Amalgamation - Part 4. By Mengran now started to think more and more about the future. Specifically, she thought more and more about the roles of women and men in society. There was an entire planet to repopulate, and now women had a chance to claim their rightful place at the head of society. For generations, women had been treated as second class citizens, and now there was a chance to right the wrongs of the past. Mengran thought about the piles of the nomads' weapons outside of town. Her entire life, she had been a housewife, and now she thought about maybe becoming a warrior. She thought that maybe Hans could be her instructor. After all, she had completely shattered his sense of self, and he would obediently follow all of her commands. She ordered Hans to tell his men to come to where their weapons were piled up outside of town. Soon, everyone was gathered by the former site of the men's encampment. Standing on top of the men's weapons, Mengran addressed the crowd : "My dear sisters, for generations and millennia, we women have been treated like second class citizens. >>From this day forward that will change. We women will be the warriors and leaders of the future. Given there are only 10,000 of us left, and an entire planet to repopulate, a great responsibility lies on our shoulders. From this day onwards, women will be the leaders and men will be the followers." Mengran asked Hans if there were any blacksmiths among his people. He meekly replied that there were. She had him order the blacksmiths to step out of the crowd and identify themselves. Mengran looked over to the blacksmiths and said : "From this day on, your jobs will be to make weapons and suits of armor for women instead of men. Given there are already many swords, maces, lances and arrows, you can start with making suits of armor for us." From the following day, the blacksmiths went to the women's homes and took their measurements, and proceeded to make the suits of armor for them. This was the first step in the long process of turning the women into warriors. Soon, military style training schools were set up for the women, with the men being their instructors. For the men this was a nice change. They would rather instruct the women than stay at home and do the women's chores. At the beginning, making the transition from housewife to warrior proved to be a little challenging for the women. After all, for generations, women had been told that they were the weaker sex, and that their primary role was to be mothers and wives before anything else. So the first series of classes were more psychological in nature. Mengran took the lead in this department, telling her women that they could be just as good as warriors as men, maybe even better. After all, she had defeated Hans in battle without any military training. As the blacksmiths started to make the suits of armor for the women, the women started to wear them and get used to their feel. Various options were possible. The suits could be like the ones wore by the knights of Europe, or like the one Hans was wearing. Most women preferred the light ones, like the one that Hans had worn, as the heavy suits would be too cumbersome. While the women attended military style training schools, the nomads were forced to attend classes to prepare them for their new roles in society. Men were instructed in the arts of cooking, cleaning, and other domestic chores. There were even classes designed for teaching a man on how to serve a woman's sexual desires and needs. Mengran's plans reached far into the future, and she planned on leaving no stone unturned. The days continued to go by, and the women started to feel more comfortable with their future roles in society. The men meanwhile, slowly but surely became resigned to their fate as well. After all, they had seen their leader get utterly shattered at the hands of Mengran, and on average, the women were three times their size. Meanwhile, at home, Hans continued his roles a Mengran's virtual property and slave. Deep down, Hans was very afraid of his wife. He tried his best to meet her demands and serve her needs, particularly her sexual ones. Mengran seemed to be insatiable, and a deep sense of psychological impotence developed in Hans. This was more or less the same for all the other couples. At home, with each passing day, the women's lust and sexual desires increased in magnitude. This was evident by the fact that the men's bodies were often bruised following a sexual encounter. The women were so much larger than the men, and sexual intercourse proved to be quite an undertaking for the men. This only lead to further sexual frustration on the part of the men. No matter how hard they tried the women proved insatiable. Often, the women would resort to spanking the men, or punishing them in other humiliating ways. The months continued to pass, until one day Mengran informed Hans that she had become pregnant. Mengran was the first woman among her people to become pregnant, as she had started having sex with her man earlier than anyone else. Soon, many of the other women also informed their husbands that they were pregnant as well. Finally at last, Mengran felt a little more at ease, given that now she knew that at least the human race would continue. To be continued ...