Ginger - Part 5 Archie Fan - Ginger meets the newly Prinkazon Cheryl ****************************************************************************** ****** "Who are you?" Ginger asked. "I'm Cheryl," the figure replied and extended a hand. "I'm a big fan." Big fan?" Ginger asked confused. "Of your work," Cheryl replied still holding out her hand. Ginger stood looking at Cheryl's hand. Hesitantly Ginger reached out and shook hands. "You're bigger than before," Cheryl commented. Ginger looked down at herself. She definitely felt bigger and stronger, like she had grown during her rampage. But until she got in front of a mirror she couldn't tell how much. "So, where are you from?" Ginger inquired. "I'm from the little town of Pembrooke, it's not even ten minutes from where we are now," Cheryl replied. "And have you always been this big?" Ginger queried. "No, until not even an hour ago I was just a normal teenage girl," Cheryl answered. "And I certainly did have this big cock." Cheryl hefted the huge cock hanging between her legs. "Well what happened?" Ginger asked. "My brother and I were watching the coverage about you on CNN, and then when you were attacking all those police officers I just started... growing," Cheryl replied. Ginger found Cheryl's story curious to say the least. "You just started growing?" Ginger repeated a little doubtful. "Yeah, let me tell you in more detail," Cheryl said. "So..." ****************************************************************************** ****** Earlier... Jason stared at his growing sister, a growing sense of terror and dread building in the pit of his stomach. "Please, please Cheryl," Jason begged. Cheryl ignored her brothers please, instead she just continued to hold onto his arm as she grew ever bigger and more muscular. In moments she was approaching seven feet tall, her muscles bigger than any human. Jason wasn't sure but she looked like she could be bigger than Ginger. Jason was staring up at his sister's face in fear when he felt something pressing against his chest. At first he thought it was one of Cheryl's legs, but he soon found otherwise. Protruding from Cheryl's crotch, bigger and more muscular than any Jason had seen was a cock. Behind her cock was her ball sack easily the size of a basketball. Cheryl stood up lifting her brother into the air as she continued to hold him by his arm. With her free hand Cheryl reached down and hefted her mighty new cock looking at it with a fascinated smile. "You should feel honoured Jason," Cheryl said speaking for the first time since her transformation. "You will be the first to experience my new cock." "No! No Please No!" Jason panicked. Cheryl just grinned wickedly as she tore her brother's clothes off. She then held him next to her cock, his own penis looking miniscule next hers. "You call that a cock? It is pathetic compared to mine," Cheryl said. Jason sobbed as he realized the hopelessness of the situation he was in. "Just going to cry about it? Well you always were the baby," Cheryl taunted her brother. "Well does little baby want a bottle?" Cheryl let go of her prick to grab a hold of Jason's head and force his mouth open. She then forced the head of her mighty dick into his mouth. Jason's jaw was dislocated and almost torn off by the sheer girth of Cheryl's member. Cheryl uncaringly rammed her enormous erection down her brother's throat. Jason's neck swelled looked ready to burst apart. Cheryl wasn't sure if her brother was dead already or not, but it didn't really matter. She continued to force her cock further and further into him until Jason face was up against her groin. The head of her cock crushed and flattened his organs and his torso swelled like a balloon being filled with water until his skin burst apart no longer able to stretch further to accommodate Cheryl's penis. Cheryl let out a laugh as her brother's remains slopped off of her prick, although she was a little disappointed that she hadn't been able to cum. However Cheryl had somewhere else to be, she needed to get to Riverdale... ****************************************************************************** ****** "... and so as I was coming here I came across the fleeing vehicles and destroyed them," Cheryl said as she finished her story. Ginger had been listening with an impassive look on her face, but as Cheryl finished Ginger smiled. "Then it would seem that we were destined to meet tonight," Ginger said. "Destined, but by what?" Cheryl asked. "I'm not sure, but I call the force that guides me The Goddess," Ginger replied. "And it seems that The Goddess has made herself known to me through you." "But what does she want?" Cheryl asked. "And why give me a cock?" "I can think of a few reasons," Ginger replied. "But for now let's get back to Riverdale." "Why?" Cheryl asked. "I left my �pet' back there," Ginger answered. ****************************************************************************** ****** Archie opened the door to the closet in the basement he had been hiding in and peered out. The basement was dark but that was because the power to the house had gone out. It was quiet now but it had been loud earlier with the sound of gunfire and terrified screams, but those had eventually faded. In his hiding spot Archie had no idea what had happened. He hoped that the police had managed to stop Ginger, although Archie had his doubts about that being successful. He wondered if perhaps she'd simply forgotten about him. Feeling a little less nervous Archie stepped out of the closet and made his way to the stairs. He paused at the bottom and looked up and listened. He still didn't hear anything, it was so quiet that it was almost disconcerting. Archie made his way up the stairs and to the front hallway. He looked around to see bodies strewn everywhere. He could see into the living room that there was a hole in the ceiling that lead up to his bedroom. He remembered hearing a crash and thinking that the house was about to collapse. Archie picked his way over a couple bodies as he headed for the front door. Archie reached the door and as his hand grasped it he felt like he was just inches from freedom. Archie opened the door only to find Ginger standing on the other side. "Going somewhere?" Ginger asked him. Archie was terrified by the sight of her. She was even bigger now, noticeably taller and more muscular. Archie estimated that she was at least seven feet tall. "So this your �pet'?" Archie heard another female voice ask. Archie looked towards the source of the voice and was shocked by what he saw. It was a red-head who was just as tall and muscular as Ginger. However hanging between her legs was the longest and thickest penis that Archie had ever seen along with an enormous set of testicles. "Yes, this is Archie," Ginger replied. "Archie meet Cheryl." Archie gulped and gave a meek little wave. However Cheryl merely sneered at him. "He's pretty pathetic looking," Cheryl commented to Ginger. "He is, and he's pretty damn cowardly too," Ginger agreed. "But he's obedient, and he has a pretty big cock, for a mundane." "Yeah, but you don't need him for that when you've got me," Cheryl said as she hefted her huge prick. "No, but he can be useful for other things," Ginger said. "Cooking, clean, that sort of thing." "Hmm, I guess he can live," Cheryl said a hint of disappointment in her voice. Archie let out a sigh of relief, but he knew he had to be careful as Cheryl seemed almost eager to kill him. "So, what do we do now?" Cheryl asked. "We should move, we don't know what they'll send at us next," Ginger answered. "You handle all those police with no problem," Cheryl said. "All they had were small arms," Ginger stated. "If we stay here they might send planes to drop bombs on us. I don't think any bombs can stop us, but I'd rather not have them dropping on me all the same." "So what, we just go into hiding?" Cheryl inquired. "No, but we just keep moving," Ginger replied. "Let's think of it as... a road trip." "A road trip... that sounds like fun," Cheryl said with a smile. "And I think I see our ride," Ginger said. At a house a little way down the street was a forty-five foot long American Coach RV Bus. "Come on Archie," Ginger said as she and Cheryl headed down the street towards the house. Archie nervously followed behind the two. They reached the house and Ginger and Cheryl stood next to the RV and examined it. The huge vehicle looked only like a mini-van next to the two huge amazons. "This will do," Cheryl said. "But we're going to need the keys," Ginger said. They turned their attention to the house. The lights were off and it was quiet. Archie knew the family that lived here, the Doiley's, their son Dilton was a classmate of his. Ginger walked up to the front door and kicked it in like it was made of cardboard. She entered the house to find that it was unoccupied, but that whoever had lived here had left in a hurry. Given that the RV was the only vehicle in the driveway it was safe to assume that the Doiley's had fled or been evacuated. "Okay let's spread out and find the keys," Ginger said. "No need, I know where they are," Archie said. Ginger and Cheryl both shot each other glances that indicated they were slightly impressed. They followed Archie into the kitchen where there was a key hook hanging on the wall near the back door. Archie plucked a set of keys off the hook and held them up for Ginger and Cheryl to see. "Very good," Cheryl commented. "Guess you do have your uses." Archie gave a wry smile. His motivation however hadn't been about helping them. When Ginger had mentioned bombs being dropped Archie thought that was a very real possibility. And while Ginger and Cheryl weren't particularly worried, Archie was; he knew he was likely to be killed or at least injured by a bomb strike. They headed back outside and got into the RV. Ginger and Cheryl were just barely able to squeeze their huge frames through the door. Archie started RV up and drove off. Under orders from Ginger, Archie kept mostly to backroads as he headed west. He drove into the night until he had to pull over as he was too tired to continue driving. Archie pulled over at a small truck stop for the night. There were about four transport trucks stopped in the lot and that was it. There were no customers at the gas pumps. The place was very quiet. "Go inside and get us something to eat Archie," Ginger ordered. Archie nodded and went inside. The truck stop had a diner, but it was closed for the night. However, the convenience store was open and there was just the lone attendant manning it; a man with a scraggly beard, a mullet and very crooked teeth. "Evening pal," the attendant greeted him. Archie nodded in response but said nothing. He slowly walked the aisles looking for something to eat. The selection was kind of scarce. Archie grabbed some beef jerky and a bag of chips from one aisle and continued on to the next one. It was all candy though so he went to the coolers. "You lookin' for anythings in particulars," the attendant asked in a drawl. "Um, no," Archie replied. "Just browsing." There were some pre-made sandwiches in one cooler but they looked kind of iffy so Archie ignored them. He grabbed a few drinks and took everything up to the counter. "Nice bus ya' got out there, pretty big," the attendant commented. "So where's ya headin'?" "West," Archie replied. The attendant gave Archie a look as if asking why such an ambiguous answer, but didn't press further. "That'll be, nine seventy-five," the attendant said. Archie reached into his pocket only to realize that he didn't have his wallet. He realized that was probably somewhere back at his house in Riverdale. This wasn't good, especially since the RV also needed fuel. "I, uh, left my wallet in the RV," Archie lied. "It happens, I'll wait for ya," the attendant said. Archie left the items on the counter and went out to the RV. When he stepped inside there was no sign of Ginger and Cheryl. "What the... where did they go? Ginger? Cheryl?" Archie called out. Just then Archie heard the sound of screeching metal. He stepped out of the RV to see that Ginger and Cheryl were each crushing one of the transport trucks as they held them over their heads. Archie had seen Ginger do the same to a cop car earlier, but these trucks were easily four times the weight of the cop car. But that didn't matter to Ginger and Cheryl, the two of them were twisting and folding the trucks in on themselves like they were plastic wrap. Archie could hear terrified screams coming from inside the trucks although they were soon silenced as the unfortunate drivers who had been sleeping in the sleeper cabs were crushed to death. While Ginger and Cheryl were still crushing the first two trucks one of the trucks fired up its engine and tried to drive away. However it wasn't able to accelerate quickly as the trailer was still attached. "I've got this," Cheryl said. She tossed the crumpled remains of the truck she was holding aside and with a light jog she caught up to the fleeing truck and grabbed it by the rear of the trailer. Holding on tight Cheryl then began to spin around on her heels, slowly at first and then quicker. The truck whirled around in a wide arc, smashing into and taking out a light pole. Cheryl then hurled the truck into the air like an Olympic hammer thrower. The truck went sailing through the air and disappeared into the darkness at least momentarily until it hit the ground over a mile away and erupted in a fireball. Cheryl let out a cheer and flexed as Ginger clapped. However the celebration was broken by the sound of a gunshot. The two turned to see that the driver of the last truck had climbed out and fired a .45 revolver at Cheryl. The bullets did absolutely nothing other than annoy Cheryl. However it was Ginger who moved to deal with the man. She moved so quickly that he didn't even have time to try and shoot at her. Ginger grabbed his arm and in one swift motion snapped it, the bone breaking with a loud crack. The man shouted in pain, but Ginger quickly silenced him with one brutal punch to the face that caved his whole face in and almost broke his skull in half. His body fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Archie thought they were done, but Cheryl and Ginger then advanced on the store and Archie realized that they were going after the attendant. The attendant tried locking the door to the store, but the two forced their way in effortlessly smashing the sliding door to pieces. The terrified attendant ran towards the back storage-room but Ginger moved quickly to cut him off. He then turned to find that he was trapped between the two massive girls. "I... I... know what you are," the frightened attendant said. "Oh, and what is that?" Ginger asked amused. "You're the latest attempt by the liberal elites to take all our guns," the attendant replied. "Alex Jones was right! Hillary Clinton put you up to this." Ginger and Cheryl were dumbfounded for a moment and then they both broke out laughing. "Wow you are even stupider than you look," Cheryl said. "The patriots of America will stop you," the attendant said. "Patriots won't stop us, the army won't stop us, nobody will stop us," Ginger said. Ginger and Cheryl then both simultaneously stepped towards each other. The attendant soon found himself enclosed between their powerful muscular bodies. Ginger and Cheryl pressed their bodies against each other the attendant was crushed flat like he had been trapped in a hydraulic press. His body was flattened into paste against their powerful frames. "Mmm, that was fun," Cheryl commented. "Yes it was," Ginger agreed as she stroked Cheryl cock. Cheryl grinned as her dick twitched from Ginger's touch. "Well let's get Archie to clean this up," Cheryl said. "While you and I have a little more fun." "Sounds like a good idea," Ginger concurred. They went outside where Archie was standing in the doorway of the RV simply staring at all the destruction. "Archie, clean up what you can, erase the surveillance cameras and fill up the RV," Ginger ordered him. "Cheryl and I are going to have some, fun." Archie guessed that by fun Ginger meant that they were going to have sex. Frankly he didn't really care, at this point all he was focused on was his own self preservation. And the easy way to do that was to simply do whatever Ginger and Cheryl asked him to do. He went into the store. It was a mess with broken glass and knocked over items. The attendants remains weren't even recognizable. He found the security camera system in the office. It was an older system that still used VHS tapes and Archie simply took the tapes and broke them. As far as clean up went, there wasn't much Archie felt he could do. He decided to just fill up the RV as Ginger has asked and call it done. When he stepped outside he saw that Cheryl had Ginger bent over the hood of the last remains truck and was furiously fucking her from behind. The front of the hood was gradually being crumpled under Ginger's grip. Archie filled up the RV which took a while. When he was done Cheryl and Ginger were still going at it. Archie decided to try and get some sleep. He went to the bed at the back of the RV and lay down and was surprised when he fell asleep almost instantly. ****************************************************************************** ****** Archie awoke to the RV shaking as Ginger and Cheryl entered. "Wake up Archie time to hit the road again," Ginger said. Archie groggily got off the bed and made his way to the driver seat. As he looked out the front window Archie saw that there were more crushed vehicles and dead bodies lying around the lot. He figured Ginger and Cheryl must have killed anybody who had shown up over night. Archie pulled out of the truck stop and onto the road, heading west once more. The going was slow as they were stuck to backroad. Archie listened to the radio, the news reports were constantly talking about Ginger and now mentioned that she had an accomplice although Cheryl had not yet been identified. A few days later they had reached Colorado. Along the way Ginger and Cheryl had killed dozens if not hundreds of more innocent people who had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The two of them had also continued to get bigger and they were now both 7'3". "Take the RV up into the mountains, somewhere remote," Ginger ordered Archie. Archie was a little confused, but didn't question the order, he simply did as Ginger commanded. He found a remote dirt road that looked like it hadn't been used in a few years. He followed the road until he reached a clearing next to a small lake. "Will this do?" Archie asked. Ginger and Cheryl both got out and looked around. "This will do fine," Ginger said. Archie wondered why they had come to this remote location. However he could not figure out why and he was too afraid to ask. However, after a couple of days Archie notice that Ginger's previously impressive 8-pack was starting to look round and swollen and seemed to be growing. It was then that Archie finally clued in on what was going on that Ginger was pregnant, and the baby was developing at frightening rapid rate. Both Ginger and Cheryl seemed to be growing ever bigger and stronger too. They also seemed remarkably calm about all of these development. Archie was curious, but this cowardness prevented him from asking anything. Eventually one day Archie's curiosity became greater than his fear and he asked Ginger and Cheryl what was going on. "So finally you work up the courage to ask," Ginger said with a snicker. "I thought you never would," Cheryl commented. Archie didn't respond to their insults. He knew it wouldn't do his any good. "The Goddess has blessed us with these amazing bodies, and soon I will give birth and her reckoning will fall up this world," Ginger said. That explanation only left Archie with more questions. However before he could ask it seemed like they were willing to share more. "There are more chosen by the goddess and on the day of reckoning they shall be transformed into Goddess like Ginger and I," Cheryl continued. "There will be no males, only Prinkazons like myself." "The world will fall before us," Ginger stated. "Our domination is not a fluke, it is ordained." "And once we have taken it over it shall be a utopia of muscle," Cheryl said. "Fucking and crushing, and you mundanes will either serve us or be destroyed!" Archie still had other questions, but it didn't seem like Ginger and Cheryl were going to be answering them. Talking about this coming reckoning had gotten them all turned on and Ginger and Cheryl were masturbating themselves and each other. Archie simply turned and went back into the RV and wondered how long the world had left. To be continued...