Archie Marries Veronica - Part 7 by Archie Fan - Veronica prepares for the next stage ***************************************** With the device operating the people of Riverdale were unable to leave the town or even contact anybody outside of the town. The whole town had been encased in an invisible dome that effectively trapped them all inside with Veronica and her daughters. Outside of Riverdale the world had no idea what was going on. The energy field created a distortion that made it impossible to see what was happening inside. No instruments they had could get readings from inside the field, and it seemed as though nothing could penetrate. They had attempted to bring it down with tanks, the bombs and missiles. The only option they did not try was a nuclear device because they did not want to kill the people inside; although this option would have been futile as well. With the town completely shut off from the rest of the world Veronica was content to just remain in Riverdale and grow her family as they took their time slaughtering the people of Riverdale. After nine more years Veronica had given birth to her twenty-sixth daughter, she also had seventy-eight grand children from her thirteen oldest daughters. Veronica now stood an awe inspiring 9'3", she no longer bothered with her measurements or her weight, but she knew she had to weigh somewhere around 1000 lbs. likely on the slightly heavier side. Her gigantic body was about a wide as a car from shoulder to shoulder. At the moment she was calmly walking through the ruined streets of Riverdale. All around were the shattered remains of vehicles, not a single working vehicle remained in Riverdale, as Veronica and her daughters had destroyed them years ago. The streets were cracked and small craters were everywhere from their destructive behaviour. The majority of buildings were in states of major disrepair, most of them at least partially collapsed. Holes could be seen in the grass where large trees had once stood, but had been uprooted years ago. Veronica made her way towards The Academy, which she and her daughters had built on the remains of her old highschool. The Academy was not a learning institution in the traditional sense, not in the least; rather it was a place where Veronica's older daughters taught the younger the finer points of slaughtering mundanes. The ground where the school had once stood had been carved into a huge three hundred foot wide pit that was forty feet deep with smooth walls that made climbing out next to impossible. The few hundred remaining citizens of Riverdale were kept in cages down in the pits in what could only be described as deplorable conditions. Veronica stood at the edge of pit looking down. Below her eldest two daughters Angela and Brittney were putting on a demonstration for several of the younger girls who were between five to seven years old. Nearly twenty years old now Angela was an enormous 8'5" and her younger sister Brittney at nineteen wasn't far behind at 8'4". Both of them had seen their growth slow as Veronica's had, when they had turned sixteen. The younger girls were between 5'0" and 6'0" tall, but they were just as deadly to mundanes as Angela and Brittney. Angela was currently demonstrating the proper technique to ripping a person's head off and removing their spine at the same time, which she demonstrated on a terrified teenage boy who had clearly wet his pants. The younger girls applauded as Angela proudly held the severed head aloft, the spine dangling below and dripping blood. Before the lesson could continue however Veronica leapt down off the edge of the pit landing just behind Angela and Brittney. All of the attention quickly focused on the massive matriarch of the family. "Why mother, to what do we owe the pleasure?" Brittney asked. "I have some excellent news," Veronica replied. "But this is for everyone to here. I want you to gather your daughters and sisters; bring your father and every last surviving mundane. I have an announcement to make." Both Angela and Brittney were curious as to what their mother's announcement was, but they both knew that she wasn't going to tell them. Instead they went about doing as Veronica had asked, gathering up their sisters, daughters and nieces along with the remaining mundanes and lastly their father Archie. Now into his forties Archie was showing his age. His formerly fit body was beginning to get flabby and his red hair was now streaked with gray. Whenever he looked at his wife Veronica he couldn't help but feel a little jealous as she had barely seemed to age at all. The only part of his body that remained fit was his giant cock, which had grown to an astonishing 30" but even that seemed to be wearing out. Archie was finding that it was taking longer become hard; a few minutes compared to how he had been able to go instantly hard before. He was also finding that he wasn't ejaculating as much cum as he used to. It had actually taken quite a bit of effort for him and Veronica to conceive their last child Zara. "What's this all about Ronnie?" Archie inquired as Brittney dropped him off in the pit. "You'll find out in a few minutes with everyone else," Veronica replied. "But come, stand next to me." Archie stood next to his wife as his daughters all arrived, and began sitting in a large curve in front of the two of them. At the same time Angela, Clara and Delphine were herding the few remaining mundane people into place. Archie couldn't help but think that the scene looked like lambs being led to the slaughter. As he watched he saw an elderly woman who was frail from malnutrition, trip as she was being led from her cage by Delphine. Delphine reached down and wrapped her huge hand around the woman's head and picked her up and held her aloft. The old woman was 5'1" at most and couldn't have weighed more than 85 lbs. In comparison 16 year old Delphine was 8'1" and around 630 lbs. which was more than seven times the mass of the old woman. The old woman feebly tried to pry Delphine's fingers off her face but she was far too weak to even make them budge. Delphine grinned as she let the old woman struggle for a few moments before she slowly squeezed her hand into a fist. The old woman's brittle skull collapsed with a crunch almost instantly. Blood and brain oozed up between Delphine's knuckles onto the ground. Delphine then threw the old woman's body aside with an almost casual toss, yet it had enough force that her corpse flew clear across the pit and struck the wall splattering as if she had just hit the ground following a one hundred foot fall. Veronica politely applauded her daughter's display of destruction as everyone finished taking their seats. "Now I'm sure you're all wondering why I've had you all gather here today," Veronica began. "And the reason is that it is time for us to leave Riverdale and extend our reach to the rest of the world." Archie was a little surprised he hadn't been aware that Veronica had been planning on leaving Riverdale, although he was more than willing to follow her wherever she went. He looked up at his wife who then looked back down at him. "Unfortunately Archie you won't be coming with us," Veronica said. Archie was confused. He was the source of all of their children; he had fathered every one of the girls. How could they go forth and propagate without him? Or was he just misunderstanding something. "Come here Archie," Veronica instructed as she gestured for Archie to stand in front of her. Archie did as his wife asked, but he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He couldn't help but feel that his daughters knew more about what was going on than he did and that was disconcerting. "You've done an excellent job growing our family Archie," Veronica said. "But the time eventually comes when a stud must be put out to pasture." Archie was now even more nervous and anxious. He knew that Veronica wanted to continue growing their family, but how could she do that without him? He was the only one who could impregnate Veronica or his daughters. Had she figured out how to make more men like him? "I can see you are confused Archie-kins," Veronica said. "So allow me to explain." However rather than say anything Veronica just put her hands on her hips and stood with her legs partially spread. Archie was going to ask something when he noticed that her vagina seemed to be bulging outwards. It continued to swell outwards all though the lips seemed to get smaller. That's when Archie realized that Veronica's vagina was turning into a massive cock. Behind her growing cock a set of balls began to drop. Soon Veronica's cock had finished growing. At 42" it was more than a foot longer than Archie's own cock and at least twice as thick. Even in its limp state thick veins could be seen snaking along its length. Veronica hefted her mighty prick in one hand bring the tip up to Archie's face. The head of Veronica's cock was almost as big as Archie's skull and he looked at it with fright. Behind it sat an enormous pair of balls each the size of a grapefruit, but they were compressed because of the size of Veronica's titanic thighs. "Understand?" Veronica asked as she looked down at Archie with a smile. Archie understood, although he didn't know how this was possible. And he became quite nervous because he didn't know what that meant for him. He looked up at Veronica and opened his mouth to ask her a question when suddenly she grabbed him by the back of the head and forced her huge new dick into his mouth. Archie's jaw broke almost immediately and he let out a loud muffled scream. "You should feel privileged Archie-kins," Veronica said. "You get to be the first to christen my new cock." With her left hand resting on her hip she jerked herself off with her right. As her cock became hard it lifted Archie off the ground as it rose up towards her breasts, his feet dangling several inches off the ground. Archie kicked his feet uselessly and tried to push himself off, but his mouth was stretched so tight and he had no leverage that he couldn't budge. Veronica grunted as she jerked herself off. The nearer she got to orgasm the louder and faster her grunting became. When she reached orgasm Veronica let out a loud moan. Archie felt an immense pressure in his mouth and throat and then suddenly his head exploded as if it were a bomb. Cum, brains, blood and skull fragments flew in every direction. Several of the mundane citizens were injured as tiny pieces of Archie's skull lacerated their skin. Veronica's daughters and granddaughters were unaffected, and they cheered seeing their father's skull explode. The only part of Archie's head that remained was the stretched remains of his mouth. With his spine severed his body had fallen to the floor. Veronica reached down and peeled her now ex-husband's mouth off of her prick and casually tossed it aside. She then looked at her family with a broad grin on her face. "We've now got the power we need to make this world ours," Veronica said. "Once we finished off this town we can move on to greener pastures." Her family quickly got her meaning and the slaughter of the remaining citizens of Riverdale began. ***************************************** Reggie Mantle had long thought that he had not been killed yet because Veronica was intending to replace Archie with him. But when he'd watched Veronica grow a massive cock and then kill Archie with it he realized that he'd been wrong, horrifyingly wrong. When all of the other girls began killing everyone Reggie had used the commotion to sneak back into his cage. He closed the door and lay on the ground pretending to already be dead. All around him he could hear the screams of everyone else as they were being killed. The screams were soon silenced as the air was filled with the sound of bones being shattered and flesh being torn. However Reggie did his best to lie still and not move and hoped that he would be forgotten. Soon the sounds died down, but Reggie could still hear the sound of the women and girls talking happily with each other. He could not for the life of his understand why they enjoyed murder so much. He was still lying there when he heard footsteps approach his cage. Reggie couldn't see who it was, but from the sounds of the footsteps it seemed to be one of the younger girls. He heard the door open as she entered the cage and he could feel her looking down at him. Reggie held his breath hoping that she would turn and leave. Unfortunately for Reggie luck was not on his side. The girl prodded Reggie with her foot roughly and it was hard enough that he let out a grunt. "Thought you could hide from me did you?" the girl asked rhetorically. His ruse broken Reggie rolled onto his back clutching his side where she had kicked him and looked up. He recognized the girl as Quinn, Veronica's seventeenth daughter. She had black hair and brown eyes like her mother and even though she was only six and a half she stood 5'10" and was about 240 lbs. of powerful female muscle. She reached down and grabbed Reggie by his threadbare shirt and hauled him to his feet. Reggie still could not get used to the fact that he was looking eye to eye with a girl younger than seven. Quinn looked him up and down, almost as if evaluating him. "I know you," Quinn said. Reggie hadn't really had any interaction with the girl before, so he wasn't sure what she meant. "Yeah, you're Reggie Mantle," Quinn continued. "My mother has talked about you." "Oh good things I'm sure," Reggie said with a half-hearted smile. "She said you weren't nearly half as good in bed as you thought you were," Quinn responded. The smile quickly vanished from Reggie's face. "I believe she said that you were all talk and that you never measured up," Quinn added. Despite the years of being trapped in this town, treated basically like a slave and despite the fact that he was forty-three years old Reggie still had the same ego. And he really didn't like being told he wasn't as good as Archie. He dropped his patched up pants and whipped out his cock and began jerking it hard in front of the girl, getting it hard to it's normal 9" rather quickly. "That's pretty above average," Reggie said as he stood proudly with his hands on his hips. "How is that not measuring up?" Quinn stepped towards him and grasped his cock with one hand and stared into Reggie's eyes. As he looked back he saw a wicked grin slowly spread across her face. "God you're as easy to manipulate as mom said," Quinn remarked. With that she squeezed her hand into a fist crushing Reggie penis instantly. It exploded with a wet noise like that sounded like diarrhea being shit into a toilet. Reggie let out a howl of pain as blood began profusely bleeding from the gaping wound where his dick had once attached to his body. Quinn callously tossed the pulpy remains of his prick to the ground and coldly shoved her hand into the wound she had created by ripping off his cock. She worked her arm up into Reggie, her thick forearm ripping the hole even larger. She then grabbed a handful of Reggie's innards and pulled her arm out. Reggie could only look on with horror as his intestines, stomach, bladder, liver and one of his kidneys all spilled out onto the ground. Seconds later his legs gave way and he collapsed to the ground on top of his innards in a heap. As his vision slowly began to fade to black the last thing Reggie saw Quinn's face as she smiled down at him, and then Veronica appearing to congratulate her daughter. Reggie wanted to curse both of them but as he opened his mouth his last breath left his body and his eyes closed as he passed on. ***************************************** Colonel Midge Klump was in her office at Fort Pembrooke. The small military base had been constructed following the sudden appearance of the strange energy field surround Riverdale to house researchers who were trying to learn what the field was and the troops to guard them as well as to keep civilians away. It had been constructed on the remains of Pembrooke a small affluent community that neighboured Riverdale, half of which was inside the energy field. Midge had joined the military immediately out of highschool as a way to get away from her abusive boyfriend Moose and had served several tours overseas in both combat and non-combat locales, serving with the engineering corps of the Army. When her home town had been mysteriously cut off from the world nine years ago Midge had used all the influence she had to get posted to Fort Pembrooke which had been founded soon afterwards. A Major when she had first arrived Midge had initially been the second in command and had overseen the majority of the bases construction, which she had designed with the idea that this energy field would eventually be brought down and Riverdale restored. Many of the buildings had been constructed so that they could be used by the town for other purposes afterwards. Three years ago Midge had been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and given command of the base when the previous commander had left for a different posting and a year ago she had been promoted to Colonel. She was currently reviewing a report by the bases scientists where they had attempted to replicate the energy field on a smaller scale which had met with some success. However the report stated that they were able to disrupt their own field which suggested that the field surrounding Riverdale was constantly altering its frequency which meant that in order to bring the field down they would need to discover the pattern of these changes. Midge was somewhat hopeful, the progress meant that bring the field down was at the very least possible. She was reading a proposal from the lead scientist on what they needed to do to attempt to detect this pattern when there was a knock on the door to her office. "Come in," she called. The door opened and in came Sergeant Chuck Clayton. Chuck was the only other person on the base who was originally from Riverdale. He had left Riverdale to go to Hollywood to work as an animator for a film studio which he had done for more than a decade. However when his hometown had been cut off from the world Chuck had quit his job and joined the military so he could be at the base in the hopes of regaining contact with his family and friends who were trapped inside. "Colonel," Chuck said saluting as he entered. Midge returned the salute from her seat. "At ease Chuck," she said. "What is it?" "The scientists are saying that there is something going on with the field," Chuck replied. "They think that it might be collapsing." That was enough to get Midge up to her feet and heading towards the door. "Come with me," Midge ordered Chuck who stepped aside to let her leave first before following her. They both hurried outside heading towards the energy field. Both of them had family and friends who were trapped inside Riverdale. They had no idea if they were alive or dead, or just what was going on inside but they held out hope that they would be reunited with them. If the energy field were collapsing then that meant they would get their answers, one way or another. The energy field was always quite interesting to look at. It distorted the view of whatever was inside creating a swirling pattern of colours that reminded Midge of the planet Jupiter but with more green and brown than white and red. However the swirling pattern that they had all grown used to seemed to be lessened. "Status report Doctor," Midge ordered as she approached a group of scientists who were standing near the field with a set of instruments. "As far as we can tell the field is powering down," the lead scientist Dr. Fletcher Foley. "I estimate that the field will be down in less than an hour." "An hour?" Midge asked rather surprised. "Yes Colonel, maybe even less," Dr. Foley replied. Midge turned to Chuck. "I want a team suited up and ready to go in the second that field comes down," Midge instructed him. "I want you to lead the team, remember to wear bio suits. We have no idea what went on in there." "Yes Mam!" Chuck said with a salute before hurrying off to carry out her orders. "I've got to go inform Washington about what's going on here," Midge said turning back to Dr. Foley. "Please keep me apprised of the situation let me know of any changes." "Yes mam," Dr. Foley said before turning back to his work. ***************************************** An hour later... Sergeant Clayton led his squad of twelve men into Riverdale. He was surprised at the vast amounts of devastation that they saw. Trees were uprooted, cars had been crushed and tossed aside like they were paper balls, and buildings were largely collapsed. "It looks like a nuclear bomb went off in here," one of his soldiers commented. "This wasn't a bomb," Chuck said. "This was something else entirely." If it had been a nuclear bomb or some other kind of explosion then everything would have looked like it had been flung outwards from a central point. As it were the destruction seemed to be strewn about in many directions and there was little evidence of the usual charring that was common to explosions. Chuck was a little concerned as they had thus far seen no signs of life. With the town cut off from the world for so long he had prepared himself for the likelihood that those trapped inside had perhaps starved to death. But as they picked through the ruins of house that Chuck recalled as once belonging to his classmate Raj Patel they didn't find any human remains. "Okay we're going to split up into squads of four and search the buildings," Chuck ordered. "We need to try and find out what happened to the people who had been trapped in here." He assigned his soldiers to three squads assigning them each a call sign. Chuck was leading Alpha squads and the other two were Bravo and Charlie squad. They split off with the intention of meeting in the center of the town. Chuck and the three soldiers with him picking through the remains of the old Chock'lit Shoppe, when there was suddenly a cry on the radio from Bravo Squad. "We've got contact, it looks like a woman it... Ah!" the squad leader cried out before the radio went silent. "Bravo Squad! Bravo Squad!" Chuck yelled into his radio, but there was no answer. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" Chuck readied his rifle and motioned for the rest of his squad to do so as well. "There's something in here," Chuck said quietly. "Be vigilant, keep your eyes and ears open." Just then the radio crackled to life with a call from Charlie Squad. "I see a little girl," the leader of Charlie Squad reported. "I think she... oh god! My arm! She just ripped off my arm!" Seconds later the radio went dead again. "Charlie Squad report!" Chuck called out. "Charlie Squad!" There was no reply once again. "Fuck!" one of his soldiers cursed. "We have to get out here." Before Chuck could stop him the soldier began running as fast as he could in the slightly bulky bio suit back towards the base. However he got about ten feet away from the ruins of the Chock'lit Shoppe when he was knocked to the ground by something large. Chuck and the rest of the squad looked on in horror at what it was. Standing over the soldier was a woman who was well over eight feet tall. She had long black hair and green eyes, but what was the frightening aspect was that she was bulging with huge powerful muscles. She placed a foot on the soldier's midsection crushing his pelvis with her immense weight causing him to scream in agony. His scream didn't last long however as she reached down and with one hand ripped his helmeted head off. She then turned to face Chuck and the rest of his squad. As she did Chuck couldn't help but think that this girl looked quite a bit like Veronica Lodge, except she had green eyes whereas Veronica's were brown. "What the hell?" Chuck muttered. "She looks like Veronica." The girl must have heard him because her eyes focused on him. "Oh, you know my mother?" she asked. "Your mother?" Chuck exclaimed in surprise. Suddenly beside him his squad mates let out horrified screams. Chuck looked to see two girls one about 5'10" with black hair and brown eyes and the other about 5'6" with red hair and green eyes. Both of them were absolutely ripped with muscles and they had just torn the arms off of Chuck's squad mates. Chuck screamed in terror as he brought his rifle up and fired at the two girls, however his bullets bounced off of them as if their skin were made of hardened steel. Seconds later his rifle was yanked from his hands and he saw that the massive woman had come over and taken it from him. She crushed the gun into a ball of useless metal and tossed it aside. "I'm Veronica's oldest daughter Angela," she said to him. "And these are my sisters Quinn and Rachelle." "I... but... what... Veronica's daughters?" Chuck stammered not sure what to make of this information. "I'm sure my mother would like to catch up with you, but unfortunately we're all very busy with taking over the world," Angela said. "So I'm sorry to say there won't be a reunion today, or ever." Chuck looked up at her with a bewildered expression on his face. He couldn't believe that any of this was real. It all had to be a dream. However when Angela grabbed him under the arms and picked him up, her thick powerful fingers digging into sides her knew it wasn't a dream. He could feel and hear his ribs breaking one by one as Angela squeezed and dug her hands into him. Chuck let out a howl of pain as her fingers pushed past his ribs and into the soft organs inside. Once she had a good grip Angela then pulled outwards. Chuck's body split open like a wet paper bag, his innards spilling down onto the ground like a grain chute being opened. Angela grinned as she held the two halves of Chuck's corpse aloft for her two younger sisters to see. "I can wait to be as big as you," Rachelle commented. "I just hope there will still be men left to kill then." "I'm sure mother has a plan," Angela responded. "Now let's go find her." Angela dropped Chuck's remains to the ground and three girls headed off to find their mother. To be continued...