FRAULEIN WONDER WOMAN By BANDIT Chapter 4 The Benz sedan with its trunkful of a chained up Wonder Woman speeds away from Holtzen Castle but only for a few kilometers; the sedan pulling into a small parking lot next to a small lebensmittel closed for the night. Locating away from any angle of view the sedan comes to a stop, engine turned off. Up through the darkness of the opened trunk space, a darkness deeper than the outside openness of the night; Wonder Woman's gorgeous eyes glow with concern with this very short trip to the middle of nowhere; her view of the two story structure that houses its owners upstairs over the lebensmittel , is totally obstructed by the automobile she has been driven here in. She knows too of war time Germany's 'Law of the Luger'; on site executions of unwanteds by the 3rd Reich are common place; Wonder Woman totally aware that the 3rd Reich definitely places her at the very top of the unwanted list; she sees now that the Fuhrer holds her magic powerbelt and lasso just out of her immediate reach; 'a few questions under the powers of magic lasso' she ponders and then she will be eliminated right here and now. "Brave tonight!" Wonder Woman smirks silently as she sees now; in getting out of the trunk, that the Fuhrer has sent his SS men to that trainload of kidnapped German children; he will dirty his hands now in sending a 9mm bullet through her defenseless head . "What?" She asks out now, "No triumphant parade to the Reichstag ?" She enforces without fear, she will remain superhumanly strong until the very end even though her powers, no longer a secret are just inches out of reach; and as she notices as well tat the Fuhrer as yet has not produced his murder weapon;,,,,,,,,,, "I would much rather parade up the aisle to accept my oscar at the academy awards in Hollywood, Wonder Woman; for my great performance here." This man, not!! the Fuhrer explains; firstly though he begs forgiveness for having to impress the SS men by nearly backhanding Wonder Woman's face off of her head. Forgiveness given, and now the man introduces as he fastens Wonder Woman's magic belt on her slender waist; "I'm Stanley Carter, agent;,,,with no physical means of freeing you from your shackles." He concludes, letting Wonder Woman in on this fact; the Fuhrer would have no need for keys or whatever unlocking devices this Nazi chainery requires for removal; 'shhhhannnnggggg' "That works." He smiles out as Wonder Woman scatters Nazi chain links from the auto to the ditch on the far side of the mountain road with just a single testing of her repowered muscles; her steel wrist manacles wrung twistedly loose; Wonder Woman sitting back down upon the bumper of the Benz to treat her ankle restraints the very same way as she did her wrist lockups. 'eeekkkk',,,,,,'eeekkkkk' She forces the Nazi steel to yield into useless chunks of twistedness deluxe "I said I was sorry!!" Stanley enforces now surrenderingly; "You might need me further!" He elaborates on powers here that he can get very easily,,,until of course the German high command catches up with his portrayal as the Fuhrer. "How do you get in touch with your,,,,,invisible????? aircraft?" Stanley asks to get a clue as to where exactly he must get Wonder Woman to that will accommodate the landing of an airplane be it invisible or not; this mountainous terrain would obviously scatter unseen aircraft parts over a wide area. Mother Earth is so unyielding; she battles the unseen winds of awesome storms every day, day after day. "Any time, any where." Wonder Woman informs Stanley, that she is in constant mental contact with her private transportation at her beckoned call; landing space however must be at her feet. "But I'm not thinking of that now." Wonder Woman informs her new comrade in the Allied war effort; although he more than definitely does not !! look like it. Both Wonder Woman and Stanley realize that to keep people convinced that he was indeed Adolf Hitler, he had to accuse the American's of the mass abduction of German children; a tactic unbecoming of humanness' better qualities; the power of propaganda if favor of the 3rd Reich at the moment. "Get me to that trainload of children!" Wonder Woman insists now, Stanley fully understanding why; whoever these sneaky men are, they must be exposed; the look in Wonder Woman's gorgeous globes of grandeur in brilliant sky blue telling him that 'dead or alive' will do. Any show of force converging on the train at any stop will result in the slaughter of the couple hundred German children,,,,by the suspected Americans. A panzer attack no more disallowed than an attack by the splendidly costumed Wonder Woman of the United States of America. Wonder Woman's forced rescue mission's plan begins now, with the most unlikely night visitor rapping upon the lebensmittel door; upstairs bedroom lights quickly responding to the rapping at the down stairs door. "Whoever it is, must be in great need." The shopkeeper , tells his frau of 20 years living high upon this mountain, almost oblivious to the destruction of war that rages throughout the entire world. "Probably Frau Schmalle , from up the road needing milk in an emergency." The shopkeeper comforts his frau before heading downstairs; feeling perfectly at ease with this midnight opening of his shop; since the 3rd Reich's government take over crime is at its lowest ebb ever; jails are not being filled with thieves and the like; graves are being triple stuffed with the dead bodies of this scum of society. The door opens unto a gigantic propaganda poster for the aging eyes of the shopkeeper; a poster however does not move, and this poster a tree dimensional masterpiece of the printing arts. The shopkeeper fears for his life now, he is so choked up with shock that he is stutteringly speechless; a smile of understanding from beneath the brimmed hat saves the shopkeeper; face to face with der Fuhrer, the shopkeeper's arms too numb to even salute; trees in the night background are SS and Gestapo figures to the stunned man. "I need to clothe Wonder Woman." Stanley orderingly snaps out at the fearsome shopkeeper; explaining that he is concerned about snipers that would shoot the super captive if she is seen inside the auto; all war concerned Germans would drool at the chance of being the! Nazi hero to a rank just below that of der Fuhrer himself; Wonder Woman, from the back of the Benz can be seen only from her chest up; she stands, unbeknownst to the shopkeeper with her hands clasped together at her back to imply that she is chained up. The news of the mass kidnapping has filled German radios for several hours, Stanley explaining that the great Fuhrer puts himself at risk to send his armed SS men to the aid of the endangered German children. Given the opened closets of the shopkeeper's frau; passed out from shock on her bed; the Fuhrer selects a single wardrobe Wonder Woman has in her plan.; Wonder Woman's red and white striped shin high boots not at all a blend into this selected wardrobe; Stanley taking a pair of shoes as well. There will be no further lights out this night for the shopkeeper and his frau, when she regains consciousness; the Fuhrer even insists upon paying for the clothes; the shopkeeper waving off payment,,,the first time only, he would dread turning this smiling face into a frown of even the slightest magnitude. Turning her colorful costume into under garments for this quite baggy dress and long sleeved blouse, Wonder Woman Germanizes her appearance ,but estimates that a wig is a must, as blonde as wigs get. A babushka will however just have to suffice, an in auto scarf found, a wig shop perhaps half way to Berlin away from Wonder Woman's plan. In passing by the nearest SS headquarters hours earlier, Stanley had all calls to der Fuhrer routed to Holtzen Castle in the mountainous Black Forest; the news of the mass kidnapping Berlin possibly hasn't gotten word of yet officially; news casts are too unreliable and possibly American radio interferences spreading like wildfire throughout Germany to panic its people. At the train depot selected by der Fuhrer, the SS men await the train; Stanley's plan however of separating from these SS men, he must now reenter; the hour now enough progressed to allow a Wonder Woman drop off at an SS post somewhere along the route; der Fuhrer will now retake command of the dire situation. Just as Wonder Woman had anticipated , the train's slow arrival is a chugging steam engine noise hushing down to a stop forward and a concert of whining infants throughout the train's two attached carsful of children.. From the train the SS men can be seen, as expected, the Nazis not just going to let their most prominent children fend for their little selves, in the minds of the kidnappers of unproven origin. The Nazis as well are going to provide a cushion for the kidnappers' oversight; a nanny to tend to the noisy babies aboard; the Nazis know that these smallest of children are starved wet and thirsty for milk; the nanny sack obviously filled with baby needs that will empty the ears of the kidnappers of the annoying cries of the German babies. The nanny, Wonder Woman, is the only person stepping forward toward the train, that now unloads the men that will gather the wealth from the German banks in this city of Mannheim; any other advancements toward the train and the children all die in a spray of machinegun bullets. Vehicle transportation to do their deed is almost readily volunteered these kidnappers, any vehicle at the depot theirs to choose from; any following of these vehicles or unexpected resistances at the banks and the children die as well. As the kidnappers are deployed, the nanny opening up her large tote bag for inspection steps onto the train. Waved through for weapons, the tote bag is released to be carried into the rear car and set down in the aisle beside the nearest crying baby being comforted by a teen that has nothing to offer that crying infant but a very loving hug that is shaking somewhat itself. The nanny sack is filled with baby bottles provided by the women of Mannheim, and few first aid items that may be needed by the nanny; that is rumored to have arrived at the depot with the Fuhrer that peeks out from inside the depot, surrounded by SS men. Like a station vendor, Wonder Woman gets the needed milk to those crying infants first throughout the train cars; having to shrug her shoulders in denial of the older children that are hungry as well, but able to endure hardship that the infants cannot. Too much of a carry on would have been denied by the kidnappers, that now number 6, all with machineguns ready to mow down the innocent children at the first sign of trouble in the way of interference with their plan of operation and execution of this madness as well. END chapter 4 bandit