Archie's Mom - Part 1 Archie Fan - Archie's Mother Mary Andrews becomes a powerhouse Archie Andrews had been hiding in the small broom closet in the basement of his house for almost three hours at this point, staring out through the small slats in the bi-fold doors. The seventeen year old Riverdale High student was watching his forty year old mother work out. A bit more than a year ago Mary Andrews had been a normal housewife. However her marriage to Archie's father Fred had been strained and they had been seeing a counsellor. He had suggested she take up an activity or hobby, she had tried several different things: scrapbooking, knitting, painting, yoga, but the one activity that had stuck was weightlifting. Mary had quickly become obsessed with getting bigger and stronger. Archie wasn't sure but he believed his mother was taking steroids. But they seemed to be more powerful than the ones Archie was familiar with. In a year his mother had gone from an average 5'6" 110 lbs. to a monstrous 6'7" and what Archie could only guess was well in excess of 300 lbs. of massive, veiny and defined muscle, but for all he knew she could have been close to 400 lbs. Archie was impressed, terrified and aroused at how strong his mother had become. Archie crouched in the broom closet, his pants down around his ankles stroking himself as he watched his mother rhythmically doing alternating bicep curls with each arm while using a special expensive set of weights she had purchased that were over 300 lbs. Archie remember when she had first purchased them a few months ago; his father had been upset over what they had cost. Back then Mary had only been about 6'2" and 235 lbs. but that was still bigger and stronger than her husband and she had threatened to beat him and take everything from him in a divorce. Fred had not made any more comments about her purchase after that. "Eighty-three... Eighty-three... Eighty-four... Eighty-four..." Mary counted between controlled breaths. Archie was completely fascinated as he watched his mother curl the huge heavy weights with each arm with machine-like determination. Her arms bulged and relaxed obscenely each time she raised the weight in the air, each massive bicep was almost as big around as Archie's waist while her huge forearms were easily the size of his thighs. Archie struggled to control his own breathing not wanting to make any noise and let his mother know that he was watching. He knew that it was wrong to be aroused by his own mother, but she was just so unlike other women. Everything that had changed with his mother had led Archie to discover that while he liked any and all girls, it was a big powerful woman like his mother now was that really turned him on. However the social norm suggested that this was not something he would want others to know. "Ninety-nine... one hundred... one hundred..." Mary finished counting and then dropped her heavy weights to the ground with a thud. Archie's mother stood up off the heavy duty workout bench she had been sitting on still pumping her arms. She was wearing a pair of black spandex bike shorts which were about the only article of clothing that she could pull over her massive thighs and a pink t-shirt. The T-shirt had the sleeves cut-off, the neck had been cut larger to fit her giant bull neck and large slits had been cut in the sides so that it could fit over her huge chest. The shirt was stretched to the max by the sheer size of Mary's upper body. Yet despite all the changes her face was still that of Archie's mother, although it looked rather awkward sitting on top of her thick neck still framed by the bob of red hair that she had worn for as long as Archie could remember. The wall across from the closet had been covered with a floor to ceiling mirror. Mary walked over and looked at her magnificent physique in the mirror, her back towards Archie. "God, yes," Mary moaned. "I'm so much bigger!" Archie stared transfixed as his mother brought both arms up and powered into a huge double biceps pose. He could see the already cut seams around the arm holes strain not to be ripped even larger. Archie could see his mother smiling at her reflection and she then kissed the veiny peak of each arm. Mary then brought her huge arms down as she moved into a front lat spread. As Mary's chest and back spread wider and thicker from the flex, Archie could see the already torn shirt tear more as it struggled to remain intact. "Come on, come on," Mary grunted as she powered her flex willing her muscles to get larger. Archie was jerking himself off furiously as he watched the shirt tear apart as his mother's chest and back burst outwards with expanding muscle. The shirt fell to the floor as Mary turned around and let out a loud bellow up towards the ceiling. Archie was given a full view of his mother's huge naked breasts which jutted out proudly from her thick muscular chest. Archie lost all control and let out a loud groan as he came on the closet door. Mary looked down at the closet door and strode over. Archie was frozen with fear over being caught and didn't even move. With a swift yank Mary ripped the closet door off of its track and tossed it aside as if it were a piece of Styrofoam. She looked down at her surprised and frightened son who was standing slightly crouched over with his pants around his ankles and one hand on his cock. "Did you enjoy the show?" Mary asked. Archie stared up past his mother's huge breasts at her impassive face. He wasn't sure if she was upset with him or not. It only made him worried. He tried to think up some response that wouldn't make the situation worse. "What a silly question," Mary said. "Of course you enjoyed the show." Archie then realized his mother's eyes were looking at his dick which still had a few drops of cum dripping from the tip. "I... I... uh..." Archie stammered. "It's quite alright Archie," his mother said. "Frankly I like having an audience, although I'd prefer it if you don't hide in the closet." "Really?" Archie asked with surprise. "Of course," Mary said. "I'm glad that you like my new body. You're so progressive, unlike your father." Archie wasn't sure what to say. He just stood there staring back up at his mother. "Of course it's a little strange for you to think of your mother that way," Mary said. Archie quickly pulled his pants back up over his waist making his mother chuckle. "So you like my big... powerful... muscles?" Mary asked flexing and drawing out each word almost teasingly. Archie could only stare at his mother's huge muscles and nod his affirmation. "Well you're in luck son," Mary said. "I am but the first of many. A new social dynamic is about to occur, the question is will you resist or will you submit?" Mary punctuated the question by flexing her huge bicep intimidatingly in her son's face. Archie found himself wondering just how his mother had changed. ************************************************** Archie awoke to the sound of his alarm clock going off. Archie wasn't sure why his alarm clock was going off, it was the weekend and he didn't remember setting it. Sleepily he rolled over and looked at the time to see that it was just after eight o'clock. "What the hell..." Archie mumbled. He slammed his hand on the sleep button and buried his head under his pillow trying to get back to sleep. However a few moments later he heard his door open and then he felt the sensation that he was rising up into the air. Panicking Archie look up and saw that he was indeed somehow higher up in the air; the headboard on his bed was touching the ceiling of his bedroom. Archie looked sat upright looking around and heard his mother chuckling and then he saw that she was at the foot of his bed, holding both it and him up in the air. "Rise and shine Archie," Mary said with a smile. "What the..." Archie started to say. Before he could say another word his mother tilted the bed sideways dumping him to the ground in a heap before setting his bed back down. Archie lay underneath his blanket and sheets groaning from the sudden fall. Mary reached down and tossed aside the blankets. "Come on Archie, don't you want to come watch your mother work out?" Mary asked. Archie just grunted and grabbed his pillow and held it over his head. "Hmm, I thought you would be more enthusiastic about this," Mary said, "Especially since I'm starting to train a new student today." Archie pulled the pillow off his head and looked up at his mother a little confused. "I thought that might get your attention," Mary said with a smile. "That's right I'm training a new student today; and it's somebody you know quite well. Now hurry up she's already waiting in the basement." She walked over to Archie's dresser and rummaged through it looking for something. She then threw some clothes at Archie. Archie caught a shirt but a pair of shorts hit him in the face. "Get dressed and meet me in the basement in ten minutes," Mary said. "Or I'll have to punish you." She turned and left his room, her huge frame barely fitting through the door which she closed behind her. Archie sat there a little stunned by what had just happened. He then looked at his bed and realized that it, with him in it had to weigh well over four hundred pounds and yet his mother had lifted it as though it were nothing. He wondered just how strong she was. However he also didn't want to find out what she meant by punishing him. He quickly got dressed in the clothes his mother had tossed at him. He left his room, made a quick stop at the bathroom, before heading to the basement. Along the way he wondered who his mother's student would be. His mother didn't have as many friends anymore as she rarely went out anymore. He walked down the basement stairs. There was a door to the right which led to the area that his mother had turned into her workout room which dominated the basement. He opened the door and was treated to a view of his mother's expansive back as she was flexing. "... you can be as big as me," Mary said between grunts as she flexed her huge arms. "And you think he'll like that?" Archie heard a familiar girl's voice ask. Mary relaxed her flex and turned around to see Archie standing just outside the door. "Well he certainly seemed to enjoy it yesterday," his mother said looking down at him. "Come on in Archie, say hello to Betty." Archie somewhat reluctantly entered the workout room. Standing in the room just past his mother, dressed in yoga pants and a tight workout top was Betty Cooper. Archie had known Betty since they had been in kindergarten. They had been friends for years but then in highschool Betty had developed a big crush on Archie. Unfortunately for her Archie didn't exactly feel the same way, he was more inclined to keep his options open and if there was one girl that he really liked it was Veronica Lodge. Archie had tried to convince Betty that they were just friends but for some reason the message never seemed to get through to her. "Hey Archie!" Betty said. "I finally know why you've never been too interested in me. But your mother here as agreed to help me so that you'll be all mine." Archie glanced at his mother who just smiled and nodded. He then realized that this was probably his punishment for spying on his mother yesterday. Archie wasn't exactly impressed; it's not that Betty was unattractive. She was tall and thin and had an attractive face with natural blonde hair and bright blue eyes. But she was relatively flat chested with barely B-cup breasts and not much else to her figure. She had nothing on Veronica who was a little shorter but had long raven black hair and chestnut brown eyes to go with her bountiful D-cup breasts that she always wore a push-up bra to make them look more like DD's and her round bubble butt that looked like it belonged in a rap video. "Well now that Archie is here we can get started," Mary said clapping her big hands together loudly. "So first things first let's do some measurements so we can track your progress okay? Archie go get the measuring tape and a blank notebook and a pen from the office." Archie begrudgingly headed back upstairs, muttering to himself about his mother inviting over Betty. He found the items his mother had requested and headed back downstairs where Betty was standing on the old doctor's scale his mother had purchased as Mary measured Betty's height and weight. "Alright Archie take some notes here, height five foot nine, weight one twenty two," Mary said. For the next little while Archie was stuck taking notes as his mother measured each part of Betty's body. Archie soon found he had more information about Betty's dimensions then he wanted. There was no way he was going to tell Veronica any of this. "Okay now let's see where you are at with your strength," Mary said once they were done measuring. For the next hour Betty lifted increasingly heavier weights in various exercises until she couldn't lift anymore. Archie jotted down in the notebook what her maximum was for each lift. Once they were done Mary took the notebook from Archie and looked it over. "Well you're starting off better than I did," Mary said. "So you should see some fast improvement. I'd say we can double all of these in just three days." "Really?" Betty asked excited. "No way," Archie commented. Mary turned towards her son with a glare. "Do you doubt the power of the female body?" Mary asked as she seemed to swell with muscle intimidatingly, flexing without flexing. "I... uh..." Archie stammered. "I think a little competition is in order," Mary said. "I bet you by the end of this session Betty will be able to lift more than you." Archie couldn't help but scoff. Sure his mother was strong, but she'd built that up over more than a year. Sure Betty was already fairly strong for a girl, but Archie was no slouch. Archie was on several sports teams at school including basketball, baseball and football. He wasn't a star player, but he didn't ride the bench either. "I doubt that mom," Archie said. "I might not be as strong as you but I'm a pretty good athlete in my own regard." Mary just shrugged her son's argument off. "We shall see," she said simply and dismissively. "Let's begin with a simple two arm curl." She led Archie and Betty over to a pair of two arm curl bars and she set them up with an equal amount of weight at 45 lbs. "I want you each to do ten reps with this, we'll keep incrementally increasing the weight ten pounds at a time until one of you can no longer continue," Mary instructed them. "Ready...? Begin!" Both of them quickly cranked out the ten reps. Mary then added five pounds to each of their bars and had them go again. Once again they both cranked out the reps. This continued until the weight on the bar reached eighty pounds. Archie was surprised at how Betty had been done all of the reps easily so far; he had actually had some difficulty with the seventy five pounds. "...and go!" Mary said once the weight had been added to their bars. Betty smoothly did the ten curls and set the bar down and smirked at Archie who was only on six. Archie strained and struggled but he was able to do ten. He wasn't sure how Betty seemed to be doing this so easily. As Mary was putting yet another five pounds on each bar Archie looked across at Betty. She didn't even seem to be exerting herself much, yet he never had known her to be this strong. Archie meanwhile had sore arms and he was starting to sweat profusely. "Aren't you getting tired?" Archie asked as he wiped some sweat from his brow. "Why would I be tired?" Betty responded. "This is barely testing my guns." Betty flexed her arm and Archie saw a large bicep that was easily as big as his own. He knew that her arm had not been that big earlier. He stared at the flexed muscle in surprise. "All set," Mary announced. "Now begin!" Betty grabbed the bar and easily cranked out ten more reps. "No problem," she said setting the bar down. Archie struggled to curl the bar up to his chest just once and then on the way down he lost his grip and the bar fell to the ground. "Well it looks like Betty won the first round," Mary said. "But maybe you'll win one of the other rounds." But Archie didn't win; not one single round. Somehow Betty proved to be stronger than him at every single lift and exercise that they did. "Alright Betty, you've made some good progress today," Mary said. "Let's see what your measurements are now." Archie was forced to once again note all of Betty's measurements. Every part of her had gotten larger it seemed. However the part that left Archie in disbelief was that Betty was now 5'10 and weight 165 lbs. How had she gained an inch in height and what he could only guess was over forty pounds of muscle in just a few hours? And she hadn't eaten anything just drank some water. "Very nice Betty," Mary said as she looked over the notes Archie had taken. "But the first bit always comes quickly. It's when you start to get huge that things slow down." "I can't wait," Betty said excitedly. Archie however wasn't so enthused. He wasn't sure what, but clearly his mother was up to something; and it wasn't looking too good for him. To Be Continued