Liz by Bigbomber Joe was sitting in a noisy singles bar waiting for a pretty girl to show up. He was a tall, skinny guy at 6'1", 150. Liz walked up to his table and sat down. Liz was a short, squat Asian woman with long, black hair and a pretty face . She was 4'11", 175, not fat, but very thick, especially in the legs. She wore a blue miniskirt blue tank top. "Hi." Said Liz. "I'm Liz." "I'm Joe." "Come here often?" "No. You?" "All the time." "Do you lift weights?" "Yeah." "It shows." "Thanks. I've always been a stocky girl. I got into weightlifting 5 years ago and I've put on about 25 lbs of muscle. Hey you wanna go back to my place?" "Sure." Joe had never been with a real muscular woman before. But he found Liz very attractive. She had a pretty face and he decided he liked her body. They got in their cars and Joe followed Liz back to her place. Liz opened the door and they walked in. The apartment was big. "You know what really turns me on?" Said Liz. "What." "Wrestling. Have you ever wrestled a woman before?" "No." "Want to try it?" "Uh. I don't know." "Ah C'mon! It'll be fun. I won't hurt you." She smiled. "Ok." "Great. Let's go into the wrestiling room." She led him into a large room with a wrestling mat on the floor. "Take off your clothes." "You want to wrestle in the nude?" "It's the only way to wrestle." Liz and Joe both disrobed. "Let's walk over to the mirror." Said Liz. They walked over to a full length mirror and stood in front of it next to eachother. "Do you think you can beat me?" Joe looked at the two of them in the mirror. She outweighed him by 25 lbs despite being 14 inches shorter. That meant that he was a lot thinner than she was. She was especially thicker in the legs. Her legs looked twice the size of his. "I don't know. You're a lot thicker than I am." "Are you ready?" "Yeah." He grabbed her leg and tried to pick her up and throw her down, but she was too heavy . She began to giggle. "Are you trying to do this?" She asked. She grabbed his leg, picked him up and threw him down. He scrambled up and grabbed her shoulders, but she pushed him down again, pinning his shoulders to the floor. It was over. "Ok. Let's have sex now." She said. Joe hadn't even realized it, but he'd developed a huge, erection. "We don't have any condoms." He replied. She walked over to a drawer and pulled out a box of condoms. She tossed it to him. He took one out and put it on. They had sex right there on the mat. "You get a turn on from wrestling guys don't you?" Said Joe. "I get a turn on from beating guys at wrestling." "Is that why you approached me?" "Exactly. You're thin and weak looking and I figured I'd have no trouble overpowering you."