A chance encounter - part 1 by arcoviontime@gmail.com comments and suggestions welcome By the year 10,000 ad, with the advent of travel at the speed of light, most of the galaxy had been explored, and humans had come into contact with other hominids across the galaxy. english was now the lingua franca, and almost everyone understood it. there were still some unexplored planets at the tail ends of the galaxy, but hominids on those planets were in contact with other hominids due to spectacular advances in technology. however, this inter-connectivity had also had its down sides. sometimes, if a contagious disease started on a planet, it could spread to other planets and wipe out entire populations, due to the lack of immunity of that planet's population to the unfamiliar disease. On one of these planets that was amongst the furthest from the earth, called alpha beta, a virus had been introduced. for unknown reasons, only women had immunity to this virus, and the entire male population of the planet was wiped out. this in turn led to a famine, since the farmers on the planet had been mostly men. by the time all was said and done, only around 100 women were left surviving. between 10,000 and 10,001 AD, the surviving women all gathered in one city to pool their resources and try to survive. the initial few months proved to be somewhat rocky, but by 10,001, life had more or less returned to normal. the only problem the women had of course was a lack of males for procreation. this is when they all turned to technology, to look for potential mates. One of the women by the name of eve, turned to her 3-D hologram computer, and entered a site for intergalactic matchmaking. for her catchment area, she started out closest to her home planet, and worked her way outward. after a month of fruitless searching, she finally entered the milky way for her catchment area, and looked through the profiles of various males. the photo of a man by the name of adam caught her eye. he looked to be very handsome, and he also had an interesting profile. she decided to send him a message. after some thought she composed the following message : "dear adam, my name is eve, and i am sending you this message from the other end of the galaxy. i am intrigued by your profile, and i hope to hear back from you ! best wishes, eve." she touched the send icon on her 3-D computer, crossed her fingers, and went to bed. Back on earth, adam got home that night, and after a quick dinner, sat at his 3-D hologram computer and turned it on. he logged onto the matchmaking site, and saw the message from eve. he quickly read the message, and clicked on her profile and liked what he saw. she was beautiful. he replied with a very nice message, thanking her, and hoping to hear back from her. the following day, eve was delighted to see the message from adam, and replied by saying that she would like to have a holographic session with him. she waited anxiously for a reply, and was rewarded by a message from adam, requesting a session that night. That night, eve went to the match site, and clicked on adam's profile. a 3-D hologram image of adam was formed, and he greeted her with a smile. she responded with a smile of her own. adam said that he was surprised that she spoke english and that her name was eve, given that earthlings have never been to her planet before. eve said that her people had been in touch with other hominids that had been in touch with earthlings. their conversation carried out past midnight, and both sides learned a lot about each other. adam learned about eve's people, and how they had come to the verge of extinction. he also learned that their society had been very patriarchal, with women delegated to the home, and raising the children. eve learned that adam had been a member of an organization called the 'intergalactic explorers', and that he had also had a military background. they were both 28 years old. at the end of their conversation, each smiled back at the life-sized hologram that was in front of them, they did a pseudo-hug and said goodbye. their next session was set for one week later. During their next session, they continued to learn more about each other, and they truly enjoyed conversing with one-another. this process continued week to week, and eventually day to day, over the course of the year. gradually, adam told his other friends among the intergalactic-explorers about eve, and eve told the remaining women on alpha-beta about adam. eventually, the 99 other remaining women each got paired-up with one of adams' friends. over the course of the year, adam and eve fell head-over-heels in love with each-other, and they would end their sessions with pseudo-hugs and pseudo-kisses. Eventually, it was decided that adam and his friends that had been paired-up with the women on alpha-beta through the matching site would take an intergalactic expeditionary journey to alpha-beta to meet the women. a year to the day that eve had contacted adam, the 100 men each got into their respective space-cruisers, wearing their smart uniforms, entered the coordinates given to them by eve into the cruisers' navigating computers, and set out for their destination at light speed. the journey would take around one week, and the cruisers could be set to auto-pilot or manual control. each of these space-cruisers could carry one person, and was the size of a small jet aircraft. in his mind, adam felt like a night in shining armor, going to the rescue of a damsel in distress. and in a metaphorical way, he certainly was. adam had learned from eve that alpha-beta's atmosphere and the planet itself were almost identical to earth's so that they did not need to take any special equipment with them. finally, after a week, adam and his friends approached alpha beta, having journeyed mostly on auto-pilot. in the meantime, eve and the other women had also tried to prepare for the arrival of the men. they had chosen a wide-open field for the men to land their space-cruisers, and they had all in turn tried to dress and look their best. they had done their hair, put on their makeup , and were wearing blouses, skirts, and heels. As the space cruisers started to enter the planet's atmosphere on manual control, the gravitational pull of alpha-beta proved to be much stronger than anticipated. adam's cruiser started to shake and rattle, and his head started to spin. finally adam blacked out, as the g-force of the planet simply proved to be too much. at this point, the navigating computer simply took over, and the space cruisers finally passed through alpha-beta's atmosphere, and made their descent for landing. the women meanwhile had seen the ships coming down over the horizon, and they started to cheer. finally, the space cruisers landed safely on the ground. after a little while, adam and the other men finally came to, and each proceeded to get out of his cruiser. adam finally got out of his cruiser, and set foot on solid ground. the first thing that greeted him was a wooden object three feet high, upon which was what seemed like pink-colored fleshy column that went up and up and up as far as the eye could see. Adam had to crane his neck way way upwards and backwards, as if he was looking up at a oak tree. his heart finally sank as he finally realized what he was looking at. THIS WAS EVE !! what he had been greeted with had been the heels of eve's shoe, and the pink colored column had been eve's graceful leg. Adam had been frozen in place. The reality was that alpha-beta was a replica of earth, with the only difference being that everything was 12 times larger, including all of its life-forms. After about a minute, adam snapped out of it. he started to panic, and tried to get back into his ship and get out of there. Eve meanwhile had been just as surprised. after her initial shock had worn off, she made a grab for adam. the last thing she wanted now was to be alone again !! adam had made it to the door of his spaceship, when eve's long and graceful fingers wrapped gently around his body. eve proceeded to gently lift adam upwards to her eye level, and adam felt and saw the ground move further and further away from him. once adam and eve made eye contact eve finally said : "hello adam !! well this is certainly a surprise !! but we can't have you running away now can we ?? come my love, i'm taking you home with me !!" and with that eve gently bend down, grabbed a hold of adam's space cruiser, lifted it up effortlessly, and proceeded to walk home with adam and the space cruiser. the other women also followed eve's example, each one taking home the man that had been paired-up with her, along with his space cruiser.