Personnel Part 2 a boomer story Earlier I told of Marina, a Spanish girl, 5'3" tall and 110 pounds had applied for a job at the department store where I work. It was now 3 months later and time for Marina's probationary review. All employees are hired on a 90 day trial period at which time we review them on performance to determine whether or not to keep them full time. I hadn't seen Marina much since our first match but each time I did she would give me a sly smile and tense up her arm. She was playing mind games with me and they were working. She came into my office wearing a skirt and jacket. I told her to make herself comfortable and she removed her jacket revealing a sleeveless blouse underneath. Her arms looked very solid. I gave her the review and told her she was going on full time with full benefits. Marina then asked about a raise and I said that only in exceptional circumstances was a raise given after 3 months. She commented that she was exceptional and flexed her arm for me to see. Her arm looked bigger and harder than before. She told me to feel it and it felt like stone. She said she was now doing 4 sets of 25 pushups and 3 sets of 10 chinups. She smiled and said she was ready for the rematch, how about me. I was excited and nervous at the same time. We locked hands and her grip seemed firmer than the first time. Once again I held back a little at the start and she gained a slight advantage. I increased the pressure and got her back to even. I was straining and she looked relaxed. I decided to end it fast and threw everything I had at her. I moved her arm slightly and that was it. She stopped me cold. I looked at her in disbelief and she just smiled. She moved me back to even and said it looked like she was getting that raise. I was now being moved downward as her bicep looked like it would explode. My arm was shaking now as she started to point out how much bigger I was than her in a taunting mannerand then said she had let me win the first time. Finally she gave a grunt and pushed me down. She flexed her arm in my face and I was both thrilled and shocked at the same time. She made me admit that her performance was exceptional and worthy of the raise. I was forced to admit that she was all that. As she was leaving she mentioned that her sister would be coming in for an interview and already knew the tricks of the interview process. Marina also said she would be looking for another raise in a couple of months and maybe I might want to start working out. She flexed for me again and left. to be continued