Riverdale 1942 - Part 4 by Archie Fan - betty_cooper72@yahoo.ca The Baroness plan to take over the Third Reich begins ******************************************************************** Chapter 4 "I don't know what goes on back there," Jughead said to the new arrived Englishman. "But I suggest you just tell them whatever they want." "Your friends look okay, physically," Kevin said. "Sure but they've broken them mentally," Jughead said. "Look... I'm sorry I don't know your name," Kevin apologized. "Jughead," Jughead replied. Kevin gave him a quick bewildered look but figured their time was short and the origins of his name were not important. "Look, your friends are rather green recruits," Kevin said. "I doubt you guys ever had any sort of counter interrogation training, probably because you weren't exactly expected to survive being shot down. You are a bomber crew right?" Jughead nodded, "Fair point and you have?" "I'm a spy and saboteur, part of the SOE," Kevin replied. "I'm sure they know that but I'm not going to tell them." Just then the door opened again and Elizabeth and Veronika returned. However at the same time the slightly taller red headed female SS-officer also emerged from the stairwell. "Es ist schon eine �nderung der Pl�ne," she said. "Himmler und Speer kommen zu besuchen und die Baronin will ihn... unverletzt." The two women looked disappointed at the news. "Looks like this is your lucky day," Elizabeth said. "But don't expect for your luck to last for long." With that the three Nazi women left leaving the four young men locked in their cell. "What the heck was that?" Jughead asked. "Not sure, but they mentioned Himmler and Speer," Kevin replied. "Speer is the German Minister of Armaments, but essentially he runs the economy; and Himmler, well he's the leader of the SS. I'm not sure what's going on but these women seem like they're associated with the SS somehow, which I wasn't aware was even allowed." "Well that Baroness, she's out of her mind," Jughead said. "She said something about a Doctor Erskine and a super-man formula and that she's going to take over the Third Reich." "Wait... Doctor Erskine?" Kevin asked. "Yeah why?" Jughead asked. "He was working on a project for the American, a super soldier formula," Kevin replied. "His formula showed promise, he was able to turn men considered physically unfit into fighting soldiers. Unfortunately they all died within a week of the change. He was trying to figure out the flaw when he was assassinated." "The Baroness says she has his research and that it works better on women than on men," Jughead mentioned. "If that's the case then she might not actually be crazy," Kevin said. "Well what does that mean for us?" Jughead asked. "It means we're in for a world of trouble unless we can escape," Kevin said. "But we're going to need your friends' help." The two of them quickly set to work trying to wake up Reggie and Archie. ******************************************************************** Baroness Bl�hen was eagerly awaiting the arrival of Heinrich Himmler and Albert Speer. The Baroness had known Himmler since their youth and they had first me at school in Landshut, before Himmler had gone off to train to join the army. After the war Bl�hen had been married to a Frenchman as a way to protect the family fortune. She had spent time with her husband in both France and England and had given birth to her daughter Cheryl. She'd attended Cambridge for a few years considering becoming a doctor but her husband had moved the family back to France in 1929. The following year her husband had died under somewhat mysterious circumstances and she had moved back to German moving back to her family's ancestral home. She took on the title of Baroness even though the German nobility had been dissolved. Not long after moving back to Germany she received a visit from Himmler. He had been infatuated with her since they had met years ago and still harboured that crush. He had been quite desperate to get her to join the Nazi party. Bl�hen had been reluctant at first, but then Himmler had shown her the research of Doctor Erskine who had fled Germany. Most of the Nazi's scientists didn't understand, however Bl�hen did thanks to her studies at Cambridge. She'd realized that she could use it to her advantage and that was when she had joined the Nazi's. Now it was nearly ten years later. Her progress with Erskine's research had been slower than expected but it was nearly complete. Himmler and several others in the Nazi party considered her a devout follower. But while Bl�hen agreed with quite a bit of the party's policies, there were quite a few she disagreed with, particularly their stance on a woman's place in the world; and she greatly disliked the leader Adolf Hitler. Bl�hen was in her room when there was a knock at the door. "Enter," she called. "You asked to see me mother?" her daughter Cheryl asked as she entered the room. Bl�hen turned to face her daughter. Both of them had been enhanced from some of the earlier progress on the formula. The Baroness stood a powerful 6'3" while her daughter was only slightly smaller at 6'2". "Herr Himmler and Herr Speer are coming for a visit," Bl�hen informed her daughter, although Cheryl already knew this. "We are going to be demonstrating the final formula for them." Cheryl just nodded. "I would like you to be the one to demonstrate the final formula," Bl�hen told her daughter. Cheryl was ecstatic and smile crept onto her face but she quickly suppressed it. "It will be my honour mother," she said. "Good, they should be here shortly," Bl�hen said. "Have Elizabeth and Veronika greet them." "Yes mother," Cheryl said before giving a salute and leaving. Baroness Bl�hen smiled to herself in the mirror. If everything went as planned today would be the beginning of rise to power. ******************************************************************** Heinrich Himmler looked around Fortress Bl�hen somewhat impressed. The former Bavarian castle now lived up to the title of Fortress. However Himmler felt somewhat intimidated as he was flanked by two women who were both taller than he was, wearing the uniform of his SS. He'd allowed his old friend Baroness Bl�hen to create her own all female SS-unit and the group was doing its part in patrolling the area around Fortress Bl�hen. Bl�hen however was saying that her forces would best be utilized on the front lines, particularly in the Soviet Union where things were starting to turn against the Germans. And if he was intimidated by these women then he could only imagine that the Soviets would be as well. He was led into the throne room, which had been restored to its old use but it had be decorated in Nazi style with large red banners adorned with the swastika along the walls. "Ah Himmler my old friend," Baroness Bl�hen said as Himmler entered the throne room. She stood up off the throne and went over to greet him. Himmler was a little surprised at how tall she was now. When last he'd seen her she'd only been about 5'6" and now she was 6'3". He saw her daughter from her previous marriage beside her who was almost as tall as her mother. "Baroness Bl�hen I must say you've done some remarkable work here with minimal resources," Speer commented. "The Fuhrer would be impressed." Himmler had almost forgotten that Speer had been accompanying him. "Well he'll be even more impressed with what else I have to show in that regard," Baroness Bl�hen said. "But first I have something else he might appreciate." She clapped her hands and a pair of female guards brought in a prisoner. He was tall young man with sandy brown hair. The guards brought him in front of Himmler and Speer and then using their rifles forced him to his knees rather brutally. "This is the son of British General James Keller," Baroness Bl�hen said. "My girls caught him yesterday near Strasbourg. They also killed three rebels with no losses themselves." Himmler and Speer were both impressed. Germany had lost quite a few men trying to deal with the French Resistance, without inflicting many casualties to the resistance themselves. "Of course my plan is to make it so they are capable of dealing with a far greater threat than just a few rebels," Baroness Bl�hen said. "What exactly do you mean?" Himmler inquired. "Perhaps it is better if we have a demonstration," Baroness Bl�hen said. "If you would follow me gentlemen." She led the way out of the castle and into the courtyard followed by Himmler, Speer, her daughter and several of her female guards. As Himmler and Speer looked around the courtyard they saw a pair of old Panzers one a Panzer II and the other a Panzer III. Waiting in the courtyard was a shorter woman with greying blonde hair. "Gentleman this is Doctor Alida K�fer," Baroness Bl�hen introduced. "She's been assisting me with my research." Speer and Himmler were a little confused but just nodded politely. Baroness Bl�hen made a motion to her daughter and her daughter came over to the Doctor K�fer. The doctor rolled up Cheryl's sleeve and then gave her an injection with something. Then the doctor and Baroness went to stand back next to Speer and Himmler. "I don't understand..." Speer began to say. "Just watch," Baroness Bl�hen said pointing at her daughter. They both looked over at Cheryl who was gripping her fists and her arms were shaking. She had a grimace on her face. However the grimace soon turned to a smile and as they looked on in surprise they saw that Cheryl appeared to be growing taller. Then they heard the sound of fabric tearing and they looked around confused before realizing that it was coming from Cheryl and that her clothing was becoming tight. All of a sudden the front of her uniform burst open as her expanding breasts sprang free. At the same time her sleeve suddenly ripped apart. Her swastika arm band popped off as a powerful bicep bigger than that of any man's bulged into existence. "What the?" Himmler exclaimed. However Cheryl continued to grow, getting ever larger. Soon her uniform was lying on the ground at her feet in tatters. Finally she stopped growing standing over eight feet tall, her body bulging with inhuman amounts of muscle. Himmler and Speer stared at her in awe. Cheryl proudly flexed for her audience showing off her new powerful muscles. "However perhaps a demonstration is in order," Baroness Bl�hen said. Cheryl smiled and walked over to the smaller Panzer II. Even though it was called a light tank it still weighed just under nine tons. With both hands Cheryl grabbed the front of the tank her grip so powerful her fingers dug into the tank's half inch thick armour plating. After a slight pause she heft began to lift. Speer and Himmler watched in awe as she easily lifted the tank over her head and held it there effortlessly. Cheryl then looked over at the bigger and heavier Panzer III. She dropped the Panzer II to the ground with a loud crash of steel and walked over to the Panzer III. The Panzer III was more than twice the weight of the Panzer II at 23 tons. Cheryl once again dug her hands into the tank's armour plating, her fingers easily digging into the two inch thick armour. She crouched down and with some effort she lifted the big tank into the air over her head. She turned around to face Himmler and Speer who were completely shocked by the display. Cheryl's face turned into a snarl as she began pulling on the tanks armour. The metal squealed in protest as it tried to resist. But the steel was no match for the sheer power that Cheryl's muscle now contained. Suddenly all at once the tank split into two halves, save for the turret which plummeted down towards Cheryl's head. Speer and Himmler were worried but the turret just bounced off of Cheryl's head without leaving a scratch, in fact it barely caused her hair to move. Cheryl stood smiling holding the two halves of the tank in the air. "How, how is this possible?" Speer asked. "It is the super soldier formula that the American were working on," Baroness Bl�hen explained. "However I have discovered the problem that they had, and that is that it is only effective on women." Himmler and Speer both looked at each other. They knew that Hitler wouldn't be a big fan of that. However with even a small force of women like this they could easily defeat the Soviets. "Hitler likely won't like this," Himmler said. "I'm sure we can convince him otherwise," Speer added. "How about you bring him here, perhaps seeing a demonstration with his own eyes would help convince him," Baroness Bl�hen suggested. Himmler and Speer both nodded in agreement. "He's rather busy, but I'm sure that can be arranged," Himmler said. "We'll return to Berlin at once to make the arrangement." Baroness Bl�hen had two of her guards escort Himmler and Speer back to their transport so they could return to Berlin. She then walked over to her daughter who was still testing her strength by destroying the remains of the Panzer II. "I trust my demonstration was sufficient mother," Cheryl said. "Quite," Baroness Bl�hen said. "Soon Hitler will be coming here and my plans to rule Germany will begin to fall into place. But we have much to do before his arrival." The mother and her now enormous daughter then headed back into their castle. To be continued...