I Have Always Dreamt By Beaten Man - [Replies to humbled@abeatenman.com] A Poem....of Her I have always dreamt someday we would meet that woman who has in my mind Battled with me time after time ................and then left me sprawled at her feet I have always dreamt of feminine might That woman who would beat me up while nicely filling a D cup ...........That woman who could really fight I have always dreamt of that beauty queen With so much more power than I Whose punches to my face would fly ................Whose muscles bulged like none I'd seen I have always dreamt how she'd knock me out She'd beat me right down to the floor I'd beg her. I can take no more ...............Then lick my toes wimp she would shout I have always dreamt of each sweat soaked breast They'd heave as she stood over me The drips like rain from her body .............Would come cascading to my chest I have always dreamt her gloved fist held high Proclaiming that gals victory She'd place her foot on my body ..............Beneath her I would beg and cry I have always dreamt of each grueling round She would advance as I'd retreat I would get hit, knocked from my feet .............And lay there face down on the ground I have always dreamt that her legs would squeeze Til all the air rushed out of me And as I would squirm helplessly ...............It's me that she would taunt and tease I have always dreamt her busoms would sway gently as she threw her punches Raining them on me in bunches ..................Until I had been put away I have always dreamt she fought with no clothes She'd wear a G string - nothing more And when she had me on the floor ................Would strike a double bicep pose I have always dreamt of my Amazon Of her Power and of her speed Of how her fists made my face bleed ..........And how we would fight on and on I have always Dreamt being at her feet beaten by her female attack Laying battered upon my back ......Neath that woman I could not beat I have always dreamt and now its come true I have met her - of whom I've dreamed I have met her and gotten creamed .................Now most of me is black and blue I have always dreamt and it came to pass In the dark alley we did fight She used her left and then her right ...............My God that woman kicked my ass !