The Concert - Part 2 by Archie Fan - The story behind the Pussycats new album The following is Part 2 of a requested story ********************************************** Josie and her band mates were backstage after the concert in their dressing room. Also with them was Cheryl Blossom. The huge muscular she-male was talking with Josie while Valerie fucked Melody. "So I am leaving you in charge of all of the women here in Riverdale while the girls and I continue our concert tour," Josie said to Cheryl. "And they'll just do what I say?" Cheryl asked. "These give you the power to control them," Josie said poking Cheryl's huge testicles. "But keep in mind that I have the power to control you, no matter where I am." Cheryl nodded as she took all this information in. Given everything that had happened she was keeping a very open mind about all of this, and everything that Josie had told her so far seemed to be true. "So what do you want me to do?" Cheryl inquired. "Convert as many female members of the population as you can, eliminate the male population and then wait for my command to strike," Josie instructed. "Just out of curiosity how do you plan on even having another concert after what happened today?" Cheryl inquired. Josie was about to answer when they were interrupted by Melody giving birth to her fifth daughter with Valerie. "Could you two perhaps take this elsewhere?" Josie asked. "Sorry Josie," Valerie apologized. "We'll go fuck on the bus." As the two of them left the dressing room a huge muscular futa woman with black hair tied in a ponytail that had a white streak running through it came in the room. "Ah good," Josie said upon seeing her. "This Cheryl is the band's manager Alexandra Cabot." "A pleasure to meet you," Alexandra said shaking Cheryl's hand. Cheryl recognized Alexandra's voice as that of the announcer. "While my singing voice has the ability to transform and control women, Alexandra here has the ability to implant suggestions in any male or untransformed female with her speaking voice," Josie explained. "So as you might imagine when she narrates an advertisement asking people to attend our concert..." "They do everything they can to attend that concert," Cheryl finished. "I'm also Josie's personal lover," Alexandra said as she stroked Josie's huge cock. "And were you two lovers before all this?" Cheryl inquired. "Actually no, I used to have a boyfriend named Alan," Josie replied. "And Alexandra here was constantly trying to break us up." "Well there must be an interesting story about how things changed so much," Cheryl said. "You're right there is," Josie said. "And it all started about two weeks ago..." ********************************************** Josie returned to her apartment that she shared with her boyfriend Alan, after a day out at the spa with her band mates. The band was enjoying some time off before they went back into the studio to start recording their new album. "Hey Alan I'm home!" Josie called out. There was no immediate reply. "Alan?" she called. Again there was no reply. Josie wondered if perhaps he was sleeping or taking a shower. She took off her shoes and then made her way towards the bedroom. As she approached she saw that the door was closed and as she got closer she could hear noise from the other side of the door. As she listened closely it sounded like somebody might have been jumping on the bed. "What the hell?" Josie muttered to herself. She opened the door and almost immediately wished that she hadn't. Her boyfriend Alan was lying on his back on the bed completely naked and spread eagle. He was currently having his ass fucked by the band's manager Alexander Cabot. Alan was jerking himself off as Alexander reamed his ass. Josie quickly closed the door and sat down on the other side shocked by what she had seen. "Oh fuck yeah!" she heard Alan exclaim. "I'm about to cum!" "Me too!" Alex cried. She heard loud grunts from both men followed by the two of them breathing heavily. "I can't believe that the two of us spent years fighting over Josie," Alan said finally. "Me too," Alex agreed. "I mean this is so much better than sex with a girl, and we both like the same things." "Totally," Alan said. "And truth be told you ass is way better to fuck than Josie's cunt. I mean I don't get why she's so damn loose." "So when you going to tell her?" Alex asked. "Whenever she gets home," Alan replied. "What you and I have is so much better than anything Josie and I ever had." "I don't get why more guys don't do this," Alex said. "I guess they just can't get over the idea of another dick up their ass. But the sex is so much better, you don't have to worry about accidentally pregnancy and guys often like the same things, the only thing girls have that we don't is boobs, and I think I could get past that." On the other side of the door Josie was furious. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her boyfriend was breaking up with her to have a gay relationship with her manager. Josie wanted to confront him, but the last thing she wanted to see was the two of them naked on her bed together. Josie stormed out of the apartment and headed towards the recording studio. Along the way she called both Melody and Valerie telling them that she had an inspiration for a new song and to come to the studio. Afterwards she called Alexandra, Alexander's sister. "Why Josie, what a surprise to hear from you," Alexandra said when she answered the phone. "We can stop fighting over Alan," Josie said. "He's with your brother now." "What!?" Alexandra exclaimed with surprise. "I know, it caught me complete off-guard too," Josie said. "But I walked in on the two of them having sex in my bedroom. So how would you like to be the band's new manager?" "I... I... sure," Alexandra agreed still stunned by the news her brother was gay. "Good, the girls and I are headed to the studio," Josie said. "I've got some new ideas for songs I want to try out." "Okay, I'll meet you there," Alexandra said. ********************************************** Melody and Valerie arrived at the studio to find Josie already in the recording booth playing on her guitar. They both thought that she looked rather mad. "Hey Josie are you alright?" Valerie asked. "Oh I'm fine," Josie replied, although her tone sound angry and tense. "You don't sound fine," Melody said in her melodic but somewhat ditzy sound voice, although she wasn't a ditz. "Just get on your instruments," Josie said. "So Alan was sleeping with Alex?" Valerie asked as she picked up her bass. "Oh yes, and then I heard them talking about how they didn't need girls anymore," Josie said. "Well frankly I think we'd be better without men." "But Alex is our manager," Melody said. "Not anymore," Josie stated. "He's been fired and replaced with Alexandra." "Wait Alexandra Cabot? The girl who has constantly been trying to get you off the band to take your place despite her lack of musical talent?" Valerie asked in disbelief. "I think all she ever wanted was to be involved with the band," Josie said. "She's coming now to help us record these new songs I've written." Valerie and Melody looked at the sheet music in front of them. "This is nothing like what we normally play," Melody commented. "Yeah this looks like Heavy Metal," Valerie added. "It's Death Metal," Josie said with a wicked grin. "Now come on we're playing the first song." "Kill all the Men?" Melody asked. "Are you sure you're okay Josie? This song seems rather... violent." "I'm fine now play the fucking song," Josie snapped. They began playing just trying to get the tune of the song; the first few times both Valerie and Melody had some trouble with a very quick notes and they had to start over several times. However they soon got and they were ready to add the lyrics in. Just then Alexandra arrived at the studio. "Hello girls," she said as she took a seat at the sound board. "We're ready to start recording," Josie announced. "Alright just give me a minute or two to set up here," Alexandra said. "We'll do a play through of the song while you get ready so you can hear it," Josie said. Alexandra nodded and then went about setting up the equipment to record. They began playing. After the intro Josie began singing. As Melody and Valerie listened to her sing they quickly found themselves enjoying the lyrics, even though moments ago they had thought they were rather extreme and violent. By the time the second verse had started they found themselves really getting into the song. Josie herself found herself getting really carried away. She felt as if she were getting bigger and stronger as she played. Suddenly she realized that the microphone seemed to be getting lower. She reached out to adjust it and suddenly realized that the microphone wasn't lower, she was getting taller. Josie realized that her song was causing her to transform, and when she looked back at Valerie and Melody she saw that they were changing as well. On the other side of the glass Josie saw Alexandra looking at herself confused. At the control panel Alexandra stared at her arms as the muscles on her arms pulsed and grew larger and larger. She could feel her blouse tightening as her chest and back muscles swelled bigger. She looked into the recording booth to see that Josie and the others seemed to be experiencing similar changes. She watched with fascination as Josie's t-shirt burst apart exposing enormous lats, monstrous pectorals and two colossal breasts. Moments the buttons on her own blouse began popping off one by one exposing her own huge muscles and breasts. At her drum set Melody was finding her expanding breasts were making it difficult to see what she was doing, but she seemed to play the song perfectly, despite the fact that the drumsticks were getting smaller in her ever growing hands. Valerie likewise felt as if her bass guitar was turning into a ukulele in her hands, she didn't know how she was able to keep playing properly as her fingers got thicker and more muscular, but she was. At this point all four of them were naked, the only clothing that remained were small bits of cloth from torn shirts, mostly on their shoulders and back. Josie began singing the chorus for the final time when Valerie let out a cry and Alexandra let out a panicked bang on the glass. Josie continued on undeterred but watched with fascination as both of them began growing huge cocks right above their vaginas. Josie then began feeling strange down between her legs. She looked down to see that her own pussy had vanished and in its place was a large bulge. Then a cock of her own began to grow above it and Josie realized that she was growing testicles. Josie finally finished the song and all four of them let out loud sighs. They looked around at their transformed bodies. Each of them was now nine feet tall their bodies bulging with insane amounts of muscle. Of the four of them only Melody remained fully female, Alexandra and Valerie both had huge three foot cocks above their vaginas. Josie had one as well, except to go with it she had a huge set of testicles that hung down to her knees. "Looks like we really won't need males anymore," Josie said as she hefted her huge cock. "Yes, it looks like we can kill all the men," Melody added she flexed her huge arms. "And I'm going to start with that backstabbing Alan," Josie said. "Well I think you'll get your chance soon," Alexandra said from the booth. "He and my brother are on their way here. He got your message that you fired him." "Well looks like we're going to have some fun," Josie said with a smile. ********************************************** Alex arrived at the recording studio in his convertible, Alan sitting in the passenger seat beside him. "If Josie thinks she can fire me she's got another thing coming," Alex fumed as he head in, Alan right behind him. "She and the band signed a contract that makes me their manager for life." "You show that worthless bitch," Alan said as he massaged his new boyfriend's shoulders. They made their way up to the recording booth but they found it empty. Inside the instruments were all turned over and strewn about. "What the hell? Where are they?" Alex wondered out loud. "Let's split up and find them," Alan suggested. "You check the lounge and I'll check the bathrooms." "Good idea," Alex agreed. They split up heading in opposite directions. ********************************************** Alex entered the lounge and flung the door open as he stormed in, but as he looked around the room was empty. "What the hell?" he wondered to himself. "Looking for somebody," came the voice of his sister Alexandra. "Alexandra where is..." Alex began but stopped when he turned around and found himself face to face with his sister's new huge cock which was just inches from his chest. "So I hear that you're into dicks now Alex," Alexandra said. "Well why don't you try out this one." "What the heck happened..." Alex started to ask. However he was cut off and Alexandra grabbed her brother's head and began forcing her gigantic cock into his mouth. Alex struggled and tried to fend her off but she was far stronger than him now. He punched at her stomach but only succeeded in breaking his fist as her abdominals were as hard as the brick wall that they looked like. "Come on Alex, suck on my cock like your life depend on it, because it does!" Alexandra commanded. Alex refused to do what she said however and continued to struggle. "No, well I guess I'll have to do this myself then," Alexandra said. Holding onto her brother's shoulders Alexandra pulled her hips back before violently thrusting them forward. The force was enough to tear Alex's head from his neck. His body stood teetering for a moment before it tipped over. His decapitated head remained stuck on the end of her huge cock, blood dripping from her end. "Oops, guess I don't know my own strength," Alexandra said with a chuckle. She looked at his head and was about to pull it off but then decided not to, she figured Josie and the others would probably enjoy it. She then turned to go find them. ********************************************** Alan knocked on the door to the bathroom. "Josie, are you in there?" Alan asked. "Alan? Is that you? What are you doing here?" came Josie's reply from inside the bathroom. "Oh cut the crap Josie," Alan said as he opened the door. "We both know why you..." He stopped short as he opened the door and found his now ex-girlfriend on the other side looking down at him. "We both know why what?" Josie asked. "W-why are you so b-big?" Alan stammered. "And w-why do y-you have a c-cock?" "Well I overheard you saying you don't need girls anymore," Josie said. "Well now the girls and I know longer need any of you males." "What?" Alan asked confused. Just then Melody and Valerie emerged from two of the stalls. They flexed their huge muscles as they had been rather cramped in the stalls which were designed for people far smaller than them. "What the hell is going on Josie?" Alan asked frightened and angry. "Girl power," Josie said as she flexed one huge arm. "We're going to rid ourselves of all you worthless men." "What? You can't do that," Alan said. He was cut off as Josie reached out and grabbed his head with one huge hand, palming it like basketball, her huge hands covering half of his head. "I can do that," Josie said. "And I will." She began squeezing her hand causing Alan to cry out it pain. He futilely tried to pry Josie's fingers off, but he couldn't get them to budge. He felt her fingers digging into his skull, cracking it and putting immense pressure on his brain. Josie then lifted him up off the ground, his feet kicking wildly. Josie grinned wickedly and powered her fingers together into a fist. Alan's head imploded with a sickening crunch and a disgusting wet splat as his skull shattered from her grip and then his brain was turned to mush and liquefied spraying out from between her fingers. His body fell to the floor with a thump while Josie licked the blood and brain from her hands. "God that was fun crushing his skull," Josie said. "Which gives me an idea for another song." She turned to Melody and Valerie who both smiled and nodded. To be continued...