Katie By boomer I recently had the oppportunity to have a strength encounter with a celebrity journalist named Katie. I can't tell her name, but her show is not on yesterday or tomorrow. I was strolling down 5th Ave one early afternoon when suddenly I heard a shout of help and stop thief. A young hoodlum with a pocketbook was running down the street towards me. Doing what any brave concerned citizen would do I stuck out my foot and tripped him. He hit the ground hard and was dazed. A policeman came over put the cuffs on him. the victim of the snatch came up to reclaim her pocketbook and thank me. It was Katie. She said she would like to thank me for being so brave and what could she do. As a celeb femuscle fan it was as if a portal from heaven had opened up. I told her I would like to visit her show and ask a few questions. The visit was arranged for the next morning. I even got a a brief appearance on the show and an on air thank you. After the show we were in her dressing room talking and she changed out of suit into casual slacks and a short sleeve shirt. It was then that I mentioned about her having been a gymnast in her youth and rumors of her well defined biceps. She laughed and said guys on the set were always teasing her. I asked if a hero rated a look and she laughed again, rolled up her sleeve, and flexed. Nirvana. It was like a softball had been implanted into her arm. Not cut and defined, but big. After feeling it, let me tell you it was hard. She told it was basically natural since her workout routine was mainly aerobic with some light weight work thrown in. I asked her about the time she armwrestled her sidekick (call him Matt for want of a better name) on the air and lost. Once again she laughed (great laugh too) and said Matt was pretty strong but she easily could have won. She just didn't want to destroy his ego and reputation in front of millions of people. Now it was my turn to laugh and say people always said they let the other person win. Katie got a serious expression on her face and said "want to try me?" I looked to the sky to express my thanks. Being the cool guy that I am I stuttered sh sh sh sure. She put her elbow on the table and said come on over here. She seemed very confident and I was getting nervous and excited at the same time. I grabbed her hand and was surprised by the strength of her grip. She asked if I was ready and I said go. Now she's a tiny thing despite her overdeveloped arm so I figured I would play with her a little. Big mistake. She quickly gained the advantage. Come on hero, I'm half your size she said. I gave it all I had and moved her back to even and then gained a slight advantage. It was there I came to a halt and there I knew I might be in trouble. Katie was laughing again. Look at my arm she said. I could see some bicep but the round mound she had flexed for me before. What do you think will happen if I go full throttle she said. I did and didn't want to know. Give it a shot little lady I said bravely. With that her bicep expanded to mythic proportions and my arm started on a journey to defeat. I gave it my all but it only slightly delayed the inevitable. Her bicep looked like it might explode as the downward movement of my arm accelerated with a boom that might have registerd on the Richter scale as my hand pounded the table. I didn't know what was more bruised, my knuckles or my ego. This tiny celeb with the big guns had beaten me. Somehow I knew had she gone all out from the beginning the match would have been over a lot more quickly. What do you think hero she said. I said I was very impressed and that she should be proud of her strength. Katie said she was but that being a serious journalist came first. Off the air she loved showing off. I thanked her for a great time and asked for one last flex. Her arm seemed even bigger, no doubt pumped up from the match. I gave one last squeeze to file it away in my memory banks for all eternity. I thanked her again but she said "No, thank you. Heroes desereve a reward and she hoped I enjoyed mine." I left and knew I better head for my favorite house of ill repute. When I got there I saw a padlock and a sign that said closed by order of the Mayor of New York. Something about cleaning up the neighborhood. Oh well, the memory would last until I got home. Never underestimate the power of Katie.