The Wives Inner Thighs Crush Husbands Institute. By The WITCH Institute teaches wives, squeeze by squeeze, how to crush husbands out of eating disorders. Part four. Comments, feedback and criticism will be gladly appreciated: And then, without notice, it happened. In a one swift, unthinkable motion, Dr. Cory raised her extraordinarily powerful calves, his still-in-place head is conveniently located in the middle of the upward movement, getting the lion's share of huge calves slamming into the back of his head. It was devastating. His poor-positioned head smashed against her waiting thighs, the tremendous intensity of her calves' whisk took his reprehensible head by surprise. It had to be seen to be believed. "When I'm just squeezing a customer between my noteworthy thighs" Dr. Cory softly said, her broad calves slowly returning to the starting position, as she unbent her superior legs from his abused head "it must be done without haste for maximum enjoyment. I enthighcingly squeeze them down there, my leg-endary thighs play host to their impotent heads while I pulverize them beyond a reasonable crush, and two or three squeezes later, it's all over. If they're lucky, they are still alive when my cheerful thighs decide to open up, and they can hear me saying my 'Don't cry over Squeezed Head' slogan" Dr. Cory declared, as she was offhandedly resting on the machine, her undiscriminating thighs are savoring the contours of Richard's face. "But when you smash their enervated heads with the extensive help of your calves" Barbara declared, wedging her own husband's head into the expectant line between Dr. Cory's thighs and bottom, amazed how appropriate it was for his emaciated head to recuperate right on the bottom line, the very same spot that accepted his head so powerfully only seconds ago. "It's a totally different thightmare. They find out how hard your thighs are the hard way, or rather the smashing way. So how does it feel Richard? Aren't Dr. Cory's thighs a sight to behold? What? What did you say? A thigh to behold? Yea, more like a thigh to besqueeze. I'm telling you, my loved hubby, the wonders of the female thigh are generous. We both know how desperate you were, to explore my feminine bottom" Barbara smiled at him from the side of his face, jamming his head vigorously into Dr. Cory's bottom muscles, and gyrating his face around the vast majority of her ruling butt, making sure there was no spot that was left untouched by his face on her refined bottom. "It took us five years to get to the bottom of it, Richard" Barbara said, pressing his face brutally into Dr. Cory's butt, while she was emphasizing the word bottom, "but I think I'm gonna take matters into my own thighs from now on, matters being your own head. And remember, Richard, the thigh is mightier than the Sword". "Oh please Barbara, please, let me go. She is crazy, this Dr. Cory. I'm telling you, she'll kill me. Her presumptuous legs are capable of removing my unassuming head in a second. It's unconstitutio ..." Richard's statement was discontinued, literally, in mid-sentence, as her gigantic calves went up again in the speed of a U.S Open tennis ball, only now it certainly was a U.S Close. Closing thighs, that is. The ease with which those rippling calves smacked the back of his imprisoned head was so convincing, that Richard knew he had to do something immediately, or it's going to be too late. Every jail has a weak spot where inmates can escape through. It's a rule of thumb. There wasn't any weak spot on that huge rule of thighs. But as always, when there's a squeeze, there's a way. Walls have ears, the saying goes, but the only ears those feminine walls have are mine, Richard thought to himself. Those walls could close in on his inferior head any moment now. The writing is on the thigh now. He had to escape. But how? "I had a customer once called Jack" Dr. Cory smilingly said. "We used to play Jack-in-the-box. Whenever I opened my admirable thighs after a good, friendly squeeze, his crush-experienced head would spring out of there like a puppy. He used to call the space between my dreadful thighs home-sweet-home, though he made clear that he doesn't want to put all his eggs in one crush. But I think this game is much better" Dr. Cory smiled, deliberately easing her swelling calves from Richard's humble head, preparing her well-mannered legs for the ensuing slam that was about to follow. "I think we should call it Richard-in-the-thighs" she articulated, raising the weights again, while lying comfortably on the machine, her motivated calves hammering his nape, sending his overwhelmed head once more into the accommodating thighs that await him so anxiously. "And besides, who said it's unconstitutional? I believe my philanthropic thighs have the right to squeeze whatever object happens to be unfortunate enough to place itself in the surroundings of their peril. It's what the first amendment is all about, the freedom of squeeze, isn't it? And besides, even Rome wasn't squeezed in one day. It wasn't easy for them too, Richard, to force all thighs to lead to Rome. But since then, when I'm in Rome, I do as the Romans do, I squeeze". "Now I want you, Barbara, to pay close attention to your husband's head" Dr. Cory said, this time clamping Richard's head in the compressed space between her imposing thighs and calves, leaving the machine in the unprecedented level, her proud calves, in addition to supporting the weight of the machine, grind incessantly into the back of his mortified head. She then began to grate his cowering head into the back of her hazardous thighs, leaving thighprints on his face as her profuse thighs acknowledged the fact that a male head was crushed into them, responding the way they always do, by flexing their proud muscles and coordinating themselves with the subordinate head that was lying so gently on them. Her superabundant thighs were never wrong. She has always made sure that the victim felt firstthigh the power of women, while she squeezed the strength into consideration. "Can you see how my enormous legs distort his incarcerated head, it's like a stronghold-state-of-mind, or more accurately, state-of-head. See how my penetrating thighs bite his face, how your poor spouse' head is subject to change without notice. Each thigh of mine is a registered squeezemark, all bites reserved. Well, I have introduced myself and my unrivaled thighs to you as Dr. Cory Squeezerson, but the fact of the batter is that Crush is my middle name, so feel squeezed to call me Dr. Cory Crush Squeezerson" Richard was on the brink of unconsciousness. His hands were free to try and get the hell out of there, but all he could do was grope the smoothness of the womanly, huge thighs that were causing all his torment. It suddenly struck him. The female thighs, the object of his desires, the single and only entity that he so wanted to put his hands on for so long, now are swallowing his imbecile head alive, eating him up, and his male individuality cannot do anything about it. And yet, it was in between the calves and thighs of this concrete woman, that he somehow wanted his head to be the most. The mounting pressure of her shrewd legs was stunning. He found it funny that he felt such a majestic pleasure out of the intensifying thighs' pressure. Even the two words sound alike, pressure, pleasure ... who knows maybe the guy who invented those words hundreds of years ago was sitting on the floor in front of a couch-leaning, thigh-closing lady, his head is firmly stuck between her pressure/pleasure-providing thighs, his hands feeling the flex-ability of the ever expanding thigh muscles. Maybe even that thighish position was his only facial neighborhood where he could find words for the new language. The intellect of a male's brain could be so ironic at times. When things are calm, he just can't think straight. But when the sides of his preposterous head are pressurized by a strong pair of female thighs, as they cause his cranium to lose volume reserved to his physical existence, he starts acting brilliant. Maybe that's because there's a natural mechanism that tells you when things are dangerous, when it could really be the end of your life, while the feeling of the female thighs' power that surround your masculine head is so persuasive, you actually know what's her thighs' take on the issue. Well, her thighs' take, to put it the same way your head was put between her thighs, namely bluntly, is your head. Her thighs take your head as if it was theirs to begin with. Well, on a second squeeze, it is. They strongly hold the viewpoint, in addition to holding your intellectual head, that you squeeze first, and only then ask questions. If there's still somebody to answer, after the murderous thighs make the male quarry pay thigh service to the crossroads of their owner's legs. Her huge calf could fold his existence into pieces, he felt like being crushed by a scalffold. He started to see patches of black clouds running through his thigh-vision, he felt her hard-as-a-rock calves continue to slap his irresponsible head, it felt like he was enjoying a Hard Rock Calfé meal. Thing was, his own head was the squeeièce de résistance, and the rock-hard thighs were refreshingly relishing the catch of the day, namely his head. And still, it amazed him. The simple fact that even though he was the man, she could do whatever she wanted to him with her lower limbs, and he couldn't stop her. Her horrendous thighs felt like stones, bashing on his inconsiderable head from all sides. It was amazingly befitting to call the stone above his grave, the result of the stone-like thighs' crushing of his head, a headstone. He felt Dr. Cory's calves grind his skull harder still into the back of her thighs, his vision slowly darkened, and he prepared himself for the finale... # # # # # # # # # "Put your hands in mine, sweetie" Dr. Cory smiled at his face when he came to. Richard was standing in front of her, his wife is holding his torso from behind, supporting his body, Dr. Cory's hands are invitingly reaching out for his, her fingers are spread apart, waiting. "Come on honey, interlock your fingers with Dr. Cory's, it's for your own edification" Barbara said, standing behind her husband, gently clasping his frame with her arms. He slowly, involuntarily raised his hands, stretching his fingers, watching how Dr. Cory interlocks her strong fingers with his, intertwining their digits with each other, gently closing hers onto the back of his hand in away that made their hands mesh so naturally, they looked like a bride and a groom. He felt so calm and tranquil, a pair of female hands fondles and caresses his, he looked into her eyes, and realized, for the first time now, how attractive and beautiful she was. And then, without notice it happened. In a one swift, unthinkable motion, Dr. Cory pushed her strong fingers downwards, sending Richard to his knees, his face meets those tremendous thighs, the very same thighs that have abused his thoughtless head moments ago. He could not believe the quickness of the movement, how could she possibly be so strong? He felt her muscular arms holding his pitiful hands like a vise, but it wasn't her arms he was afraid of. The two pillars that were presented in front of him said everything. One squeeze is worth a thousand words. The gap between her quintessential thighs looked like hell, he had good intentions when he came here, but even the road to hell is squeezed with good intentions. "Look at me, Richard" Dr. Cory softly said from above. He couldn't. For some reason, he couldn't take his eyes off of her magnificent thighs. They already controlled him. Then he felt the pressure. She slowly but deliberately forced his hands upwards a bit, causing him to lift his knees off the floor to a crouching position, but leaving him down at her thighs, then casually twisting her fingers, along with his, to make him look at her, all the while standing proudly upright, gazing downwards at the paltry male next to her understanding thighs. And then it came. She crushed his hands in a sudden, unanticipated move, throwing his cloistered head with violence straight into her awaiting crotch, his bruised nose diving directly toward the expecting shrine. "I've told you, Barbara, you are capable of controlling your hubby as easily as you want. And believe me, you can. 'The real squeeze of discovery', wrote Marcel Proust, 'consists not in crushing new landscapes, but in having new thighs'. Look how easily I keep his nose inside my crotch, making him eat me the way I want to by bending his fingers to my crotch's whim. This way, I make him have my crotch, and eat it too". It felt unbearable to Richard. She was rhythmically revolving his deadheaded face all around her muscular crotch with the strength of her arms, and there was nothing he could do about it. And then, all of a sudden, she began slamming his disfigured face into her authoritarian crotch systematically, pounding his poor head with the twitch of fingers, and causing him for the third time to come close to blankness. His physically challenged head became practically a moving target. She started to gradually increase the pace of the head-smashing, insatiable-crotch motions, her eager slot consuming his face quicker than a slot machine gobbles quarters. Smashing noses speaks louder than words, but in his nose' case, blood is absolutely not thicker than water. And then it all stopped. He glanced right in front of him, looking at those thighs that encompass his whole world now, and to his bewilderment, Dr. Cory started to slowly open her measureless thighs apart, inviting the male that has suffered all those mysterious, fantastic ways of tormenting, to move his mishandled head further, and unpretentiously place it in between the dangerous thighs that stand in front of him, waiting. It was the old fashion way, all he had to do is just bend his manipulated head a little closer, and stick it in the most appropriate place for male heads to be. Between female thighs. And being squeezed. "They used to say" Dr. Cory said, looking down at Richard while parting her commendable thighs even further to accommodate his dehydrated head "that you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Well, sweetheart, I have certainly lead you to my thighs, and I will make you drink my pressure-producing thighs" she announced, gently pushing her fingers down on his manly hands, and spontaneously but expectedly forwarding his powerless head into the enthusiastic abyss between her deserving thighs. But then the astonishing, unimaginable happened. In a rapid motion, Dr. Cory jumped high in the air, her immense legs leaving the ground, Richard's fingers are still immovably clasped in her powerful hands, her massive thighs fly high above his shoulders, and inevitably land around... End of part four. Part five is squeezed into softer, less fanatical manner, sorry, unless convinced otherwise by fans. Well Mr. Smith, I will be glad to see you. Is Dallas o.k? Free, custom-made stories are available at just tell me what you like, and I'll tailor a story.