Personnel part 4 by boomer Another story about my job in the personnel department of a major department store. My 3:00 appointment was with a cashier candidate named Brianna. When she first walked in I was concerned. She was about 5'5" tall and 120 pounds. The problem was she looked strung out, as if on drugs. I interviewed her without enthusiasm and eventually told her all applicants had to take a drug test and would this be a problem for her. She surprised me by saying no. Perhaps seeing the surprise in my face she apoligized for her worn out look and told me she was having problems with her boyfriend and wasn't sleeping much lately. Pursuing the interview with renewed vigor I was able to find out she had been a gynmnast in high school but no longer had time for working out since she was both going to school and working at the same time. I asked if she missed it and she said yes, but was still in pretty good shape. This was of course the opening I was always looking for. How could you still be in shape if you no longer worked out, I asked innocently. She told me she had lost some muscle size but not all of her former strength. Oh really, I said. If you don't believe me, take a look she said. Brianna removed her sweater revealing a t-shirt underneath. She rolled up the sleeve and flexed. Her arm swelled into a ball of muscle. I felt it and the muscle was rock hard. She could see the amazement on my face and said I should have seen it when she was in shape. You consider this out of shape I asked. Most definitely she said, her boyfriend was even winning the occasional arm wrestling match now. Bingo! Are you any good I asked. She said she used to be very good but could still hold her own. Wanna try me, she asked. I thought to myself, does a junkie need a fix, and alcoholic need a drink. Since she offered, how could I refuse. Sure I said. We grasped hands and I immediately felt the strength of her grip. She squeezed my hand and I squeezed back. Not bad she said in a taunting manner. We started out slowly and gradually increased the pressure. Neither one of us gained an advantage as we reached full throttle. Her bicep was blown up in all its glory. Again she told me not bad, again in a taunting manner. I was going all out now and making no progress. I decided to go for it and was able to move her arm slightly. She seemed upset as she said "I told you I was out of shape." Brianna grunted and moved our arms back to the start position. To think that a short time ago I thought she was strung out on drugs. If she was taking drugs it was some kind of steroid to build strength. Now she moved my arm to a losing position. Her bicep was exploding as she gained the advantage. I was fighting hard and managed to stop her. This is embarassing, she said, I'm going to HAVE to start working out again. She was actually ashamed that she hadn't beat me already. Enough of this she said and started me moving again. This time she was not to be denied. Her bicep seemed to grow right in front of my eyes as i appeared to lose any chance of winning. Suddenly the downward movement stopped. Maybe I was getting a second wind. Brianna asked me if beating me would hurt her chances of getting the job. Of course not I said. Okay then, she said and smiled. She slammed my arm to the table. Not bad she said to me for the third time. Are you sure you're out of shape I asked. Only for the time being she replied. She flexed her arm again and it seemed like it had grown. She pumped it a few times and said it was feeling better already. I felt it again and it almost hurt it was so hard. She asked I wanted to try again after she had time to get back into shape. Sure I said. She then told me that her legs were even stronger than her arms and if I thought she was good at armwrestling, I should try wrestling with her sometime. I told her she should report for work on Monday.