The Strength Show The other day I went over to the Big Arm Gym as I often do to look for more women bodybuilders to photograph. I'm the official photographer at the gym and I shoot for Mass Muscle Magazine. I talked to my friend, the owner, and she told me there was a really big woman coming out in a minute to workout. She had just signed in a few minutes earlier before I arrived and was in the locker room putting her stuff away. "Her name is Monique and you'll like her I guarantee it." Monique soon came out and I was introduced. She just started lifting at that gym a few weeks ago, previously from another state. She had been training 15 years, was 30 years old. She told me that she's 6-2 and weighs 250 pounds and had 5% bodyfat. I was very impressed. She took off her sweats and I almost fell over. She had tremendous arms, shoulders, abs, quads, etc. Also a huge chest. "How big are those arms and how big is that chest of yours? I said. She said "I don't minding telling you my arms are 26 inches cold, my chest is 56 inches." Naturally I can lift a lot of weight with my arms and my chest." She said she was training currently for a strength show she was giving at the auditorium down the street from the gym. She would do lots of heavy lifting and bending bars. The audience would be part of the show as I usually had 2 big men from the crowd come onstage and have me lift them in different ways, overhead or just curling them. Whatever I felt like. She would love for me to go and I said you bet I'll be there. I asked Monique to give me a taste of how strong she was. I had her start by doing bicep curls. She said she can curl more weight than anybody in the gym and maybe the world. She started off by easily curling 800 pounds for 3 sets of 10. I couldn't believe it. She made it look like she was using 80 pounds not 800. She continued to do sets with 900 pounds and then said she would attempt 1000 pounds. "Sometimes I can curl this much weight and sometimes I can't" she said. I feel strong and having you near me I know I can do it. Besides I'm getting really turned on having you watch me and I love lifting anyway." She then grabbed the barbell and Monique was able to curl the huge bar 3 times. It was a struggle but she did it! She then had be measure her huge arms. She had me put a 28 inch steel chain over each arm and she would flex and try to break the chains with her steely arms. She flexed each arm 3 or 4 times and the links broke onto the floor. I knew that her arms were over 28 inches, therefore. In reality they were 30 inches as I got a tape measure and did the honors. She said that she felt they could be pumped bigger but would settle for 30 inches today. I told her that she was the strongest woman I'd ever met and that was saying a lot as I'd met lots and lots of huge women bodybuilders. She said for her strength show she would do lots of different things to show her muscles off. We talked awhile and I took lots of pictures of her. This included a most muscular pose, like a crab, which was unreal. Her upper body was so huge. I grabbed her huge biceps as she held this pose for a few minutes. Her arms were so big and hard and I was getting hard in my pants. Monique noticed and said "I'm glad you're enjoying this." Why don't we go over to my house which is close to here and we can continue where we left off?" I agreed, naturally. In 5 minutes we were at her house. Before we went inside she said "have you ever seen anyone do this before? We got out of her van and she bent down and lifted the front of the van off the ground. I nearly came in my pants then and there. For an encore she walked with the van for some 200 feet while I ran along trying to keep up with her. She then put the van down and then she drove us back to her house. She carried me upstairs. She could see that I needed to come right away and she was more than happy to help me. Monique began sucking on my hot penis and within a short time I was coming all over her. She was loving it and said "I love that I'm turning you on." She also said that most guys find her muscles a turn-off and was overjoyed that I found her so exciting. She then led me into her weight room where she would do some more lifting. She put 800 pounds on the bench and began doing presses for me. She said this was easy for her and she stopped at 80 reps. Next she added 100 pounds and benched the weight 20 times. And if this were not enought she did 1000 pounds 5 times as I started to get hard again. She was really strong and deserved to do a strength show with what I had seen so far alone. She then took the 1000 pound barbell and lifted it overhead 5 times. I suggested we go upstairs again and have some more fun. Monique gently put me on her bed and I began sucking on her huge chest and feeling her muscles, which were everywhere. She had me put my penis in between her massive chest and she began to squeeze my penis repeatedly with her big pectoral muscles. She got me hard quite easily and could have made me come on her chest but I wanted very badly to get inside her pussy. She said,"stick 2 fingers inside me and see how wet and hot I am." I was eager to do just that. Then after getting her really hot I made her have multiple orgasms with my fingers. Then I put my erect member into her wonderful pussy. I went slowly at first and then we both moved together for several minutes before we came in unison, both moaning and moaning. We then held each other for several minutes and then Monique said "I want to show you some more of my awesome power." We went outside where she had her other vehicle, a British Sportscar. She easily lifted the back end of the car and then put it down and then began curling the back of the automobile with one arm. It was easy for her. Afterwards Monique went to the front and performed the same feat. For an encore she lifted up the front of the car again but this time continued lifting until the front end was completely over her outstretched arms. It was really amazing even though it was a small car. It was still unbelievable. She said, "now watch this." She slid under the front of the car and began doing benchpresses with the front of the car. Not once but at least 25 times until she gently put the car back down. By this time my penis was ready for more action. Monique picked me up with one arm and took me to bed. She did a short posing routine for me showing off all her muscles from head to toe. I enjoyed grabbing her huge arms, legs, and other massive muscles. She got on top of me and slid my penis inside her. She had tremendous muscles even inside her as I soon found out and enjoyed. She moved slowly up and down and all the time squeezing her pussy muscles and driving me crazy. We came together soon after, both of us exhausted but happy. Her strength show was going to be in 2 days and she told me she expected 500 in the audience including some big football players and male bodybuilders who would be part of her act. Monique and I spent most of the time together having sex and I continued to be amazed at her strength as she would lift for hours at a time, rarely seeming to tire. The big day arrived for Monique's strength show and as she predicted 500 people attended the performance. I got a good seat up front in order to get some shots. She also had friends videotaping the event. Monique began her strength show by doing some heavy weightlifting. She started by doing bicep curls. She did what she did for me before which was to start out at 800 pounds and then finish with 1000 pounds. When she got to 1000 pounds she apparently was really turned on by the crowd applauding that she was able to perform the lift a lot easier than she had just for me. She did 15 reps with 1000 pounds. She was pushed by the audience to do a personal best and she attempted 1025 and made the lift 3 times. She then did 1050 for one unbelievable rep while we all gave her a standing ovation. Her arms were really getting pumped now. She called for her assistant to bring out some steel bars. She then easily bent 20 steel bars over the next few minutes one by one. The next thing she did was call on 2 big football players or bodybuilders from the audience to participate in the next demonstration. Two guys came on stage each weighing over 250 pounds they said. She told them and the audience that she would try to lift them with her arms as a variation on a biceps curl. She easily lifted each big man under their belts and curled one in each arm for several reps. Then she put them down while she milked more applause from us in the crowd. Monique then lifted both men, over 500 pounds total, overhead for 10 repetitions. I got lots of pictures of this routine and we all enjoyed this amazing feat of strength. Just for fun Monique ripped some phonebooks for us. There were about 20 of them and it took her only a few minutes or so do this. At this point she took some time to take a breather and there was soon a question and answer session. The usual questions regarding her training, how many hours per day she lifts, the number of years she's been lifting, and that sort of thing. Monique told the crowd that she had always been strong but didn't know how strong she would become. She enjoys showing off her body and her strength and encouraged other men and women to push themselves and you may end up doing a strength show yourself one day or whatever positive goals you've set. She said that she was getting ready for her final part of the show, the tug of war. For the tug of war she had 2 male bodybuilders and 2 female bodybuilders go on stage. Each weighed 250 pounds or so and the total was 1000 pounds more or less, that Monique would be pulling against. At first Monique used only 1 arm and was able to keep the four bodybuilders from even moving her at all. Then after a few minutes of this and with the crowd really urging everyone on, she then decided to use both arms and finish this off right away. Suddenly now that she was using both her powerful arms the bodybuilders began falling over one by one to Monique's side and soon it was all over as they all fell down on the stage in a big heap. The crowd gave everyone a standing ovation and Monique announced that that was the show and thanked everyone for coming. We didn't leave for 30 minutes or so as friends and fans wanted to meet her and get her autograph. A friend that had been making a video of the show gave the copy to us to look at as well. We then went to Monique's home. She took a shower and I watched some of the video while I waited for her. She soon returned wearing nothing and flexing her huge muscles for me. She was bigger now than she had ever been since she was so pumped up from the strength show. I told her how great she looked and how wonderful the show was. I had been so turned on watching her perform and knowing that I was the one who was sleeping with this huge muscle woman. "Let me measure your arms now," I said. The tape measured 31 inches now and we went upstairs to make love. She told me that her pussy had been soaking wet all night as she got turned on doing her show and feeling her muscles get bigger and bigger. I told her that I had to control myself throughout the night as I was very turned on myself. She started by sucking on my penis and I began licking her clitoris and sticking my tongue in her hot pussy. After less than a minute we were both in ecstasy, both coming and moaning. We then took a break to have some dinner. We had forgotten to eat with all the night's activites, the strength show and the sex. Monique made a great dinner and then we were back in bed again. I wanted to make her reach many orgasms tonight since I was so proud of her performance earlier at the strength show and I loved pleasing her as well. I put some baby oil all over her chest and massaged her muscles and made her moan by touching her nipples. Then I put oil over her clitoris and inside her pussy. I made Monique moan and moan and then I turned her over and slid into her pussy, doggie style. I went slowly in and out for several minutes. She had several orgasms before we both exploded together and it was the best sex we had had so far. We went to sleep soon after and dreamed of yet another day of great sex and huge muscles. She was one great lady and she sure was a strong one, too.