Queen From The Jungle Chapter 4 18 By Bandit Toshia knows that to return to that place underground will result in many deaths to this area's population; she will be slaughtering many faces she has never seen before when the only actual pain caused her came from this small boy's bashing of her skull from behind. The boy was obviously doing as his uncle told him to; the uncle acting for the huge man that she had crushed the hand of. No real good what so ever could develop out of her revengeful return to those men's secret place: Toshia awards the boy a gold nugget for his telling her all that he knew of the plans of his uncle's group of men. Although Toshia has no actual time table in her travels here, she is soon again on her way to her original destination. With a population of zero in trustworthiness Toshia will make her way further in semi jungle style; afoot and no vineway in the sky to speed her along; in fact Toshia sees just a tree here and a tree there, short stubby things compared to her tall jungle trees; this terrain common to Toshia, now that she has made many such journeys into these strange lands for things her people need in the primitive jungle. Toshia makes many glances at her too bare left ankle, her solid silver anklet loop, as the boy told of, in the hands of the boy's evil doing uncle Reeko; but Toshia has been without it! and a lot more, many times before. Toshia will keep astride near the coach trail, directions here under the overcast sky are an as the trail winds toward the next village. Toshia does stride her long luscious legs along this back and forth trailway, that her most dense jungle lacks completely; the jungle of home fully overgrown with plantlife; Toshia pondering the making of travel ways for her people, through her vast jungle domain, that would get travelers from here to there much faster. "No way!" Toshia blasts her very own thoughts aloud; Toshia getting awakened to the fact the fast travel routes through her jungle would equal or out do her secret vineway for speed, and no one or nothing will surpass the speed of Toshia in her jungle domain: fact and end of thoughts in that direction. Over the crest of a long rise Toshia sees up ahead, what she has been told of many times in lands like these; three men known to these people as highwaymen, and a stopped coach heading her way. Evil here to Toshia is the very same as evil in her jungle domain, wrong is wrong all day long. Toshia knows too the value of her scrumptious body to both men of good and these men of evil; Toshia increasing her pace to be seen obviously by these roadway raiders. The fact that Toshia is afoot will catch these men's attention; her leopard skin frontal only jungle wear will reveal that indeed she is not! a native of this land; her gorgeousness will halt these men after they rob the people of this coach. What indeed do these men have to fear from a lone and ignorant traveler; afoot meaning penniless. Toshia is not noticed until she nears the stopped coach; her jungle ignorance fully exposed as she approaches the scene; Toshia appears to be fully unaware and unconcerned about the goings on, totally ignorant of these happenings; on the minds of evil however; they, as does the spider, welcome the fly into the spider's web. Toshia's purposely fully exposed great diamond gem the totally convincing flashing of far greater wealth for the taking unto these men of evil. 19 Still mounted on horseback these three men are engulfed with sexual energies a total priority. Time is not of the essence, the royal patrolling of this trail, a twice a day uselessness of law and order; the law here as evil as evil itself. Toshia, still pretending to be oblivious of these goings on, leaps up upon the driver's box as if to ask a traveler's question of the driver of the coach; the awesome stare of power in her gorgeous globes of grandeur in aquablue brilliance however, tell secretly that she indeed knows all of what is going on here. The frontal acceptance of this overly gorgeous silverblonde's choice of garment is crushed out by the supersexy thing's hind loin exposure of total fullness; Toshia's shapely buttloins heating up the men's minds of sexual delights soon to be theirs; the silverblonde truly the most gorgeous female ever to be seen in this land; the men drooling at the enormous breast weight's full roundness tightening down upon this very skimpy strangewear's rear mini portions; Toshia's jungle too much, here not enough, tied on leopard skin outfit clenching onto her muscularly fantastic butt lobes in equaling the frontal dropping pressure of her mountainous breasts into the skimpy skirt type tidbit of wardrobe. The driver of the coach trembles in fear no more as those huge female breasts dangle in a swaying dance for his eyes only; the highway robbery mammaried out of his masculine mindful of real worldly values; his entire coachful of gold would fade to insignificance compared to those delicious female melons, he will never forget having at least seen; the driver finally able to see Toshia's determined faceful of female fury. Judging from the nearly crushed sideboards of the driver's box, in the clutches of this exotically rare beauty's fisting fingers; the driver begins to pity the three highwaymen. Having just learned of a horse lifting female; her muscles naked unto the world, two silverblondes of such gorgeousness cannot be an invasion of the kingdom, certainly there must be just one ,,,that is fracturing the sideboards of his coach's driver's box, right here and right now. The driver remembers being told too, that male boisterousness and ego, just yesterday, in the next village on the coach line in his direction, cost a man a totally fractured hand. 'Punishment equaling the crime!' in the driver's thoughts ; 'These men are dead." He mumbles to himself as he enjoys the view from the driver's box out toward the landscape that is blocked off by the presence of the awesome young woman with silverblonde hair and that fantastic female figureful of proven mighty muscles and perfectly magnificent mammaries. Toshia has the driver point out like he is giving her directions, theoff trail route pointed out supposed to be the most direct for a traveler afoot. "Thank! you." Toshia offers with a warm smile unto the driver; leaping back down onto the coach trail; the driver feeling yet more sorry for these three highwaymen now, the finger carved sideboard he stares at in awe , Toshia has left her mark of superhuman strength deeply into; her eager fingers gouging out chunks of hardwood; a 'she was on my coach!' proof in any pub for the later telling of this most special event in the driver's usually boring lifestyle. 'The kill.the kill!!!!' The driver awaits with a passion the fabulous female figure's next move; it is obvious that these three men are not aware of the horse lifting muscle woman's muscle madness of the past day or so; and if they were hold up in obscurity while news in the kingdom spread like wildfire, they will be sent to the total obscurity of death as the evil highwaymen they are, their lives of whatever else will die here on the coach trail. 20 Toshia is very swiftly off upon her fake journey; Toshia not looking back as if she had any concern about the goings on at the coach; her plan though is to lure the three men her way ; get them to dismount; rid the face of the Earth of their living presence; and return the taken belongs of those innocent people in the coach. Toshia continues to stride on knowing that these men, when finished at the coach, will ride her way very swiftly; the horses' pounding hooves will let a not looking Toshia know exactly when; that when however is now. Toshia is instantly surrounded by three seemingly very long and tall horses with three men of evil sitting atop those , pretty horses, to Toshia. Toshia's huge jungle crude blade of steel flashes out just as instantly as the men get their mounts to settle to stillness after their brief and swift gallop. In Toshia's favor, men will be men; and none of these evil men want to be last out of the saddle, or left sitting in the saddle when a comrade snatches a hold onto the brave silverblonde naked female stranger that brandishes her weapon intended, obviously, for self protection; the men eyeballing the fantastic female figureful of quite extraordinary muscle and mammary development; this silverblonde for sure not a physique nurtured by the chores of a house wife; not an ounce of flab from sitting more than standing on this supersexy young wild looking thing about to receive a lesson in male dominance. One man very slowly extracts his long long sword from its scabbard tauntingly; he removes it only the length he estimates the silverblonde's blade of female protection to be; making sure to make full eye contact with this gorgeous young woman he would rather own than hack up into pieces due to her arrogant female ego and stubbornness. Enjoying this taunting session before sexual intercourse, the two bystanding males watch droolingly as now out, and out and out the long steel sword is brandished in comparison to the now tiny looking steel crudeness the breasty bitch still waves proudly and in all three directions, giving each man a very good look at this curvaceous braveness of female's intended stabbing tool of standoff. "Surrender and be spared your life!" The sword bearer sneers out gloatingly as he waves his longer than long sword in purposely intended innocent swipes not directed at Toshia. "Live as what? your fuck slave!?" Toshia blasts back shockingly, her baby face of total innocence could never have snapped such words; words of a fully experienced barmaid or barfly. "What do you intend to do with that teeny thing, egobitch!?" The sword wielder snaps out to amuse the male threesome; the silverblonde's blade soon to be in the hands of the men; while on the coach trail the coach remains; the driver has informed all of his passengers of the naked silverblonde superwoman's plan to return with their stolen items. "Feed!! You." Toshia lashes out,'thhhupppp' her blade indeed super quickly lodged in the dying man's stomach; Toshia's super quickness as well snatching that man's long sword before his dying hand drops it to the earth. "Heeeeaaaaahhhhhh!!!!" Toshia bites out in grimaced female fury as 'sllaassshhh-sllaassshhh' her now sword filled right hand underhandedly uppercuts to lop another evil man's head off and in the returning backhanded swing lops the last evil man's head off; 3 seconds; three dead men. 21 Toshia waves with the totally bloody sword, the driver over toward the death scene, that the driver's and passengers' eyes will never believe they saw. Toshia makes a selection of a horse to desaddle and claim as hers while the driver and passengers close in to claim their belongings; that gorgeous baby faced silverblonde however looks to these people now to be a lot older and far more experienced in worldly ways than she did just seconds ago; all of these people giving the death dealing naked muscle filled woman a wide birth and no words of any sort can they think of to say, except quivery thank yous emitted from their still attached throat's vocal cords. In Toshia's almost witch like wake the driver and passengers retake their belongings; and in their fearful wake; two peasants that cannot believe their eyes either, partake of the weapons and boots and all that they can use from the death scene; both fearful of picking up the blood drenched sword that that awesome female dropped in exchange for reclaiming her jungle crude steel blade. The peasants take a long long look around the countryside before taking possession of two horses and three saddles; but off they ride upon those two gift horses. Local legend will soon have half the king's army slain by a lone silverblonde female that used the king's weapons of rule upon his very own men chosen to wield these weapons. Toshia makes her way upon horseback along the coach trail in no particular hurry; and come dusk ,Toshia rests the horse by getting off of its back; Toshia now striding alongside the animal being admired and studied by the Queen from the Jungle; Toshia's jungle indeed very scarce on these magnificent man carrying animals. At this snail's pace of progress on the coach trail, it is very easy to spot a partially dirt covered rope that seems to cross the entire trail; Toshia's gorgeous globes of grandeur in aquablue brilliance flashing out to see that in fact the rope not only crosses over the entire trail, but it climbs up to lower tree branches on both sides of the trail; Toshia knows too why. This is a method used to rip a rider off of a galloping horse when the rope is pulled from both ends; Toshia seeing that neither end is tied to the tree limb that will raise the rope to that limbs level across the trail. Toshia has seen a one sided method as well, one person having to tug upon the rope, the tree limb that person's partner in evil; here there are two or more involved; Toshia , afoot by resting the horse cannot fall prey to this trap; both she and these whoevers know it. Both Toshia and evil here know too that Toshia is alone and afoot; only the two evil doers know the correct odds; but they know that by the time they could rush out of their hiding places to seize the silverblonde prize, that she could mount up and be gone. The culprits know too now, that the magnificently muscled female figure out there on the coach trail has spotted their trap; Toshia yanking the rope up out of the dirt to expose it. In shock the hiding men watch as the muscle rich gorgeousness in a female physiqueful of the most prominent and perfectly shaped breasts ever seen by their evil eyes is fisting up upon the rope, fist to fist at her thumbs; and as a kindling twig could be snapped into halves, likewise is the fate of the long long trapping rope; femininely gorgeous were those powerpacked looking arm muscles that could be put to work by an owner of this supersexy woman; but those now well proven sinews of strength and sisterhood would have to be placed in very chains to control; the super body of the young bitch, bull whipped perhaps to get its full 22 attention in the world of man; how much? of the world of man though would it take to capture this rarest of rare female specimens of such sexually stimulating curves and contours; both sides of the trail knowing fulwell that they haven't the means to capture this rope shredding silverblonde. "Toshia is going through now!!" Toshia shouts out to make sure that these evil lurkers now get their evil ears full of Toshia's dominance ; they have already gotten their obviously frearful eyes full. The men do continue to hide away from this obvious traveler through their evil but weak domain; once again mounted the gorgeous gams of the silverblonde urge her mount forward by fidgeting her luscious loins of prime butt meat upon the saddleless horse's back bones. Fearless and all too powerful is the totally dominant demoness that will not ride away in haste, but has her mount moving slowly on down the coach trail. At a safe distance between the 2 men and the killer looking female of 200 yards, the men scramble back onto the trail to tie a knot in their trapping rope and to recover it with dirt to await the next dusk traveling whoever, that may not be as lucky as the passing silverblonde stranger. With the eyesight of an eagle, Toshia looks back and captures the men in her powerful stare of concern; Toshia scolding herself for the oversight; she knows the men are tying their rope back together and setting their trap for the next passer by, that perhaps will not! get by as Toshia just has; Toshia urging her horse back to the scene; the scattering men leaving their rope behind. Toshia will claim this rope now and give it to a farmer or someone that will put it to a use other than this. To well into the night Toshia travels slowly along the trail, sometimes afoot, Toshia having no idea of how much rest she must give her 'very loveable horse'. Although she knows that the animal cannot chat with her, it does have two pretty ears to listen to her, and Toshia chats endlessly with her newfound companion in this strange, kingdom she has been told, this kingdom that overflows of evil; but Toshia must pass through it. A lonely trail side inn Toshia can see up ahead, a place of rest and food for both Toshia and her companion. "You wait right here." Toshia insists aloud of her mount, as she will enter the very dimly lit inn; if in fact it is still open for travelers; and it is. Toshia eases through the inn's front door. An eerie sight Toshia knows that she must be in her mini jungle wear and a long long coil of rope looped over her shoulder, only. she knowing that the rope is a gift for whoever wants it. The inn is gloomy and totally quiet, no one about except the innkeeper and the obvious cook, or innkeeper's wife or whatever the woman three times Toshia's size truly is, with a grease filled apron and its extra lengths of tie on cord tested to the fullest with two hundred stomach pounds rolling about within the apron strings. "Food and a place to sleep.?" Toshia smiles out warmly unto these strangers that probably own and run this remote trail side inn, and are obviously still in a state of shock from what they see Toshia offering up the rope onto the inn's register counter as a free gift with a minimal explanation of possession. "And my horse??" Toshia asks for food and a place for it to be safely sheltered for the night, after being fed its full with water available as well. 23 Accepted as a guest for the night, after paying up with a tiny gold bit in advance, as all inns require; Toshia will feed her mount; the innkeeper shaking his head at the fact that Toshia cannot sign the inn's register; the man inscribing Toshia in a spelling that Toshia was taught a long time ago, but is totally unsure of now. Toshia sees that the really big and fat woman has vanished; and hopes that that woman will not fix Toshia a meal and then eat it long before Toshia can feed and water her newfound animal friend; Toshia once again filling the ears of her horse with chat as she leads it to what she was told are the 'stalls' out back of the inn. In the stable Toshia sees another gorgeous horse, its saddle resting upon the fence like railing next to that stall; Toshia will just have to give that horse too her very warm womanly caressing of caring and loving; these fantastic animals so seldomly seen in Toshia's jungle domain are treasures to behold, when Toshia can take the time to do nothing but that. "These poor things, have to carry those evil men's asses ,,every!where!" She snarls out under her breath , a protest that could not be subdued by the angered Toshia of the Jungle. Toshia loathing as well the fact that so many of these great animals of forced labor unto man, are slaughtered in battle along with the men that force them into a major battle by riding them to the animal's death. Toshia however does notice that here in the place with a roof, feed for the animals is nearly everpresent, she does not have to find the food about to feed her companion, it is all right there for it; water as well, in a long thing that Toshia can vaguely remember from her previous travels in these advanced cultures; Toshia though, to be sure that the water is fresh and clean. "Is every thing okay?" Toshia hears the huge woman ask from behind Toshia; Toshia's turning of her gorgeous face around to tell the woman that everything is just fine; Toshia amazed at the comforts given the animals here; 'crrrrunchh' "AAAAAWWWKKKKKKKKKKK" Toshia is fisted by the huge woman directly uppercutting Toshia's now aching chin bones that seem to be rattling around trying exit through Toshia's ear channels; Toshia's reeling globes of grandeur in aquablue brilliane flashing roofward in a rapid partial seeing of that area of the stable; Toshia's limply backward dropping arms, in trying to fist up an instant counter attack are corralled by her horse's long body on one side and the wooden fence like stall separator on the other. The 400 pound punching woman's powerfulness Toshia is not surprised by at all; but as Toshia's driven back bodyful of mighty muscles and magnificent mammaries gets wedged directed to the stable's planked floor; "HHHHLLLLLL!!!!!!" Toshia has extracted from her grunting vocal cords as her totally flexed into a getting up stomach muscle loins are greeted to a leaped upon 400 plus pounds of evil fat bitch; the woman's held together feet nearly driving Toshia's navel out her anal channel; the pressure automatically folding Toshia's body into an upward surge of both her gorgeous gams and her grimaced faceful of shock; all but Toshia's leaped upon and pinned down stomach muscles are in an opposite reaction to the viciously applied poundage that has befallen Toshia's scrumptious female body. Toshia's right fist of counterattacking revenge is hampered by the tightness of the stall's separating tool and gadget filled fencelike woodenness; a left fisted counterattack would be hindered in having to lift the now very uneasy horse up out of the path Toshia would have to send her punch's greeting unto that fat face that stares down upon 24 her. 'crrrrrrrunchhhhh' "HHLLTT!!!!!!' Toshia suffers a second stomach muscle attack as the huge woman leaps up and drops back down upon the now hapless Toshia of the Jungle with a pitiful stare of blankness is her exotic eyesful of deflated power. This forced upsurge of Toshia's gorgeous head so thickly full of long lustrous hair is clawed into by the huge woman's hatefilled fist and with 400 plus pounds of pull jerks the Queen from the Jungle's face on a direct crash course with the woman's already on its way free fist; 'cccrrrrrunchhh' "Lllkkk" Toshia is punched out cold in a brief flexing of her entirety the lurches to total limpness at the feet of the huge and hateful and sadistic woman. "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn" The thoroughly beaten Toshia stirs as she about to do a second battle in this trailside placeful of evilness; the totally experienced Toshia, a dungeon flower so many times before in her young lifetime, expects exactly what she awakens unto very very painfully in struggled for levels of awareness that is still overclouded from jumbled brainwaves to strained stretchings out of her once powerful fingers,,,,,,,behind her back at the small of her back, her hands very adequately tied up at her ropefilled wrists; her bicep muscles strain for freedom as well under a severe biting back of the ropes that bind these beauties; knee cap to knee cap, ankle bones to ankle bones, and a squashed upon vagina, and without having to look Toshia knows , as her shapely gam muscles at her thighs are trenched into by ropes galore, that she has been thoroughly trussed up in coarse flesh nibbling ropes of evil; wrist bound, thigh bound, knee bound and ankle bound to probably all the pull and tug tightness that 400 pound fat bitch could get knotted into these unbearable ropes; 'Bastards! Buzzards and Bitches!!!!' On Toshia's mindful of revenge, but gagged as she is, again to all the tightness that fat bitch could strain to get of her binding of Toshia spree; "MMMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Toshia can but wheeze out in woe. End chapter 4