FRAULEIN WONDER WOMAN By BANDIT Chapter 5 In her back and forth from car to car overseeing the frightened children Wonder Woman makes her more knowledgeable plan to save these children and let the world know that these men guarding the train are neither American or German; but middle eastern Arabs or Islamic; out to rob Germany of its total wealth in gold and gems and treasures of all kinds that are very transportable to wherever these men have planned to take their spoils of war. With one guard at the front of the train, one at the rear, and one both inside and outside each passenger car, and really too much open space for any escapees to cross under fire; any possibility of surprising there expressionless men of evil presents itself at odds just too great to be risked. Wonder Woman has succeeded in quieting the infant children, but she knows this is only temporary while they feed; they are wet and probably cold, and as soon as their milk is finished they will once again cry out to get dry diapers and clothing that the nanny sack lacks any portion of. As routine as possible Wonder Woman shuffles the seating in the first car, placing the teeny ones in the hands of the teens in the car, the strongest looking teens, searching out girls first then having to use a few boys to take up the overage ration of infants to strong enough teens. "No nanny is going to tell me! what to do!" One teen boy snaps at Wonder Woman and her plan in its infancy; the wealthy world wide pretty much with the same attitude toward the middle classes and lower levels of servitude that includes nannies. Time being of the essence, Wonder Woman confronts this snag in her plan. Directing the defiant boy's eyes out of the window by a softly whispered threat of physical harm and embarrassment like a severe bottom spanking over Wonder Woman's knee in front of all of these children, just as rich and untouchable as he, she points out verbally; "Do you see that! man behind the window of the depot surrounded by SS security?,,,well he wants you to sit! down,, shut! up,,,,,and do! as his very special nanny ,,,me,,,wants you to do,"She enforces unconditionally; and in a much more loving tone, and expressed eye pleading, she concludes; "For the safety of all of you??." The boy indeed does see the Fuhrer, his first ever actual look at him; his attentions now going nowhere except back to the nanny that must be special in some way; the boy's mind now full of his participation in this very secret SS ongoing; the nanny has to be an underground SS agent. "I especially need you!, the strongest looking of these brave children." Wonder Woman ranks the now taken in teen boy. He! and the secret SS woman agent, under the very eyes of der Fuhrer are going to crush out these impostors like insects underfoot; the boy feels inside now; Wonder Woman giving him a very warm hug to boost his ego ever further toward the zenith; but she also warns of timing; the boy now sitting upon needles and pins with anticipation. Wonder Woman, having left her nanny sack, purposely near the onlooking guard at the rear door of the car, heads for her sack; obviously to that guard, she comes to get more needed supplies out of the sack on the floor near his feet. "LLKKKK" The man dies groaningly silent as Wonder Woman reaches toward the sack, but her superhuman quickness comes upward with the man's fisted onto and broken neck in her hands; with her free hand she issues out a hush signal to those children that were looking on. Totally impressed by movements they never really saw, the children begin to utter of what they do see; a very big man held in on of nanny's hands with his feet half a meter off of the floor; his machinegun not dropped noisily to the car floor; but, held in nanny's other hand. 'eeekkk' The barrel of the machine gun, as soon as the dead man is lowered silently to the floor of the train car, is t-w-i-s-t-e-d into scrap metal by this Super Nanny; the boy Wonder Woman introduced to the Fuhrer from afar presses his nose against the glass window to get even a better look at der Fuhrer that is further along with his Master Race than he tells publicly; this happening however forced him to reveal, for the safety of these children, this Super SS agent. Battlefield one, the inside of this train car has been taken by the forces of der Fuhrer; in the minds of all the now fully hopeful children that are cautioned now by the Super Nanny not! to make any noisy outbursts of victory in this battle,,,,yet with 5 more battles remaining. The boy at the window now turns and whispers back to the Super Nanny that peers out the rear door at battle number 2, the outside rear guard for this car; "You are as strong as the American Wonder Woman!" "Close!" Wonder Woman whispers back and reinsists upon quietness. The rear car's outside guard, staring out at the grounds of the depot loaded with helpless SS men, dies without warning just as his comrade inside just did; the few that were looking in that direction saw but a flash of the death dealing hand that exploded out of the silently opened train car door; this hand alone yanking the dead man back into the train car; those observing eyes in SS uniforms sneaking peeks back the Fuhrer that must not have informed anyone of his secret weapon that is as powerful as,,,,,,,,,,'Fraulein Wonder Woman from America?????' her verified whereabouts ?????? These SS eyes of questioning glances are not brave enough to contact the onlooking eyes of der Fuhrer nearby. The tongues of these SS men also non warning of death from behind the SS impostor the eyes all saw coming. The German press and media are filtering now into the depot; as if the presence of der Fuhrer is not enough to heat up the presses; this national event surely is. Whatever der Fuhrer wishes to share, in comment, with the German people, more than enough reporters are ready to take down on their news seeking pads. Hear say will not do; the Fuhrer himself will be the only source of information that leaves this train depot; the newsmen however find themselves hostages of the SS; the Fuhrer is kind enough in the freely spoken analysis of this very unique situation, but no one goes anywhere from where they now stand; no information will leak out prematurely to endanger the captive German children any further; the 2 down and 4 to go not in the Fuhrer's brief speech. With the rear train car's interior taken now Wonder Woman lectures out her plan 'b'. "This is plan B" she tells aloud in the assembled huddle mid car . "The Fuhrer expects you all! to be truly brave, in case plan A fails. He doesn't want to lose a precious one of you to these camel riding swine. We! are going to try to take the forward car, just like we! did this one." Wonder Woman expresses fully that her and these children are a team at war with the impostors. Reenforcing and verifying that what the children are hearing of the Fuhrer is 100% true to every last word ;the boy secretly points out to those closest to him, that the Fuhrer is indeed looking on at this very moment. Wonder Woman details, "If we can exit out this rear door, it is very important that you older children that are assigned to carry an infant baby to safety, do the Fuhrer proud of his children; carry that baby as if it were part of you; do not panic once you're out of the train car, and maybe drop that baby that is counting on you! and no one but you! to be that baby's hero or heroine. Once outside remember, the Fuhrer will be watching you! you! you! and you!" She concludes by detailing just how the exit will be made if she does not succeed in getting the 6 guards before those that remain figure out that something is going drastically wrong inside the train cars. In passing into the forward car on a routine checking on the children in that car, only 3 guards are still living; 2, as soon as this in car guard flinches and now dangles dead in Wonder Woman's powerful fist, this 4th machinegun t-w-i-s-t-e-d into scrap iron as were the others; the hush signal being enforced by Wonder Woman; this car's children seeing their very first of their Fuhrer's Master Race. Having to be perfectly sure that 6 men was 100% an accurate count, no in car celebration will be hinted at,,,yet. Having seen the entire train from outside, Wonder Woman knows that only the engine and coal car are forward of where she stands; there could however be an uncounted guard forward of this door, 'eeeeeekkkk' that she closes off to him from the inside if he is there; the awed children watch again as the Super Nanny makes a custom locking device out of all of this door's inside metal and steel. Quietly now the children are ushered into the rear car, 'eeeeekkkkkk' also locked from the inside; Wonder Woman however not remaining in the car. She eases out to the rear of the train under the ever watchful eyes of dozens of flashing cameras and motion picture cameras as well; the almost freely roaming news media outside the depot terminal now outnumbering the SS 20 to 1; these men however not having heard the Fuhrer's brief announcement of how this situation is unfolding. The freight car in tow, the last car in the train is still a mystery; the guard at the rear of this car though totally leery of the flash bulb barrage that continues . He has been standing where he is for some time, why the sudden media interest in his position? Wonder Woman scans the underside of the train, no legs no feet ; asnmd she has sealed off a single car with the children in it; a door no one can get through forward and she protecting this door from her between car position. She now points out both forward and rearward and nods that the children are all secure. 'brrrattt-tatt-tatt-tatt-tatt-tinngg-chinnkk' A rain of SS bullets from all safe angles riddle the two remains guards and various rail car accessories any where near where they stood their last earthly seconds before death; the SS men instantly throwing open the door to the freight car to issue any foreign life in there a Nazi instant death certificate; nothing but freight inside. "All Arab or Islamic." Wonder Woman issues her brief press statement as the dead are swarmed upon by the media cameras that cannot get close to the 3rd Reich's most recent heroine Super Nanny. At the banks now a similar auf Wiedersehen for these SS impostors echoes from Ludwigshafen to Heidelberg; the news to all points to include the Reichstag in Berlin; AP wire photos hot with images; the media locating the twisted remains of machineguns before the SS men take over the scene. Image after image of der Fuhrer in successfully thwarting this mass kidnapping amuses the Fuhrer, while these images infuriate the high command. The Fuhrer's nodding grin to his leaders is a misplaced recognition of such impersonating ; the high command to a man reading to issue an arrest call;;;;;"Arrest!!???" Snaps the Fuhrer, "And this would look like what!!!??? to the German people; der Fuhrer arrested in public for his extreme heroism!!!???,,,,The western front needs fighting privates , gentlemen , with the overall knowledge of a high commanding general or field marshall." The Fuhrer concludes. END chapter 5