The Adventures of Sandy Bouwman By Arby Chapter 2, Sandy and the Muggers New York City. Sandy Bouwman always enjoyed her trips to New York immensely. She loved the atsmosphere of the city, and she had several good, high paying clients there. She was staying at her usual location, the Quality Suites and business was brisk. She had been fully booked through the day and on in to the night. She had a wide variety of requests, but she had more domination clients in New York as a percentage of total clients than in most cities. Sandy was hungry. She had finished her last session at 9:30PM and now she wanted something to eat. She remembered that there was a small restaurant down the street from her hotel, so she decided to walk the two blocks or so distance. It didn't seem to be worth driving, even though she had a rental car. She always rented a car in New York to allow her more flexibility in getting around town. She loved to drive around the city and sometimes just people watch. Sandy threw on a sweatshirt and shorts over her black leather bikini, that she ha been wearing for her last domination session, rather than changing. She took off her patform heels and put on her running shoes, picked up her purse and headed for the restaurant with thoughts of food bouncing around in her head. She was about halfway there, passing an alley when two men suddenly materialized from the inside the alley and stepped in front of her. "Hey, momma. How you doin'" asked the bigger of the two. He appeared to be about six feet two or three inches and thin. His partner was just the opposite, he was short, only around five feet eight inches and was obviously overweight, looking like he would weigh well over 200 pounds. "I'm not doing so well." Sandy answered. "I've had a long night, and I'm hungry. I'm on my way to the restaurant just down the block to get something to eat." "Well, now momma." the tall one continued. "I'm sorry to tell you that we are goin' to have to relieve you of the money that you were gonna use to buy your dinner. You see, it's the rule of the jungle, here. Only the strong survive, and I'm afraid that's us, not you. We need your money. Hand over your purse and we won't hurt you. Charlie over there has a mean temper and you don't want to piss him off." "Frankly, I don't care if he gets pissed off or pissed on, I'm not giving you my purse. Now get out of my way and let me pass!" Sandy replied to the tall man. Charlie spoke up, "Harve, this is the most disrespectful bitch that we have run across in a long time. I think she needs us to teach her a lesson in manners, how to be respectful to fine gentlemen like us. We need to pull down those shorts and take what's inside along with all of her money, of course. I'll bet she could really give us a ride with those big legs." Sandy could feel the adrenalin starting to pump up her muscles. Right now she didn't know whether she was going to fight or run, but she definitely was not going to give these two bozos her hard earned money. She realized she had well over one thousand dollars of her session money in her purse. The tall one whom Charlie had called Harve, reached in his pocket and pulled out a switchblade knife. He popped out the blade which looked to be at least six inches long. He pointed the blade directly at Sandy and said, "Okay, bitch, hand it over and drop those shorts or I will cut you." "Well then sonny, you better cut away because I'm not giving you my purse, much less anything else. You donkeys will have to take it!" Sandy replied. Harve started waving the knife around back and forth in front of her face. "What if I just cut your tits off first, bitch. Then we'll take you and your money!" he said. Sandy, instead of waiting for them to make the first move acted quickly. Her powerful right leg shot out and her shoe collided with Harve's wrist. He had been holding the knife very loosely as he waved it back and forth and his grip was not tight. It flew out of his hand and landed far back in the alley as his wrist broke with a loud snap. "Damn it, bitch! Now we'll just have to screw your brains out for that!" he snarled. "Screw this!" Sandy replied. Again, her heavily muscled leg drove her foot forward, this time smashing directly into Harve's groin. He moaned, grabbed his smashed testicles and collapsed to the pavement where he rolled around trying to get relief from the pain in his balls. Sandy took a last look at him and turned to his partner. "It looks like it's just you and me, fat boy." Sandy said to Charlie. "If I were you," she continued "I'd get the hell out of here while you can still walk away. Stay here and mess with me and you could get seriously hurt." Sandy almost sensously removed her sweatshirt. His eyes natrually gravitated to her breasts which filled out the black leather bikini top very nicely. Then his eyes took in the rest of her body. Charlie gasped when he saw the bulging muscles on his intended victim. Sandy smiled at him and flexed her biceps. "Not exactly what you expected, is it?" she asked as softball sized muscle pumped up on her arms. "Bitch!" Charlie suddenly charged at Sandy, moving quicker than she thought possible, for his size. he tackled her and they fell to the pavement in the alley. Sandy managed to wrap both python-like legs around his head and started to turn on the power. This was no session with a client who was paying her to do this, this was real. As she squeezed with all of the strength she could muster, Charlie thought his head would burst from the pressure of her steely thighs. They were twenty three inches of rock hard muscle and Charlie was suffering all the squeezing power that they could generate. He started to cry, the pain was so bad. All at once the pressure was gone as Sandy loosened her debilitating head scissors. "That was part one," she said. "Part two is next." Charlie was not listening to her, he was trying to get oriented from the dizziness caused by Sandy's scissors cutting off the blood supply to his head. Sandy lifted him from behind with both hands in his armpits. Her muscles bulged with the effort as she got him to his feet and turned him around to face her. "Part two is where I punish you for trying to rob me and threatening me with a knife. For your punishment I'm gonna pound your fat belly to dogmeat." she told him. He was still disoriented and didn't appear to hear her. Sandy shrugged and cocked her right fist. She ripped it deep into his belly. OOOOFFFFF went Charlie and he folded in half around her invading fist. Sandy shoved him erect again. This time her left fist came smashing into his corpulent gut. TTTHHHUUUDDD!!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!! went Charlie as her fist penetrated even deeper that the first punch had. Sandy repeated the sequence. TTHHUUMMPP!!! OOOOFFFF!! TTTHHHUUUDDD!!! AAAAHHHHH!!! Again Sandy stood him up. Charlie was blubbering now, "PPPlease, lllady. DDon't hit me any more. I can't take it, in my gut. It hurts so bad! PPPUUUUNNNHHH!!! his plea was cut off by Sandy's hard right fist exploding in his gut once more. His belly felt like it was on fire. hot flames of pain radiated out from where her fists landed shot through his entire midsection. Sandy's fists were like two mallets, ripping and tearing their way through his soft gut bruising tissue and causing extreme pain. TTHHUUDD OOOOFFFF!!, WWHHUUMMPP, OOAAAHHH!! TTHHUUMMPP!!! AAAAHHHHH!! WWHHOOMMPP!! UUUGGGGHHH!!! Sandy stopped the savage belly blasting and watched as Charlie staggered around fighting to maintain his balance before starting to fall to the ground. Sandy reached out and caught his shirt in both of her strong hands to keep him on his feet. His guts felt like they were indeed being pounded into dogmeat, as Sandy had promised. He was in intense agony. Blood was dribbling down from his mouth over his chin from internal bruising her smashing, ripping, fists had already caused. Charlie was sure something inside his gut had been broken. Sandy released him and calmly waited for him to quit wobbling around and placed both hands on his shoulders to steady him. This time she reached way back and down below her knees with her fist. She stepped into the punch getting everything her powerful, muscular body had to give as she shifted her weight and turned her hips and shoulders and even her muscled waist to generate extra power to put into the vicious uppercut that buried her fist almost up to her elbow into his protruding gut. TTTTHHHHUUUUDDDDD!!!! AAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!! Both of Charlie's feet lifted off the ground from the tremendous punch. When his feet landed, his legs turned to jelly and could no longer support him. He he dropped first to his knees, then pitched forward on his face. He began to gurgle and then his poor ravaged stomach gave up. He gagged and sputtered as he puked his guts out on to the pavement. When he finished he passed out, unconscious face down in his own puke. Dark red blood was leaking out of both sides of his mouth, from the internal damage Sandy's rock hard fists had inflicted as the had ripped up his belly. His vomit was tinged with red from the blood he was coughing up. Sandy glanced over at Harve, seeing that Charlie would be out of comission for a long,long while. He was struggling, trying to get to his feet. Harve was still grasping his testicles with one hand, as if he could rub away the pain. He was up on his knees when Sandy got to him. She stepped around behind him and took his hair in her hand. She straddled his head from behind and began to apply the pressure in a standing head scissors. Sandy had become sexually stimulated by her belly battering of Charlie. She rubbed herself on the back of Harve's head as she continued to squeeze. The compression on his skull, was very painful to Harve. Now he had pain in his head to match the pain in his balls. He could feel what he thought were two steel bands clamped around his ears, their vicelike grip causing tremendous pain and causing him to be disoriented. Sandy released the head scissors and Harve slumped to the pavement. Sandy reached down and hauled him to his feet. "Now it's time for you to learn what happens to bad little boys that try to cut me!". Sandy brought her left fist around in a potent left hook. WWHHOOCCKK!!! it smashed into Harve's right eye. It immediately began to swell and close. There was a big red splotch where Sandy's fist had landed that would soon be a lovely (to her, anyway) black, purplish color. Sandy could feel herself heating up again as she drew back her right fist and rifled it at the center of Harve's face. CCRRUUNNCCHH!!! his nose went from being a Roman nose to a squashed pug that would never be straight again. Blood spurted out in a stream and ran down his face to his chest. Harve's nose had been devastated by the big, hard knuckles of Sandy's right fist. It was now just a flattened lump of red tissue. Harve staggered back several steps and sat down on his butt. Sandy followed him and reached down and grasped his shirt in both hands and yanked him to his feet. Once again she cocked her hammer of a right fist. CCRRAAKKK!!! She rocketed it just under Harve's right eye shattering the cheekbone. Sandy was systematically changing Harve's face to a unrecognizable mass of bleeding, bruised and discolored flesh and broken bones. "Pull a knife on me will you, asshole. Try to cut me up, huh. I like my pretty face just the way it is, but I didn't like yours. I've decided to completely rearrange it. I'm sure the results will be a vast improvement. I'll show you your law of the jungle! Only the strong will survive. I'll bet you didn't think that would be me and not you!" Harve was mumbling almost incoherently, "PPlease, lady. Don't hurt me anymore. We were only trying to scare you, I wasn't gonna cut you. Please don't hit me again." "Too late, asshole! You should have thought of the consequences before you pulled that knife. Sandy held up her fists and continued. "You hav been introduced you to Pain(she held up her left fist) and Suffering (she held up her right fist)" she growled. Sandy reached down for Harve again. She got him to his feet and released him. Harve was weaving around in front of her. Sandy brought her left fist ripping up into Harve's belly as hard as she could possibly swing. The fearsome punch powered deep into his stomach and jacknifed him in two. As his head snapped down as a reaction to the vicious belly punch, Sandy brought her right fist up from around her shoelaces, getting all the power of her awsome body into it, to detonate like a bomb on Harve's chin. The results were spectacular. KKKKRRRRAAAAKKKK!!! Harve's body immediately reversed direction with his head snapping so far back that the top of his head looked like it touched his back. A spray of blood and teeth exploded out of his mouth. Harve's feet lifted off the ground as his entire body sailed backward through the air to land in a heap several feet from the spot from which Sandy's fist made contact with his chin. Sandy held her position on the follow-through of the punch with her fist high above her head. It had accelerated through the spot occupied by Harve's chin and finished high in the air above her head. Harve's chin had been blown apart by the savage uppercut from the powerful woman. His mouth had been open when the brutal punch had landed on his chin further adding to the destruction as his teeth had been driven together. Bits of broken teeth could be seen as blood poured from his mouth, and his chin wiggled around like it was knocked completely loose from the rest of his face. His right eye was now swollen completely shut, surrounded by bruised purple flesh. and there was a sunken area that was a purplish, black color under his left eye where the cheekbone had been shattered and caved in by the muscle woman's heavy fist. Harve's face was now a bloody, bruised wreck, as he lay sprawled in an unconscious heap, battered and bleeding. Sandy went back to the unconscious Charlie, grabbed him under the arms and drug him back in the alley to where Harve was laid out, the huge muscles of legs, back, shoulders and arms flexing as she strained with the unconscious Charlie she said. "You need to go on a diet, slick. Also, I think that you might have gotten off easier than your buddy over there, but bellypunching fat slobs like you is such fun." and pointed at Harve as though Charlie could hear her or see Harve. Sandy realized again she had gotten a real sexual arousal from the beating she had inflicted on the two muggers that evening. "I understand now why some people say fighting is even better than sex" she thought. Sandy picked up her purse, donned her sweatshirt, and walked to the restaurant. As she entered the restaurant she looked down at her hands. There was blood still caked on them, Harve's blood from the destruction of his face by those same hard knuckles. Sandy made a quick detour to the women's room to wash as much of the blood off as she could. She came out and was seated by the hostess. The restaurant was not overly busy at that time of the night. Sandy sat down and ordered. She also ordered a glass of white wine. She ate her meal in peace and quiet. When she had finished she paid her bill and left. As Sandy was walking back to her hotel, she hesitated as she passed the alley. "What the hell" she said and quickly turned into it. There she saw the two muggers still laid out on the pavement right where she had left them, one with a torn up belly, the other with a busted face. As she turned and headed once more for the hotel she looked down at her still red tinged knuckles and said, "I don't think they will be trying to mug anyone else for a while! I guess they found out that the strong will survive, but it was me not them. I must admit I had a lot of fun beating up those two bums. There's never a dull day in New York!"