier -- they realized slowly -- was the girl they knew as the little one, Chi Ten. She dropped her boy package, and suddenly she and the other three girls stared at the windows. The boys stared back in shock. Then the girls crooked their fingers at them seductively and smiled, each with one hand on her hip, with that hip cocked in a pugnacious stance. As their composure returned, the boys had a conference. They decided unanimously they should enter the trailer. They could hardly run away. Besides, Ron wanted to go in because of his concern about Joey, Butch and Carl wanted to give these girls a piece of their minds; Larry wouldn't have left for anything in the world. They entered uncertainly, and spread out in front of the door. Joey began to crawl quickly to them, but Chi Ten dropped on him. Spreading her weight along his body, the little girl once again wrapped her arms around his stomach. She put her lips to his ear and said, "Chi Ten no say you go." Carl stepped forward. "Let him go," he said. Su Lin was the one to respond. "You boys peeping Tims," she said, getting the name wrong. "Not nice." Here she waved her finger at them. "We punish." Carl took another step forward. "Says who?" he said belligerently, sticking his chest out. By this time Su Lin had singled out Ron. He was the only one her size, and she liked his muscles, styled hair and athletic, clean-cut good looks. Without taking her eyes of Ron, she responded to Carl. "Fat boy talk too much," she said. Carl saw red. As far as he was concerned, the fight was on. The voluptuous girl personified everything that had always frustrated him so much. She didn't even pay him the respect of looking at him when she insulted him. So he stepped into the girl and threw a hard uppercut into her belly with all his strength. The girl never flinched. Carl succeeded only in getting her attention. Briefly taking her eyes off Ron, the girl looked at him in curiosity. She wondered why he couldn't tell just by looking at her that he was no match for her. Imitating his attack -- but using much less effort -- she shot a quick uppercut into his breadbasket. The boy collapsed at her feet. Su Lin turned her attention back to Ron, who just stood there, confused. Carl was gasping and cursing and issuing threats. Still looking at Ron, Su Lin said, "Fat boy not know when licked," As he started to get to his feet, Su Lin reached around his neck, and with one hand she shoved the fat boy's head between her thighs. She leaned back, draped her arms over a set of parallel bars, and crossed her ankles. Again she looked at Ron. The twins giggled at the predicament Carl was in. They went over to him and alternately slapped his rear and held their hands over their mouths in embarrassment. "Naughty fat boy," Carl could here them say between giggles. As Larry watched all this, it was all he could do to keep his hands away from his crotch. He was going out of his mind with excitement. But he wanted even more. Mischievously, he said, "Come on, Ron, show them what a wrestler like you can do." All eyes turned to Ron. Su Lin said, "Pretty boy wrestler?" He nodded. She unhooked her legs from Carl's head, and went to stand in front of Ron. "Pretty Boy like Su Lin body?" she asked, running her hands down her sides. Again he nodded slowly. "Pretty boy like fuck Su Lin?" she asked. Ron was shocked both by the question and by the language, But he could not deny the obvious. Again he nodded. "You think pretty boy man enough?" she now asked. Ron was not one to brag, but trying to sound cool and even amused (perhaps even trying a little of a Clark Gable imitation), Ron cocked a little smile and said, "I think so." "We see," said Su Lin. "We wrestle. Pretty boy win, we fuck. Su Lin win . . .," here she paused, "Pretty boy in big trouble." Ron didn't know how to accept the offer and protect his strong, silent type image, but, at Larry's urging, he nodded his acceptance. Su Lin took his hand and led him to an open space, and they faced off, both smiling, but Ron -- at least -- a bit nervous. Meanwhile, Carl's problem's had not decreased. Then Su Lin had let him go he dived at her legs but missed. Then, as he started to get up, one of the twins -- still giggling -- sat on his back and wrapped her legs around his ample gut. They were the same legs he had watched with lust as she worked out against her sister, and they proved to be even stronger than they looked. As Mei Ling now sat behind him as he struggled to pry her feet apart, Mei Ting jumped up and down and laughed and clapped her hands at her sister's success. Now, with Mei Ling holding Carl, Su Lin facing off against Ron, and little Chi Ten on top of Joey, that left Butch and Larry still just watching. As she held the ineffectual-fat boy between her legs, Mei Ling pointed over to Butch and said something to Mei Ting in Chinese. Immediately, Mei Ting went over to Butch. She crouched in a wrestler's position. Instinctively, Butch backed away, putting up his guard. Mei Ting, still laughing, looked at his jacket and said, "Motorcycle boy afraid of girls?" Larry egged Butch on, but it wasn't necessary. "All right you chink!" he snarled. "I'll show you how scared I am." He came at her in a boxer's position. But Mei Ting didn't want to box -- instead-- she lowered her head and rammed into the boy's belly. She pushed him until his back was against a wall. Then she simply lifted him up on her shoulders "Motorcycle boy take ride," she said. She began twirling in a small circle, as her sister applauded. Then she gently let Butch back down to the floor, still standing. He wobbled around dizzily, as his girl opponent doubled over in laughter, pointing a finger. Before he was really ready, Butch came at her again. She pushed one of his arms aside, and stepped behind. She wrapped her arms around his waist, lifted him as high off the ground as she could, and dropped him to the mat. Before he recovered, she was sitting behind him, her legs wrapped around his gut in the same position in which her sister held Carl. When he realized what was happening, Butch was directly facing Carl, his feet not more than a yard from Carl's. Larry was in heaven. Before him four girls were beating up, four guys. He could hardly believe it, He was going crazy trying to make sure he took in every sight, every piece of action. He wanted to remember all of this. He wanted it to never end. He wanted to never move again. This was how he was meant to spend his life, he was sure. Oh, how he wished he had eight eyes, he was certain he was missing all the best parts. Mei Ling and Mei Ting just held their boys, letting them look at each other as they struggled helplessly against the bare, shapely legs that held them. The boys struggled, pawing at the thighs, the calves, the feet. Nothing worked. Once, as Carl's hand found its way up his opponent's thigh, the girl feigned to resume the feminine role. She slapped his hand. "Naughty, naughty," she said. "Mei Ling not that kind of girl." She and her sister giggled at her reintroduction of sex roles -- traditional sex roles -- into this untraditional scene, The twins were in control enough that periodically they could look over to see how Su Lin and little Chi Ten were doing. Chi Ten was still comfortably in control of Joey. Joey was slightly comforted to know that the other guys were having as much trouble as him, but still Chi Ten was so young. He was determined to pull out every stop to beat her. At one point she put her hand over his mouth to prevent him from breathing. In desperation, he bit her. A fourteen-year-old boy reduced to biting to free himself from the grip of an eleven-year-old girl! Joey was mortified by the situation, but he was desperate. She released his mouth with a shout of pain, but she was still stretched out atop the boy. "All right for you, Four Eyes," she said, suddenly dropping her pretense of having broken English. In fact, she had spent little of her life in China. Using the accent, then discerning it had just been a tactic for throwing Joey off guard. "I was just playing with you a little. But from here on, No more -- Nice Guy." Pushing his head down hard into the mat, the little girl scooted forward until her legs were at his head. Then, still holding the head, she turned over on her back, and his head came up between her legs. She wrapped those leather clad legs around his head and shoved it all the way back into her crotch, pointing out. Well, Chi Ten might have been young, and the leather might have emphasized the sleekness of her body, rather than her muscles, but Joey -- who had already learned about her arm muscles -- now discovered that leg muscles were there too. As Chi Ten locked her ankles and leaned back, the bulge of her muscles was visible to the twins -- and Carl and Butch -- and very, very tangible to Joey. The boy's head had virtually disappeared, his legs were flapping like fish out of water, and he was trying to mutter something. Then Butch said, "Jesus Christ, she's killing him." But one of the twins said something in Chinese to Chi Ten, and the girl let go of Joey and stood up. Joey lay there rubbing his head. Meanwhile, in the main event, Su Lin and Ron where both sweating and straining in a determined struggle for supremacy. When they first began, Su Lin had imitated Ron's crouch, thus giving the boy another exciting appreciation of her bosom. Ron didn't know quite how to approach this contest. He reached out to grab Su Lin's upper arm with one hand and the back of her neck with the other. Su Lin was letting him lead the way, and he chose the conventional amateur wrestling start. His opponent didn't feel at all like his other opponents. First of all there was the ponytail. Then there was the fact that when he pulled his other opponents forward until their heads touched, he felt no desire to keep pulling until his lips touched their necks. Then Ron felt Su Lin pushing him slowly backwards. His masculine ego caused him to join the test of strength. They struggled, the boy and girl each exerting all the strength he or she could muster. It was not easy, but the progress went entirely to the girl. As it was happening Ron tried to tell himself that she had better traction than he because of her bare feet. Finally, his back was literally up against the wall. Then, as they still held the back of each other's neck, Su Lin began to exert pressure downward. Ron now realized that she had pushed him against the wall to set up this move, to prevent him from backing out of it. He also realized he no longer had any traction excuses. Using only her one hand, Su Lin pushed and pushed. Ron wanted desperately not to lose this test. He was in a position exactly analogous to her, and he tried the same thing, i.e., pushing her head down. Shortly, however, she had forced his head lower than hers, and he lost his leverage. Giving up on pulling her down -- or on suddenly dropping down to seize her ankles (she was pushing him backwards, too) -- he concentrated on just not going down himself. Now everybody else in the room was watching this test of strength between the leader and hero of the boy's and the oldest, biggest girl. As Ron started to go down, the other girls.. began to clap and cheer in Chinese. Some of the boys also took to cheering.. "Come on, Ron!" they would yell. "Fight it. She can't beat you. Attaboy, fight it." But it was no use. Slowly, but inevitably Ron went down, down, down. With one hand eventually perching on her flaring waist, Su Lin pushed the boy's head until he was on his knees. At this point he was looking at her dainty feet, feeling totally vulnerable and very, very stupid. He put his hands down to the mat to brace himself, but she kept pushing. She also began squeezing. That excruciating pain caused him to try to dislodge her hand with one of his. But his hand was ineffectual against hers. In seconds Ron was lying flat on the floor, completely stretched out at the girl's feet. Rather than flap hopelessly, he lay there accepting his defeat. The other girls applauded. Still holding him down, bending over, with hand on her hip, Su Lin said, "Pretty muscle boy give up?" Boy, she's really rubbing it in, Ron said, to himself. Out loud he said, "Yes, I give up." "Su Lin win wrestling fight already?" she asked. "You win," he acknowledged, gritting his teeth. "That too easy," she said, letting him go. "Su Lin not tired, You . . . ah, how say, interrupt workout. We do again?" "OK" Ron said, getting up, determined this time not to tie up with her, not to get into a test of strength. The twins didn't bother watching the second fall. "No contest," one said. Instead they started talking to each other in Chinese, still holding Butch and Carl in waist scissors. Then the boys heard one of the twins counting slowly in English. "One ..." At this point each of the girls suddenly put her opponent in a full nelson. "Hey, what is this?" one of the boys said, as he reflexively began to jerk and strain against it with all his might. "What the..." said the other, pulling against his girl opponent's hands in an attempt to separate them. But there was no breaking the holds. Came the count, "Two . . ." The boys wondered what was about to befall them. "Three!"" The boys suddenly found themselves in the air. The twins had leaned back until their backs hit the mat, and had raised their legs until the boys seats came up off the floor. The boys yelled in anger and frustration, but the twins just laughed and held the boys up there -- their backs parallel to the ground -- as their legs flailed in the air. Larry --- who still hadn't been in on any of the action -- took his eyes off Su Lin and Ron. What he saw was a beautiful view of Mei Ling's little ass straining at the bounds of her panties as she held fat Carl aloft, obviously much against his wishes. Then another slow count. Mei Ling said, "Boys want down. Hokay. One . . . two . . . Three!" and the girls suddenly sat up straight, bringing the boys down onto their asses with bone-rattling thuds. "God damnit . . ." Butch started to say, as he twisted violently, looking for a way to extract himself from the vice of flesh that gripped him. But the twins just laughed and again counted and fell to their backs, their victims clearly under control. Two more times they brought the bully and the fat girl- hater down, shaking them up until they were weak and nauseous. Watching them, Chi Ten jumped up and down with girlish enthusiasm. Then she said, "Hey, I want to play." Her eyes caught Joey's, and the boy instinctively got to his feet to run. He didn't know where he was going, but it didn't matter, because Chi Ten quickly caught him anyway. "Oh no you don't," she said as she brought him down with a flying tackle. "We're not through with you." She dragged him back to where she wanted him, bringing back Joey's memories of earlier that day. This was the third time Chi Ten had dragged Joey someplace he didn't want to go. Once was by the neck, once in a simple bear hug from behind, and this time by the feet. Now she dropped to sit on his back and began to pull one of his shoulders up until they were both sitting and she was behind him and had him in a waist scissors just like those of the older girls. As Butch and Carl had done before him, Joey twisted and turned trying to find an escape from the powerful feminine thighs around his waist. When he tried to pry Chi Ten's little feet apart, she squeezed so hard he squealed in pain. Finally, he resigned himself to his predicament, He just sat there facing the two other boys, their eyes downcast in embarrassment. Then the three girls did the move the professionals call the keester bumps in unison, several times. They were having a ball. As they held the guys up in the air, they would tease them by tickling them under their flailing arms or rubbing the boys heads with their knuckles, They had all three boys shouting in pain, moaning and screaming for mercy. When they let up for a while, Larry -- whose head was spinning as much as those of his boy friends -- turned to watch Su Lin. He had been glancing back and forth to make sure he didn't miss any little detail. All his life he would have given anything to be able to watch any one of these fights. Now he had four to keep track of, and it was driving him up the wall. When Su Lin had let Ron up from her hold on his neck, she had given him some time to recover. In fact, she had helped him by massaging his neck. Through it all she was overtly flirting; smiling at her young Adonis-type victim, batting her eyes and taking no pains to avoid prolonged body contact. Ron was thinking that being with this voluptuous, enticing and obviously horny muscle girl was not bad work, win or lose. At this point she was all softness and feminine fragrances. He wanted to win, but he would be able to live with defeat if he could just get into bed with this chick. "Pretty muscle boy ready try Su Lin again!" the girl asked prettily. As they circled this time, Ron stayed back, Noticing this, Su Lin crooked a finger at him and smiled mischievously. Suddenly, he shot for her legs. However, Su Lin caught him under the arms, lifted him up and put him in a bear hug. Ron knew this was trouble. He tried to push her chin away, but she buried it in his chest. She also lifted him and walked him over to where the other three girls held their male opponents. Slowly she bent Ron over backwards until he was flat on the mat, pinned. To her surprise, Ron said, "OK, you win." Su Lin released his torso, kissed him tauntingly on the cheek and sat back on him, her hands on her hips. "Muscle boy no match for Su Lin," she said, as she moved one hand to tweak his nose playfully. He just lay there knowing it was hopeless to resist. As Su Lin sat there idly brushing Ron's hair off his forehead, the four girls began talking in Chinese. When Su Lin put one hand on Ron's chin and one on the top of his head. She stood up and twisted until the boy rolled over onto his stomach. Then she sat on his back and maneuvered him into the same hold the other girls had the same way Chi Ten had done it to Joey. For the first time now, Ron's eye caught that of the other boys, as they all sat in a circle. Noting the disappointment he saw there, Ron realized he had been their last hope. Now he was vanquished too. "Sorry," he said simply and he looked down. Chi Ten began the count, Su Lin assumed her full nelson, and the four boys were in the air. "One, two, three," and they were down and plenty shaken up. Larry just took it all in. Four girls sitting in a circle with four boys between their respective legs. The girls continued to flaunt their total victories with repeated bumps done in unison, to the numbers and in total disregard of the actions of the boys. Then the four girls were talking in Chinese. Again a count of three. But this time the boys found themselves released. Then, before they knew it, they were each in a headlock, their respective female conquerors lying beside them, the boys bodies stretched face down into the mat, Then more Chinese talk. And another count. At three the girls stood, still. holding the boys heads, Another count, and the boys braced themselves. Nothing. The girls giggled as they felt the boys tense. The boys tried to push out of the locks. The hands of Carl and Butch went under the skirts of the twins to push at their asses. But the girls just walked the boys around a bit. Then three of the boys heard a thud, and the fourth -- Ron - - realized he had been hip-tossed. Now he lay looking up into Su Lin's lovely face or down into her lovely bodice, as he chose. Then the same thing happened to the other three guys, one by one, Butch's head was securely locked in Mei Ling's arm pit. All four guys were prone and immobile. The girls had planned their hip tosses so that they all came out close enough together to join hands in the middle of a circle. This they did -- each holding her own boy with only one hand. Even pulling hair didn't help the boys get out of their girl's muscular arm. Another count after some Chinese discussion, and suddenly the girls let their quarry loose, only to re-seize them in the same holds, but this time each holding a different boy. They held on for a while, and repeated the exchanges, until each girl had proved conclusively that she could hold any of the boys. Even little Chi Ten was able to hold Ron. And Su Lin was able to hold Joey so easily that she lightened up for fear of hurting him. As the boys came to realize these exchanges were taking place, they came closer and closer to escaping their new assailants. But each time they were inexorably pulled back into a new headlock by a new young maiden. After more Chinese talk about what to do with the boys, the girls maneuvered so that each had her feet next to the head or one of the boys she was not holding. Then the girl holding each boy placed his head between the ankles of the neighboring girl. The headlocks were released. But the boys now found themselves in tight, indeed, viscous, head scissors. They weren't even sure any more which particular girl was victimizing them. They just knew that some gently curved yet muscular young legs were causing them great pain. Great pain. The girls really pored it on, until -- exhausted and defeated as they were, -- the boys were thrashing all over the place and yelling like banshees. "Larry, Larry," yelled Butch, "Don't just stand there! Do something, for Christsake. Get help! Call the police! Something!" Larry stood there uncertain. Then Chi Ten -- the little one he liked best, the one who spoke the best English, the one who was scissoring bully Butch (the exact scene Larry had dreamed of as he watched the circus) -- said. "Don't you move, turkey. You do and I'll personally have your ass out to dry on the high wire." Larry didn't move. Finally, the girls stood up. As the guys nursed their wounds, the girls formed two lines leading to the outside door. The boys would have to go between them to get out, Chi Ten opened the door and jerked her head toward it, silently telling Larry to get out. Larry got out, though, he was saddened to be missing what more action there might be. The girls didn't say anything. Ron was the first boy up. The girls held their arms toward the door, inviting him out. As he passed the twins, one faked a little move at him and he jumped back. But they laughed and waved him through. But when he came to Su Lin, she stopped him. "Muscle boy nice," she said as she put her hand on his cheek. She kissed him on the mouth. "Not too tough," she said, "but nice." She kissed him again, holding it a long time, her hand going to his crotch. She fondled him there for a good 30 seconds as they continued to kiss and everybody watched. Ron kept his hands at his side. Then she took her hand out of his pants and patted his cheek. "Maybe I come see you wrestle," she said. "Maybe I teach." Then she gestured to him to leave, and he did, more sexually frustrated than anything. Carl got up to pass through the girl gauntlet. As he got to his twin, she put her hand on his chest to stop him, just as Su Lin had stopped Ron. She also reached gently for Carl's groin. He first jumped back, then relented. She massaged it gently until he began to harden. Then she suddenly squeezed. He fell to the floor in pain. She kicked him in the ass and he crawled through the gauntlet as the other girls did likewise. Butch's turn. The former bully, former MCP was scared out of his wits. He made a mad dash for the door. But the twins tripped, him. Then somebody goosed him, and he crawled out as Carl did, to a chorus of kicks. He landed on Carl, who still lay at the bottom of the stairs. Noting that running didn't work, Joey tried to walk out calmly. But his fear was so great that he trembled visibly. Through the twins OK. They startled him with shouts of "Boo!" But they didn't attack. But he had been most worried about Chi Ten, the 11-year-old who had been working his weak 14-year-old body over all night. As he came to her she put her fingers on his chest and stepped in front of him. She put her hand down to his crotch, and he closed his eyes in helpless terror. She stood there, not touching him, for what seemed to him an eternity. Then she laughed, grabbed him behind the neck and flung him stumbling out the door to land in a pile with his fellow bedraggled boys. The four girls collapsed in helpless laughter as they chalked up another one.