Ginger - Part 4 Archie Fan - The authorities close in on Ginger but they have no idea what they are up against ****************************************************************************** ****** As she peered out the window Ginger could see officers in S.W.A.T. gear. She realized that they were going to move on the house soon. "You might want to go find somewhere to hide," Ginger said to Archie. "Or don't it's up to you." Archie didn't have to be told twice. His cowardly instincts kicked in and he immediately went down to the basement. Ginger meanwhile looked out the door of the house as she watched officers in full body armour and armed with assault weapons came down the street and then surrounded the house. Ginger however wasn't worried, she was excited. ****************************************************************************** ****** "We have the house surrounded, you have one minute to surrender," a S.W.A.T. officer shouted over a bullhorn. The S.W.A.T. team was surrounding the house. Officers were staged near the front and rear entrances ready to breach the house. They had been surprised to find the crushed remains of a police car in the backyard and wondered just what they were going up against. After a minute there was no response. They couldn't even see movement in the house. "Fire the tear gas," the commanding officer ordered. Smoking tear gas grenades were fired through every window in the house. Soon tear gas was billowing out of every opening. "Alright, move in!" the commanding officers shouted. The S.W.A.T. team breached the doors. The four officers who entered the front door almost tripped over the remains of Archie's father. Seeing a man bent backwards that much and with his own head shoved up his ass gave them pause. It was a pause that proved to be fatal. The tear gas had done nothing to incapacitate Ginger, all it had done was provide her with cover. Ginger reached out of the fog and grabbed one S.W.A.T. member from behind. She wrapped an arm around his head and squeezed. His helmet provided him no protection against Ginger's muscles and his head was almost instantly crushed flat. The other three didn't even notice until his corpse fell to the ground at their feet. The spun around and stood with their backs facing each other as they waved their guns back and forth looking for something to shoot. They then heard a creaking noise from above and looked up just in time to see had climbed up onto the ceiling like James McAvoy's character Kevin Crumb from the movies Split and Glass. With her hands firmly dug into the ceiling Ginger snaked her legs down and wrapped them around the head of one of the officers. She twisted her torso back and forth which was enough to snap his neck. She then used her legs to swing his corpse into of the officers knocking him to the ground and then she let go of the ceiling and came crashing down on the other. Ginger then stomped on the officer she had landed on her foot driving through his chest and out through his back finishing him off. The last of the four of them pushed the corpse of his colleague off and opened fire with his M4 carbine. The bullets merely bounced off of Ginger's body despite being fired from nearly point-blank range. One of the bullets bounced back and hit the officer right between the eyes killing him. "Oh poo," Ginger said disappointedly. She didn't have time to complain though as she could hear the shouts of other officers from the back door. ****************************************************************************** ****** The team that had breached the backdoor cautiously entered the kitchen, their weapons at the ready. They had heard the gunfire but there was no communication with the other team. Two of them continued towards the living room dining room, while the other two moved towards the front hallway. The tear gas was clearing up as they entered the hallway where they found five corpses, but no sign of Ginger. "I think she went upstairs," the point man said. Cautiously the pair made their way up the stairs. When they reached the top of the stairs they didn't see anything, however they noticed that one of the doors was slightly ajar. They made their towards the door. The point man took out a flash bang and rolled it in. As soon as it went off they shoved the door all the way open and entered. However they found nothing but the room of a teenage boy. "Room is clear," one of them reported. "We're going to check the other rooms." However as soon as they turned around they saw Ginger standing in the doorway, an evil grin on her face. Ginger grabbed one of the two officers by the head with one hand and grabbed the weapon of the other with her other. Simultaneously she squeezed, crushing the officers head and rendering the carbine useless. The second officer tried to draw his sidearm but Ginger grabbed his arm and yanked, ripping his arm clean off. The officer briefly let out a scream before Ginger grabbed him by his face and lifted him up into the air. His helmet banged off the slanted ceiling creating a small hole and then Ginger slammed him down onto the floor. In the living room below the other two officers in the house had paused when they had heard the noise coming from the room above them. They were looking up when all of a sudden the ceiling caved in and the body of one of their colleagues came crashing down on them along with a pile of debris knocking them both to the ground. Before they could recover Ginger jumped down through the hole landing on the two officers, crushing the head of one and stomping a hole through the other. Ginger paused before determining that there were no other S.W.A.T. officers left in the house. There was still some fog from the tear gas but as she looked out the broken living room window she could see that there were plenty more outside for her to "play" with. ****************************************************************************** ****** Cheryl and Jason were staring at the TV screen transfixed. Only a few minutes earlier they'd seen the officers firing the gas grenades into the house before entering. "As you've seen the officers have entered the house," the reporter narrated. "We've heard the sounds of gunfire twice now, but there has been no report from inside." "So there's no word yet if the suspect has been arrested or killed?" Wolf inquired from the studio. "No, there's no word yet," the reporter answered. "And... whoa hold on. Okay it looks like there's a lot of movement down near the house. Looks like more police are moving in." The camera was shaky as the cameraman was obviously moving to try and get a better shot. "There's something happening at the side of the house," the reporter announced. "There's... oh my god!" The camera steady but it was a far away shot and it was hard to see anything as a S.W.A.T. van parked at the end of the driveway was blocking the view of whatever was happening. Suddenly the S.W.A.T. was sent tumbling sideway crushing two police officers to death and crashing into a pair of squad cars. The camera lost focus briefly as the cameraman zoomed in. On the screen was Ginger, her enormous hulking frame heaving as she breathed heavily. She looked like she was in a state of rage. Her musculature was utterly swollen and she looked bigger than any of the pictures that had been shown on TV. "Oh my god," Jason exclaimed. "She's..." "Amazing!" Cheryl finished. "No, she's a monster," Jason corrected his sister. "That's your opinion," Cheryl said without taking her eyes off the screen. ****************************************************************************** ****** Gunfire rang out and Ginger could feel the bullets, but none of them could penetrate her diamond hard skin. Ginger was only semi-aware of what she was doing, she was completely caught up in her lust for destruction. She had just overturned a S.W.A.T. van and was now proceeding to use a police officer as a club to beat another officer to death. After a few blows however all that was left of Ginger's makeshift "club" was his foot and ankle. Ginger tossed the remains aside and focused her attention on a nearby police car that had so far escaped her destruction. Ginger picked the police car up lifting it over her head. She then threw the police car towards some officers who were running away. The vehicle hit the pavement just behind them and bounced and rolled right into them, crushing them before continuing on its way towards a group of vehicles parked further away which included some TV trucks. ****************************************************************************** ****** "That... that can't be possible," Jason stammered as he watched on TV. The shot was blurry as the cameraman and reporter were running away, but they'd just seen a woman literally lift a car over her head with just her bare hands and then throw it what had to be at least two hundred feet like it was nothing and with enough momentum that the car had continued to roll for another two hundred feet at least. Beside him Jason heard a moan come from his sister. However it sounded more like a moan of pleasure. "Cheryl, what... is this turning you on?" Jason asked. Cheryl didn't respond her brother her eyes remained locked on the TV, hoping to see another glimpse of Ginger. Cheryl hands were just rubbing her whole body, almost in a subconscious manner. "Cheryl," Jason said as he shook her shoulder trying to snap her out of the trance she seemed to be in. Without taking her eyes of the screen Cheryl grabbed Jason by the wrist and took his hand off her shoulder. She then began to squeeze on his wrist. Jason tried to pull away but Cheryl held on tight. "Let go!" Jason demanded. Cheryl did not, she didn't even seem to be hearing her brother. Jason tried kicking Cheryl to get free, but she barely flinched. As he struggled to pull his wrist free Jason noticed something. Cheryl's arm was slowly growing more and more muscular. In fact she looked to have more muscle than he did already. Jason didn't know what was going on but he had to do something. He slapped his sister across the face. Cheryl finally looked away from the screen and locked eyes with Jason. Once she did Jason realized he had made a huge mistake. Rather than stopping the growth Cheryl began to grow bigger even faster. As his sister grew past six feet tall Jason began to beg for his life, but in the back of his mind he knew that he was already dead. ****************************************************************************** ****** Ginger was unstoppable. The police had thrown everything they had at her and nothing had managed to even slow her down. Dozens of officers lay dead, many of them horribly dismembered their body parts strewn along a small side street in the small West Virginian town of Riverdale. Ginger found herself searching for more victims, however anybody with half a brain had decided to flee. Down the street Ginger saw a few remaining cop cars and the TV trucks starting up and driving off. However Ginger wasn't done yet. With speed that should have been impossible for a human being Ginger took off after them. She easily reached speeds of over fifty miles per hour and she was able to grab one of the escaping cop cars by its rear bumper. She dug her heels into the asphalt road creating deep ruts as she brought the car to a stop. Her feet were dug a good six inches into the ground where she stopped. Ginger held the back end of the car up off the ground causing the rear wheels to just spin uselessly. The two state troopers in the car got out and began running for their lives. Ginger didn't give chase instead she began to rip the car in half. The steel squealed loudly in protest but in her hands, it was like tinfoil. Ginger then threw a half of the destroyed car after each of the fleeing officers mowing them down with ease. With the officers dead Ginger took off once again after the other vehicles, which were disappearing down the road into darkness. However suddenly Ginger heard a crash and then she saw flames up ahead. Ginger slowed down as she approached to see that the remaining escaping vehicles had all been destroyed, several of the vehicles were on fire. She could see dead bodies lying on the road. It sort of looked like they'd gotten into an accident, but the road was supposed to be closed. "What happened here?" Ginger wondered feeling a little disappointed as she looked at the body of a cop who'd been ejected out of his squad car. "I happened," a female voice replied. Ginger looked up to see a figure quite literally walking out of the flames. The figure was easily 7'0" tall and easily as muscular as Ginger was and appeared female given the largest breasts. But then Ginger noticed that hanging between the figures leg was a huge muscular cock, one that would dwarf even Archie's impressive member. As the figure got closer Ginger was able to see that the figure looked to be around the same age as her and had red hair and green eyes and other than the huge cock looked very much to be female. The two of them locked eyes and stared at each other... To be continued...