Beauty and the Beast - Part 2 "The Aftermath" By Beaten Man - Replies to Her Husbands Anguish Leads to "Physical" therapy Dr. Franz Oppenhurst is about to address his behavioral therapy class at the the University of Miami School of Medicine. As I was instrumental in getting the subject of his lecture to come forward and openly discuss the matter under review I have been invited to listen in on the lecture. I have not heard from Rhonda nor her husband Ralph since Jake Hubbards richly deserved death I am curious as to how she and Ralph are coping with the aftermath of such a horritying event. Hopefully Dr. Oppenhurst can enlighten me as to what has occured and how they are both doing. The doctor is approaching the podium now. I'll adjust the volume upwards on my radio so that you too will be able to listen in. I believe he's ready to begin. Good Morning students, Todays topic will be on the use of physical therapies to treat mental disorders. Before getting underway I would like you to use your computors to access the Internet. Please go to There you will find a physical description of the couple who are the subjects of this lecture. You will also find a complete history of the event which traunatized them both. It should not take you long to familiarize yourselves with the case history. I will give you a moment to open the files before resuming. Now, as you familiarize yourselves with the principals let me fill you in on the resultant psychological problems stemming from the incidents described in Mrs. X's narrative. Their interaction with the Jake Hubbard character occured some 11 months ago. Approximately six months ago I was approached by Mrs. X in my capacity as Professor Emeritus of the University's departmentt. of Psychiatric Medicine. She described the incident to me, as background, and then launched into a rather anguished description of her husbands then current mental state. According to Mrs. X her husband Ralph had become so traumatized by his inability to protect his wife from the bully he was unable to perform sexually. What she wanted was a referral from me of a reputable sex therapist. I explained that I could not make any recommendations based on such a simple diagnosis of what could be a complex problem. I did however invite her and her husband to come to the University to further discuss their situation. Based upon that meeting I offered my services to the couple. I found the case fascinating and decided to use my recommended treatment as the basis for this semesters theme of physical therapy to cure psychological trauma. First I will list, as I saw them, the major problems that each was having to deal with. If you compare the problems with the event described in her story you will recognize the cause of the resultant sexual disfunction and see that it was merely the tip of the iceburg. 1.. Guilt.- Ralph had failed to protect his wife as society insists a male must. 2. Inferiority.- Ralph had been quite easily physically overwhelmed by Jake 3. Fear - Rialphs wife had killed her assailant rather than just simply incapacitating him and escaping 4. Confusion - Ralphs preconceived notions of the physical relationship of a male to a female had been demonstrated, at least in this incident, to be incorrect. Rhonda herself also had problems that she probably was unaware of; 1. Guilt - She had become sexually aroused as she destroyed her assailant. She took pleasure in not only killing him but in his pleas for mercy as well. 2. Superiority - She was, she now believed, more powerful than her male counterpart 3. Fear - Would she somehow injure Ralph in physical interaction between them. 4. Confusion - Rhondas notions of the physical relationship of a male to a female had also been demonstrated to be incorrect. We have two people essentially dealing with the same or related problems emanating from two sides of the same incident. All perfectly understandable given the circumstances. And all based on fallacies. As with any good therapy the therapist, in this case me, first must show the patient what it is he or she is dealing with and why it really should not be a problem. As I had two patients, both of whom were dealing with misconceptions stemming from the same event, I would be able to kill two birds with one stone by addressing them both and dispel each myth or misconception as I went along from two different angles. I decided to first tackle the wifes ability to deal with Jake and Ralphs inability to do so. I would show them that their conclusions as to their physical capabilities, or lack there of. were based upon false conclusions. In no particular order this is what I explained to them point by point. Point one. That Ralph was bested by the brute who was bested by his wife - therefore she must be somehow tougher than he. I explained that Ralph had been surprised by the attack and was knocked unconcious by the first blow struck. He had never had the opportunity his wife had to fight back. When someone is struck to the chin as Ralph was and does not see the blow coming there is no chance to steel ones self against the attack. The head moves violently and the brain is thrown back against the skull within its protective membrane. the shock easily renders one unconsious. His wife on the other hand, was subject to an attack that slowly escalated. Any blows struck to her were anticipated and prepared for, even if the preparation was subconcious. Jake himself had no particular fighting skills other than his size and brute strength. He was a bully who had spent a life time picking on those he perceived as weaker. He had never bothered to train or practise in order to gain skill. He relied on intimidation to paralize a victim and would strike without warning. No one had ever really fought back. Rhonda had at least received some self defense training and had some rudimentary skills involving warding off blows and countering. And from what I was able to ascertain from Rhonda and Richard as well as others I interviewed Jake had been drinking beer the entire day. This would affected his thinking abilities as well as his physical abilities and his stamina. There certainly was no difference in the couples knowledge of self defense. They had received the same training together. If the training his wife received gave her a skill edge against Jake, as it obviously had, than Ralph would have enjoyed the same edge had he been given the OPPORTUNITY, and I stress opportunity since it plays a part in subsequent points, to actually engage Jake in combat. Point two: That she was stronger than Ralph since she was able to defeat Jake. First of all opportunity had given her the chance to engage Jake as we saw in the previous point. I pointed out to them that when two people are of the same mass and have the same exercise routine they will be of the same approximate strength. Ralph and Rhonda are almost exactly the same size and did all the same exercises together. Ergo all things being equal they were of the same approximate musculature and strength. Additionally, and of great importance was the fact that Rhonda was threatened and feared for her life. What happens when we are afraid? Adrenalin is produced. And adrenalin is a stimuli that can vastly increase ones strength for short periods. Rhondas strength was multiplied during the engagement with Jake as vast amounts of adrenalin were being produced in her body. And as we shall see in a moment adrenalin had other effects. Besides her fear there was also anger. And anger would produce still more adrenalin.. She had seen Jake hurt her most cherished possession, Ralph. His actions had denied her his company and put Ralph in jeopardy. She was, in laymans terms, pissed at Jake. I asked Ralph to consider how he would have approached Jake if he had witnessed Jake striking Rhonda. His reply was that he would have been, of course, incensed and he would have wanted to kill Jake. As was now apparent, given the opportunity, Ralph would have enjoyed all the same advantages of stimuli his wife did had he engaged the bully. Point three: That Rhonda was somehow evil or perverted given her sexual arousal during her destruction of Jake, the heightening of that arousal as he begged and her subsequent climax at his death. These feelings, I explained, are not only not unnatural they are in fact quite natural given both human nature and the unique circumstances she found herself in. In Rhondas case they were further heightened by, of all things, the special relationship she shared with Ralph who was not even present at the incident. Her most obvious misconception was the cause of her arousal. As I have stated adrenalin was coursing through her body releasing endocrins that were acting as stimuli. Simply put Rhonda was stimulated. Rhonda herself was an extremely sexual woman. She and Ralph enjoyed intercourse on a more or less nightly basis during their entire marriage. Rhonda was quite used to feeling stimulation in those areas of her body most sensitive to stimuli. Her breasts and vagina. As the endocrins built in her system the brain sent out signals along her neural paths to those same areas that then reacted as they had been trained to. The situation was not erotic but her vagina, never the less lubricated, and her nipples became sensitized or erect as you younger people put it. They behaved as they had been conditioned to. All Rhonda knew was that she was aroused. She was, in fact, mistaking stimulation for arousal. On a less clinical basis there are many facets shared in common between certain elements of fighting and intercourse that could further confuse Rhonda. The opponent in a fight is the sole subject of your concentration just as your sex partner is in intercourse. Jake was uniquely the object of her emotional desires at that moment. They were emotions of anger and hatred, but emotions just the same. As are passion, love and lust. There is really a very thin line between them. There is intimate physical contact between the participants. One is not concerned with modesty or etiquette when in battle, nor is one during intercourse. The brain, the ultimate sex organ, simply processed this information and passed it back to her bodies erogenous zones as arousal. Just as it should have. But why did Jakes pleading stimulate her further and why did his death trigger her climax? To understand this one has to recall Rhondas natural proclivity for sex and what satisfied it. Normaly when Rhonda was sexually aroused the symbol of Ralphs manhood, his penis, served to sate her appetite. There are other symbols of manhood. There is bravery, dignity, pride and courage to name but a few. All of these Jake offered to her as he begged for mercy. As he surrendered his manhood. Unfortunately these symbols could not satisfy her as a penis could. So instead they racheted up the sexual stimulation. To be blunt, Jake was trying, but his metaphorical dick was too small. Settle down out there and behave as adults! You're here to learn not be entertained. Now as I was saying, his pleading now had taken her sexual stimulation to an almost unbearable level. Then he died. Remeber the underlying cause of the stimulation, Adrenalin. The danger and violence were at an end. So too the anger. No more need for the adrenelin. The stimulation abruptly ceased.; When Ralph ejaculated during intercourse, when he stopped, that was always Rhondas signal to release her own climax. Again the brain did its job and when all stimulation ceased sent out the signal to her pleasure centers to release. So Rhonda climaxed. That is why she became so drowsy and immediately fell asleep. She was still behaving as she would after intercourse. All perfectly understandable. Point four: The couples misconceptions regarding the natural order of the relationship of men to women. Having already demonstrated to them their own approximate physical equality I now had only to dispel the underlying misconception that Ralph had to be the stronger solely because he was the male.. I reminded them that human beings were first and foremost members of the animal kingdom. In the animal kingdom it is NOT preordained that the male be stronger and dominant. It is only preordained that he have the ability to fertilize the female and that she bear the young.. I first used the lion as an example. It is the female who hunts as the male lazily suns himself in the African heat. Male lions, as will other feral vertebrates, challenge one another for dominance within the group but never will they challenge the females. What they are fighting for is the right to the spoils of the females hunt or perhaps the right to mate with a female. The king of beasts may rule the other males in his pride but he does so as he plays second fiddle to his mate. He may be slightly larger than his female counterpart but the outcome af any confrontation between them is by no means preordained.. In the case of humans nature had played a cruel trick. Nature made the reproductive act pleasurable for the male but not for the female. Remember man is descendant from the Ape. Intercourse for primitive man was done as apes did it. From behind the female. This was by no means the pleasurable experience for her that it eventually evolved into as nature compensated for her earlier mistake and made the breast sexually appealing to the male so that he would approach her from the front. In the early going nature simply continued the formula she had used with the ape to insure continuity of the species. She made the male significantly larger so he would be able to overpower her. Natural selection then made larger males able to pass on their seeds while at the same time made larger females, who could resist the male, unable to fertilize their eggs. In other words the physical disparity regarding size was passed along, and exagerated, from generation to generation just as with the apes. One more motivating factor they had not considered and I would be able to advance to the cure stage. Nature has imbued in the female of the species an extremely protective nature when it comes to the young she bears. A woman protecting her defenseless child is capable of almost super human physical strength. Ralph and Rhonda were childless. All of Rhonda's maternal instincts were invested in her mate. Ralph lay helpless, as helpless as a newborn child, in the hospital. Would the beast, if able to incapacitate Rhonda, pose a threat to the object of her maternal instinct. In Rhondas subconcious he certainly would have. Rhonda was protecting not only herself but Ralph as well. And she was extracting revenge, the final motivation. Having dispelled with the myths and having addressed the underlying phsycological problems I could now begin the physical therapies that would demonstrate to them first hand the truths that now simply needed to be proved. I would have them engage in a series of escalating physical contests that would demonstrate first hand these truths. they had now been shown. I would prove their physical equality. I would dispel their fears of one another. It was not just Ralph who was sexually disfunctional. It was also Rhonda. She could not use seduction to induce Ralph to perform. She saw that as dominating him. And she even, on a subconcious level, feared injuring Ralph in intercourse. Fighting and the sex act have often been used as metaphors for each other. I was ready to cease being the analyst and begin being the therapist. It was my job to not only cure them psychologicly but to also restore their passion and desire for one another. I believed close physical contact during competition, at some point, would also accomplish that. I would set the rules for each contest so that it was simply a test of strength. Then change the rules to introduce additional factors I felt would be helpful so that knowledge and/or opportunity could be used to tip the balance or change the results. I instructed them to dress comfortably in bathing attire and to be barefoot. There would be no interference from constricting cloths or advantages of one type of footwear over another. The contests would be held over four successive Saturdays. This allowed me to concentrate on one contest or type of contest at a time and allowed plenty of rest in between so that fatigue or strain would not be a factor. The week between contests would also be benificial in allowing the lessons of the day to be absorbed by the patients. Before we get into the contests, a word of caution to those of you planning on specializing in sex therapy. First you must ascertain the physical condition of your subjects before recommending such draconian measures. Ralph and Rhonda were both superby conditioned, well muscled and in peak health. I used the staff at the University's teaching hospital to put them both through a battery of tests to make sure their hearts and lungs were in good order. I certainly would not recommend this type of treatment for a seventy year old man suffering from penile disfunction. Viagara would be a much better choice. Additionaly the couple must be psychologicly receptive. Comparing Ralph to Rhonda made it apparent that he had chosen a mate that was his physical twin. He did not wish to dominate. He wanted an equal partner. Rhonda was a large woman, quite beautiful . She could have chosen a smaller mate that she could dominate or a larger one that could dominate her. She too had chosen one that matched her size. She too wished to be an equal with her mate. They were both happy in that environment until something upset the balance. Restoring the balance was the important thing. Now on to the therapies. For their first days contests I chose arm wrestling. I had noticed that both participants arms were of the same approximate girth at the bicep. Rhondas right arm swelled ever so much slightly more than Ralphs when flexed but her left arm did not. Ralph had a slightly longer reach and was ambidextrous. All in all they seemed perfectly matched, each enjoying a slight edge in one or another way They locked right hands, seated across from each other at a table. I set them at even and said go. In the beginning there was very little activity as the two just looked at each other and pushed. The stalemate continued for about 2 or 3 minutes and then I began exhorting them each to redouble their efforts and really attempt to take the other down. They stopped staring at each other and you could see the strain become apparent in both their faces. They were squinting and occassionaly one or the other would grunt a bit.. As the contest continued you could actually see the muscles in their right arms tighten and bunch up. By the five minute mark small visible shakes were apparent and after each quick tremor one or the other would briefly have a slight advantage. Each time one would gain this slight advantage the other would strain and bring their hands back to the starting position,. Now the muscles were quite pronounced. The females arm no longer appeared feminine, the muscle had bunched to far greater proportions than she had originally shone when flexing and the same was true of the male. Both now had veins clearly visible. The combatants were perspiring freely. At the eight minute mark Rhonda gained a slight advantage and was able to hold it against Ralphs strain to get back to even. From the eight minute mark forward Rhonda slowly increased her advantage until the eleven minute mark when Ralphs hand finally was forced to the table. By the end the two were drenched and both were completely spent. There was neither jubilation from Rhonda nor complaints from Ralph. I noted a look of concern on Rhondas face and Ralphs eyes reflected discouragement. I gave them one half hour to recover before the next contest. After the brief rest I again set them, this time having them interlock left hands. The contest followed much the same pattern as the right hand contest but was shorter by a full four minutes and was won by Ralph at the seven minute mark with the turning point coming after only three minutes. I noted after the contest that the look of concern was gone from Rhondas face and Ralphs face reflected jubilation. We had demonstrated their rough equivalancy, and equality is what both partners really wanted in their relationship. I then gave them the remaining time to have additional arm wrestling contests alternating hands at their own pace. Each successive match took less time and each was won by whichever partner had originally won that hands original match. Ralph was learning to expend less effort where he could not win and concentrate that effort where he could. Rhonda was learning that she could win and not destroy Ralphs confidence, Additionally each was learning small tricks that could increase their advantage where that advantage already existed. They were learning that training did indeed make a difference. The next sessions therapy centered around a little contest called mercy. In this contest two people will lock hands overhead and each will attempt to force the other to the floor, usually by forcing back the wrists of the loser. I noted a slight reach and height advantage for Ralph and also slightly thicker wrists. He would have his advantages. So to would Rhonda as I will explain in a moment. I determined that there would be three contests and I would instruct them either together or individually before each contest. In contest number one I instructed that the wrists must remain rigid and it was to be arm and to a lesser extent back and leg strengths that must determine the outcome. Movement back and forth was allowed. The arms could be moved up or down Ralph and Rhonda clasped hands overhead and after I checked their starting positions were allowed to begin. Almost immediately their muscles tightened and they began to strain against each other. In the initial stages Ralph attempted to exagerate his reach advantage by shortening the distance between them. Rhonda, who I believe has slightly greater arm strength, attempted to push him back to compensate. Both were successful to some degree or another and the result through five minutes was a stand off. Neither Ralphs nor Rhondas advantages were great enough to make any real difference in the contest. They were too evenly matched. By this five minute mark the strain was evident on both. They were again sweating and their muscles were standing out not only in their arms but in their legs and upper backs as well. The only sounds had been their grunts. Their breathing had become somewhat labored. You could see the females breasts heaving up and down and her buttocks tighten and relax and then tighten again at moments of maximum effort. Ralphs chest muscles were exagerated and he was squinting. What was unfolding before me was a contest between two adults in their prime and in top physical condition. As the battle wore on it was becoming evident to both that this would be a war of attrition. Their interlocked arms spread further and further out and they began to move closer together, still straining, but now not quite so hard. This was a concession by both of their perceived advantages and an attempt to conserve strength. By the ten minute mark their arms were straight out at their sides and their bodies were touching. By the thirteen minute mark their chins were resting on each others shoulder and they were leaning into each other. They were now supporting each other. I now became aware of subtle changes in their demeanors. Ralphs eyes were almost closed and his face no longer appeared strained. Rhondas face had also relaxed and her eyes had an almost dreamy quality. They were both panting shallowly and rhythmeticly. Although they didn't realize it they had each surrendered to the other. Neither one could win the contest. They were too evenly matched and they new it. And although neither was aware of it, they were enjoying the contact of each others bodies. A further demonstration of their equality and a beginning of sexual reawakening brought on by, of all things, combat. At seventeen minutes I declared the first match a draw and gave them thirty minutes to collect themselves before the second match. The next two matches would be fought as the first with the exception that it would be allowable to bend the wrists. Brute strength would be joined by finesse to determine the outcome. During the break I took Ralph aside and gave him some additional instructions. I told Ralph that I would count to three to start the match. I told him to rise up on his toes just before three. On three he was to bend his own wrists forward. I set them once again and counted three. Ralph followed my instructions and Rhonda found herself with her wrists bend back. In less than a minute she was squatting beneath Ralph with her hands by her ears supporting his weight. The contest was over and Ralph had won. He had won over a foe easily as strong as he because he had received training Rhonda had not that allowed him to exploit the tiniest of advantages. Just as his wife had been able to do in her conflict with Jake. I then took Rhonda aside and gave her instructions for the third match. As she was the shorter of the two I instructed her to swing her arms down on three until they were by her side and then push up with her wrists. I told her to reverse the swing and then drive Ralph down. I set them once again and counted to three. This time as Ralph was going up his arms were swung down by Rhonda. Ralph found himself on his toes with extreme pressure being exerted on his wrists from beneath. He was dancing on his toes trying to relieve the pain when Rhonda then reversed the action and sent his arms back up, now with his wrists bent. Within moments Ralph was on his knees in front of his wife. The third match was over almost as quickly as the second. This time Rhonda had won. Again training, not strength was the difference. With just the slightest of advantages the outcome had been completely reversed. Each had now been able to exploit their tiny advantages to drastically change the outcome of a so called test of strength. It was now apparent to both that many factors went into determining the outcome of a physical confrontation. The third and fourth sessions would center on different forms of wrestling. I had chosen wrestling for three primary reasons: First and foremost, wrestling, of all forms of combat, allows the most intimate of personal contact. Participants in a wrestling match could not be closer if they were copulating. Secondly the outcome of a fall or match can be drastically changed when skill or training is added to the native strengths of one or the other of the participants. And thirdly my subjects had no previous knowledge or training in the sport. The first of our two wrestling sessions began with me setting the opponents facing each other with each having a grip around the others biceps. The fall would begin as a simple shoving match. The first fighter who was able to take the second fighter to the floor would win the fall. They began and as I expected simply attempted to push each other back and forth. As in other contests the action was not hotly contested in the beginning and was slowly racheted up as they reacted to one anothers attempts to gain the upper hand. By the five minute mark we had arrived at the point where muscle strain was becoming evident, perspiration had begun and their faces were showing signs of efforts. During the next five minutes, as they shoved, they began attempting to take each other down by twisting to the right or left to gain leverage. Neither had the strength to topple over the other and they always wound up upright within a few seconds. Their bodies showed increased muscle expansion accompanied by the grunts and heavier breathing associated with effort. It is important to remember two things at this point. Neither had any knowledge of holds or leverage that could be used against an opponent. They did know how to trip someone, everybody does, but they had not attempted to trip one another. Secondly each knew that there would be more falls to follow and each, from previous events, knew that I would give them instruction to tip the balance one way or the other. From the ten minute mark forward they simply remained locked in the embrace I had set them in and strained against each other. Both showed tell tale signs of arousal that they were probably unaware of. The females nipples had become much more prominent against the restraining bra top of her bikini. Richards suit crotch was showing signs of a partial erection. In short they were comfortable in one anothers embrace and were enjoying the limited contact. Rhonda had seen that simple competitive contact would not result in her really hurting Ralph and Ralph was confident that his wife could not simply overpower him. They were learning and reacting to that knowledge. Additionally, Richard now knew that it would take knowledge for his wife to defeat him, or for that matter him her. Subconciously he also knew that if she were to gain that knowledge he too could, and once again regain equality with her. I declared the first fall a draw at the twenty minute mark and allowed them some rest. Before the second fall I reminded both of them that tripping was allowed, treating the matter as if I were giving them both a new skill to use and that I expected a winner in the fall. Once again I started them grasping each other around the upper arms. As soon as Rhonda began shoving forward Richard swept her support foot from beneath her toppling her to her knees. He had won the fall in half a minute. This time it was Rhondas face that registered discouragement and Richard wore the look of concern. They were exactly the expressions I had hoped for. I gave them no additional instructions and instead immediately reset them for the third and deciding fall. Rhonda immediately twisted her body to the right and kicked out her left leg against Richards right leg sending him crashing to the ground as she pushed his arms in the direction of his fall. Rhonda looked down at Richard and said "gotcha". She was no longer concerned for his psyche but instead concentrated on winning. Remember she was my patient too. Richard for his part grinned sheepishly and offered up his hand for assistance rising. He was not threatened by the loss of the fall as he had been when Rhonda initially took his right hand down in arm wrestling. He was proud of his wifes accomplishment. She helped him to his feet and they remained holding hands as I declared the third session ended and gave them their instructions for the fourth. The instructions were simple. Rhonda was to be toppless and it would be a best of five fall match with three pins or submissions required by one or the other to win. Ralph looked elated. I took advantage of the week between sessions to get some instructions from the schools wrestling team coach. I was particularly interested in the proper application for certain holds. With the knowledge gained I would be able to guide them to what I perceived as the proper outcome of the upcoming best of five match. As we began the last session I took a moment to thank them for their excellent cooperation and honesty throughout the course of treatment and expressed a desire for continued contact in case any follow up was needed or any regression occured. I expressed my satuisfaction with their progress so far and my confidence that, once completed, the treatment would prove to have beeen more beneficial than conventional sex therapy. I stressed the importance of continuing correspondence for monitoring purposes. We were now ready for the final phase. Their starting position for each fall would be the same as the previous week. This time, however, bringing someone to the ground was merely an advantage and it would be necessary to gain a submission or pin in order to win. if at the end of twenty minutes there was no pin or submission I would award the fall based on advantage at the time expiration. Without any further instruction I set them and signaled begin. They started as the previous week simply pushing back and forth, the only difference being they were each attempting to trip the other to gain advantage. Each having been toppled the previous week by a trip they were much more cautious and these attempts proved futile. Eventually Rhonda correctly surmised that if she twisted as she had attempted to the previous week but instead fell herself she could pull Ralph down. She was succesful but instead of gaining an advantage she had put herself at a disadvantage because Ralph came down on top of her. To compensate she twisted her body and grabbed Ralph about the neck and then pulled him the rest of the way over. As Ralph was being pulled he grabbed Rhonda around the abdomen to resist her pull. What resulted was a rolling about on the floor that resembled a school yard fight between two third graders. They twisted and pulled around on the floor locked in their embrace for a good five minutes. They had lots of contact but no advantage could be gained. Each lacked the skill to press any momentary edge. I was relatively certain, from what the wrestling coach had told me that absent any leverage this could continue for the entire session. This fall would be decided on stamina and nothing else. I was not concerned with who won the fall. As you have probably guessed it was my intention to influence the match so that we would have a two to two tie going into the fifth fall. Regardless of who won the first fall I would give enough instruction to the loser to enable he or she to win the second. I did, however, have a certain methodolgy in mind for the holds that I would use to influence the remainder of the match. I wished them to follow in a particular order. I decided that the best way to influence the outcome of this fall would be to simply state who, in the next fall, I would be assisting. I surmised that the individual who knew assistance would be forthcoming would attempt to conserve energy knowing they would be even after that next fall. I told Ralph that I wished to speak with him after the fall was completed. We were ten minutes into the first fall at the time. I left them to their own devices for the next five minutes as I went over my notes from previous sessions and double checked the data I was using against my conclusions. When I was satisfied I looked up to discover them still on the ground with Rhonda laying on top of Ralph with her arms around his neck and his around her middle. Neither was exerting any particular effort and both appeared exhausted. They were covered in sweat and were actually conversing, even though they were breathing heavily, as they lay in each others arms. A few minutes later I declared a stalemate and awarded the fall to Rhonda by virtue of her superior position. Slight evidence of sexual stimulation was evident in both. I would momentarily cool their ardor in the next fall. I did not intend to allow any rests after the next fall so I gave them a half hour to collect themselves and gave Ralph his instructions for the fall. I instructed him to release Rhondas arms as soon as the next fall began and to duck under her right arm and step behind her. I told him to grab back the right wrist as he did so to control her arm. I told him to keep her arm straight and pull it higher than her shoulder. When he had the arm barred as I wished he was to use both hands around her wrist with his thumbs pressing hard on the back of her hand and his fingers locking the wrist All he would need to do then was push with his thumbs. I was instructing him in a painful submission hold. I wanted to even the match but I also wanted to anger Rhonda. I will make clear why in a moment. I set them for the second fall and said begin. Rhonda attempted to push as Ralph disengaged himself from her grip and ducked under. Her momentum made it even easier for Ralph to get behind her as she stumbled passed him. He applied the arm bar as instructed and began applying pressure to her shoulder and wrist. At first Rhonda danced and hopped around in a circle slapping at her shoulder with her left hand. As Ralph increased the pressure on her shoulder by raising still further her arm she gradually dropped to one knee with Ralph still controlling the arm. The pressure on the wrist is extremely painful. She held out longer than I expected but within a few minutes submitted. The match was now tied at one to one. And Rhonda was angry. Or, should I perhaps say, stimulated. I wished to at some point to anger Rhonda because I had not yet reinforced my argument regarding other emotions and arousal / stimulus. And I also wanted to be sure to reinforce the knowledge that she could get stimulated by Richard and still not do him lasting harm. From the moment I had interviewed them and reviewed the case history I had become convinced that Rhonda suffered much more complex psychological trauma than Ralph. She had killed a man with her bare hands. Ralph was simply embarassed. Having her angered also gave me a leg up on starting the stimulation that I hoped would have them suffiiciently aroused by the end of the days treatment to insure healthy intercourse. One final point. Her anger would motivate her to treat Ralph roughly in a subsequent fall. And I would need her to do so in order to put them in the position I wanted them in. As we set for the third fall I took Ralph aside, much to Rhondas annoyance - she felt it was her turn, and explained to him how to employ a full nelson. I hinted that Rhonda might attempt his manuever from the previous fall and try to fool him into rushing forward and then grab his wrist as he stumbled passed her. I suggested that if she did he should allow it but stop short as he passed her keeping his arms low and grab for her waist. Then he would have only to turn suddenly and slide his arms up her body to her armpits and clamp on the hold.. I then explained to Rhonda how Ralph had managed to capture her arm the previous fall and how to apply the bar and wrist lock. I gambled that she would elect to try and use the painful hold for a quick submission. My motive for attempting to stack the deck in Ralphs favor in this fall was simple. I wanted Rhondas competetive juices flowing in the fourth fall and I wanted her dominant in that fall. I reasoned if she were behind she would be desperate for the fall in order to maintain their rough equality. They both would then know going into the fifth fall that no mater who won the match it would have been close and I did not want either of them desperate to catch up in that last fall. The reason for that will be apparent when we get to it. I felt it was safer putting Ralph in the one up position than Rhonda as I had come to believe that she might throw the fall if she were ahead in an attempt to salvage Ralphs ego. The third fall began as all the others with the couples arms locked together. Rhonda, still angry, did as I expected she would and attempted to have Ralph stumble pass her and grab the arm as he did. Ralph knowing what she was attempting kept his arm from her and then suddenly turned into her back as he passed her. He slid his arms up her body and clamped on the nelson. He had her trapped within seconds of the falls beginning. Rhonda fought like a tiger to free herself. After about five minutes of thrashing about she figured a way to power out of the hold. But when she did her back was still to Ralph and before she could turn he simply clamped on the nelson again. She escaped three times over a five minute period but was recaptured each time. After her third recapture her struggles gradually subsided as fatigue set in. She had been working much harder than Ralph for almost the entire fall. She relaxed in the hold, I presume in order to preserve her strength for the remaining falls. When she stopped struggling the pressure on her lessened as Ralph eased up and just held her tightly. He had no idea how to turn the hold into a submission or pin so was content to simply maintain the dominant position. He maintained the hold, with his crotch pushed tight against Rhondas buttocks, for the remainder of the twenty minute time limit. The more Ralph pressed against Rhonda and the more relaxed the hold became the less Rhonda struggled and relaxed herself. By then both were breathing heavily and both had their eyes closed. It was apparent that each was once again in the early stages of arousal. As time expired I declared a stalemate and awarded the fall to Ralph based on his decidedly dominant position. He had now more than held his own against his wife in numerous tests of strength and had become aroused by her proximity on more than one occassion. I was no longer concerned with him. As far as I was concerned he was cured. Now I could concentrate on Rhonda. Now make no mistake, I was quite sure Rhonda and Ralph would not have a problem in the bedroom and that Rhonda had accepted my explanations for her traumas. But any good psychotherapy has to be reinforced or there can be relapses. She still needed to see that she could engage Ralph roughly and not destroy his ego as her destruction of Jake had destroyed it. If not that underlying fear might eat at her subconcious. I took Rhonda aside and explained how to apply a standing headlock from the starting position and how to roll Ralph over her hip and bring him down with her on top. I told her simply to slide her own arm up his as soon as they began and his head would be right there for the taking. I then set them and signaled to begin the fourth fall. In the beginning Ralph held tight so they simply pushed back and forth for a few seconds but within a minute Rhonda had the headlock clamped on. She was still stimulated by her anger so had no compuctions about slamming Ralph to the ground over her hip. She did so and landed hard on top of him with his head in her vice like grip. At first he was winded from the fall but after a few moments began to kick about and try to use the hand he wasn't laying on to pry her arms away. His attempts simply resulted in Rhonda squeezing harder to maintain the hold. He was trapped and could not break free. After about five minutes his struggles subsided as he realized the less he fought the less she would squeeze. The result was a stalemate that would last for fifteen minutes with Ralphs face nestled snugly against Rhondas naked breast. .And that was where I had wanted him to be at that moment all along. In a way I envied him. What was Ralph to do while he awaited the inevitable end of the fall? He could thrash about and get his head squeezed like a zit or he could occupy himself with Rhondas handy ample breast. He chose the latter and licked it, occassionaly rubbing his nose and face against it. Rhondas grip slowly tightened again. Not to squeeze his head but to bring it as close to her breast as possible. Ralph responded by increasing the tempo of his licking. Rhonda shifted her body slightly to allow Ralph to get to her nipple. Her anger had grown into ardor. Ralph responded and was happily nibbling at it when I called time and awarded the fourth fall to Rhonda. It was the third fall decided by a position of dominance and not by pin or submission. Not by coincidence all three of those falls had their bodies in extremely close proximity and in near sexual positions. Subtle reminders of the pleasures even a struggle can bring. That is if you love and desire the person your struggling with. When they arose from the floor I had ample evidence of their desire for one another. Ralph was uncomfortably shifting about in his trunks attempting to hide the evidence of his lust. He would have needed a burlap sack to hide it. Rhondas nipples were straining forward and she kept unconciously rubbing her legs together. They both were snorting rather than breathing although they had not really exerted themselves. Rhondas nostrils were even flaring. Remeber this was a couple who made love nightly for fifteen years and now had not for six months. They were desperate for each other. I declared that the last fall must be won by bearhug. Just as Rhonda had used against Jake to finally break his spirit. How would Rhonda react? Would her desire to embrace Rialph overcome the memory of that night. The answer was a deafening yes. They could not wait to hold each other in their arms. They were locked in a mutual embrace one second after I said go to start the fifth fall. And although they each squuezed as tight as they could neither attempted to put pressure on the others spine by making a fist and digging the knuckles. They just stood and squeezed. Within moments Ralph began grinding against Rhondas crotch with his own. Rhonda rubbed her chest back and forth against Ralphs. By the five minute mark they would gently touch their lips to the others or nestle their mouth momentarily by the others ears. This was no longer a wrestling match. It was foreplay At the ten minute mark I called time out to inform them that I considered them to be cured and was not interested in who won the fall. That as far as I was concerned my job was done. I told them that the room was theirs for the remainder of the session and that they could finish the match or discuss their therapy or whatever else they might choose to do. I wished them well and left. As I turned to shut the door they were madly ripping at each others trunks and expertly applying a lip lock to one another. I never asked, nor did they volunteer, in subsequent conversations as to whether they ever had a deciding fall. If they did I have no idea who won. Probably both of them. I can tell you that Rhonda reports that Ralphs confidence is better than it was before the incident with Jake even occured. He is more assertive around others and is not shy about competing against the largest of men in athletic endeavors. He and Rhonda are studying boxing and Judo together and he has even competed in two amateur club bouts. She says they even compete against each other in sports like tennis and Judo. She says they have never been closer or happier. As for their... oh before I forget. Is their friend John in attendance today Yes I'm here in the back row professor. Rhonda asked me to remind you that you have changed your phone number since moving. She has been trying to reach you and asked that I give you her new Cell number. Please see me at the end. Where was I? Oh yes. As for their love life Rhonda reports that not only does John make love to her every night but , as she puts it, she always sees to it that he rises in the morning. She says he always shines. And that concludes todays lecture. Good Day.......... To be continued In Part 3 "Fight for Equality"