Archie's Mom - Part 3 Archie Fan - Archie's mother opens her gym It had barely been three weeks since Archie's mother had told him about how she was going to open her own gym, and the Grand Opening had already arrived. Archie had to admit he was amazed and impressed at how quickly they had gotten the gym ready. His mother had purchased an old restaurant and with the help of several of her students they had very quickly renovated it and turned it into a gym. With the investment money from Penelope Blossom and Hermione Lodge she had purchased some incredibly high tech weightlifting equipment. Archie walked through the gym which wasn't like other gyms he had been in or seen. Where other gyms had large numbers of treadmills, stationary bikes and elliptical machines; there were only three treadmills here. Instead the gym was filled to the max with weightlifting machines and tens if not hundreds of thousands of pounds of free weights. Floor to ceiling mirrors lined most of the walls which gave the illusion that the gym was bigger than it actually was; although it was still quite large. Archie walked out front where his mother was overseeing the placement of the sign. He couldn't help but think that the sign and the name of the gym was a little narcissistic. It read Mary's Muscles and there was a huge picture of his mother with her gigantic arms crossed in front of her equal enormous chest. "...A little to the right, a little more, perfect!" Mary instructed the workers installing the sign. She turned around to see her son walking out of the gym. "So isn't it amazing looking?" Mary asked. "Pretty impressive," Archie agreed. "But why is it almost entirely weights? What about women who just want to lose some weight or work on their cardio?" "You've seen my system Archie," Mary said. "You don't need any of that stuff. I could run a marathon right now in close to record time." Archie wasn't going to bother arguing with his mother. She made all sorts of ridiculous sounding boasts these days. But he couldn't disprove her, and it may have been true. He had asked Dilton about the changes that had happened with his mother, Betty and all the others and Dilton had no explanation. Everything Dilton knew about both physics and biology seemed to be defied by these women. Dilton suspected that there was some sort of growth agent at work, and Archie had been trying to find one but so far his search had turned up nothing. As Archie watched he saw a group of eight women approaching the gym. Every single one of them was more than six feet tall and ripped. Chief amongst them was Betty who was now 6'4" 260 lbs. and her mother Alice who had surpassed her daughter and was 6'5" 285 lbs. These women were to serve as the other trainers at the gym. "Okay Archie, I'm going to be having a trainers meeting now," Mary said. "Can you stay out here and just make sure nothing goes wrong as they finish installing the sign." Archie shrugged and nodded unenthusiastically and watched as his mother led the way inside. Betty lingered behind. "Aren't you excited that we get to work together now Archie?" the blonde teen behemoth asked. Archie had to admit that he found Betty far more attractive now than he had before. Not only had she gotten taller and more muscular, but she developed an impressively large set of tits. DD's at least from Archie's guess. That was another thing that had Archie and Dilton confused. Normally if a woman worked out she tended to lose some of the fatty breast tissue and her breasts would become smaller. However all of these women had gotten larger breasts somehow, but not one of them had gotten cosmetic implants. "You're going to be training clients while I'm going to be cleaning the place up," Archie said. "We probably won't be working together all that much in truth." "We'll still be spending a lot of time together," Betty said. "I bet that'll make Veronica real jealous." Betty and Veronica had been best friends when they were younger. But when they entered high school both of them had a crush on Archie and they'd become rivals for his attention. Veronica had ended up winning that battle and their friendship had dropped more to an acquaintance type level. However after Betty had begun training with Archie's mom and had gotten several other girls at school to do so as well it had created a new social clique in the school which had really stirred things up, the Amazons as they were called. Betty and her clique had established themselves as a set of female jocks. They had gotten a surprising large amount of attention from the boys at the school. In response the other girl's particularly the cheerleaders like Veronica had taken to dressing in, frankly sluttier clothing. There was no doubt that Veronica was jealous. She and her clique had pretty much run the school before, but now that control was slowly slipping away, especially as more girls look to join Betty and with the gym opening Archie could only assume that the number of Amazons was going to grow. "Is that really all this is about? One-upping Veronica?" Archie asked. "No, that's just a small part of it," Betty replied. "Anyway I gotta go don't want to miss the meeting." Archie wondered what else there could be, but he couldn't ask as Betty disappeared into the gym. He remained outside watching as the worked bolted the sign into place. They looked down to him for approval and Archie just gave them a thumbs up. The sign looked fine to him. About fifteen minutes later his mother came back out and looked up at the sign. The workers were packing up their ladders and getting ready to leave." "Hmm, I don't know I think maybe another two inches to the left..." Mary mused. "Mom, it's fine," Archie said. "That's not your face up there," Mary retorted. "It's not going to make any difference," Archie said. Mary looked down at her son from her lofty 6'7". "You know it's times like this I wish you had been born a girl," Mary commented. "What, why?" Archie asked. Mary just smiled and shook her head and headed back into the gym leaving Archie to stand there dazed and confused. ****************************************************************** The Grand Opening of the gym could only be labelled a success. The only thing subjective about it was how big a success it might be called. From the time it opened to the time it closed the gym was full. There was in fact a line of women waiting to get it for much of the time. The gym had closed early than would be its normal hours so that Mary and her trainers could go over their training plans for the clients together. They were currently having a meeting in the offices in the back while Archie was left alone out front to clean up. Archie was mopping the front entrance when two women entered the gym. "Sorry ladies we're closed," Archie said. Both women were tall with long lustrous red hair. From the looks of them they appeared to be a mother and daughter. The mother was around the same age as Archie's mom while the daughter looked to be the same age as Archie. "You must be Mary's son Archie," the mother said. "I'm Penelope one of her investors and this is my daughter Cheryl, Is she in the back?" Archie glanced at the mother. She was dressed in an all white skirt suit that that three quarter sleeves and a fairly short skirt that showed off her long shapely legs. However Archie's attention was much more focused on the daughter, Cheryl. She was tall, probably 5'10" but she was wearing some thigh high black leather boots with large heels that left her standing closet to 6'3". She wore a tiny pair of denim shorts that encased her round perfect ass and a white low cut halter top under which Archie could see the black bra she wore which encased a pair of the largest tits Archie had ever seen on a girl like her, they were definitely bigger than Veronica's. She wore was currently looking at her phone ignoring both her mother and Archie. Archie gave only the briefest of nods as he continued to stare at Cheryl, transfixed. "Why don't you stay here with Archie, Cheryl while I go speak with Mary," Penelope said. Cheryl finally looked up from her phone and noticed Archie for the first time. She looked down at him with an amused expression. "Fine," Cheryl said. "I'm sure we can find something to do." Penelope smiled at her daughter and headed towards the back offices leaving Archie and Cheryl alone. Archie stood there watching Cheryl, unsure what to do, as she slowly wandered into the gym. "So... that's your mother on the sign out front?" Cheryl asked as she examined a pair of free weights. "Uh... yes," Archie stammered in reply. "So how strong is your mom?" Cheryl asked as she moved over to a bench press bar. "I... I... I don't know," Archie stuttered. "Are you nervous or something?" Cheryl asked teasingly. "A little," Archie replied. "Well your mom may be strong, but I'm going to become the strongest woman in the world," Cheryl declared. The bench press bar was currently set for two hundred pounds. Cheryl took a hold of it with both hands in an underhand gripped and looked at Archie and grinned. Archie didn't know what she was thinking, she didn't seem to have any muscles on her at all; no way could she lift that let alone curl it like she seemed to be intending. However as Archie watched in disbelief Cheryl slowly but steadily powered the bar up into the air. With each inch the bar moved upwards Archie saw her arms grow bigger, her biceps swelled outwards and her forearms thickened. By the time she had the bar all the way up to her chest Cheryl's arms had more than doubled in size. With a bit more speed Cheryl curled the bar four more times, her arms growing a little bit larger each time, though not as much as at first. Cheryl set the bar down and then flexed her now very muscular arms as she smiled at Archie. "Pretty impressive right?" she asked. Archie could only stand there with his mouth half hanging open and stare at this sexy teen who looked as though she had come off the cover of Maxim magazine but now she had arms that rivalled those of a male bodybuilder, it just seemed so out of place and yet arousing and amazing. "Of course it doesn't really fit with the rest of me," Cheryl said. "But I can fix that." She walked over to a pull down machine and looked it over. The machine was currently set for 210 lbs. but Cheryl went over and adjusted it for 300. She then sat down at the machine and smoothly but slowly while showing almost no sign of exertion pulled the bar down. Just as with her curls previously Archie watched as her back and shoulder muscles swelled outwards as she pulled the bar down. After the first rep she did four more, each one smoother and easier before she smiled and stood up. Her skimpy halter top was now stretched almost to the point of breaking by her huge back. However her chest really had developed and looked kind of awkward compared to the rest of her upper body. But it looked like she was about to fix that as she walked over to a chest press machine. She once again adjusted the weight, to what Archie couldn't tell from his vantage point as he was standing in front of the machine, but he suspected it was something that should have been impossible. She sat down at the machine and she gave Archie a wink as she grabbed a hold of the two bars with her arms and then slowly powered her arms together. Archie could only stare transfixed as her chest slowly surged outwards as her pectorals thickened pushing her breasts outwards against her arms. Archie could hear the sound of the threads in her shirt tear and a small split appeared in the front as Cheryl pulled her arms back to do another chest press. She did another and the split grew larger. And on the third it grew larger still, and again on the forth. On the fifth press her top finally tore completely as her growing chest tore it apart. Her bra no longer covered her breasts as the straps had snapped and it hung useless around her midsection. Cheryl stood up and put her hands on her hips and thrust her chest out flexing it. Archie was surprised to see her breast swell outwards with the flex growing larger. Cheryl then relaxed the flex but her breasts remained the same size, it was a though they had grown from their previous size to match her new size. "Well that takes care of the upper body," Cheryl said. "But now to work on these legs." She sauntered over to the leg press machine. Archie had to admit she did look rather odd with her huge muscular upper body and her long but relatively thin legs beneath. She once again adjusted the weight and then she sat down and removed her boots. "Hmm, it's too bad I won't be able to wear these again," Cheryl said. She then placed her feet on the machine. Just as with every lift she had done before she did the first one slowly but yet seemed to be almost effortless. Her thighs swelled as huge hamstrings and quadriceps bulged into existence beneath her skin. As with all the other exercises she did only five reps before finishing. When she had finished she stood up and Archie thought that she looked to be as tall as she had been when she was still wearing her heeled boots. "Just one more thing to take care of," Cheryl commented. She moved over to a calf lift machine. After putting on a seemingly ridiculous amount of wait she stepped on to the machine and slowly pressed out five reps. Archie watched as her calf muscles bulged outwards with each lift. When she was done Cheryl stepped off the machine and Archie was surprised to see that she was even taller now, she had to be 6'5" at least. In just a matter of ten minutes she had grown bigger than Betty had in more than six weeks of training with his mother, and all on her own. "So? What do you think?" Cheryl asked. She went through a series of poses for Archie doing a double biceps, and then a triceps pose, followed by a back lat spread and finished off with a huge crab flex. "I... I... uh... what? How? I..." Archie stammered unsure what to say or even think. "Pretty impressive, right? And this is just the start, I'm going to get huge," Cheryl said. Archie tried to imagine what that meant. She was already almost as big as his mother. And with her red hair and green eyes Archie thought she kind of looked like a younger version of his mother. "So tell me the truth, is this turning you on?" Cheryl asked as she stepped closer and closer to Archie till she was right in front of him. She thrust out her chest and her bountiful breasts bumped up against the underside of his chin. Archie tried to speak but his voice had left him, but he nodded his head up and down. "I thought so," Cheryl said and she turned her back on him. "No man can resist me." Archie wanted to say that she had never met his friend Jughead, but he still couldn't speak. Just then the other women came out of the office. "Oh Cheryl, I see you decided to get a start on working out," her mother said. Archie thought that Penelope looked somewhat small next to all of the trainers and especially his mother, even though Penelope was about 5'10". Archie's mother stepped away from the group and up to Cheryl. Mary was still a couple of inches taller and all of her muscles were still much larger. As they stood face to face Archie could see that his comparison wasn't far off. "You're right Penelope, she does have a great deal of potential," Mary said as she continued to look Cheryl over. "But potential isn't everything. Let's see if she has what it takes." Archie stood there with no idea what they were talking about. But he continued to have this suspicion that something was going on, that there was some sort of plot that he didn't know about. As he watched his mother flex her even bigger muscles in front of Cheryl he vowed to himself to figure out what it was. To be continued