"20/20"-The Eye Exam Recently I went to the optometrist for my eye exam. A few things were different this time. I had a new optometrist and the Doctor was a woman with huge biceps. She had me go through all the tests and at one point she said "can you see this picture of me clearly on the back wall without your glasses on?" I said "yes." It was a picture of the Doctor flexing her huge biceps. She said "I used to compete in bodybuilding contests 5 years ago when I had 20 inch arms. That's one of the reasons why the business is called 20/20, besides the obvious reference to perfect vision. However, my arms are much bigger now as I have joined the Big Arm Gym. I told her I love women with big muscles and that I'm a professional photographer. Taking pictures of big female bodybuilders is my specialty. The Doctor, who's name was Susan, said that she'd like to have me photograph her later that day. She said for me to come over to her home and that she would even cook dinner for us. She was no longer married and it was more fun to cook for two instead of one. I arrived at 5 pm and was very excited, eagerly anticipating what huge muscles were going to be flexed for me. I hadn't seen what her muscles currently looked like only a picture from 5 years ago. She had said she was much bigger now. Susan opened the door wearing a very tight robe and it looked like she had plenty of muscle underneath. She soon took the robe off and said "I hope you like how my muscles look." I did! I instantly got hard and she knew it. Susan said I can see you like my 'new' look. She said "go ahead and feel these huge arms." They were great. Not an inch of fat anywhere. Susan said "my whole body is big and muscular like my arms. They currently measure 28 inches but pumped they are over 30 inches!" I was really impressed. She then said "before we do anything more tonight I better take care of that big swelling in your pants." She carried me into the bedroom and quickly got my pants off and then put my throbbing member into her mouth. I came within a minute. It felt great. "Now that we've done that" she said, let's have some dinner. We'll have plenty of time for pictures and if you're up for it, plenty of sex as well. I said "I'm looking forward to having sex with you all night and feeling all of your beautiful muscles." Susan kissed me and said "I think we're going to have a great time." Susan and I had a great dinner. She said that she was so happy to have met me and also that I was now a new patient as well. She said "I've got to take care of your eyes so you will always appreciate my thick muscles." We laughed about that and then we went into the bedroom. Susand and I kissed for a few minutes and then she said "I'm very wet in case you were wondering and ready for your nice, big penis to go into me whenever you are." I soon entered her doggy style. She moaned and moaned as I moved in and out for some 10 minutes until I could no longer wait and we both had tremendous orgasms, both at about the same time. Susan's orgasm went on for about 30 seconds and then she was able to reach a second orgasm while I was still inside of her. Susan said "you are some lover, mister." I said "you're not so bad yourself. We took a break from sex to get to know each other a little more and then we would soon resume our bedroom fun. Susan then carried in a pair of huge dumbbells, 500 pounders and I watched her di hundreds of reps. I then squeezed both of her massive arms. I got really hard touching her and I then measured her magnificent biceps. They measured 31 inches. That was quite an improvement from 5 years ago when she said they were 20. Susan then got on top of me and slowly moved her muscular body up and down on my erect member. After a few minutes Susan reached her first orgasm of this round. A minute later I came and so did Susan. Her pussy muscles were very strong and her orgasms were very powerful and it felt so good to come with her. We then took a break for some dessert in the kitchen and then would continue in bed with some whipped cream that I suggested we bring along. Susan said with a sly smile on her face "what do you want to do with the whipped cream?" "I'll show you," I said. I put some cream on her thick arms and then sucked it all off of her. Then I put some on her chest and breasts and did the same as Susan moaned and moaned. I then put some whipped cream down below and licked all the cream off of her and then continued to make her come. She was loving it and I then had her put some on my erect member. After a minute of this I put myself inside of her. She reached her first orgasm this time very soon after I put myself inside her. She was really horny. Then we both came together a minute later. Susan said "that was a great idea using the whipped cream. I really loved it." We then took a short break. Susan then said "I'd like to show off a little for you before we screw again." She then brought out a thick steel bar and 2 horseshoes. I knew what she had in mind. First she stood in front of me and grabbed the steel bar in her big strong hands. She then easily bent the bar in half and then continued to work it back and forth and after several minutes the steel bar broke in her hands. I was very impressed and I kissed her passionately for a minute. She appreciated the well-deserved response. Afterwards she grabbed the horseshoes and duplicated the feat by breaking them as well. We were both ready for sex again and then would go to sleep. She got on top of me and slowly moved on top of my erect member. She said, "I was so turned on showing off for you and having you see my muscles grow." After a minute Susan did come and I came as well a few seconds later. We kissed and hugged for a minute and soon went to bed. We were both very tired but very happy as we fell asleep in each other's arms. We both slept quite well that night. In the morning before we showered Susan said, "I want you to put your big thing inside me. I can't wait to come again with you." I took my cue and soon put myself inside of her. She was quite horny again and we both had a great time. After several minutes we both came. We enjoyed a hot shower together and then a very wonderful breakfast soon after. We then had time for one more round of orgasms before the Doctor had to go to work. She flexed for me and I soon was ready for her. I got inside of her doggy style. Susan came almost immediately and her orgasm went on and on. I continued to move and she then reached her second orgasm and I came along with her. We were very happy with the way the day had started and we made arrangements to meet later for dinner. We kissed and thanked each other for all the good fun we'd had. I said, "I look forward to a great evening tonight." She handed me a piece of paper and it read "here's my prescription for the evening. Have a great dinner with me and let's screw all night!" I couldn't have said it better myself.