The National Squeeze Association by a man's death wish is taken too far when a pair of feminine muscular thighs lift him and squeeze him to the point of... part one. comments, feedback and criticism will be gladly appreciated: "You don't want to know where I work" Britney wrote to him on their regular chatroom. "But I think that's key in our relationship. I know so much about you already, where you live, hobbies, food preferences ... I think I deserve to know what you do for a living" Jerry wrote back to her, intending to ask her out for the first time. "Well, I don't know how to put it, so it's better if I say it straight. I make a living by squeezing men between my legs" she wrote. "You mean you are a hooker, don't you?" he asked, hoping the answer to be no, hoping that after all those years of anticipating, of yearning for his ultimate goal, it will possibly come to fruition. He had a great deal of respect for the female legs. He knew it is the strongest body part of any person, let alone women. Even an average girl has a great deal of strength in her legs. Not to mention a natural-born-killer thighs. The invincible power they seem to generate, he wanted to shove his head in between them for so long. He could only imagine the horrible pressure they can execute, his helplessness when being there, the level of pain his temples will be able to endure, while her inner thigh muscles engulfing his vision, crushing his soft head, leading him toward oblivion ... He wanted her answer to be true, literally, not a paraphrase. "Oh no, Jerry, my legs are much too big and muscular to be a prostitute. I meant what I have said. I work in a leg-itimate company called NSA, which stands for the National Squeeze Association. We have about 40 squeezettes, me being one of them, and we squeeze men between our thighs all day, as long as they're willing to pay. I know it sounds crazy, but it's a good way to make money, it's a great way to keep my hips in shape, and, don't take it personally, but it is a fancrushtic way to punish all those males that used to humiliate us, degrade us and sometimes rape us during history. I hope that doesn't spoil our relationship, does it, my dear?" Jerry was speechless. He couldn't believe his dream is about to come true. He felt he is falling in love with Britney, in spite of the fact he has never seen her. Or was he in love with her massive thighs? Her female strength? He didn't care, he just wanted to meet her, to feel the power. "You would not believe me if I told you I have been fantasizing about being crushed by a strong thighed girl since I can remember. I've gotta meet you. Your thighs live in New York, don't they?" "Where else on earth do you think the NSA could flourish? I told you there are 40 of us, 40 ladies that is, which means 80 thick thighs. Would you fly from Dallas all the way to N.Y.C to visit us thighs?" "You bet I would. Just tell me where I can find you, and I'm there in a day" Jerry wrote with shaking hands, pushing the button ^Ńsend' on their private chatroom. "Go to 39th street in Manhattan, between 5th and 6th avenues, look for the NSA store. You can't miss it. But there's one thigh, or, I mean one thing. There is no Britney in the NSA, I have a ^Ństage' name there so you won't know for sure whether the thighs that squeeze you senseless are mine. Of course you can be squeezed in 40 separate sessions, but, as you'll see on the menu, we have different squeeze categories. I can't elaborate on that, let me just say that for your own sake, I hope you won't be caught between my raging thighs." He took off from the Dallas airport the next morning, heading for the city that never sleeps, a city that will encompass his existence and put him to sleep with the thighs that control his soul for as long as he can remember. He envisioned the twin towers engulfing his skull, cracking his jawbones, his face is being forced into the empire state panties, his screams are muffled by the smothering china town ... "Hello and welcome to the national squeeze association." Said a gorgeous blonde when Jerry entered the ^Ństore'. She had a huge pair of proudly-exposed legs, legs he was certain could bring a man to his knees, literally, if they wanted to. "Have a sit and make yourself comfortable, while your neck is free from the prison you are about to be in" she said, twice slapping her muscular thighs together, a motion that brought all sorts of muscle groups to life in those trunk trees that were standing in front of him. "And by the way, do your bones a favor and look at the girl's faces at least once. They don't like the men staring only at their means of destruction. Your bones might suffer some irreversible results" she said, handing him the menu, as he was mentally forced to lift his gaze to look into her deep blue eyes. "I'm Marie, and I hope you'll survive the adventure you are about to be trapped in. and as we always say 'shop till you drop' takes on a whole new meaning here" she said, turning around to walk to her desk, his eyes are immediately riveted back to the two legs that could kill him in an instant. Jerry open the NSA menu, amazed to see there were different kinds of squeeze categories, each with its price range, pressure levels, and pictures of lower women's bodies, from the belly button down, all thick solid muscles like he has never seen before: The sensual squeeze, $150-$200 The gradual squeeze, $180-$220 The breath deprivation squeeze, $250-$300 The bones breaking squeeze, $300-$400 The to-death squeeze ... ask Marie. Jerry was ecstatic. Who cares about Britney? He thought to himself, so close to his dream. She was right. All the abuse women had to take during history, the Hindu ritual of wives jumping to the bonfire when husbands die, the domestic violence so common in nowadays America, Napoleon's wife not being able to take a shower a week before he came back from the war, so he could sniff her nether lands ... As far as his head is concerned, the soft gender can pay the 'strong' sex back now. Make his head suffer for all those years of violence, he thought to himself, chuckling, what an inappropriate word, soft, came to mind, to describe women. He looked under Marie's table, seeing the thick meat of her thighs, knowing those animals could easily break the table into pieces if they only wanted to. "What's the thing about the to-death squeeze, if I may ask?" he queried. "Well, you'll have to take one of our squeezes if you wanna know. It's kinda confidential to nonsqueezee men" she answered looking to his eyes, while he still stared at her imposing legs. "I'll take the sensual one please, the strongest thighs must be $200 isn't it?" he said, drooling. "Yea, she's called Beth, down the corridor, last door on the left". When Jerry opened the door he thought he was going to see a businesswoman, prepared to talk about the sessions, comparing expectations, duration, pressure levels, tips ... Instead he saw Beth sitting on the sofa, stark naked, her huge legs wide open in front of her, muscles bulging from all sides, smiling at him. "Hello baby, don't you stand there. Come here and kiss my lips, and make your $200 work for you" she said, inviting him with her finger to approach her. Jerry came close to her, standing between her unbelievably powerful thighs, bringing his face close to her mouth to kiss her. "Not those lips, you stupid jerk. Get down on your knees and worship the sacred shrine" she ordered, placing both hands on his shoulders, and violently pushing him downward, his head guided by her motion to nestle in front of her nether lips, her thighs are in both sides of his head, waiting for a squeeze order. "Hey you, I thought it was suppose to be the sensual squeeze" Jerry shouted, not being brave enough to budge his head from the explosive thighs that were ready to burst on him any second. "Oh, it's gonna be sensual, my darling, in a way you have never felt before" she said, slowly bringing her mighty poles closer together, knowingly smiling at him from above, seeing, like with all her customers, the fear in their eyes, realizing what those burly thighs could do, if they only wanted, regretting the moment they've decided to enter the NSA, when it's already too late. She touched his cheeks with her inner thighs, legs straight, not squeezing yet, only smiling at him, like she was expecting him to say something, himself lying on the floor, stomach down, waiting. "I placed my legs on both sides of your head, honey, and I am going to start squeezing soon. I want you to try to extricate yourself when it hurts, cause it usually increases our mutual pleasure. We will both enjoy the simple fact that you won't be able to escape from between my expanding, pressure-applying thighs in spite of the fact I'm a woman. I cross my ankles behind your head now, I lock my calves together, just to make sure things don't get out of thighs, and I start squeezing now, baby, so get ready" Jerry was ecstatic. He felt the smooth, feminine inner thighs of her slowly constricting around his face, and he instinctively raised his hands to feel those iron thighs. His nose was half an inch from the intersection of her legs, when he began to feel the crushing power starts to mount. To him, it was like peas and carrots, one pea and two carrots, that is. "I like to gradually increase the pressure on the heads of my customers, so I grind my thighs, one at a time, into your cheeks. Can you feel my thigh adductors getting to know your face contours, so they will be more decisive later? Can you feel the feminine power controlling your head? One of my most loyal customers is a wall-street broker who comes here to relieve some of the stress he has to suffer in the NYSE, only to be squeezed between my killer thighs. He calls my crotch home-away-from-home. I now lift my butt off the sofa, so that I could exert more pressure. You are about to feel thousands of pounds of pressure converging on your head from all sides. Your head is lifted along with my mighty legs that hold it snugly, your upper body follows, my arms carry my whole body, my legs, and your upper body high in the air above the sofa. Your nose is so close to my smelly garden, the situation is so personal, my clients like to call it up close and personal." "I know it's not the right time, but can I ask you a question? How do I get to feel the to-death squeeze?" Jerry asked, his hands encircling her legs, resting on her muscular buttocks, feeling the two hard bowling balls bursting with muscles. "Oh baby, I was waiting for this moment" she said. "I was hoping you'll make this mistake, asking such a silly question while being squeerotically compressed between my steel thighs in mid air. I am going to use my world-class, award-winning thighs to force your nose into ..." Then, without notice, she violently pointed her toes to the wall in the other side of the room, a motion that brought her inner thigh muscles into action, hitting his cheekbones on both sides, and sending his nose straight to her crotch, he thought his nose was broken. She slowly brought her toes back to point at the ceiling, taking his sore nose back from her garden an inch, only to swiftly lower her toes back, forcefully slamming his face again into her waiting crotch, all the while their bodies hanging in the air by the strength of her arms. "I hope you are still able to enjoy this, cause we are getting to the most difficult part of our session, so I need to concentrate now, sweetie " she declared, raising her ... End of part one.