Archie Marries Veronica - Part 7 by Archie Fan - Veronica and her daughters conquer the world ***************************************** Colonel Midge Klump was in utter shock. She had no idea what was going on. About ten minutes ago they had lost all contact with Chuck's squad that she had sent to investigate Riverdale. The town was apparently in ruins and from the garbled radio transmissions that they had picked up it sounds as if Chuck and his men had been attacked by young women. And then three minutes after that Fort Pembrooke was under attack. Nobody knew who they were or where they came from, but they attacked with deadly precision and quickly caused massive destruction. Midge had evacuated back to her office to try and contact Washington. Along the way she saw what looked like a seven foot tall woman punch a soldier through the chest, her huge muscular arm going all the way through up to the bicep. She then flexed her which trapped the soldier's head between her bicep and forearm crushing it and spilling the contents of his skull out onto her arms and then onto the ground. As Midge reached her office she immediately grabbed the wastebasket and threw up. As soon as she recovered she looked up to see a huge red-headed woman standing just a few feet away looking down at her with an amused expression on her face. The woman had to be around 7'7" and was the most muscular person that Midge had ever seen. She wore the skimpiest of clothing that consisted of a cut- off t-shirt and shorts, and went barefoot. Despite her massive frame she seemed to have a very youthful face, looking as though she were still in her teens. Midge reached to her hip and drew her pistol and pointed it up at the woman. "W-what do you want?" Midge asked her voice shaking with fear. "Are you the one in charge here?" she asked, her voice also suggesting that she was perhaps as young as her face suggested. "Yes, I'm Colonel Midge Klump," Midge responded. Quicker that Midge could react the woman reached out and disarmed Midge crushing the pistol between her fingers. Midge was terrified at just how strong she was. Without a word she grabbed Midge by her jacket and tucked her under her arm and walked out of the office. "What's going on, where are you taking me?" Midge asked. "To see my mother," the woman replied. "Your mother?" Midge asked now very confused. The woman didn't reply but just kept walking with Midge under her arm. As they made their way through Fort Pembrooke Midge saw several more women, most of them were not quite as big as the one carrying her, and some seemed to be the size of normal women even; but all of them were absolutely ripped with muscle and around them lay the dead and mutilated bodies of the Midge's staff. Midge noted that all of the women had either red or black hair and green or brown eyes, and they all had similar facial features which made her wonder if they were perhaps related, mostly likely sisters. As they continued on they came across one woman who was about 6'4" with red hair and green eyes who was bending down and doing something to a group of male corpses. "Hey Olivia what are you doing?" the woman carrying Midge asked. Olivia turned around to show that she had a piece of string and she was removing the penises from the male corpses and putting them on the string. "Oh hey Hailey, I'm just making a necklace," Olivia replied holding her necklace of bloody dicks up. "Oh nice," Hailey, the woman carrying Midge, commented. "Make one for me if you've got the time." "No problem!" Olivia said with a cheerfulness that made Midge sicker to her stomach than the sight of all those dismembered cocks. Hailey continued on her way leaving Olivia to continue castrating corpses to make her necklace. Eventually they stopped on the road that led into the ruins of Riverdale where the energy field had once stood. Hailey dropped Midge abruptly on the ground and Midge landed hard on her hip which she felt was going to leave a nasty bruise, provided she managed to survive this. "Here's the commander of this base mother," Hailey said. Midge looked around to see who Hailey was talking to and her jaw practically fell off of her face. Standing nearby was by far the biggest most muscular woman Midge had ever seen. She was well over nine feet tall with huge tits that were easily four feet in diameter each, making her chest wider than a car. What had Midge really surprised however was the absolutely massive cock she had dangling between her legs. At three and a half feet long and probable a good eight inches thick it was bigger than Midge's own legs. But the most surprising thing for Midge was the face that sat atop this woman with a massive cock. Midge almost immediately recognized the long black hair and brown eyes. "Veronica?" Midge asked in shock. "Well hello Midge," Veronica replied. "Or should I call you Colonel Klump." Veronica gave a mocking salute as she grinned down at Midge. "What's going on here? Is this all your doing?" Midge asked. "Pretty impressive isn't it?" Veronica responded. "It's sick and twisted is what it is," Midge replied. "Who are all these women?" "They're my daughters, and granddaughters," Veronica replied. Midge was utterly sickened at that revelation, as well as confused. The oldest would have been perhaps twenty at most, and they all seemed a great deal older. "I saw one of them making a necklace from the penises of dead men," Midge said. "How is that not sick." Veronica glanced at Hailey who was still standing behind Midge. "It was Olivia," Hailey said. "Well good for her," Veronica said. "I like it when my girls are creative." Midge felt like she was going to throw up for a second time but she willed herself not to. Veronica looked back down at Midge a condescending look on her face. "So why did you have your daughters capture me and not kill me like everyone else?" Midge asked trying to put on a brave face. "Because I have a use for you," Veronica replied. Midge felt very uneasy about that answer, and her nervousness was only increased as Veronica began stroking her giant dick. However Veronica just stood there masturbating as Midge sat on the ground watching, not sure what was going to happen. Veronica began grunting as she went faster and faster and then all at once she came spraying her huge load all over Midge. Midge felt disgusting. Veronica's cum was a lot stickier and thicker than normal cum. And it was quite hot, almost boiling water hot. She tried to wipe it off but found she could. She then found that where ever it touched her skin it was getting absorbed into her skin. "What the hell!" Midge exclaimed as she then tried to use her sleeve. In just a matter of moments almost all of Veronica's cum had been absorbed in Midge's skin. Midge then felt a pain in her abdomen and noticed that her stomach was swelling outwards. She groaned in agony as in a minute she went from a fit figure to that of a pregnant woman, and still her stomach continued to swell. "Oh god I feel like I'm going to burst!" Midge groaned in agony. "That's exactly what's going to happen," Veronica said. The moment Veronica finished speaking Midge's stomach suddenly burst apart. Midge let out a scream of both pain and terror as a baby, already the size of a toddler crawled out of her stomach. The little girl looked as though she were already two years old and looked muscular for a two year old. The baby then reached into her mother and began pulling out Midge's organs and eating them. Midge soon passed out from the blood loss and moments later was dead. However as Veronica and Hailey watched the child gorge on Midge's remains she quickly grew until she was about 5'4" which was how tall Midge had been. She turned and looked at Veronica and Hailey. "Hailey, say hello to your newest sister Midge," Veronica said with a smirk on her face. "Hello Midge," Hailey said with a wide grin on her face. The newborn Midge continued to feast on the dead Midge's remains as Veronica walked into the base beside Hailey. "With this we will be able to increase our numbers ever quicker," Veronica said. "Soon this world will be ours." ***************************************** Veronica and her daughters quickly spread out from Riverdale. Within a week they had taken the entire state and in a little more than a month the entire country. No weapons were able to harm them, while they were able to kill thousands with their might muscles. Hundreds of millions died at the hands of Veronica and her children and their sadistic pleasures. A few million were saved and forced into breeding camps to produce more slaves for them to kill. The other nations of the world quickly formed a coalition to attempt to stop them. Great Britain led a huge fleet of warship to attack, while Russia struck simultaneously with the entirety of its massive air force. However Veronica and her daughters were prepared for them. Planes began falling from the sky as they were struck by hypersonic pieces of debris that Veronica's daughter's threw at them, crashing to earth before they could ever drop their bombs on their targets. Any pilots that ejected and survived were quickly found and torn apart. The warships did not fare any better. The HMS Bulwark, an amphibious assault ship that the was the flagship of the flotilla was charging across the Atlantic at full speed and was just a couple hundred miles off the coast when it was suddenly struck from below and sank rapidly. The men on the other ships were startled that such a large and modern ship could be sunk so quickly with such stealth. They thought that perhaps some of the US Navy's submarines were being used against them. However when five more ships were simultaneously sunk with the same haste and destruction, practically being dragged to the bottom they quickly realized otherwise. Angela erupted from the water and landed on the bow of the aircraft carrier the Charles de Gaulle, the French Navy's contribution to the fleet. Crew who were preparing helicopters for anti-submarine warfare and search and rescue missions scattered at the sight of her wet naked muscular form as she walked along the deck. With one hand Angela grabbed helicopters and airplanes and flung them into the sea as if she were tossing a tennis ball. When all the aircraft were gone she began grabbing sailors who were unfortunate enough to get near her. Their bodies disappeared over the horizon as they were thrown hundreds of miles through the air. When Angela grew tired of throwing sailors she decided to sink the ship. She leapt up into the air, her powerful legs carrying her to a height of fifty thousand feet. Then then turned around in the air and dove down head first with her huge arms in front of her. She slammed through the ship at supersonic speed, her hard powerful body smashing through the armour plating like it was paper tearing open a hole that all the way to the bottom that was more than twice the width of her own wide body. She continued all the way down to ocean floor. Once there she coiled her legs and powered herself back up tearing another hole through the already floundering aircraft carrier. It quickly took on water and sank taking almost the entire crew with it. As Angela continued upward into the air she could see her younger sisters destroying the rest of the fleet. A few of the ships near the back had turned to flee back towards Europe. Angela decided not to chase them as they had already had enough fun for the day, instead save them for another day. ***************************************** Over the next few years Veronica and her family overran North America and then South America. With the western hemisphere under their control they turned their eyes towards what they considered the ultimate playground, the crowded and overpopulated countries of Asia, specifically India, China and Japan. When they struck those countries the daily death total was in the tens of millions. There was no end to their "fun" at least not for about two years before they had literally wiped their civilizations off the face of the earth. Over the next decade Veronica and her daughters took their time in subduing Africa, Europe and Australia. They set up breeding camps across the globe to so that they would have a constant supply of slaves. They used their superior intelligence to perfect artificial growth chambers which allowed them to grow a fully develop human in a matter of hours. With this technology they were able to kill whenever it pleased them, which was almost always. At this point Veronica was now 10'6", her huge cock was an impressive 50". She no longer bothered procreating, she had enough daughters and she didn't want to stretch their resources. Each day however she would force a pair of slaves, usually one male and one female, to service her huge cock till she came and then she would break their weak and fragile bodies over her massive prick. Each night Veronica would lie on her bed and stare up at the sky and all the stars out there and wonder if perhaps there was more out there in this universe for her to conquer and kill. The End?