Wonder Woman, chapter One by Bandit EVIL AWAITS 1 "We can't have this,,,,,Wonder ! Woman spoiling our plans." Sadeem the ruling power in Kakuk, the vast desert empire that thrives mostly underground, growls out as word of Wonder Woman's special top secret mission reaches his evil ears; his well paid spies in the right places in the government of freedom; these spies, traitors at a price to freedom's government. "V,e,r,y good!" The commander of Operation Take Down, Wonder Woman's top secret mission's file title, smiles out to his selection of raven haired beauties; doubles for Wonder Woman for this mission; the commander approving these 3 more than brave women as the nearest look-alikes for the gorgeous Wonder Woman. For the evil Sadeem to be fooled and unsure of reports he will receive as Wonder Woman will surely be seen within his evil domain, decoys must be deployed in the major cities of Sadeem's desert dictatorship. A report of a Wonder Woman sighting here and there and everywhere within Sadeem's domain will divide his military into many carvings away from its full strength. "Wonder Woman." The commander bows as Wonder Women, as requested, enters the top secret roomful of awesome looking Wonder Women; Wonder Woman doubly shocked as she can't help staring at these three gorgeous women, all wrapped in her! famous female flashy outfit, her star spangled evil-fighting costume. Wonder Woman grins warmly for this total surprise; her shapely thin lips of pinkness curled up to a totally sensuous smile that ever her look-alikes cannot match in any way shape or form. Dethroning her sexy smile Wonder Woman asks out, "And what is this!?" She requests for an explanation for having these truly beautiful women wearing Wonder Woman costumes. "Decoys" The commander explains boldly about his plan; "Very well trained! decoys." He rattles on to Wonder Woman's ears; her brilliant blue eyes however indicating that her pretty ears are not! receiving his words, her eyes are pleased with what she sees; but, in what way is Wonder Woman pleased? "They have passed so many physical tests,,,,,,," The commander begins,,,,, "I have just one test." Wonder Woman very politely interrupts for time's sake. Fisting onto the door knob of the room's only door, effortlessly she rips out the entire door latching assembly. "More than looks and martial arts will be needed." She enforces and insists that these women, although very brave and daring cannot survive or even make any successful gains on this very special mission in hell's home of evil. "You can't go it alone!" The commander insists, but that gorgeous stare of Wonder Woman's bright blue eyes is as always, totally dominant in decision making, with 2,000 years experience at doing just that. "You all! should get a medal for bravery." Wonder Woman prompts as she declines to risk these women's lives as the commander's plan would more than definitely do; a stern look into the eyes of the commander by Wonder Woman's gorgeous blue eyes, and "You are a genius, of sorts;" Wonder Woman jests, "by using these gorgeous women as decoys; you alone, commander have reduced the odds greatly, from four hundred million to one, down to one hundred million to one.", and no more need be said; Wonder Woman will go it,,,as always, alone. "Do you really have an invisible airplane, Wonder Woman?" One of the women asks; "And you! talk too much commander." WonderWoman answers indirectly this question of 2 mystique to the mortal world.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"The layout? the plans?,,,,maps???"Wonder Woman now quests. "Test two, ladies,,,I guess?" The commander admits aloud as Wonder Woman is out of the 30th floor window in a gorgeous swan dive that lasts in its total gracefulness until Wonder Woman is across the wide street and disappearing into the sidewalk crowd that is just as totally stunned at the approach of a diving Wonder Woman as were the 30th floor onlookers at her leaping departure. "Legend says that Superman , if he truly exists, flies the skies; but I'd much rather see Wonder Woman's graceful descent back to the ground floor." The commander admits to all as he imitates Wonder Woman in her bird wing gracefulness ; the commander's arms slung fully out to his sides at shoulder level wishing that he could duplicate, not imitate Wonder Woman's great feat of physical powers. "I would so much!!! enjoy seeing that invisible,,,,,,,," The commander now getting back in control of his senses ends in a stammering, 'I really didn't even try to say that' silence to lap up the words already spilled out in awe of the fabulous Wonder Woman. Noticing the eyes of the women that seem to be condescending upon a 50 year old first! grade! pupil; the commander reinstates himself; "The Air Force would like to see it as well!", He concludes the subject of Wonder Woman's invisible airplane. With so much more stealth technology than the world has caught up with, and the speed of a satellite, Wonder Woman cruises the skies over evil's territory, in which counter spies have totally mapped for a direct route to Sadeem's sand stone 'White House' headquarters; to get to this point would have been ten times impossible by any other means of transportation other than on the heels of George S Patton's 3rd Army of old. To land her aircraft, Wonder Woman's land on the spot plane, she easily can accomplish, and does so. To keep her aircraft concealed is no problem either; its invisibility; but physically her craft is there in its solidness should a desert wanderer walk into it; for the wanderer's great surprise ever; but Wonder Woman's plan altering must. If her craft of feel only is surrounded by mesmerized desert people, good or bad; and these overly fully sheet clothed people with just their fingers and faces exposed; tricks up one's sleeve here can be a houseful of horrors; Wonder Woman must push her aircraft into an out of the way crevice, after folding up it's wings; done! and Wonder Woman is off in a streak of red, white and blue garnished in gold's extreme brilliance , across the desert sands of scorching heat held throughout the desert day. Totally unlike Washington's warm welcoming White House of the President, open to all; evil must hide away in obscurity; from both friend and foe; friend however close though possibly a scheming new power in the desert lands; this mapped place Wonder Woman sneaks up upon a greater pile of nothingness before her gorgeous blue eyes, than are all the much smaller heaps of pre Christ crude rocks anywhere in the surrounding area's total barrenness beneath the high sky of Wonder Woman's eye blueness; 'crunncchhhh' Wonder Woman's hard knuckle color unseen by her first contact, an outpost guard, now flat out cold, a golden lasso with eerie powers instantly convincing this man to rest for many hours on end; and when he awakens he will remember nothing; Wonder Woman concerned though with guard change times. If this guard is executed for sleeping on duty; then this is not a concern of Wonder Woman; evil must do what it must do. Leaving in her gorgeousness' wake an epidemic of mysteriously slumbering guards, Wonder Woman is into the main and plain palace of the evil Sadeem. 3 A face; a fist; a lasso; and although brightly and colorfully exposed, Wonder Woman makes her secret way inward in the plain palace's interior; those eyes that observe, from their vantage points, the super beauty of the voluptuous Wonder Woman; are fisted closed in near silence; Wonder Woman now engaging her super sensitive ears that hear in all languages; voices here and there echoing into her sexy ears of servant talk, idle chat, and jesting tongues. A more powerful tone of authority now overrides all echoing voices; especially when the words Wonder Woman are everpresent in these words of command. Wonder Woman is totally familiar of old; the Nazi Axis days of spy and counter spy; agent and counter agent; and double agent; nothing new to her experiences. She knows, and suspected all along that Sadeem would be informed of her coming in advance; this warning thus far has mounted Sadeem 15 temporarily off duty guards, and Wonder Woman lurking in the wings of his secret hiding place. "Damn!!!!!' Wonder Woman , that does not curse no matter what, finds this to be the appropriate starting point for beginning such tongue outlashings. In silence she does indeed curse the stupidity of her supposed to be allies; the Wonder Woman upon the tongues of evil here, is one of the women she refused to enlist in this freedom mission; surrounded in this huge room by three of Sadeem's men, that fourth man, Sadeem his very ugly self. The room Wonder Woman has very successfully snuck up upon to capture Sadeem, has in it, a captured decoy, a Wonder Woman look alike. "Take her away!" Sadeem slobbers out orderingly, and the decoy wrested away in the arms of the three men; Wonder Woman, in thoughts of the old western movies, will head them off at the pass. An across room disadvantage in , mostly, out of room direction Wonder Woman must counter; to snatch up Sadeem threateningly would just become an unworkable hostage exchange; this Wonder Woman fearing from the introduction of the commander's decoy plan; 'Ignorant bastard!' upon Wonder Woman's mind, but these thoughts overshadowed by a total need for countering evil's movements that are full of an American woman hostage, in a Wonder Woman brief outfit, but totally without Wonder Woman powers. Instantly and catlike silently Wonder Woman exits this room and goes, by observing choice, left and left and left again to keep as close to that room's outer dimensions as possible. In reaching the opposite exit though in superhuman speed, Wonder Woman cannot track these men of evil any farther; rescue on hold and Sadeem?????????????? by now. "LLLLLLLKKKKK" An instantly captured palace man chokes out under Wonder Woman's direction asking fistful of his throat, pinned tightly into the stone wall of this corridor of the palace; the man never viewing this corridor from this height ever before; the man of 5'7" tall looking down upon the floor 7feet below; Wonder Woman's lasso and then this man too rests on duty, whatever that duty was. Wonder Woman knows of Nazi dungeons of old, her breasty body interrogated in several of these places, long ago in her past; she knows how helpless she was without her special and super powers; this look alike, even admitting in truth all she knows will not be spared torture to her death; but Wonder Woman finds no clues as to where the volunteer was taken; Wonder Woman having found out nothing from the man she very gently half strangled in her getting angry fist of female fury. 4 Footsteps are non existent, in Wonder Woman's direction of intended travel anyway; behind her she detects some heavy and light footsteps coming near. She ponders probably having passed by these much slower people. Even the super powers of Wonder Woman cannot blend brilliantly flashing red, white, and blue with the gold trimmings into the solid off whiteness of these barren corridors; this drapeless place of no plushness what so ever offers no sneak behinds either; such as ceiling high curtains of drapes of silk and velvet in other palaces; here Wonder Woman would welcome a few sheet cloth desert tries at manufacturing drapes. She knows she has lost the exact whereabouts of Sadeem due to the capturing of the Wonder Woman decoy. She must get both here on her mission so that her very gentle attention getting punch into the finagling face of the mission commander will not have the death of the decoy enforcing it too powerfully, the commander is needed. Wonder Woman knows too that her powers, anchored by a hostage to be retaken, are severely taxed; Wonder Woman's awesome powers mostly offensive obstacles that evil fears; defensively Wonder Woman's powers are slightly backed off in a protective mode; shelter the brave woman instead of slaughter the bastard's wrath of evil. 'baasshhhh''crrruuunnnccch'' whhhapppp' Three male followers of the evil Sadeem are punched out in a split second upon being confronted with the corridor blocking beauty, Wonder Woman; the real! Wonder Wonder. 'thuuuuddddd' "HHNNTTT!!!!" The men upon the floor of the corridor joined now by that real Wonder Woman, bludgeoned down from behind by the fake Wonder Woman decoy; decoy however that Wonder Woman has only set eyes upon here in this secret palace of evil; this fully costumed decoy compliments of Sadeem's extreme wealth of beautiful women; Wonder Woman never noticing the beauty's deep brown eyes of her nativeness to the lands of the desert sands. "eeeeaaaauuuuuu!" The impostor swoons as her fingers grasp onto the real magic belt and lasso of extreme power, that the Nazis learned 60 years ago, were Wonder Woman's secrets of power, the Nazis never fortunate enough to take possession of these world feared magical weapons of Wonder Woman; that gorgeous heap of unconsciousness female fantasticness at the feet of Kareen ; Sadeem's best and most trusted actress. Kareen wastes no time in exchanging her fake belt and lasso for Wonder Woman's real ones; Kareen now calling out for Sadeem's men to take over from here; Kareen secretly wishing that her ruler's men could leave to Kareen Wonder Woman's wonderous breasts that seem to overstuff her golden bra type outfit, where as Kareen's modest breasts swim about in her greatly reduce costume size, a long distance fake out at best is Kareen; but now it won't matter; she is Sadeem's heroine of the moment. A swarm of men swoop up the unconscious Wonder Woman by her wrists and boot encased ankles; supporting the very manageable female load, are fistsful of golden bra and breast clingons; the scrumptiously curvaceous mini clad Wonder Woman still a wonder to all that now have captured her. "nnnnHHHHHHHHH!!!" Wonder Woman stirs after just a few moments of total oblivion; "eeaahhhhhhhhh!" she readjusts her placement by her captors; two gorgeous globes of grandeur in brilliant blue astare , relaying the instant message to her thoughts still hazy, that her power belt and magic lasso are no longer in her possession; "MMMHHHHHHHH!!!" She s-t-r-a-i-n-s out to discover that her wrists are chained up securely behind her back; 5 and reaching in tension, through her sexy red boots , are heavy steel ankle binding manacles of extreme thickness, the heavy chain that links these steel manacles to a half stride's worth in length, awesome as well; and totally favoring evil and all it has in store for the very very famous Wonder Woman from America; America, as in the U S A, Wonder Woman knows is not well like as it was in the years of the 3rd Reich of Adolf Hitler's Nazis. People tend to forget, but not these people that have chained Wonder Woman up is this dreary dungeon place; the weighty pressure on her throat , neck and shoulders she can see by its anchoring chain into the dungeon's stone wall, is a heavy steel collar to keep her in place as placed. Through Wonder Woman's refocusing eyes of exotic beauty, she filters into her still wobbly mind from there , a Wonder Who She is Woman that towers over the forced to sit Wonder Woman of the World. "I'm Kareen,,,,,,,,the new Wonder Woman!,,,,as soon as you tell me how to use this stuff." Kareen orders out as she nearly drools with empowerment over the fallen Wonder Woman; that Kareen stripped of her magical powers, golden belt and lasso. "Do I belong to you, or Sadeem?" Wonder Woman tests out unexpectedly; wondering why the evil Sadeem is not! the one gloating over her capturing and chaining. "Let's talk now, Superbitch, not later when Sadeem arrives." Kareen snaps off Wonder Woman's questioning words; but tells unknowing exactly what Wonder Woman wants to know, and is very grateful to find out; the man she thought to be Sadeem was just another lookalike decoy for the evil ruler; this man to be rewarded for his cunning capture of Wonder Woman, sent by the United States to dethrone Sadeem. His skills in skit performances a theatrical level of personal achievement; Wonder Woman was detected in entering the palace, the fake scene in the palace room, well planned and successfully executed to the minute detail of perfection. Unfortunately for Kareen in power dominantly over the supersexy superheroine from America, the now helplessly chained up Wonder Woman; Sadeem's very fast paced footsteps approach. "AHHHH!" Sadeem rejoices as he enters his chamber for the torturing of captives; expecting only the real Wonder Woman in heavy chains, that was reported to him just a few minutes drive from his headquarters; he bows a very rare appreciation for one of his extreme beauty's also a wonder woman in dress; and by deed as well he has been told. "The golden belt of power and it's lasso!?" He demands, seeing that Wonder Woman has been stripped of these belongings. "I deserve them!" Kareen balks aloud, wanting so dearly to possess these awesome golden powers. "Just,,,,,,keep them out of SuperBitch's reach!" Sadeem offers this very uncommon or unheard of grant to the desert girl that conquered the invincible Wonder Woman from the United States. "You! were sent here, to get me!,,,,but it looks like I've got you! instead,,,,doesn't it,,,,,,,,,,Wonder,,,,,,,,Woman? Hnn! Hnn!! Hnn!!!,,,,,,,,Have you been tortured before Wonder,,,Woman?" Sadeem jubilates from his towering 6'2" overhanging look down upon the raven haired beauty in his heavy chains. "By the best.' Wonder Woman jests dryly, as Sadeem drools at her great beauty's overhanging breasts of scrumptious dimensions in mammary measurement; Wonder Woman knowing that her golden bra is already stuffed overfull with her shapely breasts; her bra can not 6 accommodate the eyeballs of Sadeem that try to fall into Wonder Woman's deep sensuous cleavage."The rack, the wheel.,,,you name it." Wonder Woman goes on calmly to mention torture devices that even the sadistic Sadeem has never heard of ; he questions these. "Oh! That must have been in Genghis Kahn's private torture chamber,,,,,,,,,no! no!,,that was Attilla the Hun's torture chamber,, as I! remember." Wonder Woman instills her surviving age upon the 50 year old with his chains definitely in dominance here today and now.Wonder Woman will await for sure the real Sadeem; she knows that no one else will be permitted to torture her, especially out of her great beauty by disfigurement. "If I were in your! position Wonder Woman, I don't think that I could manage to smile, as you do now." Sadeem smirks out, Wonder Woman indeed enforcing her warmest smileful of those most sensuously shaped thin lips of pink softness. "True I suppose; perhaps I should laugh out loud!" She nearly interrupts; ,,,"You see, it seems that you! have more knowledge of the U S government than I! do." She shakes her head to as well as admits aloud. "No one was supposed to know about the decoys; and yet! Your people knew, that's why I'm in your heavy chains at your feet." "And you want me to tell you of my contacts in Washington,,,,,before of course,,,,you die; a little grudge to take to you grave Wonder Woman?" "Not really. It's just irony I guess. The Germans,,,,,,,,,,,," Wonder Woman rattles on of their spy schemes to this underground mole of a man; Wonder Woman secretly sekking information; at this, the very best and easiest time to be enlightened to Sadeem's brilliance and the German's failing ignorance. "Like these antiquated relics of your power sources Wonder Bitch" Sadeem rattles on about his greatness, and both Wonder Woman's and the German's stupidity in becoming victorious in what is sought. "Then you wouldn't mind giving my outdated things back,,then would you?" Wonder Woman tests out, but mostly for indisputable proof that this man is not another duplicate copy, clone or decoy. Wonder Woman knows the drool of a sadist in power to torture , cripple or maim a victim; and the more she adjusts her great breastage teasingly forward unto this man, he drools and drools moreso but does not order her to be dropped on the nearby rack and chained up there for his torturing pleasure in dismembering her. Just who?is the real Sadeem; not this over drooler and under doer. Unbeknownst to the finagling Wonder Woman, this man is indeed Sadeem, a ruler by forcibly overthrowing the existing government here; but not! without the total support of the masses of his people; that he owes dearly for everything; evil indeed he is, to the core; but a knowledgeable man in politics. "You came here with your super powers to dethrone me Wonder Bitch." Sadeem lashes out; as he wipes away his private droolings over the captured Pride of America; "Your torturing to death will be by the hands of my people, that helped me assume this highest of positions." He rattles on to a pondering Wonder Woman heavily chained up in his dungeon; Wonder Woman though, must be 100% sure in her mission, gone awry, but not yet hopeless. "Your technology Wonder Woman, should be placed in the museums along with those Nazi super weapons of mass destruction of sixty plus years ago; your,,,belt, as it was then and now, your source of power and strength; that lasso of ,,,,,,,,truth? I believe it was,,,and is, will be melted down for what ever rings for my fingers my heart desires." Sadeem raves on and on 7 to the must listen Wonder Woman of America in heavy chained bondage; put to death by Sadeem's people weighing heavily on her mind. " The lust of a leader's privilege , Wonder Woman, his people will absorb willingly,,,,,in most cases; but! the entire country knows by now of your capture; and they insist upon your,,,,shall I say, talking with them for a short time; so you won't be gagged,, and allowed to speak up. They will be allowed by their great leader their outraged will to be taken out upon the great American Invincible,,,Wonder! Woman! What they impose or inflict is all up to them to decide. What they! chose to do to you, is my great empire's will to be served. What souvenirs they chose, are each person's for keepsake. Get too lippy with them, and they will! cut out your tongue and feed it to you for sure." Sadeem lectures on and on; Wonder Woman definitely ruling this man out as the ruler here, the evil Sadeem, although he talks a sadisticness that makes Wonder Woman cringe as if reading a tale of terror and torture, he lacks the guts to execute what he preaches. "Next!' On Wonder Woman's mind trying to get to the real Sadeem somehow. 'tootle-tootle-tootle-tootle' The all too familiar sound of a cell phone chirps off in the chamber for torture, that has tortured only Wonder Woman's sexy ears so far; Sadeem or whoever reaching for the phone. After his very brief informationless chat, he smirks down at Wonder Woman in his strength draining and confining chains. "Yes Super Bitch, technology seems to have passed you Amazons by , by half a century." Sadeem lectures on, "My scientists will unravel the mystery of your stealth invisible airplane,,, now of course in their hands, but they, as all, cannot see it,,,,as yet." Sadeem informs Wonder Woman , that although no one can see her aircraft, she, through modern technology was seen in strange positions that would indicate a person pushing something; that something however found and poaded up for transport. "Gllllppp" Wonder Woman suppresses as best she can but the flashing of her exotically gorgeous eyes as she hears this, she is far too late in disguising. "I'll bet the Germans never got their hands on it,,,,,did they?" Sadeem enforces in a tone that Wonder Woman, under these trying circumstances will answer to. With the Pride of not only America at stake, but also the Amazons on the secret Paradise Island ; Wonder Woman answers in truth; a full strain though to depress voice stress, "No, they never did." She manages out bravely. Her escape hampered by the capturing of her secret aircraft. She knows that it is controllable by her thought waves, but it must be intact to respond; as doctor's dissect animals, so will these scientists dismantle her airplane, by fell and touch and tool. Wonder Woman's great mistake, she her sexyself disabled the aircraft by raising its wings into storing position, it cannot fly as is. "I hope and pray that your scientists don't truck my plane into a populated area." Wonder Woman counters falsely of the plane having an atomic explosion set up to ignite if improperly handled in any way. "You wouldn't risk such a thing Wonder Woman, on something that no one can see, let alone,,,,handle! and not fumble!" A laughing Sadeem announces loudly his disbelief in this false information. "You as all mortals cannot see it, but I and my Amazon sisters can, fool!" Wonder Woman recounters convincingly; knowing though in truth that once the process of making the craft invisible is complete, no one indeed can see it; Wonder Woman and her sisters can sense it not 8 see it, by mind waves just as invisible but no one sees it; Wonder Woman knows too that knowledgeable hands and fingers will be adequate to dismantle her craft. "The people are assembled and ready.' A man informs Sadeem from the chamber's open doorway; time perhaps for Wonder Woman to make her move; but bullets and bracelets, that were unknowingly but graciously left upon her heavily chained wrists, fastened behind her back, is more safely played by an Amazon not bound up in chains; Sadeem's evil face full of delight knowing that his magnum caliber pistol is power enough to get America's Wonder Woman to the nearest city marketing square of exhibition, where thousands await the American Superheroine that just cannot exist and never age. They will, Sadeem knows, make it a fact that Wonder Woman from America doesn't age past this day of triumph for the people of Kakuk. Wonder Woman knows her limitations here with her hands chained up at the small of her back and her great gams, upon her sexy red boots chained into heavy steel manacles as well at her slender ankles; the bore of that! handgun to Wonder Woman looking like the 16" guns of the battleship Missouri she once visited and met the hundreds and hundreds of Wonder Woman loving sailors and Marines aboard; 'Where are they now!?' upon her pondering mind; chained strides to doom now upon her sexy feet in boots that will probably be wrestled by a mob of thousands from her feet; total nudity is for the warm beach on Paradise Island; here it will be a sign of power for these people to strip her of her all while chained to a stake more than likely; that gun! The ruling force, and no one can miss from less than the gun's short length away from Wonder Woman's gorgeous faceful of wide blue eyes of total concern. Wonder Woman hopes to be paraded through the streets of this whatever city, this will get that! gun at least out of her face; spit as they will upon her face, but shoot not, she hopes . With the released from the stone wall collar chain length and an attached wrist control chain Wonder Woman is led out of the chamber as she is informed of ways as ancient as her Paradise Island ways in remembrance of the Roman rule days, stoning to death of a victim, the very slowest and most painfully cruel way to die in chains at the stake. Out and along the deserted road toward the domed city, Wonder Woman is led in the chains of evil, and the too close for comfort pistol in the hands of the man that must be the real Sadeem just inches away from her head or face at all times "Like they say in your American football games Wonder Bitch,,,,,,move the chains!" The man trailing behind her, in control of her wrist chain leash smirks out. "Cute, servant boy!" Wonder Woman snaps out sarcastically to create an 'I want to shut you up here and now!' situation that will slow down the march of death and more than likely dismemberment; but the onward waving of that everpresent gun in the fist of Sadeem, the overruling element in this march. Looking down upon the city ahead, from the trail upon the hill, Wonder Woman sees those thousands of eager people, hoping that they will attack her now, before she gets chained up to a sturdy post she can now make out upon a slightly raised platform. Unbeknownst to her, these people will not lose their place in this encirclement, they had to fight for; the closer to the platform the better; the platform now surrounded by a hundred machine gun carrying guards to keep the people away until Sadeem himself orders Wonder Woman open American game. The physical ripping of Wonder Woman to pieces as she is also being stoned by the people will overrule the fears in the world of her super presence. The battle over her mini body revealing costume will be a great sight for Sadeem to witness in the presence of his people. End 1