THE TALE OF THE BEATEN MAN By Beaten Man This Time I Tell My Story - Part 2 It wasn't that I didn't improve myself, I did. But I couldn't improve myself at the same pace as her. The harder I tried to make myself more competitive the harder she worked to maintain her wrestling dominance. We began competing in a variety of physical contests, at first because I was searching for areas where I could dominate. I challenged her to arm wrestling contests. She readily agreed. At first I could win the right armed matches with relative ease, usually within five minutes. I could also win the left handed matches but with a greater degree of difficulty, say ten minutes. But even in those areas her competitive spirit soon took over. She increased her training, targeting her arm strength for improvement. Slowly she began to narrow the difference between us. It wasn't long until a right handed arm wresting contest took as long as fifteen minutes for me to win and a left handed contest was a virtual stand off.. The anniversary of our marriage marked the first time Lori was able to win an arm wrestling contest. My left arm hit the table after twelve minutes. She was so hungry for sex afterwards that we didn't even bother wrestling. She came across the table like a hungry animal as soon as my arm touched down. Beating a man at his own game was Lori's aphrodisiac. As her dominance in wrestling increased we both began to see subtle changes in not only our relationship with one another but also in our business lives. Lori was becoming much more aggressive in all facets of her life. In business her aggressiveness paid off in a big way. She was involved in the sales of high dollar communications systems for large businesses. She worked on a commission basis. Her sales began to sky rocket and soon she was making better than two thousand dollars a week. I, on the other hand began to see my sales fall off. I lacked the confidence to take charge of clients in the way I used to do. It wasn't long before I saw my annual earnings cut almost in half. By just after our first anniversary Lori was earning almost twice what I was. A complete reversal from what it was when we first met. There were changes in our personal lives as well. Lori was much more assertive than she had been when we first hooked up. She no longer asked me if I wanted to go somewhere or if I wanted to do something, she would just inform me of what we were doing. She would tell me, we're going to dinner with so and so on Saturday night or we are getting this or that gadget for the house instead of asking me. If I disagreed with what she had planned she would challenge me to wrestle with the plans she had made being the stakes. Winning a match where stakes were involved was an even bigger turn on for her. She was thriving on the competition and I was being reduced by it. Even her trash talking during sex became more assertive. Instead of crowing over how she had crushed me between her legs or made me squirm in pain fron some hold during the match just ended she would talk instead of the humiliating way she would destroy me in the next match. Intimidation was becoming a turn on for her as well as physical dominance. In spite of the losses in wrestling and the gains she had made in tests of strength I still felt that in the end, if push came to shove, I was the physically superior party. I was the larger and the male. I contented myself with the knowledge that it was her dedication to training and innate flexibility that enabled her to win so often when we wrestled. As I sensed that I was losing any semblance of dominance in our relationship I became increasingly desperate to find ways to assert myself and prove to both of us that I was ultimately the stronger one in the relationship. That brought on a new and potentially more dangerous level of competition into our lives. I'd heard of a Night Club in a neighboring town that offered prizes for the winners of amateur boxing matches that were held there on Saturday nights. The matches were fairly well controlled and held under strict supervision. You entered the contest simply by standing up when the club asked for volunteers. Competitors were given a set of regulation trunks, protective head gear that was padded over the nose and chin, sneakers, a mouthpiece, and a set of 12 ounce gloves. You boxed in a regulation ring for three rounds. The rounds were only two minutes in duration. There was a referee and a three judge panel. If the club had more than two competitors than there would be a round robin of matches until only one fighter was undefeated. The winner got a thousand dollar prize, or in case of a draw five hundred each. Scoring was by round with the winner of the round getting two points. If a round was even both fighters got one point each. Knock outs were rare. Most bouts went the distance, those that didn't were usually because the referee stopped a non-competitive fight or one of the fighters decided to quit. The club was becoming quite popular, especially on Saturday nights. In our neck of the woods everyone was talking about it. As soon as I heard about the club I knew what I had to do. I had to enter the contest and win. I was the best athlete in half the state and was in better shape than anyone I knew. Though I didn't have any formal boxing experience or training I still had a pretty decent knowledge of how to defend myself and how to throw a punch. You don't play in as many sports as I did without eventually learning a bit about boxing. And I'd had a few fights growing up, all of which I'd won. Since the contest was not open to anyone with any formal Martial Arts training I figured my chances were pretty good of winning. I planned on bringing Lori to watch me box in the contest. I figured that after she saw me in action in a real fight she'd know which of us was the real athlete in the family. I also thought that the confidence I would regain by winning such a tournament would go a long way towards improving my performance at work. I seriously doubted that there was anyone within five counties of where we lived who could go three rounds with me. I knew that none of my friends could. I called and reserved a table for eight on Saturday night. I planned on inviting three other couples to go with us as a sort of belated Anniversary party for Lori and I. When I told Lori that I'd planned a little party for us Saturday night and that we would get to watch a boxing match she was thrilled. In keeping with her new found assertiveness she picked the three other couples and had called them to make the arrangements before I was even done filling her in on the details. Even better, I thought. I couldn't wait to surprise her when I entered the contest. I couldn't wait for her to see me knock some poor slob around the ring.. That Saturday night seemed to take forever to arrive, but never the less it did, and by Nine PM our party of 8 was seated and awaiting the matches. I had been sizing up the potential competition in the crowded club and hadn't seen anyone I felt would be able to stay with me. I was itching for the call for volunteers. The noisy room suddenly got quiet, a well dressed fiftyish man with a microphone had climbed into the ring. "It's fight time Ladies and Gentleman", he began. "Do we have any volunteers for a cash prize of a thousand dollars". I was the first one on his feet. Around the room four other men stood up. Unfortunately my reputation as a jock preceded me. I was instantly recognized as a home town hero, even by the announcer. When he announced who I was three of the standing men sat back down, leaving a big truck driver type and myself as the only two men volunteering.. He was pleading for more volunteers. Lori tried to get the other three men at our table to stand but none of them wanted any part of me. She rode them unmercifully for not even trying. When one of the wives complained to Lori about her badgering of her husband Lori even offered to fight her. The other woman was appalled and I suspect quite a bit intimidated by Lori's muscular build. Needless to say, she declined Lori's offer. After a few minutes of hectoring the crowd for volunteers the announcer told the two of us standing to go to the dressing room and get ready. He was still begging for more volunteers as we headed off . Lori gave me a huge kiss for luck as I left. As I headed for the dressing room I noticed one small jockey type guy stand up and volunteer. He would have a difficult time with either me or my truck driver looking opponent. He joined us in the dressing room about two minutes after we arrived there. As we changed into our trunks I couldn't help but size up my opposition. The jockey type, I was sure, would not be allowed in the ring with either myself or the truck driver guy. He couldn't have been more than 5'3" and couldn't have weighed more than 140 pounds. If no one else stood up this guy would be sent packing. As for the trucker type he was a bit bigger than me. I would say 6' 2'. But his weight had to be 250 or 60. And a lot it wasn't muscle. I was in peak condition. I had been working out feverishly trying to make up some ground on Lori. I was still at 215 pounds but I was ripped. My arms and chest were larger than his, particularly my arms. He was bigger every place else. That would be his stomach and fat ass. I figured him for a slow, plodding, clubbing type of fighter. His stomach didn't look like it could take much in the way of punishment either. He appeared to be in his early forties. To say I was feeling confident would be putting it extremely mildly. The three of us emerged from the dressing room at the same time and made our way to the ring apron. As I suspected, I was paired with the trucker type. We were told to climb on into the ring.. As I climbed through the ropes I was horrified to see Lori join the jockey type on the ring apron. She was wearing a pair of white satin boxing shorts and a matching sports bra. Unless I was seeing things she was going to be boxing the Jockey type. How she talked the management into letting her fight is something I will never know. But apparently she had. I will say this. She looked magnificent in her boxing gear. Maybe that had something to do with management's decision. I didn't have any time to worry about Lori, the announcements started as soon as I got into the ring. Ten seconds later I was standing face to face with my trucker buddy getting instructions from the ref. Ten more seconds and I was back in my corner waiting for the bell. Two more seconds and it rang.. I was right about the big trucker. He was slow and he was obviously inexperienced. His elbows were sticking out exposing his wide middle and his fists were too low to protect his head from his nose up. He tried to bludgeon me with a wide looping left. By the time it got near me I had already jabbed twice to his padded nose. The jabs brought his hands up higher and I buried my right in his soft stomach. It was like hitting a pillow. He grunted and winged a roundhouse right that sailed over my ducking head. I ripped a beauty of a left into his right side that actually bent him sideways. My right crashed into his jaw and the referee stepped in to give him a standing eight count. While the Ref counted and checked my opponents eyes I glanced over at Lori. She threw me a kiss and mouthed the words "go get him". Her eyes were bright and excited, she really looked like she was enjoying herself. As soon as the Ref signaled us to resume boxing I went after the trucker. I threw three punches rapid fire into his stomach and to my complete surprise he sank right to his knees. He pulled his hands into his stomach and made gasping noises from the canvas. The Referee had seen enough.. He signaled that the fight was over and raised my hand. I had expected to win but I never dreamed it would be that easy. I hustled right over to Lori to get to the bottom of her appearance on the ring apron wearing boxing gear. Lori greeted me as if I was an Allied soldier freeing Paris from the Germans. She stood on the bottom rope and put her arms around my neck. She planted a huge Kiss on me and then whispered in my ear "I can't wait to get you home". I looked into her clear aqua eyes and I could see her desire and arousal. I had seen that look as we made love many times. My wife was a turned on woman. Before I could even think to ask her what she was doing by the ring she began asking me questions about how to box. "Show me what I need to do to beat this guy" she said. "If I can beat him you and I get to box. Won't that be fantastic"? She was fairly gushing with excitement. I don't think there has ever been a time in my life when I suffered from so many conflicting emotions at once. I was elated at having easily won my match. I was worried that my wife would be hurt. I wanted her admiration and instead she was going to try and equal my feat. And strangely enough, I was both dreading the thought of boxing with her and looking forward to it at the same time. "You can't be serious about boxing him, boxing is way too rough" I stuttered "Too rough"? She replied. "You can body slam me to the mat and twist my arm behind my back, but now you find a few punches to some padded head gear is too rough? There's a referee to see to it that it doesn't get too rough and besides I'm twice this guy's size. You have nothing to worry about. Now please give me a few boxing tips, we don't have much time". I didn't have time to argue and I couldn't fault her logic. All I could do was give her a few tips and root for her just as she'd rooted for me. 'Keep your hands high and your elbows tucked in. He will have to punch at your stomach. Wait for his punch and then punch above his outstretched arm." I advised her. "He isn't big enough to hit hard enough to hurt your stomach. Just be careful, he may know how to box, so be patient" They were calling on Lori and the Jockey type to enter the ring for their instructions. Lori and I changed places as she entered and I left the ring. I gave her a huge kiss as she headed for the center of the ring. She rubbed her body against me as we kissed. My wife was definitely turned on. Lori looked like a starving wolf as she stared at her undersized opponent. I was actually jealous that the look of raw sexual hunger on her face was being directed at another man. As the ref gave his instructions Lori started to flex her biceps and tighten her stomach muscles. I realized she was trying to intimidate her smaller male opponent. He looked away and the hungry look in her eyes deepened even further. I could see her nipples stiffen against the sports bra and her breathing become quicker. I had to admit to myself that it looked like a complete mismatch as the two of them faced off. Lori was a half a head taller and easily 35 or 40 pounds heavier than her opponent. Her arms were much more muscular than his. While his stomach was flat, hers looked as though it was armor plated. Her legs were larger and much more heavily muscled than his. I could understand his intimidation. With the instructions given the two of them returned to their respective corners to await the bell. The audience was on its feet. The novelty of a woman boxing against a man had captured the crowds imagination. Lori looked as though she would explode if the bell didn't ring soon. Just then it rang. Lori darted out of her corner with her gloves up in front of her face. Her opponent stood still by his corner for a moment and then as Lori reached the center of the ring he sat down on his stool. He had been willing to risk a beating at the hands of a couple of much larger men to prove his manhood. He wasn't willing to face the humiliation of being beaten by a woman. When the referee reached him the man mumbled something about not wanting to hit a woman. The ref stood in his corner and counted him out and then walked to the center of the ring and raised Lori's hand. She was the winner without a punch being thrown. To be Continued