The prince by It is the twenty second century. Persia is now the richest country on earth, and its prince is the most powerful man on earth. His extremely loyal and fanatic praetorian guard is the most powerful force on earth, and they follow his orders unconditionally. The prince is beyond narcissistic, and dreams of total global domination. His council of vizirs serve as the launching pad of his ideas. By now, he has been consulting with them for over a year. Finally, a plan unfolds in his mind, and a wicked and evil grin forms on his face. Unbeknownst to anyone, the prince has always had a preference for tall and curvy Chinese and Indian women who are also gorgeous. He orders his top scientists and genetic engineers to develop a hormone to accentuate these qualities in women. He also orders his best engineers to develop cloning chambers. A year passes, and the prince is finally ready to set his plan into action. The prince orders his guard to set out to conquer the world, and to kill everyone, except the one million tall, curvy and gorgeous women of India that also happen to be the wealthiest and amongst the top families of that country. The one other requirement is that for all these girls to be in their twenties. He gives the exact same order for China. After a campaign of genocide unparalleled in human history the prince finally gets his wish. When all is said and done there are two million women left on earth, have of whom are in India, and the other half in China. As per the prince's orders they all happen to be very tall, curvy, gorgeous, in their twenties, wealthy and from top families. The princes final order is for his guard : he orders them to all commit suicide. Without question, all these men take their own lives, per the oath of unconditional obedience they had taken when they joined that cursed organization. Before ordering the guard to end their own lives, he also orders them to kill all of Persia's citizens. The prince now sets out to create 1,9999,999 exact clones of himself with the cloning machines that his engineers had made for him. Now, there are exactly two million of him, and two million women left on this earth. During the coming months, he and his clones relocate to India and China, and wed the women in a gigantic ceremonial wedding. The women, still in total and complete shock offer no resistance. The prince and his clones now order the women to start taking the hormone that had been manufactured in Persia. Here again, the women do as they are told. The prince had chosen the princess of India as his wife, who also happened to be the most beautiful woman in all of India. All of his clones and the other women were paired off in a lottery. In China, its princess also happened to its most beautiful citizen, just as in India. That night, after his wedding, the prince looked up at the star filled sky in India's royal palace, a large confident smile on his face. As far as he was concerned, he had followed through with his plans down to the last detail and he and his clones were now masters of the earth. His last words that night to his new wife prior to falling asleep were : "You now have the privilege of being married to the most powerful man on earth. I am no longer just the prince of Persia, I am now also the prince of earth." By chance, that day happened to fall on new year's day 2150.