The Wives Inner Thighs Crush Husbands Institute. By The WITCH Institute teaches wives, squeeze by squeeze, how to crush husbands out of eating disorders. Part one. Comments, feedback and criticism will be gladly appreciated: Barbara pointed her finger again to her thighs. "Dear Richard, my sweet love, it's either you place your hand on my broad thigh, feel the bulging outer-thigh muscles, and relive our mutual thighs' ordeal, the very same thighs that brought you here to begin with, or I'll put your hand there myself, and we both know it's not gonna be pleasant" Barbara said, threateningly looking into her husband's eyes, knowing better. Richard was hospitalized, lying in bed, his docile head is severely fractured on both sides, symmetrically. It happened two weeks ago, and it was devastating. The ordeal was so vivid, it looked as if the destroying, unruly thighs that caused all the damage were still in front of him. Well, they were. Barbara was proudly standing on her two giant thighs beside his bed, her short skirt is deferentially letting them speak for themselves. They were firm, healthy thighs, the kind you forget about everything else, when they present themselves in front of you. All you can think of is what those admirable thighs could do to you, if your head was between them in the unfortunate moment, when their owner decides to bring them together. You could fight tooth and nail, or, if you will, thigh and thigh, there is no chance you could prevent them from squeezing their way toward a head-sovereignty. "You don't want to start a brawl right here in the hospital, do you? the doctors still don't know what brought you here. You better start feeling those vast thighs of mine now, or I'll have to introduce you again to your calling in life, the life you'll have to share with me and with my hazardous thighs, for as long as I ... and they ... want to." Richard knew he had no choice. His wife, the one he has loved for so long, was much stronger than he is. It was amazing to him. The simple fact that his spouse' thighs could simply threaten his life like that. The simplicity was the hardest thing to him. Other than the thighs themselves, that is. They were so hard and so close now, himself lying in bed, his wife is adorably standing next to him, her immense thighs are bursting out with power, muscles standing all over, you could certainly call them outstanding. It was so simple, she was stronger than he was. Every body part of her dwarfed his. Biceps, calves, pecs, abs. Much stronger. But her thighs ... They were like warehouse of power. He liked to call them powarehouse. "I obviously don't stand a chance against you, or your tenacious thighs, honey. Your thighs are magnificent. I would do whatever you, or they, say, but please don't make me put my exposed head in there again when you flex them. I don't think my irresponsible head could go through another burst of choppy thighs like yours, and survive." Barbara looked at her husband, satisfied. She was in love with him head over heels, or, in other strong words, head over thighs. She never thought it could happen. The wife forces her naive husband to quote her favorite mottoes. Whenever he wanted her thighs to stop squeezing his head, he should shout 'it's the thigh way or the highway', 'different squeezes for different folks', and all the humiliating slogans she has taught him to recite during those spousal-preponderancy years. But it wasn't mental supremacy. It was pure strength. Her thighs were at her squeezposal. She recalled the way he was screaming from within her thighs, shrieks flying in their living room air, his facial colors were quickly changing, she definitely controlled their relationship with flying colors. But what was the most fascinating of it all, was her generosity, to compassionately come daily to the hospital to visit her poor husband, only to remind him of the rule of thigh. Even when recuperating from the you-are-lucky-you're-not-dead injuries, her beloved hubby will have to face, or actually his face will have to face those well-built thighs of her, to put it bluntly. Well, his head was the first one that was put bluntly somewhere. "You know our thighish marriage policy, don't you my darling?" Barbara asked, starting to flex her mammoth thighs, to her husband's chagrin. "It's called caveat emptor, or, as we like to call it at home, let the squeezee beware. Our most relevant directive, the one the four of us, me, my thighs and you, love the best, when your frightened head is between my splendid thighs, takes on a whole new meaning here, doctors all around us. You remember the directive, don't you, my cherished Richard?" she mischievously asked, understandably accepting the fact that he could not look into her eyes. It was impossible. When such a pair of awe inspiring thighs exhibit themselves in front of you, all you can think of is how long. How long would it take for them to take action, action being your own insignificant head, and it's always the same 'take'. in between. He knew exactly what directive she was referring to. "I don't understand what do you mean, my love" Richard cowardly said. He remembered well. He remembered the razor-sharp squeezes like it was yesterday. Or was it really yesterday? "You know Richard, the lion's share of communication is nonverbal. I don't think my good-looking thighs have to talk in order to drive their persuasive point home. You know I have a crush on you. For your own health, don't make my immeasurable thighs have a crush on your head. All I ask is that your underdeveloped arm will feel again the unforgettable thighs that molded your newly-reshaped cheeks." Barbara said, slowly bringing both of her hands to the back of his head, and leaving them there, in preparation for the squeeze. "We both know that every man, when he comes home, wants to be blissfully accepted by his pretty wife. Well, you are accepted, my strong man, only to a particular, inviting, dangerous spot. We can't pretend I'm not stronger than you are, my darling. It's a fact of life now, honey. You have to accept it, or it's gonna be a fact of death and life. It's not that I'm a bad person or something, It's my thighs that have a hunger to feed. You can't blame them for being so atrociously demanding. They are so huge, look at them. Well, obviously, you are. But if you don't mention our motto, and feel them with your tiny hand, they will feel your poor head, sweetie, from the inside out" Barbara said, her hands are still on the back of his head, waiting. She tensed her brilliant legs, the thigh meat was so large as it flexed, it seemed like she was bringing her glorious thighs closer together, no head is there yet. Richard was fighting with himself now. If he says it, she would respond accordingly, the way the thighic motto demands. If he doesn't, it could be worse. Her terribly harmful thighs could get mad with him, and consequently, get his head. In between. What should he do? He was going to end up putty in her thighs no matter what. But the ease with which those embracing thighs controlled his head was the most traumatic aspect. She was his wife after all, wasn't she? Well, she was, but she had those gorgeous thighs at her side, and sometimes, or rather usually, at his head's sides. Was it a normal marriage? Probably not, but there won't be any wife-battering incidents in this family. The only spouse abuse that could occur here is so obvious, one quick glance at her haunches and you get the substance. And the substance is filled to the brim with open-minded muscles, the moment they decide to close themselves around your mind, it's the turning point of whatever you were doing and thinking. All you can concentrate on is the awesome pressure those thighs can carry out, and when, or if, they are will let go. "So what's it gonna be, Richard, my honeydew? Are you saying that or not?" Barbara asked, sarcastically grinning, looking straight to his cracked face, starting to bring her hands, his skull is tightly clutched in them, closer to her now expectant thighs. "You know we like to call my radiantly powerful thighs your headquarter. They are so forcefully eager to envelop themselves around your head from all quarters. Look at them. See how they expand, their massive muscles protrude from all side, as if they know a male head is on its way" she said, slowly but obstinately guiding his scalp forward, to the who-knows-how-it's-gonna-end chasm between the twins. "It's like the offering the ancient people gave to their goddesses as a sacrifice. They knew the bestowal, your head for now, is going to suffer a great deal by her superior thighs, she would crush him between the gargantuan mountains of her huge thighs as she wrapped her enormously powerful adductors around his paralyzed head. But they gave her the victim anyway. The alternative was much more threatening." "Please Barbara, please, I'll do whatever you say" Richard said, his head is not lying comfortably on the pillow anymore, but magnetized to the awaiting pressure of those muscles-clad thighs. He knew his diminutive head is drawing now slowly toward the thigh manipulation, a thighy sacrament in which his cheeks will be trapped between the two abusive amazons as they grind passionately against one another. "I think you have just lost your last chance" Barbara said, finally bringing his head to attentively rest between the cavernous squeezers, a move that act as a harbinger to the terrific grip, getting ready for the kill. She was sure what the desperate response is going to be, but she didn't care anymore. Richard was struggling awkwardly now, his hands are clasping her venerable thighs, like a drowning man, trying to hold a floating straw. Problem was, her thighs were much bigger and stronger than a timber, not to mention a straw. "For best results shake well, for best results shake well" Richard screamed the motto, knowing it was too late, her impeccable thighs will shake him anyway. "Please, don't do me, Barbara, please, I can't take it no more, don't do me, for best results shake well... ******************* Barbara woke up, sweating. It was 3:30 AM. Her husband, Richard, was pleasantly sleeping beside her. Suddenly, she noticed her hands were at her thighs, holding an imaginary head in between them. She had a pair of sexy, normal thighs. Well, they were athletic and firm, you could even notice some strong muscles in her inner thighs, but it was nothing close to the huge thighs she has just dreamed of. And than she remembered. It was the message she has read the previous night, from some WITCH institute, without paying too much attention to it. She opened her drawer, and read it again. We are glad to welcome you to The Wives Inner Thighs Crush Husbands Institute. We promise our squeeze paradise won't let you down. The only thing that will be let down, literally, is your husband. The WITCH institute offers more choices. More personal service. Let the experts take you on to the wonders of the squeezing world. Our graduates are a testament to the greatness of the crush de la crush methods we teach. You don't have to take your anger out on someone else, other than your own husband. Your body, like any other, needs tow things, sex and food. We have a squeeplendid way of combining the two. It's a squeeze pro quo. You squeeze your husband senseless, and in return, you get your nether lands eaten, guaranteed. His mouth will irrigate, fertilize, and take care of your entire crotch's needs, or your thighs back, around his head, that is. You won't believe what your own husband is capable of. Maybe that's why they call it husbandry. After you learn about our techniques, your husband will revere your thighs, one at a time, respectively and respectably. His mouth will make love to your crotch, while your thighs make love to his head. You'll have tremendous strength at your hands, or rather at your thighs. When all is said and squeezed, your husband will worship you from between them. We call it down under. You will be able to squeeze your way to obedience. And it's also good for the environment. Squeezing environment, we mean. Your thighs will officiate as a lie detector machine. Every lie will be instantaneously and crushingly reciprocated by your thighs. The deeper the lie, the quicker and stronger the squeeze. Remember, to have your bush eaten is just a squeeze away. The WITCH Institute calls it amBUSH. From now on, the only way the gender gap will be construed by your husband, is the gap between your thighs. The only question your husband will have to anticipate is which organ of his, will be crushed there, if the thighs that create the gap will decide to make it somewhat smaller. So have a nice day, and remember, you can make it a squeezing one. Barbara looked at her husband and made the decision. She brought her feminine but muscular leg right over his ... End of part one. Thanx for the support, Mr. Smith (biggest fan) Thanx Mr. Le muscle (biggest inspiration) The special-squeezing ideas are rare, so ,fans, feel free to help at: