Jenna Takedown: NADS Buster By Avida Dolor ( Chapter 2, A troubled double donging and a heady evening at Hank's Hideeho Warning: This work of fiction contains frank language and explicit sex and violence. No one under 18 permitted to read without the express consent of parent or guardian. Copyright 1999 Avida Dolor Chapter 2 Michelle looks down at Brad, squinting with one eye like she was sighting down a gun barrel. "Oh, cool," she says nonchalantly. She smiles at me, that crooked front tooth looking so cute. "You look good, Jen." "Thanks, babe. You looking pretty fine yourself. Like, are you pumped, or what?" Michelle is streaming sweat down her neck and bare chest, the perspiration running in rivulets in the valleys between the thick pulsing blue veins that coil across her massive pecworks like flesh fiber-optics. She's got a modest bustline by big-girl standards, but, like Brooke, with pecs like these, who needs nay-nays? The small, stiff brown nipples spread wide in rising arcs as Michelle tightens her tit tension, the pec plateaus shifting like continental drift. "Been benching," Michelle offers by way of explanation. "Really got into it." I don't wanna ask what she pushes lately. I bet it's more than I do. She's not as big as me, overall, but she's still got bigger arms than me, and her pecs look totally superior to mine, chiseled like Easter Island tit totems, and not just because I have a big girlie rack and she doesn't. Michelle is 20 now, and never got into Titanic. She got out of Tonya way ahead of us and we got her a supply of Largesse--this was in the pre-T days--which did her pretty nice, considering she was already 18. She went from 6-0, 185 to 6-1-1/2, 215, and the only reason her weight is so low is she's got virtually no bodyfat. She has so many tie- ins showing it leaves me tongue-tied. "What's with the guy?" she wonders, casually belching loud and long like a frat pig. "This is my ex-boyfriend, Brad," says Stef, throwing the blanket aside. "You remember the story about Brad?" "Oh, shit," Michelle hisses. "The guy who raped you." "One of 'em," says Stef. "One's already dead. He discovered that what goes around, comes around. But this one is the chief culprit, since he was the one who should've been protecting me from his *friends.* Right, Brad?" Stef stands over Brad, her teeth bared savagely, and stares down into his terrified face. Brad makes grunting noises from under the duct tape and twitches around as much as he can in a hog tie, which isn't much at all. Stef really knows how to truss someone. Then she pulls his underwear down to his knees and his poor exposed little dick is hanging there looking soft and vulnerable. Stef is flushed with excitement again--she's blushing a hot neon pink all over her neck and cheeks and she's starting to breathe hard, her fists clenching in a violent rhythm, her feet pawing the floor like a brooding mare's. "If you kick him in the balls too hard, you could kill him, Stef," I warn. "I *intend* to kill him," she says. "But not in one shot," I go. "You wanna make it last, don't you?" "Why kill him now at all?" Michelle wonders. "He's a rapist. Why not just let him suffer for a while? I know a girl who has a farm in the hills with a *real* dungeon in it. You take him up there, you can just leave him for a week to starve in the pitch black. Give him nothing but bread and water and let him shit and piss on the floor in the corner. Then go up and torture him at your convenience, after you demoralized him first. Think about it: He spends a week suffering in solitary, knowing it's only gonna get worse when you let him out." Michelle knows a lot about solitary. That's where she spent the better part of three years in Tonya. "Wow, Michelle, it sounds like you've done this for a client," I go. "Did he pay extra for the bread and water?" "We don't have time to take him up to the hills now," says Stef before Michelle has a chance to reply to my wisecrack. "We have a show with Tonya tonight." "Well, if you want to beat him to death now, make it snappy, girl," says Michelle as she idly scratches under her thong. "Gotta shower and put my outfit on. Got a guy here in an hour. Followed by four more. This is a big work night for me." Stef should've called on the cell. This isn't going right. "Why don't we take him to Tonya's and leave him there overnight, then take him up to the hills tomorrow?" I suggest. "Tonya won't mind." Stef pauses and thinks. Then she grabs Brad up with one hand under an armpit and, with a grunt, lifts his 220 or so pounds in the air so he's dangling with his knees off the floor. Then she punches him in the face so hard blood squishes around her knuckles like she hit a fistful of ketchup packets. She loses her grip on him and he bounces on the wood floor on his knees and falls over on his side like a bowling pin, blood leaking from his nose, his eyes gone all fuzzy. "Shit," says Stef, looking at a cut on her hand that's apparently from one of Brad's teeth. Then she sucks on her knuckle like a vampire. "I shoulda put a glove on. I cut my hand right *through* the fucking tape?" She bends over and rips the tape off Brad's mouth. There are two cracked-off teeth stuck to it and blood dripping off it, with more bubbling out of Brad's swollen mouth. Shit. Stef hits hard when she's mad. "But that's a great idea, Jen," she says brightly. "Let's take him to Ton's and leave him there. Michelle, can you call your friend and set this up for tomorrow?" "Of course. But you gotta toss me first. Having you two over here is making me hornier than a nymphomaniac on nembies." Michelle turns her back to us and bends over, sliding her bikini bottom down slow and sexy like a professional stripper, her buttcheeks writhing with flirtatious flexion. "Gee, that sounds like a real chore, Michelle," I joke, as she grabs the backs of her knees and pulls her head through her legs, her tongue in extended snake-flick like she's going to toss *herself*. Wow, Michelle is awful limber for someone made of timber. And she sure has mellowed. She was a Nancy in Tonya, not a Hard, and she had a reputation inside as most likely to be a serial killer. Though she wasn't in for murder. She got the book thrown at her for fucking up her abusive alcoholic parents. And that was before she got really big, when she was only 15. She permanently crippled her father and made him deaf in one ear and ruined her mother's kidneys and throat. Her mom's on dialysis now and talks with one of those freaky larynx buzzers. I merrily get on my knees and spread Michelle's ass, though she does most of the spreading herself with sheer muscle power, keeping her cheeks flexed apart, her asshole gaping in my face in a lip-smacking display of sphincter strength. I slip my tongue in and Michelle grabs it and holds it firmly with her muscles and actually starts to suck it in deeper with poopchute peristalsis. Wow, again. I'm a very big girl now and I have a very big tongue. It would no more fit in the average asshole than my fist would. I haven't seen Michelle in a couple months, we don't get out to Chucho too often. Her buttworks just keeps getting stronger and stronger. I'd ask her what exercises she's doing for her third eye lately, but I can't get my tongue out to talk, she's gripping it like steely fingers. Then there's a terrible squealing noise behind me and Michelle lets me loose. It's Stef fucking Brad. She went into the bedroom and got one of Michelle's huge strapons. She's got her jeans around her knees, she's untied his legs and she's got this big black thing rammed up Brad's ass. The pathetic prick has no tape on his smashed mouth, and he's caterwauling like a cocksucker, blood still running from his broken teeth and lips. "You should be videotaping this," Stef says with clenched jaw to Michelle. "I'm getting my salad tossed here," Michelle whines. "I'm gonna wanna see this later, and so's Tonya," says Stef. "Shoot this first, then I'll give you such a fucking toss you'll shit golden bricks." "Oh, all right." Michelle puts her thong back on and gets her Hi-8 while I walk over for a front view of Brad. Sure enough, that big dildo up his ass has stiffed his cock but good. And he's big. Not nearly as big as Harry Dexter, which is my only real-life gauge for cock size, but big nonetheless. "Stef, this guy's got a monster dong on him," I go. "That's 'cause he's got a monster dong *in* him," Stef snarls. "How's it feel up your ass, boyfriend? Feel good?" Brad snivels in protest as Stef hunches him harder and deeper. Michelle is videotaping now, and Stef starts to put on a show, holding Brad in a sort of modified full nelson so she can literally lift him into the air and jackhammer his butt so his hips are bucking in space. Then my heart almost stops--there's a knock on the door. "Who the fuck is that?" I hiss in a minor panic. Michelle hands me the camera and looks through the peephole. She turns around and grins at me devilishly. "It's my first appointment, almost an hour early. Exactly the kind of shit I'd expect from this little fucker. He needs to be punished." Michelle opens the door and extends her arm around it--she's almost naked and has to mind the neighbors--and pulls the guy in so hard he falls down. "Why so rough, Mistress Michelle?" he complains shrilly. Shit, it's Mickey, the little imp from Mr. Wheezy's Squeezy, the scissors magazine. His eyes light up with glee as he sees Stef and me. "What's going on?" he asks excitedly. "You have a session on already? Jenna and Stef! Great to see you girls! You're looking totally fabulous!" "Uh, thanks, Mickey," I go, squinting at him through the viewfinder. I'm still taping. Mickey won't mind, he's a familiar face. *Too* familiar. He's actually a fellow resident of Santa Shorta. He lives just a couple blocks from us. So does Brooke, for that matter, but we don't see her in the street much, she has slaves to do all her shopping. We see Mickey a lot 'cause he's always walking his Chihuahua. He hasn't been around lately, though. I heard he went east for a vacation or something. I'm about to ask him about it when Michelle growls, "I don't believe you had the fucking spleen to show up here early again," shaking the runt violently by the sleeve of his polyester Hawaiian print shirt, which is surely a men's small, unless he got it in the boy's department at Penney's. She rips the sleeve right off his shirt, then rips the whole shirt right off *him*. "I'm gonna have Brad here teach you a lesson you'll never forget," she sneers. Mickey looks dazed and euphoric, despite the fact that his shirt is ruined. He told me once he has a lot of money in the bank, his father owned a car dealership. "What?" he says brightly. "Who *is* this guy? And who punched his mouth so hard? I thought *I* was the first session of the day." "You're *Brad's* first session of the day," says Michelle as she takes Mickey, who's like 5-3, 135, right off the floor and undresses him in the air like he was a doll. An anatomically-correct doll. Michelle pulls off Mickey's little Hush Puppies, then whips off his dorky Dockers and his very brief Calvin Klein briefs, and his wong is suddenly flopping around like a happy hose. But Mickey's not merry now. He's kicking and struggling and making all kinds of verbal threats, but he can't do a thing against the big girl, who bitch slaps him so hard his moussed pompadour is spun into spikes. Mickey's face goes dark. He knows what's coming even before I do. He's got a sixth sense about personal bodily harm. I know he recently had some ribs busted and a lung collapsed during some scissors session gone bad. Mickey won't divulge the details, he says he's writing an article about the experience. I also know he once got busted up so bad by a Hungarian midget wrestler/bodybuilder circus chick he had to have surgery on his knees, wrists, elbows and even a shoulder--he's scarred up like a junior Frankenstein. It's what turned his hair half gray, he's only in his early 40s. Harry Dexter is actually selling a videotape of this event--he's got a very professional label now called Venomous Video--along with footage of Mickey getting beat up and shat on by another slightly bigger Hungarian muscle chick. The tape is titled Little Man's Fate, and Tonya has a copy, but I went in the bedroom the one time she had it on when I was over. I don't need to see tiny middle-aged guys get horribly humiliated by tiny foreign chicks, it's perverted. Though the chick who shat on him also ejaculates from her pussy somehow, and that part I watched over and over in slo-mo. But right now I'm about to see a tiny middle-aged guy get horribly humiliated by a big American chick and a big American dick. I'm also about to videotape it. Maybe I can sell it to Harry for Little Man's Fate 2. Never mind the maybe, there's no doubt about it. Michelle grabs the now naked Mickey--she even took his argyle socks off--in a front bear hug and puts it on him so hard he screams in pain and all his vertebrae pop loud and clear like he was in the clutches of a demonic chiropractor. Then she bends him down so his head is between her thighs while she grabs *his* thighs, which are skinny enough for her to grip in her big hands like they were wrists. Stef is still ramming the strapon into Brad, who still has a massive, throbbing hardon. Mickey is howling from between Michelle's mighty thighs now, slapping her iron hamstrings, his little hands making futile smacking sounds. He's hysterically trying to communicate something about he just got over surgery for some kind of sodomy? . . . and he can't be subjected to . . . it's lost in a wail of agony as Michelle and Stef maneuver their men together so Brad impales Mickey on his length with one deep rending thrust and then Stef starts fucking Brad, which makes Brad fuck Mickey, who's getting a big stiffy himself, and it's a daisy chain of anal assault. This goes on for three minutes or so, Mickey screaming bloody murder, though he's muffled between Michelle's massive thighs, while Brad hopelessly mutters, "No, no," barely moving his busted mouth. I must say, I'm impressed with Mickey's equipment. He's got a hell of a schlong on him for such a little guy. It's bigger than Brad's by far. I figured Mickey had a healthy hunk of manmeat just by the way his hardon bulges in his pants--he always has a rod on when he sees me in the street, and I always think he's about to whip it out and start pounding it, he looks so damn sex starved. But this is the first time I've actually seen his cock in the flesh. Or any cock, besides Harry's. Except for Brad's. Hey, I saw two new cocks in one day! And four balls! Wouldn't my mom be thrilled! But wait, it's money-shot showtime. Brad, with a faraway look of glazed pleasure in his eyes, shoots his wad deep up Mickey's ass. I know Brad's coming because he's groaning, "Oh, God, I'm coming!" I zoom in for a nice closeup of Brad's buttocks flexing as he explosively ejaculates like a barnyard raunch rooster, then I zoom out expertly as Stef withdraws her drained rapist, his cock still fat and half hard, dripping spunk streamers, and Michelle takes her scissors off Mickey and lets him collapse on the floor, still with a fair-sized hardon himself despite the blood and semen trickling out his bunghole. Mickey's moaning and muttering, "Oh, God, I don't believe it," over and over, and we eventually get the story, between sobs. It seems Mickey just got back from *another* hospitalization, this one across the country. He was visiting an old friend at Amy Fisher and he got sodomized so severely by some kind of hairy little muscle zombie guy--I couldn't quite follow the story, Mickey's crying too much, but the guy's name must be Phil--he had to have intestinal surgery, just like Abner Louima, that immigrant in New York who had a cop shove a broomstick up his behind and then made him lick it. Well, Mickey didn't say anything about Phil making him lick it. But *that* attack on Mickey was videotaped too. Shit, I'll have to buy Tonya a copy of Little Man's Fate 2 for her birthday, it sounds like she'll cherish it always. Anyway, we get out of there. But first I put down the camera and get on my knees and work Mickey back up to full stiffness with my big, strong but tender and spit-slick hand. He looks up at me, lying there all pathetic on his side, and gives me this admiring gape like I was a mouse pulling a thorn out of his paw. I'm pulling more like a tree trunk. Mickey is so big in my hand now it's like I'm gripping a kosher salami. I haven't got clue one about how to jerk a guy off, but I must be doing something right 'cause a minute later Mickey is spewing cock custard all over the floor, almost squirting the icky sticky stuff on my legs. Gross. I carefully clean my hand off in the bathroom and we skedaddle. Michelle will have to get her salad tossed another time and she'll have to tend to Mickey's rear, too, now that I've tended to his front. He's howling for an ambulance now, he needs to see a proctologist, his ass is hemorrhaging, it's an emergency. Michelle can deal with this, the guy is *her* client. Stef binds up Brad again and we head home to clean up and eat. Brad, securely hogtied in the back, isn't struggling now. I guess he's mellowed a little, after getting his balls drained up some strange guy's rectum. On the way back, Stef says to me, "Why'd you give that little shitbird a free handjob?" "I thought it was the least he was entitled to after we *violated* him like that. All he did was show up for his appointment early." "It was Michelle's call, she's his Mistress," Stef shrugs. "Yeah, but he's our *neighbor*" I point out. "He's a nice guy, and he's got the cutest little Taco Bell dog. He drove me home from Tonya, too. He was there in a big Buick the moment I got out the gate." "He just wanted to cop a feel," Stef scoffs. "Stef, he needed a good come after that humiliation, and I gave him one. It only involved one minute and one lousy hand. You're too down on men right now to dig it, you're obsessed with Brad and Dennis and the other guys. Let's talk about it another time." "You're right, babe, but bear with me," says Stef, rubbing my thigh warmly. "I'm on a vengeance murder spree. It's something I've gotta get outta my system." Then she turns around and leans into the back and punches the bundle that is Brad hard enough to splinter bone. His bone, not hers. Why weren't Stef's rapists smart enough to join a Tibetan monastery? Cut to Tonya's house in Cobblestone Gardens, a nice neighborhood in Santa Patella where everyone's got perfectly manicured lawns and freshly painted white picket fences. She lives alone now. She had a girlfriend living there for a while, this beefy tattooed barmaid she met in a tittie tavern, but the chick split, Tonya punched her around too much. Tonya punches a lot of people around too much. She was married to a guy after she left Jeff Ukulele or whatever his name was, but she beat *that* guy up so bad he divorced her. Used to knee his nuts and stuff while she was pretending to want a hug. Tonya's a mean drunk, and she's got a natural nasty streak. Especially around men, though she likes to bitch slap babes too. Then she swore off men and got really big. And got a very nice Reckless Wrestling contract to go with her new bod. If the RWF ever goes national and gets a real cable deal, she's gonna be sitting pretty. She's sitting pretty right now, too. Pretty *huge*, stark naked in a big leather recliner across the room from her 50-inch projection TV, which is showing a CNN report on the Cali K-Fad "epidemic"--that fucking drug that makes you crazy that we had so much trouble with in stir. It's getting wider distribution now, via Mexican girl gangs who are just using it to foment general anarchy, dosing people randomly. I don't wanna think about it, it makes me think of Sara, who I miss so much it hurts. She killed Brooke's little slave while crazy on that drug, and she even tried to kill me. I swing my gaze back to Tonya, who's massaging her quads with this glow of pleasure on her face like she's giving herself foreplay. "Girls, gonna be a great show tonight," she says in a throaty warble. Ton's voice got deeper from Largesse. It had to, I guess, she grew everywhere. Even her brain is bigger, I bet. She's too smart nowadays to trust her career to *men*, that's for sure. "I'm so pumped up I can hear the blood running through me," she goes. "Sounds like the whoosh of highway traffic on the fuckin' interstate." Tonya flexes her right arm into 19 inches of massed, mounded muscle and beckons to me with the pointed bludgeon of her elbow. "Put your ear against this, Jen. You can hear the ocean." I kneel next to the chair and put my ear against Tonya's arm. I *can* hear the ocean. Shit. I squeeze Tonya's bicep in my big hands and trace the bulging veins with my fingers. "Girlfriend, you are *enormous*" I go. "We should put some Load Lotion on this arm and get a measurement on videotape. I flick my tongue over one of Tonya's stiff cherry red nipples, then lean into her lap and fasten my face on the hot tittie tip, the back of my throat flooding with saliva. "Uh, Jen, you're forgetting about the *load* we have in the truck, aren't you? Let's tend to all that soon-to-be-dead weight before we start counting inches, OK?" I pull off the teat treat with a puckery pop. "Oh, right. Sure. Tell her, Stef." So Stef fills Tonya in on Brad and gets permission to store him here overnight. She gets the bundle from the Jimmy, and after we let him pee we tie Brad naked to Ton's Dan Lurid home gym. We bind him real good, mouth taped again, the whole deal. He can't move anything but his eyes, which are darting around in sheer terror. Then we head for Hank's House of Hideeho. It's a regular strip club, except on two nights a month when it's Sapphic Saturday, dykes only. Brooke is the one who got the idea going, and this'll be the fourth outing. Her slaves, these two little identical twin cutie pies known as Thing 1 and Thing 2, used to dance there for the guys, but these foxy blondes are so muscular they started attracting a lipstick lesbian strong-girl-lovers crowd, which really freaked out the regular male customers. In a good way. Then Brooke "discovered" the Soleus Sisters when she got ahold of a copy of their amateur "bootleg" video called Stompin' at the Savoy. The Sisters rented a room in the Savoy Hotel in Santa Tarsus, hired a friend to operate the camera, invited four unsuspecting white guys up for a sex and drugs party and proceeded to trample them to within an inch of their lives. It's a bias crime, and I'm biased in favor of it. Tonya has a copy of it, and this one I watched all the way through--five times. The chick who handled the videography was really good and the Sisters know just how to play to the camera: Stomp a chest with enough force to shatter ribs, stop and pose the leg, digging the ball of the foot into the carpet, then pivoting hard on the suckably perfect, puce-painted toes so the calf bulges big as the guy's pain-dizzy head. Just thinking about it makes my groin giddy, I can't help myself. Anyway, Brooke, always the entrepreneur, appointed herself the Sisters' unofficial manager and talked Hank into having a Dyke Night. Then Ton agreed to top the bill--she loves showing off in a thong for an adoring throng--and now Sapphic Saturday is a standing room only smash with a line around the block. It's standing room only in my pants too. I've got a clit-stiffy that's pup-tenting my knee-length spandex ski stretchies like a baying bitch in estrus. As cool as Ton's act is, and as whip-lean sexy as the Things are, it's the Soleus Sisters who really toast my muffin at this lesbo peepshow. Nadina and Natina. Cousins, gorgeously light-skinned black girls with matching bleached blonde cornrows, both 20, they look a lot alike and they're built almost the same. They've got fitness-finessed, uppity upper bods with nice wide shoulders framing full, solid D cups; add nicely peaked arms and a crossfire of cuts in the back and abs, with really tight, tapered midsections, along with the expected blast-furnace booties--but it's their legs that rule. The 28-inch cafe au lait columns of muscle-bloated thigh I can understand, though it's a bit overproportioned on them, but black girls aren't supposed to have gastrocnemii-openers like this, it's not in their genetics. These girls are around 5-5, 160 and they've got 21-inch calves. That's about as big as their fucking *waists*, not to mention bigger than my arms. It's not human. They're on a drug called KaBoost, it's engineered for the black metabolism, delivered in suppository form, that's how it works best. Fine. If you need to stick something up your ass every day for calves like this, I'll be happy to have you bend over, clean or dirty, while I do the insertion myself. But the Sisters won't tumble for me. They don't like white chicks. Or they just like each other. I don't think they get it on with anyone else but themselves. They rejected come-ons from Stef, from Ton, even from Brooke. Joan of fucking Arc couldn't resist making the likes of these three, surely not ultra-look Brooke. Speaking of the mile-high hoyden, here she is now as we enter the club. Things 1 and 2 are on stage, doing their strip routine for a hooting and hollering horde of diesel dykes. There are plenty of lipstickers too, but they're getting pushed to the rear by all these brawny brutes with nose and eyebrow rings and flaming dragon tats. "Hey, girls," yells Brooke, trying to be heard over the techno din. "Ready for a big show? I checked out the heel-and-toe ho's backstage. They've got a new thing where they split the seams on their hooker hose with a leg flex. It was such a turnon I just about pulled my pants down and *begged* them for a foot fuck. But they won't have me. I've really gotta respect them for that. Most girls would *pay* to even get a kiss from me." "Most girls would pay to get a word in edgewise in a fuckin' conversation with you," says Tonya, only half-kidding, as she looks impatiently around the big smoky room, her pecs jerking nervously under her too-tight red silk bowling shirt, which has "Nancy" sewn in script above the breast pocket. Ton's always wound up before a show. If she's not careful she's gonna pop a button--or someone's nose. She could throw a punch in a crowd without even knowing what she's doing, she flicks fist like other people sneeze. "I love your new Sinew layout, Stef," says Brooke, ignoring Tonya completely. Brooke doesn't provoke anymore, and she doesn't like rough, uncouth, bad-side-of-town girls like Tonya. She saw the light when she got that near-fatal heart punch at the last fight night in stir, and she's been this mellow New Age freak ever since. "Thanks, Brooke," says Stef with a smile, trying not to come off too chilly. She has a hard time being nice around former Nancies, and she doesn't have the weird bond with Brooke that I do. "You doing another yourself?" "I don't know. I got an offer from Mega Ms. to do a movie. They've got a video division now. And there'd be a layout in the mag to promote the movie. If I go with Mega Ms., though, I can't work for Sinew. What a fucking rivalry they've developed." "I'd be wary of Sternum," I go. "They say she's a cunt." Brooke smiles, and even in the dimly lit club her teeth shine like perfect rows of miniature klieg lights. "I know what they say. But I met her. I was invited to her office in Santa Emasculata. She was real sweet to me. She's not a cunt, but she's sure *got* a cunt. What a snatch on her! And she didn't play hard to get. Not like the sweet, sweet Sisters." "You *made* Gloria Sternum?" I shout. Brooke leans down close to me, so her sweet lemony breath is caressing my cheek. She's 6-fucking-11 and I'm finding it strange to be looking *up* at someone, though it's sort of a pleasure for a change. "We didn't go all the way," Brooke husks, nibbling my ear. "She won't sit on my face unless I sign with her. But I got a good look at her body. I mean, she strutted her stuff for me, I didn't even have to ask. Her transformation is just stunning. She's built kinda thick and dense, yet she's supple and shredded. Really nice peaks on her bi's too. A woman that age, hard to believe. She's *hot*. You should meet her, she'll like you for sure, she's into athletes." "I wonder if she has my wrestling tape. Everyone else in the world does, thanks to Harry." "She's going into *competition* with Harry, and as clever as that bastard is, I think she's gonna whup his hairy ass. She's *smart*, not just street smart." Brooke runs her obscenely huge tongue around her obscenely beestung lips. "So how *are* you, baby?" she thrill trills. "Why don't you come over sometime soon for a fisting? We'll blow some hash." I smile up at Brooke and rub her hard, bare, beautiful ass with my hand. She's wearing a black leather bustier, black panties, fishnets and garter belt with four-inch spike heels, which puts her well over seven feet. She walks around the club all night like this, flexing a lot, letting all the chicks eyeball her up close, it's part of the Dyke Night attraction, something she worked out with Hank. She's making me melt, I can smell the hot musk rising off her like dream steam, but every time I see her I have to make myself forget that she once engineered a bunch of snuff tapes and got some friends of mine killed. I think. "I will," I purr up into her perfect ear, rubbing my nose against the tiny silver and black obsidian love stud in her luscious lobe. "I'm kinda busy with Tonya. But I'd like to make a scene with you. And the Things." I stroke Brooke's gleaming bare arm, and she tightens her muscles so the bicep leaps into my hand, the deep-tanned heads pulsing under my palm, a fat brachial artery pressed into my skin like a lifeline. Jesus Christ, Brooke is built! Titanic did her so righteous. Her T tattoo, the snake and anchor, stretches so much now when she flexes it looks like it's reflected in a funhouse mirror. The hooded executioner chick on her other arm is just as distorted. Funny tat for a pacifist. Shit, we have such a history together. We're a regular sideshow. Brooke's the one who put me in Tonya and paid for my capping. Fuck, that makes me think of Sara again, who won't leave Texas. I talk to her on the phone all the time and beg her to come back, but she's frozen with fear or something, Ice, that evil bitch, mangled her mind. Then the Things are leaving the stage and the Sisters are getting ready to come out. Brooke gives me a kiss, stuffing my face full of that giant wet pink tongue, and drifts off into the crowd to show off, as Tonya, Stef and I take our reserved seats at a table on the upper level and a wiry waitress rushes over with pitchers of beer. I light a doob as soon as I sit down and pass it around. Gotta be stoned for the Sisters. It's from the dope I copped at Brit's house. Primo shit. The Hideeho is a free- smoking environment, thanks to a deal Hank made with the cops. He's got good ventilation, and I don't just mean his fly is always open, though it is. Then Brittany and Caitlin show up. Hank ushers them to our table. "These girls say they're with you," Hank goes. "I have my doubts, they don't look big enough." Hank's cute. I don't mean like that, he's just a character. He looks sort of like the late Charles Bukowski, except Hank's uglier. "They *are* with us, and this one here has calves big enough to do a show with the Sisters," I say. "Then why's she wearing long pants?" Hank wants to know. "Because I'm *modest*," says Caitlin. "When you got it, you don't need to flaunt it." "If everyone had that attitude, I'd be out of business," Hank goes. "Well, the Sisters don't have that attitude, and they're on now." I say. "So get out of here, Hank, your face and their legs don't mix." "I wouldn't say that," Hank goes. "Their ankles look great, don't they? They'd look even better slung over my shoulders." "Hank, take a hike now or I'm gonna rip your nuts off and stuff them up your ass," Tonya says, only half-kidding, her pecs in a fast twitch, the red silk swelling like a Chinese junk sail. "Oh, is that all?" Hank quips, staring at Ton's straining chest with unconcealed lust. "I was afraid you were gonna head-butt me." Then he scoots as I pass the joint to Brit and Caitlin. Shit, they can probably recognize their own shit. I don't have time to worry about this; the Soleus Sisters are introduced by Gertie, the huge-titted fat dyke MC, who is actually Hank's ex-wife. Backed by Rod Stewart's Hot Legs, remixed as a hip-hop beat, with a rap track overdubbed by the sisters themselves, Nadina and Natina, as always, rock my world. And the new stocking-buster routine is the absolute bomb. They do it together, broad backs to the audience, standing up high on the sharp toes of their stiletto heels, somehow tearing the nylons in sync. I assume the hose is doctored in some way, but who cares? They leg press each other, leg raise each other, leg curl each other, donkey raise each other, play- scissor each other, and then link up in a human wheel and ro ll around the stage together before going into this simulated 69 routine in their tiny, shiny gold bikinis. Then they somehow pull their metal ankle bracelets--they each wear a pair--up over their calves and bust *them* in sync. Edibly incredible. I sit there stoned silly, guzzling beer and rubbing my forearm over my crotch, my mouth hanging open, almost drooling. Everyone else at the table is the same way, even too-taut Ton. The Sisters are just totally riveting. The applause is deafening, and half a dozen dykes peel out of their jeans and throw their boxer shorts on the stage. Tonya has a hard act to follow. Lucky she has a hard head to follow it with. "I gotta go backstage and get loose," she says, doing a long, languid neck roll, which is belied by the cords of sinew standing out around her throat like high-tension wires. She excuses herself, shouldering her way through the crowd, shorter and wider than just about everybody she passes, and I breathe a sigh of relief when she gets behind the curtain without hitting anybody. Now we get the chance to acquaint ourselves with Brit and Caitlin. And Caitlins's legs. I sit close to her and she pulls her Bongo bell bottoms up and puts her colossal calves across my thighs. "I don't believe we were sitting at the same table as Tonya Harding," Caitlin says in amazement. "She's a *friend* of yours?" "She's more than a friend," says Stef. "We're her bodyguards. It's a She Roids deal." "A girl built like that needs bodyguards?" Brittany scoffs. "She's only 5-4," I go. "As big and strong as she is, how would she defend herself against someone Stef's size, say?" "She'd go low and break my fucking knees before I had a chance to blink," Stef says with a wry smile. "Let's put it this way, girls: If you have to guard a body, she's got a great body to guard." The girls nod solemnly in stoned wonderment. "So what happened to Brad?" Caitlin asks, her delectable toes wiggling at me in her Tevas. "He's under wraps," says Stef, trying to sound official. "In a safe house. So he's, like, safe." "And what about Dennis?" Brittany asks, pouring everyone more beer. "Any word?" "Nothing," says Stef, trying to look concerned. "Dennis is incommunicado at the moment, but we have a lot of people on the case. Were you close to him? He had that picture of you in his wallet." Brit shrugs and rolls her stoned-out eyes. "He was crazy about me, but I wasn't *close* to him," she says with a giggle. "I mean, not *sexually.* I had to give him a few handjobs here and there to live in his house with Caitlin rent free, but that was about it. I'm really not into guys." "What the hell do you girls do for a living?" I ask. "We sell drugs," says Brit nonchalantly. "Why do you think we had all that dope on the table?" I nod and quickly change the subject, feeling guilty about the bags I grabbed as we left their house. I mean, I don't have any right ripping these girls off. They rock without cock. I guess I thought I was robbing from the late Dennis, but I wasn't. I'm too embarrassed to mention it, though they probably know anyway. They must've counted the bags, even if they didn't recognize their own dope. "So where's Lake Manioc?" I ask. Brit looks at me dumbly for a second. "Oh, the picture? Down the road from the Amy Fisher Correctional Facility for Girls. Dennis and Brad drove us cross country. We stayed in motels, separate rooms for girls and boys. But Dennis got jerked off every day on *that* trip. He paid all the gas and all our meals. I even let him come on my tits once." She makes a face and shudders, and I admire the way it makes her big bubbies jiggle under her long-sleeve button-down guy shirt. Caitlin's dressed the same way. They're still concealing their arms, playing hard to get, I guess. Or maybe they thought you had to dress quiet at a club called Hank's Hideeho. How could they know it was no men allowed tonight? "What about Brad?" Stef asks, trying to seem unconcerned. "He get any helping hand from you?" "He didn't get jackshit," Caitlin reports. "He has no money. He has no job. He's a drunk. He never gets laid. Just sponges off of Dennis." "So why'd you go cross country?" I wonder. "Were you visiting someone in jail?" "No, we made a pilgrimage to Amy," Brit continues. "To see Amy, not just her prison. She was doing a show in town, at the Ramada? A NADS convention. We're, like, really major fans. Of Amy, not the NADs." She looks warily at us. "How was she?" asks Stef. "I've never seen her in the flesh." "Totally awesome," says Caitlin, who's pointing her toes hard and rubbing her bulging calf across my quad as I inch myself further off my chair so she can make contact with my crotch. "I'm curious to compare her to Tonya." "Well, Amy doesn't do the head thing," I go. "That's, like, really flipped out." "What's the head thing?" Brit asks. "Oh, never mind, just watch her act," Stef says. "Let it be a surprise. She'll be out in just a few minutes." So we talk about Slam Gams instead, and Caitlin makes me confess that I stole her issue by torturing my clit with her calf--actually by threatening to stop rubbing it. Talk about leg brutality. "It's out in the Jimmy, Caitlin," I moan. "I'll give it back to you when we leave, I swear." "Hey, those Soleus Sisters should do a Slam Gams centerfold," says Brit. "Fucking A," I go. "I'll mention it to Brooke. She probably doesn't know the magazine either, it's too new. Who publishes it anyway? It's not affiliated with Sinew, right?" "No, it's some guy named Jerry Margulies," says Caitlin. "I just read his editor's note before you barged in this afternoon. Really interesting stuff. He had some kind of scissors affair with a girl who was his student, he taught high school phys ed. She was really big and she accidentally gave him a stroke with her thighs. He was partially paralyzed for months, but he thinks that's cool. Like, it's a badge of honor or something." "And does he say what happened to the girl?" Stef asks. "Yeah," Caitlin replies. "Get this: She got a year in *Amy*. Was charged with `femoral sodomy.' He calls her a political prisoner. The whole fucking magazine is dedicated to her." "She must have one fucking fine pair of thighs," I muse. "Any pictures of her? I didn't get to go through the issue yet, I just checked out Kim so far." "No," Caitlin goes, frowning. "She's, like, camera shy. According to what this Jerry guy wrote, it was a big scandal. He lost his job, was almost drummed out of town. She was on his volleyball team, see, he was the coach. And he had their sessions secretly videotaped and the police got all the footage when EMS had to be called when he had his stroke. A tape made from the sessions is circulating in the video underground now. Not *too* weird." I make a mental note to ask around about this. Maybe Harry has a copy. Or maybe he's the one circulating them. "You should send him a picture of your calves, Caitlin," I suggest. "You were *made* for this magazine." "Yeah, but I should have a guy's head squeezed between them," she laughs. "Maybe I'll make Dennis pose with me when he comes back." There's an awkward silence while Stef and I ponder the irony that Dennis hasn't got much of a head left to squeeze. "Well, I'm glad this stroke victim guy started a magazine," Stef finally says, "even if I don't have the legs for it." "Yeah, right, Stef," I chortle. "Your sticks are so scrawny. I'm surprised they just don't *collapse* under all that upper body weight." "And I'm *really* glad Gloria Sternum started Mega Ms.," Stef adds, arching an impatient eyebrow at me. She probably can't focus on anything except getting her hands on Brad tomorrow. "I may've been in Sinew twice, but that doesn't mean I won't jump if the money's right." Stef, who's wearing a ridiculously tight and tiny Tonya Forever silkscreened baby tee, unconsciously rubs her gargantuan guns, thinking about how she'll look in her next centerfold, no doubt, by which time she'll probably be stretching the tape to 24 inches, and this auto-massage gets a cute little slightly drunk girl at the next table so horny she comes over and starts touching Stef's biceps and making these loud oooohh and aaaahh noises, cooing, "Fuck me, what a pair of fuck-it-all arms! Fuck me, what a fucking awesome pair of arms!" Shit, I wish *I* had a body part that made strangers babble like bubbleheads. Unbelievable. I'm 6-4, 250 and I'm sitting her complaining to myself that I'm too *small*. Stef politely shoos the intruder away after letting her cop some finger-lickin' feels, then our attention is thankfully diverted as Tonya comes out on stage in six-inch zebra-skin platforms and matching G-string and pasties. The crowd erupts in an avalanche of hoots and hollers, throwing ice cubes from their drinks at her. This is a sign of approbation, though Brit and Caitlin don't get it yet. Tonya proceeds to do the aural sex posing routine with the headset mic, but this is not just another squeeze it 'n' tease it--she's got a better pump on now than I've seen on her in quite a while. Maybe ever. She's all oiled up, way more than usual, and she's *glowing* up there under the hot lights, looking so motherfucking vast and vascular I have to blink a few times to make sure I'm not hallucinating. I'm not. Tonya has it on so big and so hard she's practically coming in her pants, I can tell by the I'm-gonna-shit-a-minivan expression on her face. Stef taps me on the arm and nods knowingly at the stage. She can see it too. Actually, so can the rest of the crowd. Ton's emanating waves of pure pussy power. She's got a ton of 'tude. As in fucking pulchritude. She's got a hot pink auragasm around her that's clinging to her curves like a flesh-fresh bodysuit. As the excited ex-Olympian turns for her achy breaky lat spread, boxer shorts and Jill straps--these jockstraps with butt and cunt plugs built into them that diesels like to wear--are flying through the air, along with Polaroids, scented notepaper folded into airplanes and personal confessions of love on audio cassettes. Even jaded, faded Hank, sitting stageside smoking a Lucky Strike, or rather holding it erect in his quivering lips, is dumbstruck by Ton's dazzling display. The only sound in the place, besides all the heavy breathing, is Ton moaning into her mic, and we're all tuned into this frenzied frequency like ham radio nerds on the cheesecake channel. Ton spins around out of the lat spread, her back furling down like a steel cape, to hit a crab, her traps bunching up big as shot puts around the cobra fan of her neck, the jugulars bulging so bright-as-life blue I can see the veins beat with a corpuscular pulse. Now Ton's building toward that rare and wonderful thing, a center stage super spend. I know this not simply as a matter of female intuition: I can see her upper thighs twisting into tight fists of muscle while the quads teardrop like torpedoes above her knees; her gut is knotting up in a neural network, writhing wildly as she gasps for breath; her chest is flexed so hard her titties are rigid right down to the bullet-tipped teats--she's pulled the pasties off, all her skin needs to breathe. It's an FIO: a flex- induced orgasm, not from her big fat nub rubbing against her pussy pouch, though her big fat nub is indeed rubbing against her pussy pouch, not to mention her swollen labia, which are dripping like summer- slobbering slices of seedless watermelon. No, it's not just a clitoral come, it's not just a vaginal come, it's a total bodygasm, it's making her toes curl and her scalp tingle, and a tsunami of sweat is breaking out all over her, mixing with the heavy oil slicked on her skin. It's like her insides are getting wrung out, I think she may start running blood in a puddle of pore gore any second. She lets out a vulnerable girlie shriek that whistles through the PA system in a frig-frantic falsetto, then doubles over, knees knocked, fists locked, elbows cocked, triceps convulsing in forked phenomena, her face all twisted in a mist of ecstasy, then she's pissing her pants. It's running under her sopping G-string, down her thighs and calves, and she's dirty dancing with herself, her hips in a slow grind as she sinks to her wet knees, her ass high in the air, belly imploded, on all fours now, gibbering into the mic like a fuck monkey, heavy-breathing like a wheeze sleaze, and the crowd explodes in a crackle of collective come current, stamping their feet and screaming hysterically. I finally take a breath, and I realize I'm sweating almost as much as Tonya, my clothes are soaked. Whew! That was intense! But the climax of her act is still to come, so to speak. Ton gets back to her feet, takes the headset off, her pecs in a fidgety fast-twitch, and two of Hank's lean and implant-busty regular club strippers wheel out the 60-pound block of ice on its special platform. Tonya, still panting, raises her arms for quiet, the biceps arcing in semiflex like thunderbolts, and she gets it instantly. You could hear a pinhead drop, and I think I do as some big dyke down in front yells at a girl making noise, "Shut it, ya stinkass retard!" then decks her with a right cross. Breaking a block of ice with your bare head requires a lot of concentration. Tittie-tense Ton stares down at the block, takes a few long, deep yogic breaths, sets and resets her stance a few times, and suddenly strikes it with an atomic head butt, accompanied by an insane kiiii-yaaaaa. The block collapses inward on itself and splits right down the middle almost to its base, chunks of ice falling on the floor for just the right effect. Another eruption of demented collective acclaim. Tonya, looking a bit dazed, smiles, hits a huge double bi, then pumps it slow and hard half a dozen times, the perspiration, I swear to the Goddess, dripping off her elbows and running like a dam-break from her dank, stubbly pits. She studies her own arms with astonishment for a moment, the spotlight sparkling on her pisswet thighs, and walks off the stage a little unsteadily. The ice routine really rings her chimes. It's no trick, it's totally for real. It's something she practiced during her apprenticeship with Chili Rodriguez, a.k.a Tijuana Ass. Ton wasn't really suited for advanced butt control, but Chili wanted her to "specialize" in something, so she went for advanced head control--and she got it in skullbusting spades. She can break boards with her head like other girls do with their fists and feet. And it doesn't even leave a mark on her. I don't get it. I mean, I know Tonya's a hardheaded ORG--original riot grrrl--but this is ridiculous. Anyway, Stef and I excuse ourselves to go backstage and see if Ton's OK. We leave Caitlin and Brit in stunned wonderment, staring stoned into their beers. As we head for the curtain, there's Hank looking like he just saw the Virgin Mary in a see-through blouse. "What an act!" he crows. "I think I crapped myself." "Well, you're about due for your monthly underwear change anyway, huh, Hank?" Stef goes. Hank yuk-yuks in mock laughter and lets us pass with an exaggerated show of gentlemanliness. He knows not to go backstage now. If he did it could prove fatal. Ton won't have a man around before or after her act, it's bad luck. We get back behind the curtain and there she is, in her stark lewdy nudies, standing up holding onto the wall for support while she gets chewed front and rear by the strippers who wheeled the ice out--they're down on their knees in their stage bikinis, lapping at Ton's privates like they were in a hair pie-eating contest. "I'm still coming!" Ton shrieks by way of explanation. "Ton, that was totally unfuckingbelievable," Stef exults. "Your best act ever, totally killer. How's your head? You OK?" Ton blinks in befuddlement. "I think so. I don't know. I'm still seeing double a little, but that should clear in a minute. I've got all kinds of flashes of light in the corners of my eyes, and things look kind of weird, like I'm seeing through binoculars backwards. Never had that shit before. Did I say *kind* of weird? It's fuckin' freaky." "Looking at Stef's arms is *like* seeing double," I go. "And so are *your* arms tonight, Ton. How did you get such a pump on? You were blood bloated when we left the house, for sure, but this was a muscle chubby like I've never seen." "It's the Soleus Sisters," Ton gasps, as she slow-rotates her hips toward the strippers' lips. "Before the act they oiled me up with something they called Af-Gro Sheen. It's like Load Lotion for black girls, they said. But it must be ten times as potent as Load Lotion. It did me like nothing I've ever felt before." "Where are they now?" asks Stef. "They left. I don't even know if they stayed for my act." "Did they say what's in the stuff?" I ask. "Did they leave the bottle? Why would it only be for black girls? I mean, it worked on *you*, right?" Ton shakes her head in ecstatic confusion, drops of sweat flying off her chin. "They didn't say exactly what it was, they didn't give me any to keep. It came from an unmarked tube. They just said it was the greatest muscle rub in the world. The fact that they volunteered to oil me knocked such shit out of me I just let them do it, no questions asked. They'd never even touch me before tonight." "We'll have to get ahold of them and check out this stuff," says Stef. "Run it through the Roids lab." "Aaaaaaarrrrgggghhhhh!" That's Ton coming again, gripping the strippers by the hair fore and aft and grinding their faces into her dripping happy holes so hard I'm afraid she might suffocate them. "Ton, let go of those gel bag bitches and come back to our place," urges Stef. "We're gonna party with Brittany and Caitlin. Aren't they cute?" "They're nice," Ton agrees, her chest heaving in volcanic big-O throes, "but drop me off home, I'm too fucked up to party. I swear to the fucking Goddess you look like you're 50 feet away, you two. That head butt really screwed my eyes. I hope I don't need a CAT scan. I'd rather get a pussy probe. Anyway, I wanna mind the little fella we left in the weight room. Don't want to keep him waiting. Brad, right? Bad Brad." Tonya giggles idiotically, steps out from between the lap-lunch munchers and slaps them both on the back hard enough to knock them flat. "Nice tongue work, girls. I owe you." They don't say anything. They probably can't talk, their jaws are jellied from all that chewing. "Where are my fucking clothes?" Tonya mutters, pulling on her own stiff nipples, all her muscles jumping. As the strippers scuttle away, I lean down, steady Ton's hulking shoulders and get a good look into her sweat-shiny face. Her eyes are dilated so big they look like super pupils. What the fuck is up with her? Never mind. She'll be OK. She's tougher than a titanium two-by- four. We get her dressed, quickly pour a couple beers into her before she dehydrates, then, with Brit and Caitlin following in their cute little Neon, drop her back in Cobblestone Gardens and head home to make a fearsome foursome. I've got some slammin' gams I wanna wear for a nightcap. --30--