Queen From The Jungle by Bandit Chapter 6 26 As Toshia''s gorgeous eyes of exotic grandeur jerk open; her drugged condition nearly beaten by a friend Toshia considers her very own personal friend in times like these; Father Time that has given her more life to combat the evil that as yet did not succeed in torturing her to a very slow death; Neither ropes nor steel does Toshia feel wrapped around her wrists that are stretched as far as they can go over her still dizzy head. She feels a flesh and bone to flesh and bone contact upon her wrists; sensing too a very slow and jerky motion that is yanking her on in short intervals and steps as well. She realizes she is not gagged either; summarizing in her resteadying mind that someone or something of not too great of physical strength is rescuing her, at least trying to do so. "Hello up there." Toshia calls out warmly to whoever or whatever is dragging her along the stone floor, as Toshia feels that it is upon her buttloins and backside; the timed intervals coming to a halt as her words are heard up ahead; her wrists also let drop to the stone floor; her gorgeous face now nose to nose with a very small man of full development into manhood with just the body of a child, a very determined midget Toshia's rescuer thus far. "Thank you." Toshia offers the tiny one with a strained and struggled for hug to accompany a smooch she places upon the man's cheek; bringing out the man's widest smile ever. The man's neck as well now gets its most ever straining to look upward at the silverblonde nakedness that rises and rises and rises removing those gorgeously global breasts, that were so easy to reach moments ago, from the man's eye level. The man knew he would be rewarded for his deed of good, and whatever the super woman wishes to reward him with in addition to his already taken fondling of those most mountainous mammaries , so be it; but it doesn't look like she has anything at all to give him. "This way!" The mini man points out, as he presents his second most widest smile unto this most gorgeous woman he has ever set eyes on; and he! rescued her!, the womanful of those mighty muscles that would still be chained upon the king's killer rack if it were not for him. "And the woman captured with Toshia!?" Toshia quests for enlightenment feeling that it is indeed her turn to the rescue. "I don't know of anyone else; I just happened to find you as I wandered the dungeons,,,,,like I do every night, hiding from that evil king they call X." The man tells in truth but sadly so as he sees Toshia's faceful of concern for someone the man knows nothing of; and he tells of finding Toshia on the rack, and he struggled to free her, and that! was enough to fill his nightful of prowling the dungeons here The man backs away from the now squatting down to his size super silverblonde , his ears do not! want to hear,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Can you lead Toshia back to where you rescued her?" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,those words; but being formed upon those sensuously thin lips of female facial perfection and fully expressed unto him, the head of this rescue party's event,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "It will be dangerous!" He prewarns of the obvious, but getting that second hugful of those! boobs in his! face the mission is on;;;a much easier mission for him; he doesn't have that scrumptiously statuesque silverblonde's boob and body in tow. Footsteps now in the narrow tunnels of these dungeons in the lower bowels of this castle fortress alert first Toshia and then the local prowler of this dinginess. 27 "You lead! Toshia will follow!" Toshia whispers out and in total silence the duo is off on a round about return to where the man discovered Toshia heavily chained upon the rack. "You know you could end up back on that rack!" The man tries out to get Toshia to change her mind about going back to the torture chambers; the footsteps of obviously the king's men in search of Toshia,,,,and an obvious traitor to the crown that helped her escape into these catacombs; as these catacombs become more and more remote the dirt upon the long since placed stones becomes a very trackable path of escape for the superblonde. Two gorgeous globes of grandeur in aquablue brilliance flash now downward at the floor that becomes a softer and softer surface, the little man's teeny footprints in full evidence; and Toshia knows that hers are as well; but onward she urges; the footsteps behind becoming a near running pace and sound. Coming to an intersection of these dreary tunnelways , the mini man leads to the left; and after a few steps Toshia halts his, and her progress. Instructing as she goes on with her plan, Toshia offers out to the man, a lifting of his tininess up into her arms; the man having no idea of why the supertall Toshia is reaching down for him; but as the supersexy silverblonde will take him into her arms, she will obviously have to tuck him tightly into those! boobs! to carry him wherever; 'Her turn to carry me!' another smile on his endangered face but well worth it to be here; 'Way up here!' on his mind as he indeed is nestled tightly into the bosom of this beautiful woman. The man finds his ride a bit rocky as Toshia , after stepping back a few yards, races back toward the very narrow intersection with him aboard, Toshia leaping far across the intersection in what seems to the man as a flight of an eagle; but huge female melonlike pillows cushions his ride somewhat; a totally hushing forefinger of the super woman crossing the man's lips is an instructed silence 'Yes ma'am!' request, that will not be dishonored; the rescuer in harm's way needs the rescuee's much more formidable powers of persuasion in order to survive now that the man has entrusted his life to the super woman that readies to do something. The rapidly pursuing footsteps of heavy boot weight emerges into the intersection as 4 palace guards in full battle gear; the mini man cringing now in fear of this force, backs away from the intersection to a point where he'll not be seen if and when that super woman leaps, weaponless, into a battle with these men of the evil King X; the mini man knowing fulwell it will be when and not if. He knows to that this tunnelful of just that superwoman and his very vulnerable self is a dead end not too far from where he hides away as best he can; that! brave womanful of female muscles that she'll need more than those super mammaries she is endowed with , is all that stands between him a death, and perhaps an unexpected tiny fist into the groin of one of those men will turn the tide of this one sided battle about to begin in her favor.; the mini man now near Toshia that he will fight to the death with. Toshia's muscle filled left arm reaches back slightly to instruct the mini man to keep away from getting underfoot in about ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the 4 men have come to both the end of the tracks into the left turn, and a reversed indication of force smeared what?prints that exit the left turn. 'crrrrrunnnchhhhhh' Two male skulls are crushed together in their bewilderment that these men were denied time to ponder; Toshia has leaped back across the intersection in attack upon these 4 men; 2 dead and 2 to go before Toshia's sexy feet reunite with the dirt covered stones of the floor. To the remaining 2 men, all they saw was the flexed 28 flashing of the sought silverblonde jungle woman's horse lifting, now man killing muscles of magnificence. In less than a blink of an eye, one of surviving guard is thrusting forward at the awesome silverblonde superness from the jungle with his steel battle lance; now grasped at the spear head by those deadly hands of this superwoman; "AAAAGGGHHHHH!!!" 'scccccRRRRRUUUUNNNNNCCCCHHHHH' He dies as he holds onto his weapon on its uplifted flight toward the neck snapping low ceiling stones of this tunnel now full of death; 'thhhuuuuuuppppppp' "llllllKKKKKK!!!!" The last man dies on the blunt end of his comrades spear this too gorgeous of a woman to be a warrioress has redirected into a course that takes the lance three feet behind the dying man; his unableness to get out of the way, his last living moment; his last vision though a very gorgeous beholding to the foreverness of death. "Now," The mini man encourages ,"I think it will be easier to go back this! way." He points out a reversed route back through the 4 man shy tunnelway in which he and Toshia had just come through; Toshia shrugging her powerful breastweight supporting shoulders as the power of command she transfer back to the tunnel knowledgeable little man; Toshia again following her itty bitty leader. Toshia estimates from many past experiences that a full scale search has been launched by evil to recapture her, this directions probe she agrees is 4 men short, and possibly indeed the best route back into the fire from its outlying ashes. Toshia's littler than small leader keeps equal time with his eyes forward into these well known tunnels; and backward at the breasty blondeful of man killing muscles naked to the fullest exposure of each sexy muscle's sensuous shape; and where it is the man's turn to halt Toshia in her sexy tracks behind him; as she halted him before she attacked and killed by slaughter those 4 men; he strains his all to reach without looking back in his halting signal that he hopes contacts those! enormous breasts that might be dangling their weightiness of female figure perfection just low enough for his reaching fingers to caress. From a towering height above her reaching leader, Toshia senses why the overly expressed and reaching signals come back to her at an obvious strain upon the dwarfs limbs and tiny body that puts its all into these efforts as well; Toshia making that extra low bowing forward as she is instructed to halt or hold up for safey sake, by the now pleased man that will just touch those mountainous breasts of his newly found friend Toshia the Queen from the Jungle, out of rewarding spendables , obviously, but pleasure is pleasure be it bought or free. Tiny fingers motioning forward now indicate, from this intersection in the catacombs, that this next right turn is not going to be an easy turn; Toshia's super sensitive ears already knowing this; there are men posted here to guard obviously this way out of the catacombs. "If I run across,,,,," Toshia's now getting brave companion; under her great strength umbrella; offers out now to draw these two men after him so that Toshia can leap upon them from behind. "They will come after Toshia as well." Toshia now insists that she be the one to get her gorgeous self seen by these 2 guards ; just before they die at her powerful hands. Toshia very swiftly making her purposely noisy way through the intersection disappears into tunnel way straight ahead, as pointed out by her companion. "There she is!!!" Shouts one guard, the ranking guard; "You go after her,,,and I'll get more help." He orders out as the guard ordered to follow Toshia is in hot pursuit , the ranking guard makes a turn to head out for more guards; nearly stumbling over the mini 29 man; now fisted upon and captured; but not fearful, as long as he sees the super jungle woman , his new found friend just yards away into tunnel way past the intersection. The mini man will not even cry out; Toshia has made her abrupt turn to face and kill these 2 guards. 'ccccrrrrruuuunnnnccchhhhh' The man that is greeted by Toshia's powerful face fracturing fist is instantly dead but having reserved her most powerful right fist for the finalizing of this split second victory once again for Toshia, her womanly tenderness for the life of an endangered friend ,all of her great muscles cannot hold back from flashing out from her gorgeous face. The guard that has seized Toshia's runt of a friend , the obvious traitor to the crown that freed her from the heavy chains on the death rack, can see that the life of the runt this most powerful female is concerned with protectively; that man killing right fist of the horse lifting man killer that faced the guard is eased into a non aggressive loosely dangling handful of no more than female fingers. Too late for Toshia,s instincts and planning mind to retract her warm womanly emotions that were shocked out of her by this unexpected event of one guard going one way the other guard, the other way; the capturing of her rescuer the result thus far; and with more than 30 feet separating Toshia from defending her little friend, she is indeed helpless and not even bound or chained; which she knows will change very shortly. ,crrrunncchhh' "EEAHHH!!!!" The guard cries out as Toshia's tiny new friend gets in the fisted punch of his life, demolishing as best his mini strength can the guards testicles; the undermatch strength of the do or die little man causing a brief distraction that Toshia's almost instantly applied refisted right hand 'crrrrrruuuunnnnnccchhhhhh' fills with the breaking sound of facial bones, this guard dead and dropping for his very last time to the stone floor. "These catacombs will be filled with these bastards!' Toshia emits admittingly in a near sigh of sorrow; the duo just about lost the one match that they cannot afford to lose to this massive place of evil. "Toshia must save that other woman." She retells her friend that is totally at risk along with Toshia as they creep closer and closer to the center of the bowels of this evil castle; Toshia enforcing that only she must go on, her friend can seek hiding once again, as he has always done. The man speaking up that he saved the day here by his unsuspected fist, Toshia cannot help to bow in respect for, his gumption ,,,that got them trapped,,,but again; he dared on his very own to rescue Toshia this day as well; saving the day indeed. "We've got to get through here! quickly." The man whispers as the duo comes to a doorway that the man knows is the back entrance and exit to the lion pit, which he explains to Toshia in full; this huge showplace of evil left most of the time in total darkness, trespassers usually drop themselves into the lion pit; the roar of the kept hungry lion the signal that someone has tried to pass through here; the screams of the soon to be devoured victim the verification of the fact. Evil , not wanting to miss the spectacle is quickly upon the scene; King X's gift to his servants that are always instantly dismissed to rush to the scene.For all that know these catacombs though this is the easy bypass for so many dead end tunnels; Toshia's friend did not drag her body through here however. "I'll have to lead you in the darkness through here,,,by your hand super jungle woman." The mini man insists and will get no argument out of Toshia, that is quickly pulled into the blackness of this chamber that this man knows has a huge pit somewhere there within , now here within in just a few steps. Stopped in their silent tracks, Toshia and the man , are suddenly being lit up by torches lit one and two and now three at a time; these torches fully but dimly illuminating the vast chamber with that! huge hole of yet total blackness just a few feet from the 30 opposite wallful of guards with their long steel lances pointed into the center of the chamberful of a totally surprised runt of the castle's dungeons and the silverblonde Queen from the Jungle in which she raised her voluptuous self; here though near by she dies a very slow death by torture; the runt seized once more as Toshia is distracted by the wall behind her getting lit up to expose its more than 30 spear and lance bearing guards and 10 or 12 torch bearers. The king's men knew that someone that knew these catacombs would be the culprit that freed the Queen from the Jungle from her heavy chains upon the king's favorite rack. "Women! hah! " The leader of this capturing party jeers out, to add to his moment of victory announcement , degrading womanhood's emotional softnesses; the man explaining that he knew that Toshia would return to save another woman; especially one as formidable as the Valkyrie of Freedom that has slain hundreds of men in battle; all he had to do is set this trap, and the feeble minded runt or the whoever it was that set the Queen from the Jungle free would be drawn to this trap by the knowing of this easy passageway to bypass the tunnel's everywhere hassles. The man knowing that once such a powerful woman was freed of her chains, she then would be in charge of her rescuer for sure. The man's gloating speech not exactly accurate, but he will get no useless argument of the either Toshia of the runt; the man ending his speech with,,,,"Feed the lion!", and Toshia knows that this! does not mean her as the food for the lion somewhere in the dankness below in that pit of evil design. All present can hear the now unrested lion in the bottom of the deep pit trampling over long since stripped bones of both animals and humans ; Toshia will as best she can try to prevent her runt friend's tossing into the pit of being eaten alive horror and death; Toshia as yet not seized by the evil hands of these estimated 60 or 70 guards, and their perhaps 50 spears and lances. The most unsuspected route that any sane person would take would be toward the deep dark pitful of hungry fangs and claws; this route however Toshia races on; this 'stupid womanly what!!!????' route of a quicker death than torture, shows gloating evil that women are no match for men in the final analysis ; Toshia's female quickness is a 'who cares?' exhibition ; this silverblonde however the most gorgeously endowed female exhibition ever seen by any of these men; and her greatness of female figure would be appreciated much more upon the king's female ego, then body and bones breaking rack. The men closest to Toshia are forced to release the runt; that knows fulwell he'll not one punch his way to get anywhere here; for the king's pleasure the silverblonde bitch must be recaptured before she leaps to her death; Toshia's super quickness in a deeply sun tanned flash of female muscles and drool causing mammary endowments snatches up the runt and redirects those gorgeous gams toward the pit. Having been so experienced in these pits of death by being fed alive to hungry beasts, Toshia knows with authority by the bones' rattling below, just how far that below actually is. Disappearing into the darkness below, the stupid woman takes her rescuer to his death as well; his promise of living where he stood though a few moments more of life. No roars, no screams, nothing but silence deep within the pit of total darkness after just a slight rattling of the dry bones at the bottom of the pit; Toshia, during the slight rattling of the bones her sexy feet landed upon in this 20 feet deep pit, blended in a punching out of a jungle creature, as much a captive as Toshia herself; Toshia's hot breath seeking fist right on target; as she has punched out the food expecting lion. "Kill the lion! Not!! the bitch!" The leader shouts out the order to save Toshia for the king's rack of a much more enjoyable pleasure in watching the superheroine bitch be dismember at the king's pace of gloating over her extreme pain. 31 Torches are rushed to the rim of the dark pit; only to be met by an onslaught of face and chest piercing bones and fragments that explode out of pit; the obvious reason, that! superBitch! is alive and all too well down there; after 10 torch bearers are slain by heavy bones hurled out of the pit, extreme caution must now be taken to recapture this physically awesome jungle woman that should have been saved from the jaws and claws of the lion that is where? down there.; the only torchmen to have seen the pit's bottom are dead without uttering a word of what is going on down there. "Toss some torches in!!" The leader now tries to strategize to get light into the pit. 'zing''zing''zing''zing''zing''zing' 'tkkk''tkkk''tkkk''tkkk''tkkk''tkkk' Torches land at the bottom of the pit; now men can approach the rim without having to carry a torch with them that will give away their position. 'zipppp''zipppp''zipppp''zipppp''zipppp''zipppp' All of the torches are returned three times as quickly ,versus gravity , as they entered the pit, with gravity's full assistance. "Bitch!!!!!!!!!" The leader lashes out in total disgust; but there is plenty of time to make a plan that will! work. "Don't go 'way!" He stammers as he must indeed make a plan that will get the now deserving silverblonde superbitch back on the rack where she belongs. "That bastard! up there is going to use the woman that was captured with Toshia as bait to get us!" Toshia whispers to the runt; and Toshia in the brief seconds of torch light that was tossed into the pit upon her and the runt, has spotted the loosest of the foundation stones she must remove to escape this pit; she has many times broken into a castle from the outer walls by removing a ton or two of foundation stones in places where she could be concealed from the eyes of evil atop the castle walls. "In a chamber next to where you found Toshia; there you will find the woman that was captured with Toshia; just tell her the silverblonde sent you so she will trust you,,,," Toshia leaving off the 'I hope!', but this chance will just have to be taken. The runt can only hear the powerfulness of Toshia's might-filled bicep muscles that are wrestling from the foundation of the pit a grumbling and rumbling stone that will leave a hole big enough for his body to slip through to rescue yet another woman in these early morning hours. As the beam of broken into light comes very dimly forth into the pit, it is instantly erased by the tiny body that scrambles out through it; "And bring her back here,,,,not up there!" Toshia's last instructions as she continues on to the next stone that will need removed so that she can get out, and possibly the lion too. "Bring that other bitch." the leader orders from above, as Toshia had figured he would; but in a soft tone that Toshia cannot hear; the man will give the jungle bitch no time to ponder a counter measure; she will be just as surprised as she was upon entering this chamber. -------------------- ---------- The hour is much later than the runt anticipated that is was as he nears where he had set Toshia free from a rackful of heavy chains, coming into this area from the opposite way is the loud talking king that doesn't talk to himself; scrambling in haste into the chamber where the Valkyrie of Freedom remains chained to the wall by her neck; the runt fumbles nervously first to free her,,,but he breaks away momentarily; he bolts the chamber door with its inside locking device the king always employs for privacy sake. Knowing fulwell now that he lives or dies with this outlaw of a woman the Valkyrie of Freedom,,,,which by name she can't be all that bad. But freeing her kills his chances of survival if the king and his men manage to break down the locked door; there is no place to run or even to hide. "Toshia the silverblonde sent me!" The runt raves on as he manages to free the valkyrie, with muscles twice the size of his friend Toshia's, the gag is 32 ripped out of this awesome woman's mouth, the runt praying to the heavens above that a smile from this awesome woman will be his reward; and there is absolutely no! way! that he could have managed to drag all of these! Muscles to freedom.; a total sigh of relief for the runt as he does get a special smile and a nearly bone crushing hug from this woman as well. The runt's solution for ridding this countryside of this evil place ; have this woman toss in the sea some 40 miles from here. "Where do we hide?" The runt asks as command of the moment is automatically transferred to the woman with the powerful bodyful of muscles having their own muscles on top of support muscles. In the runt's fearful mind, 'keep the door locked',,,,this though is not! to be; the woman unlocks the door to let the king and his escort into the chamber freely. Four men enter the chamber chatting of the capture of the valkyrie, 'sllllllooooooosssshhhhhhh' 4 heads fall to the chamber floor with one swing of a not even sharpened poker type torture tool; King X and these guards deader than the stones of this chamber now splattered with their blood. "Ww-ww-ww-www" The runt finds words unavailable right now as he tries to tell the valkyrie to meet with Toshia, his 'Ww?????/' the 'we' in the beginning of his message lost; fortunately the valkyrie has heard him speak, and realizes his temporary condition; the duo soon back at the bottom of the pit,,,on the free outside behind the pit and under the chamber above; the chatter above about the death of the king brought back by the men sent to drag the valkyrie back here. The greatly enlarged hole in the pit allows enough light in so the Toshia can be seen feeding the starved lion one of the men she stuck dead with her barrage of bones, several men did stagger then fall into the pit, and now there are four freedom seeking powers that will escape this place of evil, and leave in their wake, just the overly stupid men that will oppose this escape , Toshia will free her jungle cat as well . E N D bandit